Goodbye wrinkles: choosing an effective facial skin care cream

All women, regardless of age, want to please themselves and the opposite sex. Men often pay attention not only to a lady’s appearance, but also to her face and eyes.

It is the eyes that are the best decoration for a woman. To look attractive at any age, you need to take care of your eyelid skin from a young age.

Adverse environmental influences often affect the condition of the skin of the face, especially in the area around the eyes. This is where the first wrinkles most often appear.

There is no clear answer to the question of what to apply to the skin under the eyes to prevent wrinkles. Some people lean toward professional cosmetics, while others prefer traditional methods of combating age-related changes.

Creams to combat wrinkles around the eyes

All eye skin care products stimulate collagen production. Normally, collagen and elastin are produced in the body of every person. These substances maintain skin elasticity and turgor, thereby slowing down the aging process.

Due to changes in hormonal levels and natural processes in the body, the amount of collagen decreases sharply. Cosmetics will not get rid of wrinkles completely, but they can significantly improve the situation. In addition to collagen, creams are rich in retinol, glucose, and vitamins E.

It is important to remember that you should not apply facial cosmetics to the skin under your eyes. What to do about wrinkles under the eyes? Women as well as men should use anti-wrinkle creams.

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Causes of wrinkles

Every minute our face expresses some kind of emotion: we smile, get angry, are surprised, cry, get angry. And all this time, the facial muscles work tirelessly. In youth, the skin can recover quickly. Lack of sleep, active lifestyle, lack of proper care - nothing prevents us from looking fresh, young and fit from morning to evening. With age, this wonderful ability, alas, disappears.

And now we are closely monitoring the amount of sleep, and in the morning we get up early in order to have time to get ourselves in order. A competent cosmetologist will help you choose care. It is important not to neglect it - to take care of your face regularly and correctly. For basic care you need at least a toner, eye cream and face cream. Today we’ll talk about face creams. What to choose: anti-aging, day or night, for what skin type?

To understand what kind of anti-wrinkle cream we need, how it works and what results to expect, let’s look at the reasons why wrinkles occur.

• Active facial expressions: as noted above, the constant work of the facial muscles does not go unnoticed. • Influence of the external environment: the issue of ecology cannot be ignored, especially if you live in a big city. Heat and dust in summer, temperature changes indoors and outdoors in winter, a huge number of cars - all this does not contribute to skin health. • UV radiation: residents of the middle zone and northern regions lack warmth and sunlight. Once the summer season arrives, we try to get out into the sun as much as possible, recharging ourselves with energy and vitamin D for the months ahead. Unfortunately, the sun is treacherous. In addition to its undoubted benefits, it can be harmful to both our health and appearance. • Excessive passion for solariums can also be attributed to the previous point. Sunbathing in a solarium should be done very carefully and not overuse this procedure. • Incorrectly selected cosmetics or cosmetics of poor quality will not bring any benefit, and may even cause harm. • Hereditary factor: thin and dry skin ages earlier. Therefore, in this case, it is important to use an anti-aging cream already at 30-35 years of age. • Diseases of internal organs and hormonal disorders also cannot be excluded as a factor contributing to premature aging and the appearance of wrinkles. • Bad habits (smoking, alcohol): no additional comments are required. Poor circulation, dryness, swelling and other problems are inevitable in this case. • Constant stress, fatigue, lack of sleep, uncomfortable sleep - all this primarily affects your appearance. • Poor nutrition. It seems that it is no longer news: all skin problems are closely related to the gastrointestinal tract. Everything we eat not only fills us up, but also affects the body. The lack of vitamins, proper fats and other beneficial microelements affects not only the health of the skin, but also hair, nails and the whole body in general. And excess sugar, lactose, fast carbohydrates, dyes will negate any efforts. • Age-related changes: a consequence of the inevitable decrease in elasticity and firmness.

Wrinkles are divided into two groups: statistical and dynamic, also known as facial wrinkles. Dynamic wrinkles will appear in any case, as we have already said, this is due to the constant work of the facial muscles. But if desired, the appearance of both can be prevented. Vere

What to apply under the eyes for wrinkles: folk remedies

In addition to professional ones, women often choose traditional medicine. It's no secret that many plants have healing properties for the body and help fight the aging process.

What to apply under the eyes for wrinkles

Cosmetologists advise using coconut oil, grape seed oil, shea butter, jojoba oil, as well as almond and olive oil.

These oils contain a whole complex of minerals, unsaturated fatty acids, and vitamins.

In addition to fighting the aging process, oils have a number of beneficial properties:

  • promote skin rejuvenation and regeneration;
  • protect it from negative environmental influences;
  • have sun protection function;
  • moisturize and nourish the skin of the eyelids;
  • have an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • promote healing of wounds and microcracks.

Recipes for Hydration

The dermis between the ages of 23-24 and 30 needs maximum hydration. Recipes for creams against wrinkles around the eyes are as simple and accessible as possible:

  • Aloe. The composition includes natural aloe juice and grape seed extract, you need to take it in equal proportions.
  • Honey. To create, you need to take 2 spoons of bee product, the same amount of glycerin, 1 spoon of powdered gelatin and 6 spoons of clean water. Gelatin is dissolved in water, then honey and glycerin are added.
  • Lifting effect. Sometimes the problem of drooping eyelids is typical even for young girls. A homemade cream made from 3 spoons of honey, 6 drops of grape concentrate, 4 drops of olive, 1 drop of geranium ether and 3 drops of parsley juice will help tighten it up and get rid of wrinkles around the eyes. Additionally, you need 1 spoon of clover decoction and the same amount of golden root infusion.

You can use other recipes for certain ages

Castor oil - a remedy for wrinkles under the eyes

On forums dedicated to beauty and health issues, many women share tips on what to apply under their eyes to prevent wrinkles. The most popular answer is castor oil. This product is invaluable for any woman.

In addition to nourishing, softening and moisturizing the thin skin of the eyelids, castor oil is recommended as an effective means of combating age-related changes.

Benefits of using castor oil.

  1. Dries slowly due to its oily consistency;
  2. Effectively fights the first signs of aging;
  3. Helps get rid of puffiness.

The healing substances that make up castor oil penetrate deep into the structure of the epidermis and participate in the process of cellular metabolism. You can make such products yourself.

On forums dedicated to beauty and health issues, many women share tips on what to apply under their eyes to prevent wrinkles. The most popular answer is castor oil. This product is invaluable for any woman.

In addition to nourishing, softening and moisturizing the thin skin of the eyelids, castor oil is an effective means of combating age-related changes.

Recipes for making anti-wrinkle cream based on castor oil

To prepare the cream, you will need 1 tbsp. a spoonful of butter, 1 raw egg yolk, crushed rosehip leaves (you can take lilies of the valley, roses, jasmine), add a couple of drops of castor oil.

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It is recommended to apply the composition to problem areas before going to bed. It is important to remember that masks do not last long, so they can be used within 7 days from the date of preparation.

A fairly simple and effective cosmetic product in the fight against wrinkles under the eyes is a homemade cream with vitamins. It contains vitamin E capsules and castor oil.

These two ingredients must be mixed and applied overnight. This cream is suitable for daily use.

What to apply around the eyes against wrinkles: cosmetic ice

Daily rubbing of the face and areas under the eyes with cosmetic ice is an excellent remedy in the fight against the appearance of wrinkles. The skin is moisturized, toned, and metabolic processes in cells are activated.

The recipe for making the decoction is quite simple. Pour a tablespoon of herbs into a glass of boiling water, cook for 5 minutes, strain, pour into molds and place in the freezer.

The most popular ice recipes are made with parsley, dill, chamomile, linden blossom, and lingonberry juice. However, this method of combating wrinkles has some contraindications.

  1. In cold times, especially in winter, you should not wipe your face before going outside.
  2. If the skin on the eyelids is injured, dehydrated, or has irritation, it is better to limit the use of this procedure.
  3. The presence of spider veins is a direct contraindication to the use of cosmetic ice.
  4. Presence of colds.


Below are some reviews. If you have something to say, leave your feedback in the comments below the article, it will be useful to our readers.

“I have very sensitive skin around my eyes and fine lines began to appear around the age of 28.

What I haven’t tried from pharmaceutical drugs! Of course there was an effect, but it was very short-lived.

Half a year ago I started preparing masks myself for use around the eyes , and tried many options.

What I liked the most was the parsley mask.

The complexion becomes fresher before the eyes and fatigue goes away

Evgenia Starovoitova, 32 years old.

I’ve been preparing homemade masks for the skin around the eyes for quite some time now. I really like the effect . Each individual recipe is simply a masterpiece and a delight for the eyes.

win-win options for my skin type ( I have a very dry face ) .

I alternate their application in this way: I apply one 2 times a week, and the second a week later, also 2 times. I am very pleased with the results after each application .”

Margarita Shadura, Stavropol.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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