Chin augmentation with an implant: the most high-profile Hollywood careers begin with this operation

The chin and nose are those parts of the face that literally create our appearance. In plastic surgery, rhinoplasty is used to correct the nose, and mentoplasty is used for the chin.

With the help of plastic surgery, you can correct a slanted, small, massive, overly protruding chin, or you can remove the so-called “double chin.” Asymmetrical shape, congenital and acquired defects are also solved with the help of mentoplasty. The result of the operation is a harmonious shape of the entire face as a whole.


♦ Underdeveloped chin from birth ♦ Age-related changes in the face

If the first group of evidence, as a rule, does not raise questions, then the second may provoke confusion. Indeed, with age, the volume of tissue in the lower part of the face increases. Why make this worse?

The fact is that during a facelift we move the soft tissues of the face upward, to their original, youthful position, and then the age-related decrease in the volume of the lower jaw becomes obvious. Many people do not like this emerging disproportion. This is why implant placement often significantly improves the outcome of surgical facial rejuvenation. This improvement is visible when viewed from the front and especially when viewed in profile. Moreover, sometimes if there is insufficient bone support without a chin implant, it is difficult to obtain a lasting good result from neck plastic surgery.

Operation techniques

There are two main types of genioplasty that can be performed depending on the patient's desired outcome:

  • Osteotomy with osteoplastic transformation – used to reduce or enlarge the chin. Suitable for working with congenital and acquired deformities. During the operation, a fragment of bone located in the chin area is cut off. To enlarge the area, the surgeon moves the fragment forward, and to reduce it - back. The titanium plates remain in the body for life, attaching fragments to the lower jaw. Titanium does not cause allergic reactions and is absolutely safe for the human body. Access to the chin is achieved through an incision in the mouth, this avoids visible scars on the face. After the stitches are placed, the recovery process begins.
  • Implantation is more often used for genioplasty for patients who want to make their chin more expressive. It is carried out using silicone or cartilage implants. The second option is more preferable, since cartilage tissue cannot cause an allergic reaction and becomes part of the body.
  • Lipofilling is a technique that allows you to enlarge the chin area using subcutaneous fat tissue. Typically, the material is taken from the buttocks or abdominal wall. This type of genioplasty does not require any incisions, as it is performed using injections.

Many patients are pleasantly surprised to find that genioplasty is not a painful procedure. The surgeon will prescribe an appropriate pain reliever to minimize discomfort in the days following surgery. Pain and swelling should completely disappear within a few weeks.

Postoperative period

After installation of a chin implant, the patient experiences discomfort in the surgical area for 2-3 days. Painkillers successfully relieve them. There shouldn't be any severe pain! If you are experiencing severe pain after installing a chin implant, be sure to contact the surgeon who operated on you; perhaps the implant is not positioned correctly.

1-2 weeks after surgery, swelling occurs, associated with surgical trauma and the very fact of insertion of a foreign body. You don’t need to think at this moment that you have had an implant installed that is too large. The swelling will go away without a trace within 2 months.

Getting a chin implant is an operation you don't have to fear. It will not change your appearance radically. Your face will remain absolutely recognizable. The postoperative period proceeds in the same way as after most plastic surgeries, and averages 2 weeks. That is, in just 2 weeks you will enjoy changes for the better in the mirror!

To wash hair1 day
To drive a car1 day
Going to work3-7 days
Removing stitchesnot required
Sex life1 Week
Sunbathe in the sun or in a solarium2 -3 weeks until bruises disappear
Fitness with a gentle load2 weeks
Pool2 weeks
Mandatory follow-up visit to the doctor1 week, 2 months

A visit to a cosmetologist after surgical facial rejuvenation is welcome, but here there are certain restrictions. Before you begin the procedure, inform your cosmetologist that you have had surgery.

Lymphatic drainage facial massage3 days
Microcurrents3 days
Gentle cosmetic care, without mechanical cleaning10 days
Botox or Dysport injections1 Week
Peeling1 month
Face massage1 month
Laser resurfacing1 month
Injections of hyaluronic acid preparations6 months

Alternatives to mentoplasty

There are some alternatives to chin correction surgery that are less invasive and faster, but often not as effective:

  • Fillers . For minimal changes, fillers such as Radiesse can be injected into the chin area to change its shape. However, they do not provide a long-term solution to the problem. Men often choose this method of chin surgery.
  • Submental liposuction is a procedure that involves removing fatty tissue to make a major change to the chin. This procedure has a faster recovery period than chin correction surgery, but it is also invasive and may not produce significant results.
  • Orthodontic surgery - This procedure makes changes to the patient's dental structure, which is expected to change the chin. However, this method is long and achieving a pronounced effect may take several years.

Contraindications to mentoplasty

Mentoplasty is not performed on patients under 18 years of age. Also, the operation is not recommended for patients under 23–25 years of age, since at this age the bone skeleton continues to form, and for patients after 60 due to the difficult healing process. Absolute contraindications to surgery include:

  • circulatory pathologies;
  • epilepsy;
  • decompensated diabetes mellitus;
  • chronic diseases of blood vessels, heart, kidneys and liver;
  • skin damage in the correction area;
  • disorders of the thyroid gland;
  • dental diseases;
  • neuropsychiatric diseases.

Cost of mentoplasty

The price list shows the minimum price for chin augmentation. The final cost is calculated by the doctor during consultation, based on the volume and complexity of the surgical intervention. The announced amount will include the entire range of services related to the correction (surgeon consultations, anesthesia, surgery, hospital stay).

In 90% of cases, chin surgery is performed in conjunction with rhinoplasty. The cost of such a service is also determined individually - for two operations at once.

Mentoplasty (chin surgery)from 140,000 rub.

Sign up for a free consultation

How everything goes: main stages

First stage. Surgeon consultation

The appointment begins with finding out exactly what doesn’t suit you about your appearance and what changes you want to achieve in the end.
Often, an abnormal chin shape is not the patient’s only problem and, in addition to mentoplasty, he also requires plastic surgery of the nose, cheekbones or ears. All aesthetic defects are discussed in detail with the doctor. With a professional eye, he will assess the proportions of your face and suggest optimal correction methods. If you want, we will design future changes on the computer. To do this, the surgeon will take several photographs of you from different angles, then use a special program to make the necessary adjustments to them. Computer modeling does not predict the outcome of surgery with 100% accuracy, but sometimes helps the doctor and patient better understand each other.

The initial consultation at our clinic is absolutely free. The cost of subsequent procedures is already included in the price of mentoplasty.

Second phase. Preoperative diagnosis

To minimize all possible risks, you will be given a thorough examination before surgery, including:

  • CT scan of the skull,
  • blood tests for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis,
  • tests for blood group and Rh factor,
  • biochemical and general blood tests, coagulogram,
  • general urine analysis,
  • ECG.

When mentoplasty is combined with nose correction, rhinomanometry is additionally performed. The research results are assessed by a surgeon and an anesthesiologist.

Third stage. Operation

During the operation, the patient is in a state of medicated sleep. The surgeon makes an incision of about 3 cm on the inside of the lower lip or outside under the chin, then inserts the implant through it. To prevent the implant from moving later, it is fixed with special mini-screws. At the end of the operation, the incision is sutured and a fixing bandage is applied to the chin.

You will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of different mentoplasty technologies in advance with your doctor. With an external incision, an inconspicuous scar remains on the skin, while with an internal one, it will be hidden from others. The final technique is determined jointly: based on your wishes and the doctor’s recommendations.

Fourth stage. Rehabilitation in the clinic

An operation to enlarge one chin lasts 30-40 minutes, joint correction of several facial structures (usually the nose and chin) lasts 1.5-2 hours.

After the operation, your condition will be monitored by a full-time anesthesiologist-resuscitator for several hours. Patients are accommodated in 1-2-bed comfortable rooms.

For 4-5 days, slight soreness, swelling and numbness will be felt in the chin area, which can be relieved by applying ice and mild analgesics. Due to difficulties in chewing, nutrition will have to be limited to liquid and soft foods.

On the second day you will be examined again and discharged home.

How to enlarge your chin permanently? Chin implantation - a reliable and safe method

At Platinental we perform permanent chin augmentation using safe Porex implants.

Each chin implant from this company is made from a unique material – very dense and porous Medpor polyethylene. This biomaterial has been used in plastic surgery for more than 30 years. Such an impressive period is in itself an excellent recommendation.

The implant is safe, perfectly compatible with human tissue, does not cause complications, does not require fixation to the bone, grows into the tissue and does not migrate. Medpor implants are flexible and individually sculpted by the surgeon during surgery. This ensures that the implants accurately replicate the individual facial anatomy.

All this eliminates the need for new operations in the future - the Porex implant is installed once for life


In our practice, we are careful about chin augmentation using our own tissues and silicone implants. In the first case, there remains a risk of deformation, in the second - the formation of a scar capsule, which can distort facial features.

In our practice, we have deliberately abandoned implants that only increase the point of the chin, since this ultimately leads to the formation of a sharp, protruding chin. And in this case there is no longer any need to talk about the beautiful line of the lower jaw.

Rehabilitation period

  • At first, you will be concerned about pain, tissue swelling, and numbness of the skin in the area of ​​intervention.
  • If necessary, a special bandage will be applied to secure the site of the procedure.
  • Intraoral access will require food restrictions: at first only liquid food is allowed with careful removal of its remains.
  • It is recommended to reduce physical activity in the first days, limit visits to the gym for a month, and for people involved in martial arts to postpone training for at least 2-3 months.

Double chin removal

This defect in appearance occurs due to excess adipose tissue and sagging muscles and other soft tissue structures that form the floor of the mouth, the upper part of the neck and the lower third of the face.

To eliminate a double chin, non-surgical liposuction and muscle correction are performed.

Non-surgical liposuction (cavitation) . Impact on tissues from the outside with ultrasonic waves, as a result of which fat is removed independently.

Muscle correction . To obtain an elegant contour, muscle tightening is performed after eliminating the fat pad. Depending on your age, this may be a thread lift or a platysma lift (the muscle that runs from the chin to the collarbone). In case of excess skin and in patients over 45 years of age, sagging tissue is resected.

Surgical liposuction.

The crushed fat cells are sucked out through a special cannula inserted into the tissue incisions.

We also recommend reading: How to remove a double chin?

Remove double chin

A double chin is one of the most common complaints of people of any age. It can appear from birth, after weight gain and as a result of age-related changes. To make the chin and neck area attractive, we offer a special complex that will help remove excess skin and fat, tighten sagging skin, and make the cervical-chin angle clear. This result can be achieved by combining liposuction and platysmoplasty.

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