Laser hair removal deep bikini - contraindications and preparation for total hair removal


For any modern girl and woman, a perfectly smooth skin surface in the bikini area is important.
It is sometimes difficult to follow this and the result is not always pleasing. The surfaces of intimate areas are more delicate in structure of the skin. Manipulations such as depilation and shaving can lead to discomfort: irritation, ingrown hairs, cuts. In this regard, a type of procedure such as laser hair removal of intimate areas is gaining popularity. Thanks to this method, women get rid of unwanted hair in the bikini area once and for all. There is no need to spend extra time on regular visits to salons and shaving yourself.

Both women and men use laser hair removal services. Efficiency was noted in 99% of cases. For people who decide to try the procedure for the first time, all points are important, since the process affects the intimate areas. In this article you will find a detailed description of all stages of the laser hair removal procedure and learn how to prepare for it.

Classic and deep bikini: what's the difference?

One of the most popular sessions is laser hair removal of a deep bikini. What is the difference between it and the classic version?

It is more common to remove excess hair along the line of underwear: from the pubis and between the buttock fold. This is a classic. For lovers of the ideal appearance of the entire intimate area, an intermediate procedure is provided - extra-bikini, when the master removes hair not only from the area between the buttock folds, but also from the labia. Total hair removal in the intimate area involves the skillful work of a specialist who removes unwanted hair from the pubis, between the buttock folds, and the labia.

Duration of the laser hair removal process for the deep bikini area

One of the popular questions is the question of the timing of the procedure. For classic hair removal, about forty minutes is enough. And in order to get rid of all hair and perform deep laser hair removal it will take an hour. The time frame is not strict, it depends on the individual preferences of the clients. Some will want to create a design on the pubic area, or simply leave some of the hair in the form of some geometric shape, while others intend to get rid of the hair completely. Everything will take different amounts of time.

How to permanently get rid of hair in intimate areas?

In order to forget about hair growth in the bikini area and achieve your dream of smooth, silky skin, several procedures will be required. At your first meeting with the master, you will be left with hairs that will become almost invisible. After the second attempt, the device will remove not only those hairs that are growing, but also those that are “sleeping”, because after a short period of time all the remaining ones will “wake up”. The final stage will require a follow-up visit to the salon, approximately 11 to 12 months later. You will see how smooth your skin will become and forget about unpleasant waxing and shaving.

You also need to understand that there is individual hair growth, structure, and rigidity. The number of laser hair removal sessions also depends on these factors. The average number varies from three to five.

Before the session begins, the master will definitely explain the procedure and the intervals between sessions. Four to six weeks should pass before the second dose, eight to ten from the second to the third. That is, each time the subsequent meeting with the master occurs two weeks later than the previous one. There are such happy women for whom two sessions are enough to achieve the desired result.

Positive aspects of laser hair removal of deep bikini

If you intend to achieve excellent results with laser hair removal of a deep bikini, you should carefully follow the advice of the specialist, properly prepare for the procedure and subsequently provide appropriate care for the intimate area. Only in this case you will receive:

  • High positive effect. The result will be noticeable after the first dose.
  • Short session time. The laser covers the area in small areas. This significantly reduces time than spot hair removal.
  • Virtually no pain symptoms. The main thing is to prepare properly. Despite the fact that each client has a different pain threshold, in general, the procedure is quite gentle and painless.
  • The device from a reliable supplier of laser equipment does not cause overheating of the skin and does not damage it. It is aimed at destroying hair follicles, which helps remove even ingrown hairs.
  • If you suffer from allergic reactions to other methods of depilation, then laser is an excellent tool that will not cause any adverse reactions to both the skin in particular and the entire body as a whole.

The process of laser hair removal of the bikini area

Let's look at all the stages of the hair removal process. Before laser hair removal begins, the master cosmetologist consults the client, asks additional questions about possible contraindications to the procedure and talks about how best to prepare for the session.

The first step is to apply an anesthetic to the laser treatment area. The client is asked to lie on the couch and wear safety glasses to avoid damage to the retina and cornea of ​​the eye when working with the laser. The equipment is being configured. The process begins.

At the end of the session, be sure to apply a cream with an anti-inflammatory effect to the treated area of ​​skin.

Does laser hair removal for the bikini area hurt?

There are myths about laser hair removal, which boil down to consequences in the form of burns or pain. If a specialist. The one who carries out the procedure is certified and works efficiently, nothing like this ever happens.

Pain is minimal as an anesthetic is used. In addition, the painlessness of the procedure was noted due to the use of a laser manipulator. It is she who is prescribed the function of cooling the skin. During the procedure, the client feels warmth and nothing more.

What is the preparation stage for hair removal?

Preparing for laser hair removal of a deep bikini is practically no different from preparing for classical hair removal. There are a number of recommendations that the client must follow:

  • Two weeks before and after the procedures, you should avoid direct sunlight. It's better to limit your time in the sun
  • Before the session, remove hairs in the treated area yourself. Their size should not exceed one millimeter in length. Then the action of the laser will be much more effective, since you will not have to act on the hair itself, but directly on the bulb.
  • Do not use various creams, scrubs, lotions during the day. They can cause a burn.
  • If there is a possibility of genital herpes, you should take any antiviral drug. It is advisable to do this before, during and after the session.
  • Do not schedule a hair removal session during your menstrual cycle. During this period, a woman's sensitivity increases.

In order to undergo the procedure with greater comfort, specialists recommend doing classic hair removal during the first session. This way, both the client and the master will understand the level of pain threshold, and will know what to prepare for before a deeper procedure.

Caring for the body area after laser hair removal

There are certain norms and rules for skin care after laser hair removal:

  • Do not wet your skin for 24 hours after the procedure
  • Do not use soap, foam or gels to wash intimate areas
  • Do not wash with a rough sponge or washcloth to avoid skin irritation
  • Do not use a steam room or sauna for 72 hours
  • Use anti-inflammatory cream for several days in a row

MettleCosmetix has been supplying laser equipment for more than six years. It is certified and safe. When working with such intimate areas of the body, it is important to use professional equipment, which is actively popular with a number of professional cosmetologists.

Let's sum it up

Proper preparation, knowledge and a friendly disposition of the client during an hair removal session will allow the master to do his job efficiently, and the client to enjoy the result. Use the tips in this article and you will see how gorgeous you can feel after deep laser hair removal in your bikini area.

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Pros and cons of laser hair removal deep bikini

Laser hair removal for deep bikini has both positive and negative sides. Before going for the procedure, it is important to familiarize yourself with all the pros and cons of this method.

Advantages Flaws
  • The integrity of the skin is not compromised.
  • The discomfort is almost invisible.
  • Long-lasting results, in some cases it is possible to get rid of vegetation forever.
  • Suitable for sensitive skin.
  • No ingrowth.
  • Relatively high cost.
  • Blonde hairs are not always amenable to laser treatment.
  • During the course, it is prohibited to remove hair by any method other than a razor.
  • Some restrictions must be observed.

The negative aspects of the technique can be minimized if you follow all the specialist’s recommendations.

How much effect is there?

It is impossible to get rid of all hair at once during one visit to the clinic. Their growth is uneven, each hair is at its own stage of growth. Therefore, an average of 6 to 15 sessions will be required (depending on the density of vegetation and the type of laser).

Which device is the most effective for laser hair removal of the bikini area? There is no fundamental difference between Midepi and Fotona.

Usually the result lasts for 1 year, after which you can come for light additional correction procedures.

Classic bikini

Laser hair removal of a classic bikini is considered quite popular. It involves removing hair along the extreme line of underwear. Approximately the removal occurs on 2 cm of the thigh and 3 cm on the inside of the pubis. The average procedure time is 20 minutes.

Deep bikini

This type involves removing hair from the pubic area, outside the labia and on the inside of the thigh. The laser also affects the buttocks area. A deep bikini takes at least 40 minutes. Since the procedure is accompanied by discomfort, the use of local painkillers is necessary.

Total bikini

Total hair removal involves complete removal of vegetation in the intimate area. The hair on the inside of the labia is also laser-treated. Duration is at least an hour. Since the manipulation is painful, anesthesia is needed.

Epilation of the bikini area using laser: varieties

Before trying any manipulation on yourself, it is necessary to study in detail the information available about it. First of all, it is worth remembering that every person is individual, which means that the type of procedure is selected by a specialist, taking into account this important factor.

The color and shade of the hair is also always different - this applies to both the head and the bikini area. Accordingly, each type of laser hair removal meets the requirements and characteristics of each group of women. If the hair is dark, the specialist will recommend ruby ​​hair removal; as for alexandrite hair removal, it is suitable for a light brown shade.

In both cases, devices are used whose waves are well absorbed by the pigment responsible for coloring the hair. Their main difference is power. Alexandrite hair removal, unlike ruby ​​hair removal, involves the use of a more powerful type of laser, which makes it more effective.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the type of hair removal that is suitable for people with any type of hair - this is dioid hair removal. A distinctive advantage compared to the above types is that the waves generated by the device during dioid hair removal are completely absorbed by melanin.

There is also neodymium laser hair removal, but it is inferior to other types in terms of efficiency, so it is more often used in salons by masters specializing in tattoo removal. The waves generated by this device are not absorbed by melanin at all, which indicates the inappropriateness of its use in such a procedure.

How long does laser bikini hair removal last?

Many people are interested in how long laser bikini hair removal lasts. In most cases, after completing the full course, growth stops. As a preventative measure, a cosmetologist may recommend performing manipulations once a year.

If vegetation appears earlier than this period, this may indicate hormonal imbalances.

Contraindications to the procedure

Laser hair removal in the bikini area has a number of limitations:

  1. Oncological processes in the body.
  2. Diabetes mellitus of any type.
  3. Infectious and colds.
  4. Dermatological lesions of an infectious nature.
  5. Pregnancy and lactation.
  6. A large amount of gray hair.
  7. Too dark skin.
  8. Severe pathologies of the cardiovascular system.
  9. Taking potent hormonal medications.
  10. Hypersensitivity of the skin.
  11. Involuntary muscle contraction.
  12. Age up to 18 years.
  13. Menstruation.
  14. Blood clotting disorders.

Before visiting a cosmetologist, you must go for a consultation with a dermatologist, gynecologist and therapist. This will help identify infectious pathologies and other restrictions.

Features of the technology

In order not only to remove unwanted vegetation from the intimate area, but to make it smooth for a long period, they choose this service. Due to the increased sensitivity of this part of the body, it is not always possible to immediately obtain the desired effect. In addition, the sites are not very conveniently located. This makes the procedure difficult to complete. It is important to consider the thickness of the hair shaft. Among the features of laser hair removal of the labia, the following are distinguished:

  1. To completely cleanse the skin of hairs, you need to repeat the session. This is relevant for ladies with a high pain threshold.
  2. It is advisable to maintain a period of 1 month between each visit to the salon.
  3. Even if the full course of treatment of the epidermis is completed, they regularly sign up for correction.
  4. For women over 40 years of age, the number of sessions is reduced. Hair grows much slower compared to young people.
  5. Before each procedure, they undergo training according to certain rules. The salon master will definitely familiarize you with them.

It is not at all necessary to completely cleanse the skin on the pubis and labia. You can make a neat haircut so that your intimate hairstyle will please your partner.

Contraindications and consequences

When choosing any type of laser hair removal for bikini, it is worth studying the contraindications. If there are pathologies or other reasons for which the procedure is prohibited, it is worth excluding it for safety reasons. The main contraindications are as follows:

  • pregnancy period;
  • infections;
  • mental disorders;
  • low immunity;
  • oncological formations;
  • heart diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • when taking antibiotics;
  • presence of heavily tanned skin;
  • fungi, venereology, inflammation;
  • burns, ulcers, other lesions of the epidermis;
  • open wounds, scars, recent stitches;
  • hypersensitivity of the skin.

Even if there are no contraindications, you should trust your body only to an experienced cosmetologist. Treating an average bikini with laser hair removal in violation of technology will lead to serious consequences. Serious errors include:

  • insufficient cooling of the skin before starting work;
  • applying oil, cream, or any oil product to the dermis before the procedure;
  • laser action at full power;
  • carrying out the procedure on the epidermis with increased sensitivity;
  • working with hairs longer than 3 mm.

If you have long hair, the rays of the device will spread to the skin, and this will cause lasting damage to it. All this will provoke the formation of a rash, irritation, peeling, dryness, etc.

Preparation for the procedure

For laser hair removal of bikini hair to be successful, you do not need to immediately go to the salon to have it done. First, they choose a specialist and make an appointment with him for a consultation. He will inspect the area where the work will be done, give important advice and introduce preparatory procedures. This process does not require much effort. It is enough to follow the basic rules:

  1. It is advisable to undergo an examination by a therapist, dermatologist, or vascular surgeon before the procedure.
  2. It is not advisable to visit a solarium, the beach, or use self-tanning cream. The abstinence period is 2 weeks. So laser hair removal for a full bikini will not leave burns.
  3. You need to grow your hair up to 3 mm in length. If she is no longer afraid. The specialist will adjust it to the required level. In this case, the laser will destroy the rod itself, the bulb in which it is held tightly.
  4. If you have previously had genital herpes, then care is postponed for 2-3 weeks. After therapy, the use of antiviral drugs is necessary.
  5. The skin is cleansed and dried. Stop using creams and any other cosmetics exactly one day before your meeting with a specialist.
  6. It is not advisable to do laser bikini hair removal at the beginning and end of your menstrual cycle.
  7. Painkillers are applied 60 minutes before starting work with the equipment.
  8. For the first time, it is advisable to choose a classic bikini. If the removal of vegetation does not provoke discomfort, burning or other consequences, then you can agree to deep and total removal.
  9. In winter, the procedure will be less painless. Accordingly, in the summer you should not repeat it too often.
  10. There is no need to use antibiotics 2 weeks before a cosmetic procedure.

If you take into account all the information presented, you can achieve excellent results without harm to health. Hardware hair removal will instantly make your skin smooth, even, and attractive. During the consultation, do not hesitate to ask questions about:

  • the process of disinfection of the drug, nozzles, table;
  • the pose you will need to take;
  • paste used;
  • possible consequences and personal concerns;
  • whether sterile gloves are available.

All this is important for personal safety.

Step-by-step procedure

The effect of laser bikini hair removal directly depends on the literacy of technology. There is no need to use strong anesthetics. Special anesthetic creams that have a local effect are applied to the skin. The process has the following sequence:

  • the client is placed in a special chair;
  • the cosmetologist performs the necessary manipulations;
  • a cream is applied to soothe the skin.

However, there are many nuances:

  1. If the client comes to the session without prior preparation, the skin must be cleansed of dirt. Violation of this stage will lead to infection with infectious diseases.
  2. The patient is given black glasses. They are required so that there is no harm to vision.
  3. The device makes short-term flashes. Prolonged exposure to laser radiation may cause skin burns. Each flash treats 2 cm2 of skin.
  4. The effect after laser hair removal depends on how much time was devoted to each area of ​​the body. The exact duration is calculated according to the density of vegetation, skin condition, and type of rods.
  5. Once the process is completed, not just a cream is used, but a composition with antiseptic components. This will eliminate moisture and irritation.

There are many girls who undergo laser hair removal of the intimate area even during menstruation. With the help of modern hygiene products, discomfort can be avoided. Experts do not consider menstruation a contraindication. The consent of the client, the master, the use of sterile instruments, and high-quality paste is sufficient.

Care activities

In addition to preliminary measures, there are those that are carried out after visiting a cosmetologist. Namely:

  1. A cream is applied to soothe the skin.
  2. Contact with moisture and cosmetics is undesirable. Such an effect will cause irritation, itching, and burning.
  3. Anti-inflammatory drugs are used. A couple of days is enough.
  4. Do not visit the solarium for 2 weeks, do not sunbathe on the beach. As soon as this period passes, you need to use sunscreen.
  5. It is strictly forbidden to remove missing hairs. They are just cut off. If you do not follow this recommendation, the effectiveness of laser bikini hair removal will disappear, inflammation and redness will begin.

Sometimes redness on the epidermis is possible. Don't worry, it will pass after some time. If it lasts more than a day, you should contact a salon or a dermatologist.

With laser bikini hair removal, the results are immediately noticeable. This is what attracts many women. Despite the high cost, the service is becoming increasingly popular. The important thing is that you should not try to purchase equipment for home use. High-tech equipment is too expensive and requires professional handling. Cheap analogues are not only ineffective, but can also be hazardous to health.

Preparing for laser hair removal deep bikini

Proper preparation plays an important role, since further results depend on it. The following rules should be followed:

  1. Get examined by doctors to rule out any restrictions.
  2. Cancel strong hormonal medications a month before the session.
  3. For 14 days, stop visiting the solarium and tanning under the sun's rays.
  4. For a month, give up any methods of hair removal except shaving.
  5. Stop using aggressive cosmetics for 3 days. The composition should be gentle.
  6. A day or two in advance, shave off any existing hairs.
  7. Immediately before the procedure, clean the intimate area with antibacterial soap.

If there is a tendency to develop thrush, it is recommended to take a course of medications as a preventive measure.

How to prepare

Preparation for the procedure of hair removal from the intimate area using laser equipment is in many ways similar to standard measures carried out before a similar procedure on another part of the human body. In particular, these include:

  • Limiting sun exposure to the skin as a result of visiting the beach or solarium (you should stop tanning at least two weeks before visiting a cosmetologist).
  • Removing hair from the bikini area in a standard way (by shaving) a few days before laser hair removal (hairs above the surface of the skin should not protrude more than 1 mm, since otherwise all the energy of the laser emitter will be spent not on the hair follicle, but on hair shaft).
  • Apply a painkiller to the skin an hour before the procedure.
  • Avoid using any creams, lotions or other cosmetics the day before and on the day of laser hair removal. This requirement is especially important since the use of creams leads to burns.

There are also a number of specific nuances characteristic of preparing for the procedure of laser removal of excess hair in the intimate area (it does not matter whether epilation of the pubis or labia is planned). For example, if you have already had cases of relapse of genital herpes, then a few days before the start of a course of hair removal from the intimate area, you should start taking antiviral drugs , continuing their use for several more days after the session.

It is also better not to schedule your first laser hair removal sessions during menstruation or a few days before it begins, since it is during this period that skin sensitivity increases.

When arranging for your first procedure, consider whether it might make sense to sign up for a “classic bikini” first, which will help you test your pain threshold before affecting more delicate areas.
Did you know?
There is an opinion that women who do not remove hair from their intimate area are much more likely to become victims of sexual crimes, since it is pubic hair that accumulates pheromones - substances that attract members of the opposite sex.

How is laser hair removal for bikini performed?

Immediately before hair removal, a consultation takes place, where a cosmetologist performs diagnostics. The procedure is then performed in several stages:

  1. The client is placed on a special chair. After which a painkiller is applied.
  2. The client is wearing safety glasses.
  3. The laser device is configured, taking into account individual characteristics.
  4. Next, a special agent is applied that improves the effect of the laser.
  5. The hairs are directly affected.
  6. The cosmetologist cleanses the skin. Then he applies the drug. It helps relieve irritation.

Duration ranges from 20 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the area being treated. Many people are interested in how laser bikini hair removal is performed for men. The method is identical. Training requirements are standard.

Feelings during processing

Many people hesitate to undergo the procedure because they believe that laser hair removal in the bikini area causes unbearable pain. In fact, it depends on the sensitivity of the skin and the pain threshold. Some describe the procedure as a slight unpleasant tingling sensation, others say that the pain was very severe.

Fear of the procedure increases discomfort, so you need to be positive.

The use of anesthesia depends on the type of treatment. If they do the classics, then anesthesia is not necessary; it is done if the skin is hypersensitive. When treating a deep bikini, the use of local anesthesia is recommended.

In beauty salons they use anesthetics: Emla cream, Acriol pro and others.

Possible negative consequences after laser bikini hair removal

Complications after hair removal are extremely rare. Possible negative consequences include:

  • Burn due to incorrect device settings.
  • The appearance of pigmentation (or strengthening of existing spots).
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  • Inflammatory process in the follicles.
  • An allergic reaction accompanied by rash and itching.
  • Decreased quality of vision when not using safety glasses.

The technique is considered safe if all contraindications are taken into account and the cosmetologist has the necessary qualifications.

Illiteracy can lead to the fact that when performing a manipulation, all the characteristics of the client will not be taken into account.

Before and after photos



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