Mentoplasty, chin plastic surgery, price, photo

It is not a fact that a “strong-willed” chin is evidence of a person’s strength and fortitude. History knows a lot of examples when truly strong-willed people had a completely different chin shape. For example, the strong character and steely will of Frederick the Great, apparently, had nothing to do with his quite ordinary oval face.

If you are not satisfied with the shape of your chin, then do not worry - it is easy to fix. Mentoplasty and modeling of the shape of the chin at the Medial clinic allows you to increase or decrease its volume according to the patient’s wishes, aesthetic or medical indications.

Chin augmentation

This operation is performed when the chin is underdeveloped and the bite is satisfactory.

Chin augmentation can be done in several ways.
Correction with implants .
Depending on the condition of the soft tissues, they are installed directly on the bone or in a prepared soft tissue pocket. There are several types of implants:

  • special silicone inserts, solid or perforated;
  • bioimplants from the patient’s own cartilage (ear, costal, or excess nasal tissue during simultaneous rhinoplasty);
  • non-silicone porous implants reminiscent of the structure of corals. They take root easily and are firmly fixed by tissues due to their inward growth.

Osteoplastic correction . The protruding part of the lower jaw is cut down (horizontal osteotomy) and fixed in a new, extended position. For strength, the separated fragment is secured with a metal plate with screws. The displaced bone tissue always remains connected to the muscles of the floor of the mouth. This prevents atrophy and preserves the result of the operation for a long time. If the size of the moved bone fragment is not enough to achieve the required size, then contour plastic surgery is performed with one’s own fat (the remaining space is filled with one’s own adipose tissue).


After chin augmentation surgery, almost all patients note that their face looks not only more beautiful, but also younger. Everything is very simple! The increased size of the chin protuberance compensates for the missing volume of subcutaneous tissue, thanks to which all folds of the skin are straightened, jowls and wrinkles disappear, and the skin under the chin is tightened. But it is also prevention. Let's reveal a secret - people with a small (sloping) chin age earlier and more noticeably.

Chin plastic surgery (especially augmentation mentoplasty) is popular not only among women, but also among men. After all, it’s hard to imagine a man’s face without a beautiful, strong-willed chin.

Chin surgery is often performed simultaneously with rhinoplasty. If a small chin is adjacent to a large nose (the “parrot profile” effect) or the patient does not like the predatory profile with a hooked nose and a protruding chin, a comprehensive correction can be performed. This operation is called profiloplasty. We write about complex chin and nose surgery here.

Chin augmentation can be performed either with or without an implant (due to rotation of the bony protrusion of the chin). And, of course, Dr. Kudinova can not only enlarge, but also (which is much more difficult!) reduce your chin.

Kudinova Ekaterina Sergeevna

Candidate of Medical Sciences, certificates in plastic and maxillofacial surgery. International expert in face and neck lifts, eyelid surgery, eyebrow surgery, chin surgery, etc.

To learn more

Chin reduction

Reducing correction is performed for heavy and protruding chins. It is more often considered a “female” procedure that allows you to acquire a delicate facial contour.

When reducing the chin, an osteoplastic transformation is performed, similar to an increasing correction. But the bone flap obtained with a horizontal osteotomy is moved not forward, but backward. This makes the chin more invisible. The fabrics are also fastened with screws or a mini plate. Once the bone has fully fused, the metal parts can be removed and the bone sanded down for a smoother-feeling surface.

If you need to significantly reduce your chin, part of the bone tissue is completely removed. With simultaneous dental implantation, it can be used to build up atrophied areas of the alveolar processes of the jaws (sinus lift).

Reducing correction requires careful modeling and formation of the correct facial contour.


The following techniques are most often used for surgical correction of the chin:

Chin augmentation with modern implants . This low-traumatic method is indicated for patients with a small, underdeveloped chin who want to achieve more harmonious facial proportions with a clear lower jaw line.

Chin augmentation with your own bone tissue . Small chin augmentation, in which the surgeon moves part of the mental protuberance forward through an osteotomy. This plastic method is used to correct a sloping chin in both men and women.

Chin reduction (reduction mentoplasty) . Correction of a heavy chin, in which the surgeon works with the bone tissue, achieving the desired proportions. Reducing a long chin immediately changes the face, making it graceful and harmonious.

Alternative (non-surgical) methods are chin contouring with natural hyaluronic acid fillers or lipofilling. These methods are indicated if a slight increase in the chin or minor correction of its shape is required.

The choice of chin plastic surgery technique is carried out after a thorough study of the proportions of the face from various angles and other studies.

Double chin removal

This defect in appearance occurs due to excess adipose tissue and sagging muscles and other soft tissue structures that form the floor of the mouth, the upper part of the neck and the lower third of the face.

To eliminate a double chin, non-surgical liposuction and muscle correction are performed.

Non-surgical liposuction (cavitation) . Impact on tissues from the outside with ultrasonic waves, as a result of which fat is removed independently.

Muscle correction . To obtain an elegant contour, muscle tightening is performed after eliminating the fat pad. Depending on your age, this may be a thread lift or a platysma lift (the muscle that runs from the chin to the collarbone). In case of excess skin and in patients over 45 years of age, sagging tissue is resected.

Surgical liposuction.

The crushed fat cells are sucked out through a special cannula inserted into the tissue incisions.

We also recommend reading: How to remove a double chin?


Indications for chin correction surgery may include:

  • An underdeveloped, sloping chin, creating the effect of a small “bird” face;
  • A small chin and age-related changes, as a result of which soft tissues slide down, forming “jowls” and a double chin;
  • Too large, protruding chin;
  • Wide, heavy lower jaw (“horse-like” face);
  • Unattractive or asymmetrical chin shape.

To obtain a comprehensive result, chin surgery can be combined with liposuction and neck lift, as well as rhinoplasty.

Results Before and After CHIN PLASTY View now

Features of the procedure

The manipulation is carried out under local anesthesia, sometimes it is supplemented with intravenous sedatives.

Tissue cutting is possible in two ways:

  • inside the oral cavity (intradentally), in this case no visible traces remain outside;
  • external access, under the chin. In the future there will be a small scar, over time it will become less noticeable.

The duration of the intervention depends on the technique, the purpose of the procedure and its complexity. For small changes, for example, when removing a double chin, which is considered the easiest option, 30-40 minutes are enough; when increasing the chin using implants or when injecting your own fat, it will take 1.5-2 hours, but a reducing correction, which is The most complex type of operation can last up to 2-2.5 hours.

The recovery period lasts about 2 weeks, and the full effect of the operation is visible after an average of 90 days.

Chin correction. (Before and After Photos)

The chin is the foundation, as is the cheekbone area. That is why close attention is paid to these areas when it comes to rejuvenating and refreshing the face.

If the chin is large or square, this creates the feeling of a heavy face, a large jaw, which undoubtedly suits men, but does not add femininity to the face at all. If the chin is too small, then age-related features on the face begin to appear very quickly, and in general the face looks disharmonious. Asymmetries do not always “spoil” the face; their presence begins to appear more with age, complementing the tired appearance.

Therefore, of course, a cosmetologist, like an artist or sculptor, evaluates the face as a whole, and if he sees a lack of harmony due to the characteristics of the chin, he tries to smooth them out. I would like to especially note that you should not make all faces the same cheekbones + lips + chin, but rather harmonize this particular face without distorting the features or crossing out the main thing.

Rehabilitation period

  • At first, you will be concerned about pain, tissue swelling, and numbness of the skin in the area of ​​intervention.
  • If necessary, a special bandage will be applied to secure the site of the procedure.
  • Intraoral access will require food restrictions: at first only liquid food is allowed with careful removal of its remains.
  • It is recommended to reduce physical activity in the first days, limit visits to the gym for a month, and for people involved in martial arts to postpone training for at least 2-3 months.

Recovery process

After mentoplasty, recovery is quick and you do not need to worry about scarring. If the incision was made under the chin, the scar will be small and invisible. If the incision was made inside the oral cavity, it will remain hidden.

Once the surgery is complete, the plastic surgeon will apply a bandage.

After the operation, there may be pain in the jaw area, so during this period it is better to limit yourself to a liquid diet. You may also experience stiffness around your chin and mouth for the first week after surgery.

Since surgery is always stressful for the body, it is better to reduce physical activity as much as possible in the first 10 days after surgery. You can then largely resume your normal schedule, but it is best not to do anything strenuous for three weeks after surgery. The specialist will give you more specific recommendations.

The chin may not be the first part of the face that people notice, but it has a strong impact on overall appearance. Change can even help improve self-esteem. Mentoplasty is a modern and safe method of correcting the shape of the face.

During the procedure, the surgeon makes an incision inside the lower lip or under the chin. The chin bone is then repositioned or an implant is placed through the incision.

Bely Igor Anatolyevich plastic surgeon, Doctor of Medical Sciences


Chinplasty can change the aesthetic appearance of the chin

The placement and size of the chin plays an important role in balancing other facial features such as the nose, forehead and cheeks, which contributes to the overall harmonization of the face

Genioplasty can provide significant benefits for people who are unhappy with the appearance of their chin.

In an earlier study conducted in 2011 among 37 people who had sliding genioplasty procedures, more than 94% were extremely satisfied with their results.

Why is this necessary?

People usually undergo genioplasty procedures to change the appearance of their chin, but there are medical reasons for this surgery.

An example of this is retrogenia or drooping chin. Retrogenia can lead to obstructive sleep apnea, a sleep disorder in which a person's breathing repeatedly stops and starts throughout the night.

According to a 2022 retrospective study, researchers found that people with certain chin and jaw defects had a higher risk of developing obstructive sleep apnea. The risk was especially high if they were over 30 or overweight.

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