11 Best Fabric Face Masks – Ranked for 2022

Fabric masks have long won the love of a huge number of girls around the world. At the moment when the skin needs to be quickly put in order, we use this particular care product. In just 15-20 minutes, the face becomes fresher, rested, toned, tightened and nourished. Fabric masks can be used to prepare the skin for makeup, and vice versa, as relaxation after removing makeup after a hard day.

Photo: aloesmart.ru

You can purchase products from this category in any cosmetic or perfume store, or even in a hyper or supermarket in the beauty and health department. But their assortment is so large that it makes you wonder whether all these masks are at least in any way different from each other, or whether the effect from them will always be approximately the same.

First of all, fabric masks can be divided according to the base material from which they are made:

  • Microfiber.
    The very first masks were made from this material. It is very dense, so it may not fit well to the face, but it is almost impossible to tear.
  • Hydrogel.
    This is a jelly-like base, which already contains useful components. This mask is much easier to distribute over the skin, the essence does not flow or drip from it, and it is also more environmentally friendly, because at the end of the procedure, it can simply be dissolved in water, without replenishing landfills with material that takes many centuries to decompose.
  • Cellulose and biocellulose.
    This is the thinnest material that can absorb much more useful substances than the previous ones.

In addition to the base, the package with the fabric mask contains a serum or essence with which it is soaked. The basic component in it is almost always glycerin. It is what smoothes, moisturizes the skin and makes it soft and velvety. And all the other ingredients that are listed as main on the label are often at the end of the list. But, despite their tiny percentage in serum, they can have different effects on the skin. That is why all fabric masks are moisturizing and toning, but differ in additional properties, depending on the composition:

  • Cleansing.
  • Calming.
  • For problematic skin.
  • Matting.
  • Anti-aging.
  • For a natural glow.
  • For deep nutrition.
  • Anti-inflammatory.

Also, each mask can have a cooling and anti-edematous effect; to do this, simply store it in the refrigerator. Initially, fabric masks, as one of the stages of facial skin care, appeared in Korea and Japan, and then gained popularity throughout the world. But until now, their main production is located in Asian countries.

We present the rating of fabric face masks 2022. The best 11 products that were selected by our experts based on user reviews and ratings.

Rating (2020)Prices, ₽A country
1. Japan Gals with pearl extractfrom 400₽Japan
2. Avajar Smart lifting Perfect V Lifting Premium plusfrom 2000₽South Korea
3. Holika Holika nourishing Essence Shea Butterfrom 100₽South Korea
4. Garnier Hydration + Aqua Bombfrom 100₽China
5. Elizavecca EGF Deep Power Ringer Mask Packfrom 50₽South Korea
6. Farmstay with collagenfrom 50₽South Korea
7. Garnier black Cleansing Charcoal + Black Algaefrom 200₽China
8. Petitfee with Agave Extract Agave Cooling Hydrogel Face Maskfrom 200₽South Korea
9. BioAqua with Aloe Vera extractfrom 60₽China
10. Mizon Joyful Time Essence Mask Herbfrom 60₽South Korea
11. Mijin Cosmetics MJ Care On Arbutin with arbutinfrom 40₽South Korea

Which fabric face mask is best to buy?

Based on all of the above, what conclusions can be drawn:

  • Firstly, of course, like any other skin care product, a fabric mask should be selected taking into account the characteristics and needs of your skin. Yes, they all moisturize and tone it, but some of them help get rid of flaking, oily shine, and fight acne and blackheads. And for aging skin, it is advisable to purchase products with anti-aging effects.
  • Each person's face shape is individual, and therefore it is impossible to develop a universal pattern for everyone. And it is also impossible to know in advance whether the shape of a fabric base from a particular manufacturer will suit you. Fortunately, the material from which the masks are made is very soft, and you can easily adjust it to your parameters by tightening it in one place or creating a crease in another. But now there are reviews on the Internet for almost any product, so before purchasing, you can look at photos of buyers and at least visually evaluate the size and pattern of the product.
  • You should definitely check the composition of the serum with which the base is impregnated for the presence of ingredients that can cause an allergic reaction in you. If you feel a burning or itching after applying the mask, you need to remove it and do not continue the procedure.
  • Remember that fabric masks have a short-term superficial effect, because... Most of the components included in the product are not intended to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin. And for a more pronounced effect, such masks need to be applied daily or at least regularly, 2-3 times a week.

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How to use it correctly

Before using the mask, you should read the instructions for its use. You can take a shower wearing a biocellulose-based mask. It itself will not become limp from water, but the beneficial substances will easily pass into the steamed skin through open pores.

Attention! If after the first session of use you do not notice a positive effect, you should not repeat the procedure. Perhaps the reason is that the mask is not suitable for your skin type.

How to prepare your skin for a sheet mask

Before applying the mask, remove decorative cosmetics. Then thoroughly cleanse the skin with tonic. Use the same products that are used before applying a regular mask.

Applying a mask

Take out the mask and apply it to the entire face. Smooth out the edges so that no folds form anywhere. The mask should cover the entire face except the eyes and lips, for which there are slits. If the mask has a collar for the neck area, fix it. If not, collect the remaining serum from the bag and distribute it over the neck.

Facial care can be combined with treatments for the skin around the eyes. Special patches are used for this. Top best patches for puffiness under the eyes.

Comparison table

The table shows the best fabric face masks at different price categories

The best budget masksJapan Gals with hyaluronic acid
Panda by Etude Organix
Garnier hydration freshness
Tony Moly Pureness Placenta Mask
Average price rangeMask with hyaluronic acid Hyaluronic Acid Ampoule from Holika Holika
Egg Cream Mask Too Cool For School
Premium segmentInstant Renewal Concentrate Mask Kiehl's
Advanced Gnifique Lancome

What are their advantages

This type of cosmetics is called express products due to the use of an active type of serum that can penetrate deeply into the skin tissue, making it well-groomed and noticeably rejuvenated after just 20 minutes. They can be used at any time of the day, which is also important.

In the morning, such masks allow you to deeply moisturize the skin, becoming an excellent base for makeup, and in the evening they actively relieve fatigue, refresh, nourish and replace night cream.

This mask is convenient to carry with you in your purse and use, for example, before an important meeting or a romantic date to quickly improve your appearance.

If you lie down and relax, you can get the effect of a salon procedure, which is quite expensive.

The main advantage of these masks is considered to be their excellent, quick effect on the skin, due to which the second name for such products is plastic surgery for the poor. The serum contains a huge amount of valuable substances that actively moisturize and nourish the skin tissue.

The choice of compositions for this group of products is wide, providing care for any type of epidermis with existing individual problems or defects.

By selecting new components of such masks each time, you will pamper and saturate your skin with valuable active substances that cannot be found in conventional care products.

Manufacturers recommend not to wash off the remnants of the mask from the skin of the face, which means that it can be used anywhere, even on a plane or train.

The effect of fabric masks will be especially greater when you relax.

Best lists

From the listed funds, we will highlight the best in the following categories:

  • for dry skin;
  • for oily skin;
  • for sensitive and problematic skin.

For dry skin

This mask contains two of the most essential ingredients for dry skin. One of them is hyaluronic acid, known for its moisturizing properties. It is able to penetrate deep into cells and retain water molecules there, stimulating the processes of regeneration and rejuvenation.

The second component is aloe vera. It reduces irritation, causes cell renewal and rejuvenates.

For oily skin

This mask contains activated charcoal, known for such properties as drawing dirt out of pores, narrowing them, and normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Witch hazel does the same thing.

Chamomile relieves inflammation and soothes, cleanses and evens out the complexion. Hyaluronic acid moisturizes and stimulates regeneration processes.

For sensitive and problematic skin

If you have sensitive skin, this mask is worth trying. The snail mucin in its composition is not only able to soothe irritations and reduce redness, but also dry out existing rashes and negate their appearance. The mask has a pronounced cumulative effect, improves complexion and perfectly rejuvenates.

What are they?

This type of cosmetic product was created in the East and reached the peak of its popularity both at home and abroad. American and European manufacturers also produce similar products, but fabric masks made in Japan and Korea are in great demand.

The appearance of this product is an oval cut in the shape of a face from a special finely porous fabric with holes for the eyes, mouth and nose.

This product is disposable and has an express effect designed to quickly improve the condition of facial skin. The mask fabric is heavily impregnated with a special serum composition and packaged in thermally insulated polypropylene packaging. The entire composition contained in the pack must be applied immediately, that is, in one procedure, however, many thrifty ladies transfer the rest of the serum into a separate clean jar with a lid in order to pamper their skin several more times.

Manufacturers recommend using the entire contents of the package at once to get maximum effect.

Before applying such a mask to the face, the epidermis must be thoroughly cleaned with soap or cosmetic tonic so that the active composition can penetrate deeply.


You can purchase this type of product in almost every cosmetic (perfume) store, as well as in a regular supermarket in the appropriate department. However, their range is so diverse that many people wonder whether they have significant differences from each other or whether they provide absolutely the same result after use?

First of all, fabric masks are divided according to the base material used in their manufacture:

  1. Non-woven fiber. It is an inexpensive material with a high level of density. But it contributes to poor distribution of the product over the face and insufficient adhesion, which leads to poor conductivity of beneficial components into the skin.
  2. Cotton, bamboo. It is a thinner base, endowed with better qualities than non-woven fiber. At the same time, it does not cause allergic reactions.
  3. Hydrogel. It is a jelly-like base containing all the necessary useful components. Such a mask is easier to distribute and more environmentally friendly, since upon completion of the procedure it completely dissolves in water, and there will be no need to replenish landfills with material that takes quite a long time to decompose. In addition, it completely eliminates the possibility of essence leakage, which will ensure more convenient and comfortable use;
  4. Cellulose and biocellulose. The thinnest of materials, capable of absorbing much more useful substances compared to previous ones.

In addition to the base, the package with a fabric mask contains a serum or essence with which it is soaked. In this case, the main component is almost always glycerin. It is what helps smooth and moisturize the skin, giving it the necessary softness and velvety. And all other ingredients, also indicated as main ones, in most cases are at the end of the list. However, despite their small percentage in serum, they can have very different effects. That is why all fabric masks are moisturizing and toning, and their difference lies in their additional properties.

Depending on their composition, they are divided into the following categories:

  • cleansing;
  • calming;
  • for problem skin;
  • with matting effect;
  • anti-aging;
  • providing natural glow;
  • for deep nutrition;
  • having anti-inflammatory effects.

In addition, each mask can have a cooling effect and prevent puffiness - just keep it in the refrigerator.

The most ideal solution in terms of cost, workmanship and safety level is a base made of cotton and bamboo.


  • As mentioned above, the effect of the mask is visible after the first use, which means that it can be used as an SOS remedy before an important event or date.
  • What you can definitely count on: moisturizing, lifting effect, improving facial tone, smoothing, tone, nutrition, natural radiance, eliminating inflammation and redness, cleaning pores, matte effect, restoring lipid balance of the skin.
  • Masks are made from different fabrics. So, cotton absorbs well, the hydrogel is saturated with gel and melts upon contact with the skin, releasing the active components. Microfiber does not tear and adheres tightly to the skin. Biocellulose is thin and can absorb a large amount of useful substances. Natural cellulose is quite dense, sticks well to the face and does not slip off.
  • You can apply the mask at any time of the day, but if you do it in the morning, it is recommended to apply makeup only 15 minutes after you remove it.
  • The mask should not be applied during periods of exacerbation of inflammation.
  • As a rule, the mask is kept for 15-30 minutes. There is no point in taking it longer: the skin will not be able to absorb any more.

Tips for choosing

  • If you need hydration, look for hyaluronic acid, glycerin, snail mucin, lipohydroxy acids, and pomegranate extract.
  • To combat redness, choose aloe, chamomile extract, and lavender oil.
  • To combat dullness and brighten your skin, try caffeine, vitamin C, centella asiatica, natural pearl extract and sakura extract.
  • Masks with retinol, vitamin E, peptides, collagen, algae extract, colloidal gold and antioxidants will help against wrinkles.
  • Anti-inflammatory and sebum-regulating masks contain zinc, ginseng extract and green tea extract.
  • For nutrition, choose masks with natural oils.
  • Activated carbon and clay are suitable for narrowing pores and mattifying.

How to make it yourself (recipes)

By preparing the product at home, you can save a lot. The procedure does not require the skills of a cosmetologist and is easy to perform. Required:

  1. Prepare a non-colored fabric - cotton or multi-layer gauze will do.
  2. Cut an oval according to the shape of the face, make holes for the nose, mouth, and eyes.
  3. Prepare the impregnation, immerse it in a container.
  4. Dip the cut piece into the solution and squeeze lightly.
  5. Distribute evenly on face.
  6. Maintain the time specified in the recipe.
  7. Take off.

It is possible to use tablet discs as a base. In this case, the tablet must be placed in the solution and the material will straighten out within two to three minutes. There are different impregnation options for different types of dermis and problems.

For oily skin

To prepare a solution for impregnation, you will need to purchase one of the following herbal infusions:

  • chamomile;
  • sage;
  • calendula.

Preparation: Place about two teaspoons of herbal mixture in a container, pour two hundred and fifty milliliters of water, put on fire, simmer for three to four minutes over very low heat (from the moment of boiling). Turn off the heat and set the solution aside for thirty to forty minutes. After the infusion time has passed, strain through three layers of gauze.

Application: Place the resulting solution in a shallow container, immerse the disk or fabric base for two to three minutes. Squeeze lightly. Distribute over your face, leave for ten to fifteen minutes, remove.

Result: Elimination of sebaceous shine, regulation of the level of fat produced by the glands, elimination of redness, anti-inflammatory effect.

For dry skin

To prepare a solution for impregnation, you will need to purchase loose green tea, which does not contain aromatic or other types of additives.

Preparation: Place about two teaspoons of tea in a teapot, pour boiling water in a volume equal to one glass, leave until cool.

Application: Place the resulting solution in a shallow container, immerse the disk or fabric base for two to three minutes. Squeeze lightly. Distribute over your face, leave for ten to fifteen minutes, remove.

Result: Relieving swelling, eliminating redness, moisturizing, toning effect.

For normal skin

To prepare a solution for impregnation you will need to purchase/need:

  • kelp/one teaspoon;
  • cow's milk/fifty milliliters;
  • avocado oil/one teaspoon;
  • melon seed oil/one teaspoon;
  • orange oil/five drops;
  • retinol acetate/five drops;
  • tocopherol acetate/five drops;
  • aloe juice/one teaspoon.

Preparation: Milk should not be heated above room temperature. Measure out the kelp, add milk, and set aside to steep for fifteen minutes. Heat the avocado oil and melon seeds in a water bath no higher than fifty degrees. When the kelp infusion time has expired, pour in the heated oils, vitamins, orange essential oil, aloe juice, and stir until smooth. There should be no lumps in the mixture.

Application: Immerse the disc or fabric base for two to three minutes. Squeeze lightly. Distribute over your face, leave for ten to fifteen minutes, remove.

Result: Relieving swelling, eliminating redness, moisturizing, soothing effects.

I recommend reading: Normal facial skin: how to determine, care rules, recipes for homemade masks.

Toning mask

To prepare a solution for impregnation, you will need to purchase a tonic for the appropriate type of epidermis, containing one of the components:

  • hyaluronic acid;
  • urea;
  • allantoin;
  • aloe extract;
  • chamomile extract.

Preparation: Measure the required amount of tonic into a shallow container.

Application: Immerse the disc or fabric base for two to three minutes. Squeeze lightly. Distribute over your face, leave for ten to fifteen minutes, remove.

Result: Moisturizing, rejuvenating effects.

From blackheads

To prepare a solution for impregnation you will need to purchase/need:

  • activated carbon tablets/ten units;
  • ascorutin tablets/three units;
  • gelatin/thirty grams;
  • mineral water/one hundred milliliters;
  • peach oil/ten milliliters.

Preparation: Measure out the gelling agent, place in a bowl, add water, stir, set aside for thirty minutes. Heat until dissolved, without boiling. Heat the peach oil to no higher than fifty degrees using a water bath. Grind the tablets. Combine the gelatin solution with tablet powder and oil, mix thoroughly until a homogeneous mass without lumps is obtained.

Application: Immerse the disc or fabric base for two to three minutes. Squeeze lightly. Distribute over your face, leave for fifteen to twenty minutes, remove.

Result: Toning, deep cleansing of the skin, refreshing, giving elasticity, restoring effect.

Korean sheet masks

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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