Rating TOP 7 best clay face masks: how to use, benefits and harms, reviews

The healing effects of clay on facial skin have been known since ancient times. It has unique properties due to its composition and specific structure. The cosmetic product consists of numerous small plates, in arrangement reminiscent of a tile roof. Only a high-quality clay mask thoroughly cleanses the epidermis, enriching it with useful substances, and also effectively copes with dermatological problems.


Clay can improve the condition of the skin, making it more well-groomed and giving a healthy glow. It can remove toxins from the dermis, remove oily shine and relieve inflammation.

The main advantages of the product are deep and thorough cleansing of the surface, regulation of sebum production, and evenness of facial tone. In addition, the substance makes the skin elastic, elastic and taut. Another useful property of a clay mask is considered to have an antibacterial effect, which is very important in the fight against acne.

Cosmetic clay comes in several types:

  • red – tightens, improves blood circulation, saturates tissue with oxygen;
  • black is a storehouse of minerals and trace elements, stimulates lymphatic drainage, cleanses the skin, moisturizes and eliminates acne;
  • white – suitable for oily dermis, removes oily shine, removes comedones and tightens pores;
  • green – effectively tones, eliminates swelling, deeply nourishes, prevents dryness of the epidermis;
  • blue – has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, soothes, relieves redness;
  • yellow - suitable for all types of dermis, removes toxins, improves the water balance of the skin, lightens age spots on the face.

High-quality, good clay masks also contain extracts of natural oils, medicinal plants, berries and fruits.

Vilenta Dream Skin is a rejuvenating face mask with microalgae.

Promises cleansing and nutrition, smoothing wrinkles, evening out skin tone.

In fact, the mask has a pleasant whipped cream texture with an unobtrusive cosmetic aroma. Very comfortable to apply. Doesn't dry out your face completely.

After use, a more even tone is observed. The skin is rested, smooth and pleasant to the touch.

No rejuvenation effect was noticed after using the whole tube. No miracles here! But the product definitely gives a conditioning and nourishing effect, and slightly brightens the pores.

How to use a mask correctly

The product will bring maximum benefit provided that the following recommendations are followed:

  • You should first prepare the skin before the procedure. Cleanse your face with toner, micellar water or lotion.
  • You can steam the dermis using a compress to better open the pores, which promotes deeper penetration of beneficial substances.
  • It is necessary to apply the product in a thin layer, evenly, avoiding the area around the eyes and lips.
  • It is advisable to distribute the clay mixture over the surface without pressing, using light movements.
  • After the procedure, if necessary, you can apply a moisturizing or nourishing cream.
  • Use the mask in courses.


The first advantage and reason for respect for this kaolin is the fact that it is mined in the regions of Russia. It is for this reason that the white clay mask is widespread and in demand in this area. It perfectly whitens the skin, eliminates traces of acne and promotes the fastest treatment of acne.

After a clay mask of this type, you will no longer have to suffer from oily and problematic facial skin. Although you should know that using it in the presence of rosacea is strictly prohibited, because white kaolin is characterized by maximum activity and can easily contribute to even greater skin irritation.

Among other things, the clay mask, the recipe for which is presented below, perfectly tightens sagging and mature skin. Its components nourish natural tissues with essential vitamins and also promote collagen production.

Criterias of choice

When purchasing a product, you should pay attention to the following criteria:

  • Compound. High-quality and useful components provide 100% positive results. Fragrances, parabens and preservatives should not be present in maca.
  • Skin type. Each type of dermis has its own needs. Therefore, you need to select a product based on the characteristics and problems of your skin.
  • Type of mask. The healing properties of each type of clay are different. Its color and origin play a big role in determining the main benefits of the product.
  • Manufacturer. It is better to buy masks from well-known, trusted brands or companies, as they value their reputation.

Cosmetic clay

The skin is known to be the largest organ of the human body. It serves as reliable protection from the environment. The skin is quite fragile and delicate, so it needs constant care.

Now there are a lot of different skin care products, which include lotions, creams, masks and so on. Among the huge variety of products of this type, colored clay has long been recognized as one of the best. This substance, otherwise called kaolin, is a natural antiseptic powder known since the time of the famous Empress Cleopatra.

The Egyptian goddess was known to everyone for her wisdom and unimaginable beauty. It is worth noting that some of the secrets of her body care have been preserved to this day. The Empress knew exactly how to make clay masks that made her skin smooth and soft, and she used them regularly. Despite the fact that many years have passed, the relevance of using such masks still exists today.

The clay mask has certain advantages, thanks to which one cannot doubt its effectiveness. Among them:

  • tones;
  • removes toxins;
  • eliminates cellulite;
  • cleanses pores;
  • regulates sebum production;
  • eliminates acne;
  • removes dead cells.

Any clay mask has extremely positive reviews, because with so many benefits it’s simply impossible not to love it. This cosmetic product is prepared from a special powder, which is presented in a palette of the following colors:

  • yellow (nourishes the skin with microelements);
  • black (moisturizes and tones the skin);
  • pink (smoothes and disinfects the skin);
  • blue (helps cope with acne and inflammation);
  • white (has a whitening effect and eliminates acne marks);
  • green (eliminates fine wrinkles);
  • blue (improves blood flow and removes toxins);
  • red (helps get rid of itching and flaking).

Each of them has its own advantages, which can sometimes make it difficult to decide on the most suitable option. To simplify your task when buying powder, you need to become more familiar with the characteristics of each type of kaolin.


You can also make good clay face masks from blue kaolin. Reviews from people who have already tried such products on themselves indicate that absolutely everyone can purchase and use such clay. It is rich in phosphorus, magnesium and potassium. Blue clay is a universal mineral for the face, because it is ideal for any skin type.

Its healing properties include:

  • removal of toxins;
  • elimination of acne;
  • skin whitening;
  • removing excess moisture from cells;
  • smoothing crow's feet that appear in the corners of the eyes;
  • regeneration of damaged cells;
  • improving circulation in blood capillaries.

A clay mask will help cope with eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, warts, burns, herpes, and fungal rashes. And baths with blue clay will have an anti-stress effect, so it can be used not only for the purpose of healing, but also to calm and saturate with energy.


The natural fossil has a unique emerald hue due to its high iron content. Green clay masks for acne, which have only good reviews, give an incredible effect. They are usually used to nourish the skin, as well as restore water balance in the skin.

Green kaolin is a real storehouse of such microelements:

  • cobalt;
  • silver;
  • phosphorus;
  • copper;
  • molybdenum.

The substance perfectly absorbs remnants of sebum, decorative cosmetics and dust. Green clay consists of large particles that eliminate dead cells from the surface of the skin. Due to this, the powder is often used for peeling.

The main properties of this type of colored clay are:

  • cleansing the dermis;
  • giving the skin a matte effect;
  • moisturizing the skin;
  • tightening of pores;
  • improvement of capillary blood flow;
  • elimination of allergic irritations.

People working in offices are advised to take mineral baths with green clay in addition to a face mask to relieve stress and tension. Such relaxation will instantly relieve all signs of fatigue and restore peace of mind.

Opinions of real people

At any time, many people have suffered from acne as well as the marks after their removal. This mask has been actively used by people of different genders and ages since ancient times, as its effect is truly miraculous.

For some, the resulting effect was expected, while others were not even prepared for such an incredible result. Despite the fact that in the modern world people are accustomed to using expensive cosmetics to remove acne spots, there are still fans of folk remedies.

According to reviews, a mask made of white or blue clay not only eliminates all unpleasant spots, but also helps smooth out fine wrinkles and gives the face a healthy tint.

Some people even mixed both powders (half a tablespoon each) and thereby received an even greater effect. This mixture helps to whiten the face, eliminate acne, unpleasant marks from them, as well as eliminate small blackheads and even get rid of cuts, which is especially popular with men.


Another great clay mask for acne can be made from red clay, which gets its color due to its high content of iron, aluminum, copper and magnesium silicate oxides. This type of powder returns a healthy glow to a pale face and also strengthens the blood vessels of the skin. This mineral is recommended for use by those with dry skin, because it perfectly moisturizes and nourishes it.

Red clay is designed to soothe delicate skin that is prone to frequent allergic irritations. Masks made from it relieve constant itching, flaking and eliminate all kinds of irritation.


Pink powder does not exist in nature in its pure form; it is simply a mixture of red and white clay. The mixture of these minerals in the right proportions has a soft texture and is therefore perfect for sensitive and delicate skin. Pink kaolin acts as a wonderful antiseptic; it softens and nourishes the dermis, and is also able to tighten the contour of the face.

Cosmetologists have recognized pink clay as a universal cosmetic product for all skin types. In addition, it is a wonderful tool for smoothing and disinfecting the skin of the face.

Acne spot remover

To the surprise of many people, you can prepare a composition at home that quickly removes spots and acne marks. The main ingredients are:

  • white/blue kaolin - tablespoon;
  • purified water - about three teaspoons;
  • dry bodyaga - a teaspoon.

All ingredients are thoroughly mixed in a small container and immediately applied to the affected areas of the skin. You should keep the mask for no more than half an hour, as it dries out and it becomes more and more difficult to wash it off. You need to remove the dried mixture with a damp cloth, and then you need to rinse your face with warm water. If you wish, you can not wash off the remnants of dry bodyaga and clay, as they will act for a long time.

In the case of normal or dry skin type, you should wash off the composition and apply a special moisturizer to your face. After applying the mask, the skin may tingle slightly - this means that the bodyaga particles have already penetrated the pores and begun to carry out their healing functions.

It is recommended to use this mask at least twice a week until the spots completely disappear. Its components are completely harmless and do not cause allergic reactions, so there is no need to fear negative consequences.


This substance is mined at the bottom of the sea. Black kaolin is highly concentrated with mineral salts of large seas, which is responsible for its powerful biological activity.

Black clay mask is rich in the following minerals:

  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • calcium;
  • nitrogen;
  • quartz;
  • strontium;
  • selenium.

Black clay is sometimes called gray clay because it takes on a lighter tone when it dries. It is a real find for any woman who has been struggling with fat folds and cellulite for a long time. But besides this, it has some good features. Clay has a number of advantages that no person can ignore. Among them:

  • moisturizing dry skin;
  • treatment of acne and boils;
  • improving lymph and blood circulation in tissues;
  • saturation of cells with oxygen and vitamins;
  • elimination of bruises under the eyes;
  • relaxation and rejuvenation;
  • removal of waste and toxins;
  • establishment of metabolic processes in the epidermis.

To treat acne or narrow pores, you can safely purchase this clay. It does its job perfectly, and the first results become noticeable after the first use.


This type of mineral powder is extremely rare. Its composition is unique as it is suitable for sensitive and delicate skin without causing irritation or allergic reactions. Yellow kaolin contains potassium and iron, which is what gives it its color. In addition, clay contains other elements: manganese, zinc, chromium, sodium.

The presence of absorbents in the powder makes it a truly therapeutic panacea for oily skin types. The particles are able to absorb excess fat, while drying out inflammation and eliminating acne.

Clay can be used for both young skin and aging skin. This mineral powder is able to tighten sagging tissues and restore them to their former tone.

Among the main properties of clay:

  • lifting effect;
  • establishing oxygen metabolism;
  • nutrition of cells with valuable microelements;
  • return of a healthy complexion.
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