Do men have cellulite and how to prevent it from appearing?

Do men have cellulite? We need to start with a definition. Cellulite is a clinical condition observed primarily in women (at all stages of the life cycle, starting from puberty). Caused by disorders of subcutaneous fatty tissue (structural, inflammatory, metabolic and biochemical), causing topographic changes in the skin.

In medicine, these changes are called “gynoid lipodystrophy” (GLD). It does not threaten human life. Nevertheless, it is classified as an undesirable phenomenon due to the fact that the external manifestation is expressed in the unsightly appearance of the skin, and therefore affects the quality of life.

And what about the male part of the population? Does cellulite occur in men? Yes. But rarely.

Why Most Men Don't Have Cellulite

DHF is more common in women. This is rather a female “cosmetic defect”. Here's why men usually don't have cellulite:

  1. The development of “female” cellulite occurs because women have weaker connective tissue and more fat cells, which is due to the action of female hormones.
  2. Men have stronger connective tissue and less subcutaneous fat, so cellulite usually does not appear in them.

In order to develop the topic further, we need to briefly consider the process of cellulite manifestation.

Female and male anatomical structure of the skin

The difference in the anatomical structure of the skin may already be the answer to the question of whether men have cellulite. This is not the only explanation, but we need to start with it.

The skin has a multi-layer structure. To make it easier to understand the process of cellulite manifestation, you need to pay attention to the layers of the skin:

  1. The top layer is the epidermis.
  2. Below it is the dermis (corium) - this is a thicker, deeper layer of skin consisting of connective tissue. The dermis is thicker than the epidermis because it contains extensive collagenous connective tissue. Collagen is the main insoluble fibrous protein in the extracellular matrix and in the cells of the body.
  3. The next layer is the first of two layers of subcutaneous fat (the areolar layer with chambers of fat cells).

In women, the anatomical structure of the areolar layer is such that the fat cell chambers are located vertically. This is the basis for the scientific basis for the concept of cellulite, that is, a small protrusion of fat (called “papillae of adipose tissue”) into the dermis. This also happens due to weakness (or weakening) of the connective tissue in the dermis.

This structural change in the subcutaneous layer of fat protruding into the dermis (similar to a hernia protrusion) gives the skin an orange peel appearance.

Additionally, during the female menstrual cycle, connective tissue is gradually broken down by enzymes called MMPs. Which speeds up the process of cellulite manifestation.

Men have a different organizational structure of connective tissue: there is a network of intersecting connective tissue structures, which can be figuratively represented as a fine-mesh network. It does not allow subcutaneous fat deposits to protrude into the dermis so clearly. The fat in this case can expand in the lateral (and internal) direction. In addition, men have a thicker layer of epidermis and dermis. Especially in the hips and buttocks area. But this does not mean that male cellulite is impossible.

Various locations of fat deposits

Subcutaneous fat is where most fat accumulates, causing concern among people watching their figure. Adipose tissue is a collection of fat cells (adipocytes) that act as a human energy reserve and also act as an insulating material that retains heat. In addition, adipose tissue performs a protective function, protecting the internal structures of the human body from injury.

As fat cells increase in size, they break down the connective tissue around them to expand. This leads to a decrease in the amount of collagen around the enlarged fat pads.

The deposition and accumulation of fat in the subcutaneous tissue depends on:

  • hormones (testosterone, estrogen, insulin, glucagon, leptin and others);
  • genetic factors;
  • age-related changes;
  • body mass index;
  • nutrition.

Men accumulate fat in the neck, lower back, arms, and stomach. In women, fat accumulations are more common in the chest, thighs and buttocks.


Treatment of pathology is based on a set of measures that are aimed at normalizing blood circulation in problem areas. In addition to physical activity, fitness and massage, they also resort to cosmetic procedures. They have several purposes:

  • Breakdown of fats;
  • Stopping the process of formation of adipose tissue;
  • Detoxification, normalization of fluid outflow from affected tissues;
  • Increased vascular tone;
  • Normalization of blood circulation4
  • Strengthening muscle tissue.

In a beauty salon and even in a medical facility, a man can be offered thalassotherapy - a wrap using mud, sea sand, algae, as well as various creams and ointments. This procedure helps to normalize the activity of the nervous and endocrine systems, which are involved in regulating the deposition and breakdown of adipose tissue, removing excess fluid and fat cells from the body.

The seaweed used helps saturate all layers of the skin with microelements, iodine, and minerals. Creams, ointments and algae extracts help normalize blood circulation and metabolism, strengthen blood vessels, break down fats, remove toxins from the body, and eliminate swelling.

Along with this procedure, anti-cellulite massage is also performed. It makes it possible to break down fat capsules, remove excess fluid and harmful substances from tissues, and normalize blood flow and local immunity. The procedure cannot be performed on men who have pathologies of the pelvic organs and skin diseases.

The massage must be performed by a specialist. In each specific case, he develops a program and can adjust it during the procedure. It is also important to adhere to proper nutrition and engage in physical activity.

In what cases do men get cellulite?

You should pay attention to the main sex hormones, male and female. In men it is testosterone, in women it is estrogen. In both, these hormones are present simultaneously, but in different proportions.


The prerequisite for the development of cellulite in humans is estrogen. Men usually have low estrogen levels, so if they overeat and lead a sedentary lifestyle, they usually become obese, with signs of obesity. But this condition is not yet evidence of cellulite manifestation. There is a lack of an important component for this – estrogen.

Men can also have high estrogen levels. It increases as a result of the process of aromatization - the conversion of testosterone to estrogen. In this case, cellulite will begin to actively appear. The presence of two main factors is enough - obesity and physical inactivity.

Of course, age-related changes and other circumstances play an important role. But increasing your body mass index and sedentary lifestyle are key.

It’s worth stopping at old age too. In adulthood, men undergo increased conversion of testosterone to estrogen. Accordingly, the risk of cellulite is high.

Fat cells are not a dormant store of fat - they secrete several hormones, one of which is estrogen. The more fat cells a man (or woman) has in his body, the more estrogen is produced by those fat cells.

If you are overweight, it is the fat cells that produce estrogen, which is necessary for the development of cellulite.


The same processes that lead to cellulite in men can also lead to the development of gynecomastia (deposition of fat in the subcutaneous layer of the breast). The culprits are excess estrogen in the male body and obesity.

Estrogen stimulates the development of breast tissue and the deposition of fat around it, including in men.

Estrogen-like substances

Xenoestrogens and phytoestrogens contribute to the appearance of cellulite in men.

Some man-made chemicals, known as xenoestrogens, act as estrogen-like substances in the body and disrupt endocrine balance. Bisphenol A (BPA) and phthalates are known examples of xenoestrogens. These substances are present in common everyday items, plastics, and food packaging.

Some foods and drinks also contain high amounts of estrogen-like substances called phytoestrogens.

Soy, avocado, rice, beer are well-known examples of foods containing phytoestrogens.

All of these estrogen-like substances can have an estrogenic effect on the body and lead to the formation of cellulite, with phytoestrogens being more benign, while xenoestrogens are dangerous to health.

Diagnosis of the disease

Since it is very difficult to recognize cellulite on your own, a man needs to contact an experienced specialist. The following methods are used for diagnosis:

  • the endocrinologist applies a special film to some areas that reacts to temperature fluctuations;

  • in the area of ​​fat deposits, blood circulation is impaired, as a result of which the skin temperature decreases significantly;

  • the film shows colored spots indicating fatty nodes under the skin.

Examples of photos of male cellulite on the stomach

Due to the reasons described in the first paragraph, cellulite on the stomach of men looks different than on women. As a rule, these are ordinary fat deposits, that is, excess fat. The skin does not look flabby and sagging. It is often taut and elastic. Of course, it all depends on the stage of cellulite.

See what cellulite looks like in men in the following photo:

Stages of manifestation, places of localization in the male half

In most cases, uneven skin in men occurs in the waist, abdomen and thighs. The development of the disease occurs gradually, so doctors distinguish several stages, each of which has its own characteristics:

  • First. Small dimples appear, which are noticeable only when the cover is compressed.
  • Second. At this stage, the pits can be seen visually.
  • Third. The patient experiences additional symptoms: sagging skin, bruising, swelling.
  • Fourth. The cover becomes bluish, the affected area has a lower temperature.

Advanced degree of pathology in men is extremely rare.

How to get rid of the problem

Some treatment methods (to varying degrees) have an effect on cellulite. These include the following:

  1. Acoustic wave therapy (AWT) is a technique that applies acoustic waves (also called sonic, pressure, or shock waves) to affected areas.
  2. Laser, light or radiofrequency therapy are procedures that combine laser (or radiofrequency) and massage therapy.
  3. Undercutting is a procedure that involves inserting a needle under the skin to break up the fibrous connective tissue structures that separate clusters of fat cells. Medical professionals perform the cutting using a device known as a Cellfina. The course can last up to two years or more.
  4. Vacuum tissue release is another new procedure that can help break down tough fibrous tissue structures.
  5. Methylxanthines are a group of chemicals that include aminophylline, caffeine and theophylline. These chemicals are present in many anti-cellulite creams due to their ability to break down fat deposits. However, skin creams cannot provide the necessary concentration of these chemicals in the time required to significantly break down fat.
  6. Creams with retinol. Retinol may help with skin thickening, which may explain the reduction in the appearance of cellulite. The product must be used for six months or longer to see the effect.
  7. Carboxytherapy is a medical procedure that injects carbon dioxide (CO2) directly under the skin. A small study found that it may be helpful in treating cellulite.
  8. Laser liposuction adds laser treatment to the typical liposuction fat removal procedure.
  9. Ultrasonic liposculpture uses sound waves to try to reduce cellulite.

You can continue to enumerate. There are many practices that are used, but without the approval of official medicine. Some practices help some, some don't. The effectiveness of therapy is influenced by many factors.

The most reasonable treatment for men is the desire to get their body in order. Limit your alcohol intake, especially beer, normalize your diet, and pay attention to physical activity.

Hyperventilation of the lungs during physical activity in the fresh air leads to increased oxygenation of blood and tissues. Oxygen is directly involved in oxidative processes, including the breakdown of fat.


This method is used if cosmetic procedures do not give the desired result. The doctor may prescribe electrical impulses, electrolipolysis, linoplening - effects on adipose tissue through ultrasound. Such methods cannot be used in the presence of pathologies of the pelvic organs, vascular and skin diseases, or a tendency to allergic reactions.

Electrolipolysis is the effect of current on problem areas, which is supplied by electrodes. The electromagnetic field makes it possible to normalize blood circulation and lymph flow, and break down fat deposits. The course of therapy is about twenty procedures, which are performed over three months.

Linoplening promotes deep penetration of ultrasound into the affected tissues and serves as a preparatory step for performing other anti-cellulite techniques. Lipoplening is often used when cellulite reaches an advanced stage.

Pneumatic massage has an effect on the lymphatic system, improves lymphatic drainage, removes excess fluid and toxins, and normalizes blood and lymph flow.

Electromyostimulation is also often used - the effect of electrical impulses on the skin and muscles. This procedure helps to normalize metabolic processes in adipose tissue. This leads to the breakdown of fats and improved lymph flow.

Be sure to read: How to lose weight effectively and without harm to your health for a teenager?

Massage using vacuum. This procedure makes it possible to destroy fat deposits under the skin in a short time. After such treatment, fat begins to actively break down, lymph flow normalizes, and swelling disappears.


If all of the above methods do not bring the desired positive result, doctors suggest surgical procedures. A plastic surgeon prescribes liposuction - pumping out fat using a special vacuum. But this technique is a last resort. In order not to resort to it, it is recommended to combine all of the above methods of therapy with a healthy lifestyle, diet, and physical activity. If a problem arises and causes serious discomfort, you need to consult a doctor who will prescribe effective treatment.

Recently, laser therapy has become widespread, but this technique is quite expensive, and not everyone can afford it.

The doctor may recommend using special dietary supplements that contain herbal ingredients. These drugs help enhance the effectiveness of anti-cellulite procedures.

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