Diode laser hair removal: reviews, features of the procedure

From this article you will learn:

  • What is diode laser hair removal
  • What effect does the procedure help achieve?
  • What are the pros and cons of diode laser hair removal?
  • Who is the procedure contraindicated for?
  • How to prepare for diode laser hair removal
  • How does the procedure work?
  • How to care for your skin after laser hair removal

Diode laser hair removal is a method of removing unnecessary body hair, which currently provides almost the most effective and long-lasting effect. Regular shaving helps only for a short time, since only the visible part of the hair is removed, and the follicle remains unharmed, so growing specimens have to be removed almost daily.

How does a diode laser affect hair?

The principle of operation of a diode laser is based on the effect on melanin in the hair root and its destruction. This ensures the removal of hairs of any color. The cells responsible for growth heat up and stop functioning.

A couple of weeks after the first use of laser hair removal, partial hair restoration is noted. Complete hair removal will require about 6 sessions depending on hair thickness. This sequence is explained by different growth phases - anagen, catagen, telogen. The greatest effect is achieved when the laser is applied to hair at the anagen stage of the most active growth.

How is it different from an alexandrite laser?

Before going to a beauty salon to undergo a hair removal procedure, you should clarify which laser is used. The Alexandria laser is quite often used for hair removal. This equipment works on the basis of alexandrite stone. This method is most effective when affecting coarse and dark hair against light skin. But this procedure may cause some pain.

Unlike hair removal with an alexandrite laser, diode hair removal is painless. Can be used on both light and tanned, dark skin. The laser, along with suppressing the vital activity of the hair root, also affects the blood capillaries - the visible manifestation of the vascular network is significantly reduced.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of removing unwanted hair with a diode laser epilator are:

  1. High performance. After the first procedure, absolutely all hairs will fall out at the site of laser exposure within a few weeks.
  2. Safety of the procedure. There are no irritations, burns or any other negative consequences on the skin.
  3. You don't have to spend a lot of time on the procedure. The diode laser covers large areas of the skin at once. In addition, it is possible to constantly move the laser over the surface of the skin without constant stops.
  4. Diode hair removal is effective on both light and dark skin and removes hair of all colors, not just black ones.

Despite the positive aspects, there are also several disadvantages that should be considered when choosing a hair removal method:

  1. The list of contraindications makes the procedure unavailable for certain nuances and health conditions, for example, pregnancy, breastfeeding, chronic diseases, oncology, skin injuries and others.
  2. Some soreness. This happens when there are long and thick hairs on the body.

Sometimes you can hear the opinion that a lot of time needs to be allocated for the procedure. But this is only in comparison with hair removal methods such as shaving, electrolysis or waxing.

Who is contraindicated for diode hair removal?

Diode hair removal has its own contraindications, which should be taken into account before making an appointment with a cosmetologist:

  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • Tan acquired less than 2 weeks ago;
  • Violation of the integrity of the skin in the work area;
  • Use before the procedure of any type of hair removal and depilation, except for a machine or trimmer;
  • History of epilepsy;
  • Presence of oncology;
  • A large number of moles or warts in the projection of the work;
  • Dermatological diseases;
  • Phlebeurysm;
  • Hormonal imbalances.

Stages of the procedure

What is the sequence of diode hair removal? First of all, no matter how strange it may sound, preliminary hair removal is carried out by shaving. In this case, hair should be removed approximately 6 hours before the procedure. It should be noted that the use of wax or electric depilatory is unacceptable, as many microtraumas of the skin occur.

Two weeks before diode hair removal, it is not recommended to sunbathe and stay in the sun for a long time. At the beginning of the session, the skin is cooled. A sapphire laser tip is used for this.

average cost

The cost of hair removal with a diode laser depends on the area of ​​impact, as well as the duration of the procedure. Thus, hair removal of the face or some areas will cost 900 - 4,000 rubles , treatment of the legs will require an investment of 11 thousand rubles , and the cost of hair removal from the bikini is from 2,000 to 6,000 rubles .

Moreover, the price may vary depending on the pricing policy of the salon or its location. In order not to miscalculate the price, you can call or visit several salons. In addition, sometimes there are promotions, discounts and other advantageous offers.

Which areas can be epilated?

Laser hair removal with a diode laser can be performed on almost any area of ​​the skin with unwanted hair:

  • face;
  • female breast;
  • back;
  • hands;
  • armpits;
  • bikini area;
  • partially buttocks;
  • legs.

Some areas of the skin are quite sensitive, so a painkiller is applied before the session.

The idea that only women need hair removal has long been outdated. Modern men are just as concerned about their appearance as women. Among men, facial hair removal is in demand to correct the beard line and temples. In addition, the procedure solves the problem of ingrown hairs, which often appears after shaving.

Skin care after laser diode hair removal

To consolidate the indicative effectiveness after diode-based depilation, you should adhere to some recommendations, which an experienced cosmetologist also informs his client about after the procedure.

After the session, the skin must be treated with a special cosmetic product (cream, lotion) containing cooling components, Panthenol.

On the first day, it is forbidden to take a hot bath; it is recommended to use a shower with room temperature water turned on; you should not use soap or rub your skin with a washcloth. It is worth refraining from active sports to prevent intense sweating on the areas of the skin where hair was removed.

Read also: Photoepilation: harm and benefit, why it is dangerous

Immediately after diode depilation, minor complications appear on the skin in the form of redness; they disappear within a day; if this does not happen, you need to contact the specialist who performed the procedure.

How to prepare for laser hair removal

Preparation for a diode hair removal session should begin approximately 2 months before the scheduled day. So, for exactly 2 months you should refrain from using sticky depilatory strips, wax, or plucking with tweezers.

Hair removal can be done on dark skin, but a week before hair removal it is recommended to limit exposure to the sun and visits to the solarium.

To carry out a successful procedure, the permissible hair length is no more than 1.5 mm. It is also prohibited to apply any deodorants or creams to the skin the day before visiting the salon.

Painful procedure?

The level of pain with diode hair removal is significantly lower than when using other types of lasers. But the individual level of pain threshold should also be taken into account. Unpleasant pain when exposed to a laser is more like a slight tingling sensation, which does not cause strong negative reactions. But external anesthetics are still used on the skin in sensitive areas. Thus, hair removal in the armpit or bikini area is carried out only after applying an anesthetic drug in the form of a cream or spray.

Compared to mechanical depilation or waxing, diode hair removal is almost painless. A slight tingling sensation may cause some discomfort, but it is worth enduring for smooth, beautiful, hair-free skin.

Skin anesthesia during diode depilation

It is possible to administer pain relief during the procedure; cosmetologists use anesthetic drugs for this purpose. Prominent pain-relieving ointments and sprays, which are local anesthetics. The client will immediately notice how sensitive laser hair removal is without and with anesthesia. At the request of the patient, an injection is given, but in practice it is not often used.

Top most popular painkillers:

  • Lidocaine is sprayed onto the upcoming treatment area several hours before hair removal. After that, cling film is applied to the skin and clothes are put on top. Individual intolerance to the components of this drug is a contraindication for use.
  • Emla - is made in the form of a cream containing prilocaine and lidocaine. Emla cream is often used in beauty salons. Excellent pain relief for all areas, including the most delicate and sensitive ones (bikini and armpits). Before use, it is recommended to test for an allergic reaction and first apply the cream mixture to your wrist or elbow. After a while, if no redness appears on the skin, then it can be used in the designated place.

  • Depilflax is an anesthetic gel containing natural ingredients menthol, chamomile extract, and tea tree essential oil. Suitable for home use. 15 minutes before depilation, apply the required amount of gel with massaging movements to the area; after complete absorption, you can begin laser depilation.
  • Anestop is a gel for local anesthesia. The analgesic effect is intense, fast and long-lasting. Use on clean skin, without open wounds or abrasions. The application method is divided into three stages, the coating interval is 10 minutes. On the last application, keep the composition on the skin for 5 minutes and then wash off with warm water.
  • Light Dep is a hypoallergenic cream. The effect begins to take effect after 60 minutes and anesthesia lasts up to 3 hours. It contains castor oil, which moisturizes the epidermis well. Freezing gel is available in different formats: 400ml, 300ml, 150ml, 30ml, etc., with a dispenser and in tubes.

What to do and not to do after the procedure

To ensure that a successfully completed procedure is not overshadowed by unpleasant consequences, it is necessary to observe some restrictions in your daily lifestyle. So, after diode hair removal, it is not recommended to take “sunbathing” for 2 weeks. Areas of skin that were exposed to the diode laser module must be treated with sunscreen.

To achieve a sustainable effect, it is necessary to repeat the procedure 3-4 more times. The time interval between sessions should not be less than 1-2 months. In case of intensive hair growth, re-treatment is carried out after 4 weeks, and in case of moderate growth - after 2 months.

After the procedure, there is some redness similar to a sunburn. Rehabilitation of this effect is carried out with the help of drugs such as Bepanten, Panthenol.

Preparing the device before use

Before turning on the device, you must:

  1. Pour distilled water into it
  2. It is better to turn on the device through a voltage stabilizer to avoid power surges
  3. Prepare glasses to protect the eyes of the client and specialist
  4. Prepare all supplies that will be needed during the procedure.

Step 3


How many treatments are needed for complete hair removal?

Complete destruction of the follicular part of the hair occurs after 4-5 procedures. In some cases, two sessions are enough in case of a small amount of thin hairs. If the hair has a hard structure, then 6 or 7 manipulations are required for effective and final hair removal.

As a rule, diode laser hair removal in women achieves its goal after 4 procedures, while for men more visits to the beauty salon are required. With each session, the effect will be more noticeable - the areas of skin free from hair will gradually increase, and the remaining hair will gradually become thinner, discolored and fall out.

Six procedures may take six months, but after this period a person will always enjoy smooth, velvety skin.

Features of hair removal in different areas

Absolutely any area can be subjected to laser hair removal. The only difference will be in the pain. For example, the most sensitive areas are: the face, armpits and bikini area. Hands and feet are not as sensitive.


To get rid of hair in this area, you will need several sessions, on average about 5. The effect will be better if the hair is dark and coarse; the situation is more difficult with light, thin, fluff-like hairs.

Above the upper lip

This is the most delicate and sensitive place. Therefore, the laser power must be selected carefully, otherwise injury may occur. One course will consist of 6 or more procedures.

Eyebrow area

In this area, hair removal is most effective, since the hairs are well pigmented. On average, a course consists of 3-4 procedures.


This area usually has thin and sparse hairs. Therefore, a diode laser is a good choice.

Armpit area

This is a hormone-dependent area, so the hairs here are coarse and well pigmented, which means any type of laser is suitable for their removal. However, if there is a hormonal imbalance, then hair regrowth is possible.

Chest, stomach, back

These areas can contain both fine light hairs and well-pigmented vegetation. The latter lends itself better to hair removal.

Intimate areas, bikini areas, buttocks, legs

In this area, the effect of laser hair removal will be high, since the hairs here are dark and hard . In the buttocks, the hair may also be light and soft, which may not give the desired result during laser removal.

Contraindications and side effects

Before starting to treat the skin with a diode laser, the cosmetologist will ask a very important question that will decide whether the procedure can be done or not. The question relates to general health and identification of temporary or permanent contraindications.

So, the category of temporary contraindications includes:

  • pregnancy;
  • cold;
  • breastfeeding a child;
  • burns and skin injuries;
  • tanning within the last 10 days;
  • skin inflammation;
  • chronic diseases in the acute stage.

Such restrictions pass over time and you can safely apply for such a sought-after and desired service. But if permanent contraindications are identified, you will have to abandon diode hair removal:

  • diabetes;
  • oncology;
  • thyroid pathology;
  • varicose veins;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • vascular disorders at the site of intended laser exposure.

Also, in some cases, diode laser hair removal may not be very effective. For example, when trying to remove gray or light hair, the result will not be as desired. This is due to the fact that the laser acts on the melanin contained in the hair root, and in gray or light hair the melanin content is minimal. For hormonal disorders, one of the symptoms of which is uncontrolled hair growth. The diode laser will remove hairs, but after a while they will appear again.

Day X – how deep bikini area is epilated

Forewarned is forearmed. What stages does this procedure include? On the appointed day, at the appointed time, a woman comes to the cosmetologist’s office, where he asks her not only to sit on the couch, but to take the most comfortable position possible. Once a comfortable position is found, she is given special glasses. From this moment on, the woman’s main task becomes relaxation. The primary task of the doctor is to anesthetize the bikini area; preference is given to creams with an analgesic effect.

As soon as the skin of the treated area is completely prepared, the doctor begins epilation, which takes about 10 minutes. It is important to note that with the successful use of local anesthesia, the client’s only sensation during the procedure will be a feeling of warmth, which will undoubtedly leave positive memories of the manipulations performed.

When all hair has been removed and the procedure is complete, the doctor will treat the area with a protective anti-inflammatory cream.

Laser hair removal of deep bikini is over. It is enough to find out the date of the next procedure (the minimum course consists of 5 sessions - this allows you to achieve a truly impressive effect), and you can safely go home.

Of course, pain is always scary and unpleasant, and if you reinforce your inner fear with unconfirmed information about possible burns or irritation due to laser hair removal, an unreasonable desire arises to find an alternative, less painful procedure.

Of course, burns and other unpleasant consequences are possible, but the likelihood of complications and side effects exists with any medical technique. Do not forget that a clinic that values ​​clients and values ​​its reputation uses only new professional equipment, the use of which minimizes the likelihood of such consequences. Another secret is the combination of anesthetic cream with protection of the laser manipulator, which eliminates unpleasant sensations.

Customer Reviews

The majority of clients after diode hair removal are satisfied with the results obtained. With rare exceptions, you can hear reviews about the insufficient effectiveness of the method. But this opinion can be classified as intolerant. In one session it is impossible to remove absolutely all hairs that reduce the quality of life. But if you repeat hair removal twice or three times, the result will be clearly noticeable.

Clients leave positive reviews about laser hair removal with a diode laser on the websites of the beauty salons where the procedure was carried out, so the quality of diode hair removal is assessed in conjunction with the qualifications of the cosmetologist, the quality of the diode laser device and other parameters.

In beauty salons you can find devices of the following brands:

  • Light Sheer Desire;
  • Me Dio Star Effect;
  • Coherent Light Sheer;
  • Lightshire et al.

Reviews from doctors

Doctors carefully study any new technology and recommend its use only after careful study. Diode laser for hair removal is no exception.

There are many myths surrounding this cosmetic procedure. Some of them are true, others are not. Many people consider lasers to be harmful and hazardous to health, but this is not true. Reviews from doctors indicate that the depth of laser exposure is only 4 mm , which is exactly the depth at which the hair roots are located. At the same time, the wavelength of the laser and the short duration of its exposure do not allow any harm to the skin during the procedure.

But neglecting the recommendations for preparing for hair removal, skin care after the procedure and keeping silent about contraindications can lead to a significant deterioration in the condition of the skin and health in general. Additional exposure to tanned, dark skin can cause burns or even lead to the development of skin cancer.

Types of laser devices

There are laser devices of the following types:

  1. The ruby ​​laser is the very first type of laser; it began to be used back in the 20th century. The advantage is that it is the most inexpensive in comparison with other types. Ineffective on fair and tanned skin.
  2. Alexandrite laser was first released in the 90s of the last century. Ineffective on blond and gray hair. Among the minuses, it is also worth noting the risk of burns, and due to the lack of a cooling system, the procedure will be lengthy.
  3. Neodymium laser – has deeper penetration into the hair follicles. Effectively copes with tattoos and spider veins. Regarding the minus: it does not cope well with blond and gray hair.
  4. Diode laser is effective for light hair and very dark skin. Due to maximum deep penetration into skin cells, it is able to remove hair efficiently.
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