Double chin massage: how much to do and how to achieve the effect

Expert opinion

ANASTASIA DUBINSKAYA, psychophysiologist, neuropsychologist, founder and director of the “Revitonika” school “You will be surprised, but the problem of a double chin lies not where it seems at first glance.
It turns out that the reason for its appearance is complex, and it is associated with disorders of posture, neck statics and incorrect functioning of the lymphatic system. For example, if the neck is shortened at the back, the entire internal structure, including the larynx, will protrude forward. Moreover, the platysma, which covers the inside of the neck, can separate along the seam from the pressure of the larynx, exposing the cartilage of the larynx. This is how sagging and uneven surface appear. To correct the static nature of the neck, it is necessary to restore the balance of the thoracic region, that is, the relationship between the front and back surfaces of the body.” “The front surface of the neck is also actively involved in the formation of a double chin. This small submandibular region is formed by about 20 superficial and deep muscles. And they are all attached to the hyoid bone, lining the bottom of the mouth. Here we spoil our own lives: a rounded back, a sunken chest and an extended head forward - this is how we pull the muscles of the front surface of the body down and upset their balance. The neck muscles shorten, become stiff and unyielding. And so the tissues under the chin turn into problem areas: “veins”, double chins, chins or “tail fat”.

We must not forget about the platysma (the superficial muscle of the neck, we have already mentioned it), which is woven with fibers into the lower part of the face. When you stoop, the platysma slides down along with other deformed neck muscles and pulls the entire lower part of the face with it. This threatens not only a double chin, but also drooping corners of the mouth, loss of clear lip contours, sagging and uneven facial contours.

Slouching and tense neck muscles block blood vessels, causing lack of circulation. Also, a common cause of swelling of the submandibular area and double chins is lymphatic stasis - blockage of the lymph nodes. Under the weight of excess fat and stagnant lymph, the tissues under the chin are pulled down, dragging the lower face area with them.

Thus, to remove a double chin, you need to work not only locally with it itself, but also to involve all associated structures. To achieve a visible and lasting result, it is necessary to daily and competently perform exercises that work comprehensively with the muscles of the hyoid bone, restoring the floor of the mouth, the lower part of the face, and the lymphatic system of the head and neck.”

Study the enemy and you will understand how to defeat him. Many troubles - massage is the answer.

There are many reasons for the appearance of a double chin. Not all of them depend on us, unfortunately. But you can still fight the result. Let's figure out what the problem is and draw up an action plan.

  1. Low tone of the cervical, facial, and sublingual muscles. Let's start stimulation, exercises will help (a separate article is devoted to them).
  2. Subcutaneous fat in the chin area. If you are not ready for liposuction, then we begin massage sessions.
  3. Loose skin. Massage should be combined with the application of nourishing and rejuvenating masks.
  4. Folds as a result of the formation of a second or third chin.

There are several ways to solve the problem: liposuction, special exercises and massage. The latter, without radical intervention, will help get rid of all the troubles listed above: it will make the skin elastic and smooth, minimize the fat layer, activate collagen production, and help improve muscle tone.

These can be either salon procedures, some of which give effect after 2-3 sessions, or home massages. It's worth choosing what will be best for you. Evaluate your free time, financial capabilities, productivity, don’t forget about willpower, are you sure laziness won’t win?

Cupping facial massage “Before” and “After”

You can see the benefits of cupping vacuum massage by looking in the mirror. Imagine: before the procedure, you had wrinkles on your face, swelling under your eyes, and your skin looked flabby. You didn't want to communicate with anyone.

After the procedures, bags under the eyes disappear, fine wrinkles are smoothed out, and deep wrinkles become barely visible to others. They can be smoothed out using special means. The skin looks healthy and returns to its normal color. After evaluating the result, a sparkle appears in the eyes. And you realize that life is wonderful.

For a massage from a professional, what you need to know

Unfortunately, double chin massage has contraindications:

  • the presence of moles, papillomas, acne, acne, herpes in the face and neck area;
  • respiratory tract diseases, thrombosis, inflammation of the lymph nodes, rosacea;
  • high temperature (wait until the fever subsides).

If everything is fine, feel free to begin the massage course.

The salon will offer you several types:

  1. Spanish. Aimed at changing the structure of subcutaneous fat and stimulating blood vessels. Allows you to smooth the skin and increase its tone. Performed using massage oil.
  2. French. Increases skin elasticity, models the oval of the face, eliminates sagging.
  3. European. Has a lifting effect. Modeling rejuvenating massage.

The technique can be either manual (basic) or stone or vacuum massage. In addition to massage oils, honey and menthol-containing products that have a cooling effect are often used. At the end of the procedure, a mask is usually applied to enhance the effect. The procedure can last from 0.5 to 1.5 hours. The effect is achieved after a course of 8-10 massages.

Salon procedures can also be carried out using special devices. In this case, the effect of vacuum massage can be enhanced by additional elements:

  • restoration of electrolyte balance, improvement of collagen synthesis (electrical energy, high-frequency impulses);
  • reduction of the layer of subcutaneous fat (infrared radiation).

The procedure takes about 30 minutes. After 4 sessions, the skin becomes elastic, sagging goes away, and excess folds are smoothed out.

How to remove a double chin in a beauty salon

Hardware procedures

Hardware sessions are addressed to those who want to remove their double chin using cosmetology. They eliminate fat and tighten the skin, but are less dangerous than injections and plastic surgery. Popular hardware systems are vacuum, ultrasound, microcurrent therapy and the use of radio frequency waves.

Such procedures help to quickly get rid of this problem and are especially relevant in cases where the question is how to remove a double chin for a man, since they are extremely rarely adherents of homemade masks and self-massage.

  • The essence of the vacuum technique is the effect of negative pressure - vacuum. As a result, there is increased blood circulation in the tissues, improved metabolism and fat burning. In addition, the vacuum helps accelerate lymph flow, which reduces puffiness and makes the lower part of the face less voluminous.
  • Ultrasound therapy , by penetrating into the deep layers of the skin, allows you to break down fat cells, which are subsequently eliminated naturally. In addition, ultrasound promotes the formation of collagen, as a result of which the dermis is tightened.
  • Microcurrent therapy is the effect of low-frequency currents on fat deposits in the lower part of the face. In addition, the procedure helps improve skin elasticity. It becomes more elastic.
  • The use of radiofrequency waves is an analogue of a tightening using surgery. It has a very noticeable lifting effect. This is an effective option to remove a double chin.

Read material on the topic: Microcurrent procedure: types and methods of therapy, indications and contraindications

Injections against double chin

The introduction of special preparations is one of the most effective methods used in beauty salons and clinics. This method helps to remove a double chin with injections that are given directly to the problem area. Let's get acquainted with the most popular technologies.

  • The injection of drugs containing lipolytics is the most common injection in the fight against a double chin. The advantage of this method is the active breakdown of fat, reducing the size of the problem. It is recommended to take a course of four to seven sessions at weekly intervals. The disadvantages include pain during the procedure, possible swelling and redness, which disappear within a few days.
  • The introduction of special threads is another way to remove a double chin. They are made from environmentally friendly materials, they are safe and do not cause allergies. They give clarity to the oval of the face and represent a kind of framework that supports the tissue. The effect lasts up to five years, the method is the most effective in comparison with similar ones. Salon procedures solve the problem of a double chin in a week.

Read the material on the topic: Aptos threads for face lifting - a modern effective way of rejuvenation

Double chin plastic surgery

Plastic surgery is a drastic procedure recommended only as a last resort. The disadvantages of this method are postoperative recovery and possible complications. The advantage is the effective ability to remove a double chin.

Clinics offer the following surgical options: lifting, liposuction and plastic surgery of this area.

  • A double chin lift is recommended when there is little sagging tissue and little fat.
  • Liposuction is the invasive destruction of fat in a problem area. The killed fat cells are then removed through a cannula.
  • Double chin plastic surgery involves making a skin incision followed by tightening and fixing the muscles.

Nowadays, you no longer have to spend a lot of time performing complex and unpleasant procedures at home. It is much easier to seek help from real professionals - the Veronika Herba beauty and health center, equipped with effective and modern equipment.

Why clients choose Veronika Herba Beauty and Health Center:

  • This is a beauty center where you can take care of yourself at a reasonable cost, while your face and/or body will be treated not by an ordinary cosmetologist, but by one of the best dermatologists in Moscow. This is a completely different, higher level of service!
  • You can receive qualified help at any time convenient for you. The beauty center is open from 9:00 to 21:00, seven days a week. The main thing is to agree with your doctor in advance on the date and time of your appointment.

Sign up for a consultation with a specialist by phone +7 (495) 085-15-13

, and you will see for yourself!

Home alternative to salon treatments

Our hands are not for boredom

The easiest way that does not require any investment is hand massage. It is recommended to perform it twice a day, morning and evening, allocating at least 10 minutes for each procedure.

  1. Cleansing the skin. If desired, you can use massage oil or cream according to your skin type.
  2. We start with slow stroking from the center of the chin, alternately in all directions.
  3. We relax the neck muscles using circular movements.
  4. We perform pats with the back of the hand (or with the fingertips).
  5. Using light pinching we move along the fold formed by the second chin.
  6. Starting with intense circular movements, gradually slow down.

Towel. Beach or massage?

  1. Dry rubbing. We apply a terry towel to the chin and move it left and right, rubbing the chin. We start with slow movements, gradually starting to speed up. Warm up the skin until slightly reddened.
  2. Wet rubbing. You can use plain water, but the effect will be better if you replace it with a decoction of herbs (St. John's wort and chamomile for a firming effect, coltsfoot to maintain tone and improve skin color). The towel is soaked in liquid and rubbed. This can be cold, hot rubbing or alternating them. For the latter, you will need two towels and containers, for example, with a hot decoction of herbs and a cold solution of sea salt. The procedure takes 10 minutes.

Vacuum effect

It is important to perform massage using cups in compliance with certain rules.

  1. The diameter of the jar is 1-2 cm for the chin, no more than 3 cm for the neck area.
  2. Preparation is required. Warm up the massage area (you can steam it), cleanse the skin (washing gel, tonic), apply massage oil (from flax seeds, pumpkin, grapes, wheat germ, etc.).
  3. The can movements are performed from the chin down, left and right. Having reached the end, the can is removed and returned to the starting point. The chin itself is massaged in a circular motion.
  4. If discomfort, burning, or redness occurs, the procedure is completed. It may be worth changing the size of the can, the compression force, or the composition of the oil.
  5. The course consists of 15 massages, performed every other day, then a month break.

How to choose a jar for the procedure

  • To carry out kinetic or dynamic massage,
    the jar is first attached to the skin and then moved along the massage lines. The skin is not treated as deeply as with a static procedure, but during one session a larger area is covered, and no bluish spots remain on the skin. It is better to perform the procedures using silicone or rubber jars. For people with delicate skin, small jars that are equipped with a special valve are better suited. It allows you to adjust the vacuum strength.
  • For vacuum massage, cans often used .
    First you need to squeeze the bulb, and then place the jar on the body. You need to make sure that deep creases do not form on the skin.
  • The vacuum in silicone and rubber cans is created by compressing the body
    . They are used for dynamic procedures. These products are small in size. They are perfect if you are going to have a massage for the first time.
  • out of cans with a mechanical pump through a special valve that is installed on the product.
    Thanks to this, the pressure can be easily adjusted during a vacuum massage. Remove the jar by opening the valve. The kit includes a flexible hose. With its help, the cups can be easily installed on the back when performing a vacuum massage at home. The skin is not damaged. The scheme is selected individually for each person.
  • An excellent massage effect is achieved by jars equipped with a magnet
    . It is attached to special tubes. During the procedure, the magnet adheres tightly to the skin. Experts claim that magnets enhance the anti-cellulite effect, but there is no evidence of this fact in the scientific literature.

How and what will help consolidate the result

Once you are convinced of the effectiveness of the massage, you want to maintain the effect. But how? There are options.

  1. Proper nutrition and enough water. No matter how banal it may sound, there is no way without this. The skin must receive moisture and nutrients in the required volume. The body must maintain balance on its own.
  2. Face and neck masks. This can be cosmetic clay, mashed potatoes with milk, dry yeast with milk, yolk with olive oil and lemon.
  3. Contrast compresses. Hot and cold towels are applied alternately to the chin for at least 15 minutes. It is recommended to soak them in decoctions of medicinal herbs (sage, linden, nettle is ideal) or a solution of sea salt.
  4. Exercises to keep the muscles of the problem area in good shape.

There are no unsolvable problems! The main thing is to choose the right strategy and follow it to the end. You can get rid of a double chin, even if it takes some time and patience. And if you still can’t cope alone, let’s remember a more radical method. But that is another story…

Types of vacuum facial massage

The following types of vacuum massages are performed in beauty salons:

  • Static;
  • Kinetic;
  • Vacuum roller;
  • Laser-vacuum.

When performing a static procedure, the jars are placed on problem areas, while the kinetic procedure is carried out along the massage lines.

Vacuum roller massage refers to hardware types of effects on the body.

The laser-vacuum procedure involves the use of two types of energy - cold laser and mechanical. For each person, specialists select the procedure that suits them optimally.

Method 1: Plastic massage from the double chin

Price from 1000 rub. per procedure

This effective and safest method is suitable for both young and mature women. The skillful hands of a massage therapist are able to “break” fat deposits and tighten facial muscles, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient as much as possible: the thickness and elasticity of the skin, the presence of rosacea and inflammatory reactions. According to many aesthetic medicine specialists, plastic massage works well for a double chin even with severe gravitational ptosis, but when performing it, it is necessary to take into account the antagonism of the facial muscles. Almost all of our muscles work “in conjunction”: when some are too tense, others are relaxed. The drooping of the lower and middle third of the face is almost always “linked” to hypertonicity of the muscles of the back of the neck, and they, in turn, are a powerful antagonist of the forehead muscle. Hence the common situation: tense shoulders and neck “neighbor” with facial wrinkles of the forehead and a sagging line of the oval face. Therefore, when performing a massage, it is important to start with the most relaxing deep effect on the muscles of the neck and shoulder pole and lymphatic drainage techniques (releasing excess fluid allows you to work the tissues deeper).

In order to get rid of a double chin, on average, 8-10 procedures are required, once a week.


  • direct dependence of the result on the skill of the massage therapist;
  • temporary effect: to maintain muscle tone, massage should be performed regularly;
  • The more atonic the muscle and the heavier the skin (swollen, rough, prone to oiliness, with stretched pores), the more difficult it is to get rid of a double chin.

Precautions, side effects

If you do the procedure correctly, taking into account contraindications, the result will only bring joy. Side effects and complications are present if:

  • Show excessive enthusiasm (violation of the frequency and duration of sessions, intense impact on unaccustomed skin);
  • Select low-quality material;
  • Do not monitor the cleanliness of the skin and cups;
  • Save on gel and oils;
  • Violate the technique.

Health does not forgive a frivolous attitude towards oneself. Side effects after a vacuum massage, if you neglect the rules and contraindications, are extremely unpleasant:

  • Increased rash, acne formation. Reason: insufficient cleansing of the dermis, instruments, the presence of inflammation and pustules before the procedure.
  • Bruises, hemorrhages. The problem is the fragile capillaries located close to the surface. They appear if the force of impact is not calculated.
  • Swelling appears if the cups are removed incorrectly.
  • Stretch marks. The most unpleasant complication. It appears if manipulations are carried out illiterately, contrary to all the rules.

Experienced cosmetologists usually do not experience side effects after the procedure (unless contraindications are hidden). But spending time at home, especially for the first time, is risky. At a minimum, you need to carefully study the technique, rules of application, and reviews of the procedure.

Indications and contraindications for cupping facial massage

Vacuum facial massage sessions can improve the quality of the skin, preserve and prolong youth. They are performed in the presence of wrinkles, swelling under the eyes, smoothness of the oval of the face and excessive depth of the nasolabial fold, sagging skin. After several sessions, a person’s appearance improves.

The procedures
are not performed if the following contraindications are present:

  • Severe acne;
  • Exacerbation of acne;
  • Wounds, abrasions, burns and cuts on the face;
  • Warts, moles, papillomas in the massaged area;
  • Malignant neoplasms;
  • Herpetic rashes;
  • Dermofibromas;
  • Neuritis of the facial nerve;
  • Respiratory viral diseases;
  • Excessive fragility of capillaries;
  • Increased threshold of pain sensitivity.

Women should refrain from performing vacuum massage on menstrual days during pregnancy. The session must be carried out carefully in case of high blood pressure, and during a hypertensive crisis the procedure should be abandoned altogether. Under no circumstances should vacuum procedures be performed at elevated temperatures, runny nose, or chills. Avoid them if you suspect you have Covid infection. In most cases, you can start sessions after recovery or when the severity of the symptoms of the disease decreases (after consulting your doctor).

How massage combats excess folds

Under the influence of various factors, fat deposits may begin to accumulate in the chin area. In addition, with age, the production of collagen fibers, which are responsible for the firmness and elasticity of the skin, decreases. All this leads to the appearance of a double chin.

By massaging the problem area, you can activate metabolic processes and enhance lymphatic drainage in the subcutaneous tissue. Plus, massage movements can increase the production of collagen and elastin. Thus, massage is an effective method of combating fat folds in the chin area.

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