Yolk for the face: the benefits and harms of an egg mask - 12 best

Egg yolk has a unique composition and can replace a whole range of cosmetics. It effectively fights wrinkles, dryness, age-related changes, making the skin soft and smooth.

The undeniable advantage of the product is its availability. Masks with yolk effectively help against fading, loss of elasticity, peeling, and irritation. Their use does not involve significant financial costs, and the results of beauty therapy will be excellent. Don’t forget the main thing – make masks regularly.

Composition and features of the component

The egg contains no more than 30% liquid; the rest is cholesterol, carbohydrates and fats.

Chicken egg has a unique balanced composition, which makes the product indispensable in cosmetology.

The unique composition of egg yolk:

  • Fatty acids - and a whole set necessary for skin health and maintaining it in excellent condition. In this regard, the product has no analogues, especially at this price. Polyunsaturated fatty acids trigger active cellular regeneration processes, maintain normal structure and tone. The body itself does not produce linolenic and linoleic acid, which is why it is so important to get them from the outside. Other acidic components are oleic, stearic, myristic, palmitic.

Fatty acids and their content in eggs.

  • Biotin - the presence of a wide range of fatty acids in the composition would not make such sense if not for biotin. This component starts metabolism and improves the absorption of microelements by cells and skin tissues. Due to this, masks with egg give immediate, pronounced results.
  • Choline is an element necessary for normal functioning of the central nervous system and improves memory. In cosmetology, it plays the role of a structural substance of phospholipids - membrane-forming components. Choline is responsible for the formation of new cells and stimulates regeneration processes.
  • Niacin is a B vitamin that is involved in oxidative and reduction reactions occurring in the body. Lipid metabolic processes at the cellular level and skin regeneration depend on the activity of niacin.

Eggs also contain vitamin E in a highly absorbable soluble form. It acts as an active agent that stops external oxidative reactions and protects the skin from free radicals.

Why is a simple face mask made from protein and sugar so beneficial?

Sugar has an excellent composition: it contains many useful components - tensins, rhamnose monosaccharides, glycolic acid.

  • Tensins regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands, thereby helping to make the skin less oily.
  • Glycolic acid activates increased production of collagen and elastin, which help fight wrinkles.
  • And glycolic acid helps remove impurities and deeply moisturizes the skin.
  • Rhamnose monosaccharide evens out complexion and tightens the skin, while smoothing out shallow wrinkles.

And all these advantages are in just one product that can be found in every home!

Useful properties of yolk

The main beneficial properties of eggs for facial skin:

  • Saturation with vitamins. This is very important for dry, thin epidermis. To achieve maximum results, combine yolk and honey, vegetable oils, and fruit pastes.

Vitamins and minerals included in the yolk.

  • Lifting. Egg is an important component of lifting anti-aging products. Tightens well and increases elasticity.
  • Elimination of edema. This effect is achieved by improving microcirculation of lymph and blood. Effective combinations are obtained with pine and lemon oils, kefir, cottage cheese, and fruit juices.
  • Toning. After a course of masks, the skin becomes tightened, elastic, and its relief is evened out. You can combine an egg with oatmeal, honey, clay, and avocado oil.
  • Elimination of rashes and inflammatory reactions. Masks effectively remove redness, reduce rashes, and restore healthy tissue trophism. Rice and oatmeal flour, honey, fruit juices, clay, and seaweed are good for acne.

The active components from the egg do not penetrate deep into the cells, but the outer epidermis is restored well. Small and medium wrinkles disappear, the skin is cleansed and acquires a fresh color. Plus the product has a cumulative effect that persists even after stopping the procedures.

The yolk itself is an ideal element for dry skin, but in combination with other products it can also be used for increased greasiness.

Ready-made cosmetics

Manufacturers of ready-made cosmetic masks could not help but notice the nutritional value of yolks; some of them have released products based on them. Here are the best of them:

  1. TONY MOLY Egg Pore Tightening Pack. The Korean-made product is produced in unusual bottles, shaped to imitate eggs. The product is intended for narrowing, cleansing pores, caring for the T-zone, and regulating sebum balance. The mask contains eggs that nourish the dermis, camellia extract that controls the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Kaolin and bentonite cleanse pores, reduce shine, and provide matte finish. The consistency of the mask is thick, creamy in color, and has a specific smell. The cost of the product is about 800 rubles, the volume of the bottle is 30 ml.
  2. Grandmother Agafya’s recipes for moisturizing and softening, produced domestically, have a very small price - 50 rubles, but are very effective. The product contains honey, egg yolk, linseed oil. It increases the elasticity of the dermis, reduces inflammation, and provides necessary nutrition. The product is white. The thick consistency makes it easy to apply and has a slight eggy scent. As a result of use, the face is moisturized, softened, and the color is evened out.
  3. BlOAQUA egg moisturizing mask is designed for daily care. The product nourishes, softens, moisturizes, and has a slight whitening effect. The base of the mask is fabric, a nourishing lotion is applied to it. The mask is easy to use and has a light, pleasant scent. You can purchase the product in Chinese online stores, its cost is about 150 rubles.

Tony Moly

The simplest way to make your curls shine is a hair mask with an egg. And professional care at an affordable price will be provided by Estelle hair masks.

Benefits for the face

The benefits of egg masks for facial skin can hardly be overestimated. Regular procedures:

  • Improve skin tone - this is especially important after the age of 30. The yolk can be used in its pure form, with honey, clay, and oils.

  • Elimination of imperfections - uneven terrain is smoothed out, inflammation, redness, itching disappear. With regular use, these problems go away not temporarily, but forever.
  • Nutrition, saturation with valuable substances - thin, tired skin will become elastic, fresh, healthy.
  • Elimination of puffiness - constant use of masks increases blood flow and removes stagnation of lymph and blood.

The product is most beneficial for dry, dehydrated skin prone to flaking. The yolk removes tightness and gives an attractive shade.

An egg mask is the best home recipe for lifting. Pronounced results will appear after the first applications.

Additionally, the egg increases blood circulation, intensively rejuvenates, moisturizes, and has a pronounced antioxidant effect. The product does not cause allergic reactions, but if you use honey or citrus juice, do a preliminary tolerance test.

Reviews of egg white for face against wrinkles

Vasilyeva Olga Valerievna, 35 years old, Moscow

At the age of 30, my first wrinkles appeared, first on my forehead, and then in the corners of my eyes. I read on the Internet about the beneficial properties of eggs and began making masks with protein and sugar twice a week. After about 3 weeks, the skin smoothed out, now I try to keep it toned.

Yartseva Anna Grigorievna, 41 years old, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky

I regularly apply egg white with olive oil to my face, sometimes adding cucumber, honey or other ingredients. The effect is very noticeable - deep wrinkles do not disappear, but small ones can be dealt with. And thanks to the egg mixtures, blackheads do not appear, although the skin is oily.

Indications for use

Homemade face masks with eggs will be useful for everyone and have virtually no contraindications. Indications for their use are the following conditions:

  • dehydrated dry skin;
  • pronounced withering processes;
  • age-related changes (even wrinkles of medium depth go away);
  • sagging, loss of elasticity;
  • age-related changes in facial oval;
  • dull color, uneven relief;
  • tired appearance;
  • peeling.

Results from using a face mask with yolk.
Also, masks with yolk are an effective means for preventing these conditions. Don’t wait for negative changes to appear – start fighting them today.

The brighter the color of the yolk, the higher its nutrient content.


Useful video with the recipe and process of preparing a firming and nourishing mask with egg yolk

Yolk nutritional mixtures have a deep moisturizing and softening effect. For oily skin, you should add citrus or berry juice to the mask. For dry and normal skin, it is optimal to add honey, oils, and yogurt to the yolk.

A fresh farm product will have several times more nutrients than a hatched egg. With proper application and regular use, you can get a beautiful and even complexion without much expense.

Recipes for the best homemade masks with yolk

Let's look at the most popular masks with yolk:

Tonic with lemon

An excellent option for oily skin, it normalizes the processes of sebum production, especially if previous care was incorrect. The only recipe for an egg mask for increased greasiness. The product saturates the skin with vitamins, moisturizes, and gives tone. Separate the yolk from the white, squeeze out lemon juice, whisk everything thoroughly, apply to cleansed facial skin with a brush or soak gauze and make a fabric mask. Instead of lemon, you can add berries or fruits.

Nourishing with yogurt

Chemical composition of natural yogurt.

Rescue for sensitive, thin skin. The product effectively improves skin condition in autumn and winter. The yolk is mixed with a tablespoon of honey, yogurt (preferably natural, without additives), and a spoonful of vegetable oil are added. You can apply the mask to your entire face or just dry, thin, irritated areas. Action time is 20 minutes. Yogurt can be replaced with cottage cheese or cream, and vegetable oil with butter. In general, experiment.

Cleansing with clay

Delicate dry skin needs delicate care, which the egg-clay mask will provide. Take cosmetic clay, optimally pink or red. The recipe effectively removes toxins and is not very drying. First, the clay is diluted with water until it becomes mushy, then beaten yolk is added and applied to the face. It’s not easy to wash off the mass, so some girls and women make a mask on fabric. Cold yolk should not be used as it closes the pores and makes it difficult for nutrients to penetrate into the cells.

Rejuvenating with olive oil

Olive oil saturates the skin with fatty acids, nourishes, eliminates dryness, sometimes it is replaced with almond oil, wheat germ, and jojoba. The oil is poured into the yolk and whisked. That's it - the mask is ready. You can apply the product to irritated skin; moreover, the absorption of nutritional components by the epidermis will be even better.

Restorative with carrots

Suitable for dry, aging skin. Carrots are grated or chopped in a blender, mixed with a tablespoon of honey and one yolk. The paste is applied to the face and left for about 20 minutes, then washed off. It is best to lie down with this mask.

Winter mask against peeling with honey

The formula solves the problems of flaking, dryness, loss of elasticity, and dull color. In winter, the skin has a difficult time due to frost, winds, sudden temperature changes, and dry air, so proper care is especially important. It is recommended to melt the honey first; one yolk is needed per tablespoon of the product. Mix everything thoroughly and apply to the skin. You can wash off the mask with warm water or milk.

From acne from yolk and sour cream

The mask is applied to the face and décolleté area. You can use only these two components at the rate of one and a half to two tablespoons of sour cream and a couple of yolks, or supplement the recipe with applesauce, banana, and honey. The product can also be applied to the area around the eyes. When you wash off the mask, wipe your face with acne lotion.

With cottage cheese

A good recipe for dry skin. Choose the fat content of cottage cheese based on the type of epidermis: for dry skin you need fatty cottage cheese, for normal epidermis you need medium fat content. Dilute the curd-egg mixture with milk or cream until you obtain a thick paste. Keep it on for 20 minutes and rinse off.

With banana and sour cream

A good anti-aging product that gives a pronounced nutritional effect. For the raw yolk you need half a banana and a tablespoon of sour cream. Mash the banana, do not use the protein. Keep the mask on for up to 20 minutes, then wash.

With glycerin

Moisturizing homemade mask for aging dry skin. The composition turns out to be quite liquid, so either apply it lying down or use a fabric base. It is not recommended to use glycerin in summer; no more than a teaspoon is needed for 1 yolk. A teaspoon of water is also added to the mixture.

With gelatin - lifting recipe

For a raw yolk you need a teaspoon of gelatin, the same amount of vegetable oil, 3 tablespoons of milk. Gelatin is soaked until it swells - it is better to fill it with milk rather than water. Heat the mixture in a water bath, cool, add oil, yolk and apply in several layers. Keeping the mask on for 20 minutes is enough.

With starch

Pour a teaspoon of starch into 2 tablespoons of milk. Cool, add a teaspoon of flax seed oil, yolk, mix and apply to face. If desired, you can “flavor” the mass with vitamins A and E (a couple of drops of each).

Recipes for dry skin

Dry and sagging skin requires separate care, the main requirement of which is sufficient nutrition and hydration of the epidermis.

Oily (mixture of pharmaceutical oils)

Masks prepared with the addition of plant oils improve skin condition, relieve inflammation and reduce the development of wrinkles.

  • Prepare a mixture of 15 ml castor oil and 20 ml jojoba oil.
  • Beat the egg yolk and combine with the butter mixture.
  • The mixture is driven with your fingers into the skin that is damaged by wrinkles.
  • The procedure is carried out in 2-3 doses.
  • After 25 minutes, remove the mask with cotton pads.

How to cook properly

Homemade masks work no worse than store-bought ones, the main thing is to make them correctly:

  • Use heated or room temperature products, but not cold. For example, yolk from the refrigerator narrows the pores, and the whole effect disappears.
  • You always need to cleanse your skin first - using store-bought or homemade products (oatmeal, coffee scrub) is up to you.

  • The mixture should be used immediately after preparation.
  • The mask should be homogeneous, without lumps or clots.
  • Do not mix the white with the yolk - if the recipe says “yolk”, then you don’t need the white.
  • Containers for preparing the mask and brushes for application must be clean.

Apply the egg mixture strictly along the massage lines and rinse off too.

You may not be able to separate the yolk from the white the first time - you need to practice.

Anti-wrinkle masks with egg whites

For oily skin types, homemade masks based on egg whites help. They have strong cleansing and smoothing properties, tighten pores and regulate sebum production. There are many good reviews about egg whites for wrinkles under the eyes, where they appear first. The product restores metabolic processes and healthy lymph flow in tissues, due to which the formation of wrinkles slows down.

Anti-wrinkle mask made from protein and sugar

With increased oil production, first of all, it is necessary to deeply cleanse the skin and free the pores from accumulated toxins. You can use raw egg white in combination with sugar. The algorithm for preparing a mask looks like this:

  • break the egg and pour the white into a separate container;
  • add 1 large spoon of sugar to it and beat until completely dissolved;
  • Apply to washed skin three times in layers, each time allowing the previous layer to dry.

Egg white and sugar are good for wrinkles under the eyes and on the forehead

After complete application, the mask is left for 15 minutes and then washed off with warm and cool water alternately. The pores of the epidermis will be cleansed after the first application of egg white against wrinkles. And with regular use, sebum production is normalized.

Anti-wrinkle mask made from egg whites and cucumber

A mask containing fresh cucumber, protein and olive oil has a tightening and whitening effect. The healthy mixture moisturizes and refreshes, regulates cellular metabolism and smoothes out wrinkles.

The cooking recipe looks like this:

  • the egg is broken and only the white is extracted;
  • grind a small fresh cucumber in a blender;
  • mix the ingredients and add 1 large spoon of olive oil;
  • Beat the mixture thoroughly and spread over clean skin.

Cucumber-protein mixture restores smoothness and brightens skin

Leave the mask on for 20 minutes, then wash it off. Anti-wrinkle protein under the eyes has its first effect after about 2-3 weeks.

General rules and tips for application and use

Egg masks are useful at any age. If you want to maintain youth and beauty for as long as possible without spending exorbitant amounts of money on care, we recommend that you pay attention.

Yolk is a universal recipe for young and mature skin. The main thing is to choose the right accompanying components.

It is enough to do the mask once a week if you just need to keep your skin toned, and twice as often to solve severe problems. The duration of action of the composition is on average 15-25 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water. It is advisable that the mask does not dry out, as this will affect its effectiveness - when you feel that your skin is tightening, sprinkle your face with water. Try not to strain your muscles during the procedure and just let your body relax - the results will only get better.

The mask must be distributed along the massage lines of the face and neck.

The course of procedures is at least 10, after which there is a break for a month. If you prepare masks once a week for preventive purposes, there is no need for pauses. Before a home beauty session, you need to thoroughly cleanse your face - remove makeup, wash with foam or gel, and scrub.

Rules for applying anti-wrinkle masks with egg

Egg-based masks can have a good effect. But you must adhere to several rules:

  1. Care procedures need to be carried out regularly. The yolk and white of a raw egg will not be beneficial if used only once a month. You need to take care of the condition of the epidermis 2-3 times a week.
  2. Egg remedies are used in the evening, about an hour before bedtime. If you carry out the procedures in the morning, then after that you will have to apply decorative cosmetics and go outside. The skin will be exposed to aggressive influences during the day, so the beneficial effect will be reduced.
  3. Homemade egg-based mixtures are applied only to previously cleansed epidermis. Applying yolk to your face over cosmetics is pointless; the beneficial components will not fully penetrate the layers of the skin.
  4. You need to keep the cosmetic mixture of white and yolk on your face for an average of 15-20 minutes, and sometimes even less, for example, if citrus juice is an additional component.

The products are usually washed off with cool rather than warm water. Before removing the egg mixture, you can lightly massage your face with your fingertips to speed up blood circulation.

Masks made from white and yolk should be used regularly, at least 2 times a week.

Whether you prefer white or yolk for wrinkles depends on the type of epidermis. For oily skin it is better to use the protein part. If your face is prone to irritation, you can soften it with yolk.

Advice! After using the egg mixture, the skin can be lubricated with a light cream at night.


Despite the naturalness and hypoallergenic nature of the yolk, there are also contraindications for its use. Among them:

  • capillary mesh;
  • rosacea, dilated blood vessels;
  • fresh wounds, inflammation on the face;
  • scars;
  • tumors.
  • skin diseases in the acute stage.

Pre-test for individual tolerance, after the first procedures, monitor the skin reaction - if it is negative, the product is not suitable for you.

The yolk does not cause an allergy, but other components of the mask may contribute to its appearance.

Cheap recipes are quite effective, especially if used regularly. If the combination of yolk with honey or lemon juice does not suit you, try more neutral options - for example, cream or banana.

Possible side effects

Egg masks appear to be safe, but in some cases they can cause harm. For example, yolk from wrinkles around the eyes often causes allergies. Before use, you need to apply a little product to your wrist and see if there is any burning or irritation.

In addition, it is not recommended to use egg-based anti-wrinkle masks:

  • with rosacea or dilation of blood vessels passing close to the surface of the facial skin;
  • for diabetes mellitus;
  • for bronchial asthma;
  • with a tendency to grow facial hair, women may experience a more noticeable “moustache” above the lip.

It is better not to use egg masks if you have inflamed acne or open lesions. First you need to wait for healing and only then start fighting wrinkles.

The mechanism of action of yolk on the skin

The yolk itself is a unique substance, which is a treasure trove of vitamins and microelements necessary for proper nutrition of the skin. All of them, having a comprehensive effect on the epidermis, qualitatively improve its condition.

Therefore, a homemade egg yolk mask is a multifunctional cosmetic product containing beneficial substances necessary for the skin that can immediately relieve you of a number of problems:

  • vitamin A (another name is retinol) accelerates the processes of regeneration of damaged or already outdated cells, has a rejuvenating effect on the skin, which under the influence of retinol becomes firm and elastic, and also has a significant anti-inflammatory effect, and prevents the thinning of the skin;
  • vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) smoothes out the deepest wrinkles - both facial and age-related;
  • vitamin B12 (or cyanocobalamin) is an active participant in the cell renewal process, so any age-related changes under the influence of yolk masks will bypass you;
  • vitamin H (also called biotin) activates many cellular metabolisms - in particular, carbohydrate and fat, so the yolk mask is famous for its lifting effect: using it regularly at home, you don’t have to worry about the deterioration of your facial contours or the appearance of a double chin;
  • vitamin D (can be found under the name cholecalciferol) significantly slows down all aging processes, actively fights existing age-related changes in the form of pigmentation and wrinkles, and also gives the skin excellent tone;
  • choline (a unique vitamin-like substance) normalizes the production of sebaceous secretions of the epidermis, retains moisture in the cells (it is thanks to it that the driest skin is actively moisturized under the influence of yolk masks), treats peeling, soothes and rejuvenates the skin;
  • iron (the famous Fe) delivers much-needed oxygen to the cells, which will provide your skin with a healthy, natural appearance;
  • Cobalt (denoted as Co) is another unique substance found in egg yolk, it also improves complexion, makes your skin glow, and also actively fights pigmentation of any origin - from harmless freckles to noticeable spots during pregnancy.

Yolk masks, supplemented and enriched with other beneficial ingredients, have a complex effect on the skin and are an excellent skin care product for home use. If you have serious skin problems in terms of dryness or age-related changes, be sure to try masks to quickly and efficiently eliminate them.


Lesya, 27 years old. I started making yolk masks when I noticed the first signs of aging on my skin. I really liked their effect, as well as ease of execution and accessibility, I recommend it!

Marina is 23 years old. I really love taking care of my skin using natural products. Firstly, it is safe, and secondly, it is affordable, which is captivating in a constant crisis. Yolk-based face masks are the best solution for my dry skin. After using them, the skin becomes moisturized, smooth and soft, and I am very pleased with such an excellent result.

It is difficult to argue with the fact that yolk masks certainly have a good effect in solving many cosmetic problems. It is important to follow the rules for their proper use and then you will be able to achieve the desired result quickly and without any harm to your own body.

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