Motiva breast implants: review + reviews, cost and photos of results

In this article we will take a closer look at Motiva breast implants. You will learn what types there are and who the manufacturer is. And also, the progress of preparation and execution of the operation, how long the warranty lasts after installation and how the recovery period goes. We will also show the results in “before and after photos” and read the reviews of patients and the opinions of plastic surgeons.

Motive breast implants

About the manufacturer

Motiva implants are manufactured by Establishment Labs, a company specializing in products for aesthetic medicine. The head office is located in the USA, and the production of implants is carried out in Costa Rica. Every year the company invests huge amounts of money in research, thereby guaranteeing the quality and safety of its products. In addition, Establishment Labs employs only the most talented scientists who are constantly improving it.

Official website in Russia -

Is it hard to study? Easy with speech processors

But schoolchildren and students with cochlear implants require special conditions.

  • For minors, the latest generation of speech processors (for example, SONNET 2 from MED-EL), which allow the use of directional microphones and noise reduction, are recommended. In the classroom, devices are tuned to the teacher’s speech.
  • Students with hearing impairments should and are officially entitled to occupy the first desks.
  • If one ear is implanted, then it is on this side that you need to sit closer to the teacher - the source of the sound.
  • Schoolchildren and students of any age can and should use special FM systems during lectures - wireless microphones with additional noise reduction that are connected to speech processors. A teacher can put such a device in his pocket, attach it to his clothes, and a hearing-impaired student will better perceive speech. The student can place the FM transmitter on the teacher's desk.


In the production of Motiv implants, 2 types of gels are used: Progressie Gel Plus and Progressie Gel Ultima. Thanks to this filler, they allow you to recreate the natural shape of the mammary glands. At the same time, the breasts look natural. And Q Inside Safety Technology makes it possible to obtain the necessary product information using a hand-held scanner.

The most advanced technologies are used in production

Ergonomic principles

It often happens that during the postoperative period, patients experience displacement of the implant. To prevent such consequences, the company developed MOTIVAErgonomix™. During the manufacturing process, technologists took into account all the principles of ergonomics. Thanks to this, after surgery, the breasts continue to look natural, even during active movements and in any body position. TrueTissue Technology™ allows you to maintain breast softness and securely fix the implant.

Thanks to the latest technology, implants allow breasts to look more natural

Equipped with QiD chip

Motiva products include a unique chip designed with Q Inside Safety Technology™ and operating in the radio frequency range. It is located inside the implant itself and is not active.

Its main purpose is to store information related to the product: series, number, sterilization date, etc. The device allows you to find out all the information about the implants, even if the documents for them are lost. The chip includes a 15-digit code that is read when the scanner is pointed at the patient's chest.

Q Inside Safety Technology allows you to read implant information

This technology also allows you to save yourself from unnecessary hassle and not have to store documents with a guarantee. If necessary, you can find out everything about the product using non-invasive technology, which previously seemed impossible.

Implant coating

The coating of the implants consists of hypoallergenic material. Everything that is used to make the shell meets international safety criteria and has passed a number of tests. The surface is rough, just the kind that is necessary for reliable fixation.

Implants are available in two shells:

  • VelvetSurface - velvet (microtextured) shell that provides reliable fixation;
  • SilkSurface is a silk (nanotextured) shell, highly compatible with fabrics. Fixes the implant more reliably than the previous version due to the greater number of contact points on the surface.

The implant shell includes only hypoallergenic materials


Thanks to realistic 3D models, you can see the result even before the surgeon intervenes, which allows you to choose the best option for a particular woman. First, information about the patient’s external data is collected. Then the monitor displays a model of the future breast and how it will look in a particular case when choosing a certain shape of the implant. Thus, the error in selection is reduced to zero.

Divina technology allows you to select the most optimal implant option for a particular woman

Divina technology is capable of determining not only external characteristics, but also the structure of the skin, as well as the structure of muscles and the characteristics of glandular tissue. The program can reproduce the position of the chest during various movements. Intel RealSense™ provides the ability to detect tissue depth for an even more realistic model.

Rheological properties of the gel

A highly cohesive filler ensures elasticity and softness of implants, and also adapts to the characteristics of breast tissue. Motiva uses 3 types of gels:

  • Progressive Gel Contour - retains its shape, is as elastic as possible (implants with such a filler are not supplied to Russia);
  • Progressive Gel Plus - helps maintain the natural shape of the breasts, soft to the touch;
  • Progressive Gel Ultima is even more innovative than the previous filler. Recreates the natural shape of the breast, maintaining a feeling of comfort and naturalness in all positions.

3 types of gels that are used in the manufacture of Motiv implants

Fillers are characterized by individual rheological properties, so each of them has a certain viscosity and elasticity. They have passed all US Federal Quality Inspections and are compliant with ASTM F 703-07, ensuring they are safe and reliable to use.

Bluseal protective layer

The company has developed and patented a special protective layer BLUSEAL®, equipped with an indicator. The durable shell prevents tissue from coming into contact with the filling. The indicator system allows you to monitor the integrity of the protective layer. If the shell has a blue tint, this guarantees no damage. The protective coating meets ASTM and ISO.8 quality standards.

This is what the BLUSEAL protective layer looks like under magnification

Do silicone implants have an expiration date?

Breast implants have changed significantly since their introduction in the 1960s. They have become much more convenient, reliable and safe. Although the manufacturers themselves indicate that the products do not have a real service life, giving a lifetime guarantee for installed implants, there are a number of factors that influence the duration of their use.

On average, the shelf life of breast implants is up to 10-15 years, after which repeated surgery and breast correction are recommended. This is due to many factors, including changes in a woman's figure as she ages, changes in the ratio of muscle to fat tissue in the implant area, overall body weight and proportions, sagging skin, changes in aesthetic preferences, etc.

Types of Motiva breast implants

Motiva implants vary in size and shape. For each woman, a specific option is selected depending on her desires and physiological characteristics.

Choice of shape and size

Implants come in round and anatomical shapes and are manufactured in different projections and sizes. To select the optimal option, 3D modeling is used, which allows you to recreate the anatomical features of a particular woman in a few minutes.

Round implants (Motiva Round). They are preferred when there is a need to enlarge the upper pole of the mammary gland, creating a push-up effect.

Motiva Round allows you to make the upper chest more voluminous

Anatomical implants (Motiva Ergonomix). They allow you to recreate the natural shape of the breast. In this case, the emphasis is on its lower pole. The second option is more preferable, but requires special precision of manipulation during surgery.

Motiva Ergonomix allows you to create a more natural breast shape

Selecting volume, base and projection

The result depends on the correct choice of base, volume and projection.

  • The base allows you to determine the size by which your breasts can and should be enlarged.
  • The volume of the cup is selected in accordance with the structure of the chest, as well as the physiological characteristics of the mammary glands. This is where 3D modeling comes in handy again.
  • The projection allows you to determine the fullness of the breast.

Variants of Motiva Ergonomix implants

Variants of Motiva Round implants

What new did Motiva bring?

The Motiva company differs from its competitors in two features: ergonomics and new Q-chip technology.

Motiva ergonomix are breast implants that have an even more natural shape and structure than previous products. The creation took place thanks to numerous studies of anatomical endoprostheses. Naturalness is created under the influence of gravity, and implants follow all movements of the woman’s body. As a result, the natural beauty of the new breast brings aesthetic pleasure to its owner.

The Q-chip is the world's first microchip for use in breast implants. It is intended for scanning the condition of the breast and possible access to this information for a plastic surgeon. The technology is convenient for medical practice and also provides a guarantee of safety for the client.

comparison table

ImplantMotiva ErgonomixMotiva Round
Gel typeProgressive Gel UltimaProgressive Gel Plus
Fill polePartially upper and lowerUpper
  • natural breast shape that suits any age;
  • elastic and soft material;
  • adapts to mammary gland tissues;
  • reliable fixation.
  • creates a push-up effect;
  • elastic and elastic material;
  • low probability of gel leakage.
FlawsRequires careful installation during surgery. Does not allow the slightest errors. Suitable for young girls, does not look very natural.

Composition of implants

One of the main advantages of Motiva products is the ultra-soft filler made from a special unique silicone gel:

  • ProgressiveGel Contour;
  • ProgressiveGel Ultima;
  • Progressive Gel Plus.

The entire product line consists of 100% safe medical silicone gel that has passed the necessary certification.

The high viscosity and elasticity of the filler ensures a natural appearance, strength and support for the chosen shape. Types of silicone gel differ in their degree of viscosity and elasticity.

Laboratory tests

Establishment Labs has been conducting a 10-year study since 2010 to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of Motiva breast implants. Over the entire period, not a single patient developed capsular contracture or seroma, which proves the safety and high quality of the product. The effectiveness of the study is confirmed by MRI images.

The average age of participants is 31 years. Persons aged 21 to 51 years were allowed to begin the study. During the postoperative period, there were also no cases of complications such as hematomas, seromas, swelling and infections.

At the request of three patients, a repeat revision of the implants was carried out in order to further enlarge the breasts. No other complications were identified, but the study will continue until 2020.

Types of Motiva implants

The surface of breast implants can be smooth or textured. Manufacturers have traditionally achieved the latter by using sugar, salt or other fine particles. However, according to recent research, the use of such materials leads to a rough texture, which can cause a number of side effects. This information is especially relevant for women leading an active lifestyle.

Motiva Implant Matrix® SilkSurface® and VelvetSurface® are innovative implant surface types that are created without the use of harsh foreign materials. Their production uses a special technology that ensures ideal biological compatibility. In addition, thanks to the use of nanotechnology, such a surface ensures freedom of interaction between the implant and surrounding tissues, resulting in natural breast movements.

Preparing for surgery

The preparatory stage includes:

  • general and biochemical blood tests;
  • urine test;
  • fluorography;
  • ECG;
  • blood test to determine the level of coagulation.

Before the operation you need to undergo a series of examinations and pass the necessary tests

During this period, an implant is selected in accordance with the physiological characteristics of the woman. Also, 2 weeks before the intervention, taking medications that affect blood clotting is excluded. Additionally, it is important to tell your doctor about the following:

  • what medications are you currently taking;
  • Do you have any chronic diseases or allergic reactions to medications?
  • whether there are fears and doubts.

At the stage of preparation for the operation, it is necessary to prepare yourself mentally. 12 hours before the intervention, it is recommended to refuse food and water. Also prepare everything you need: slippers, robe, personal hygiene items.

Technology in your head

A cochlear implant is a high-tech device; the newer the model, the more complex it is and the more capabilities it has. Wireless control, connection not only to a smartphone, but also to elements of a smart home, increasing the intelligibility of sounds to incredible heights in automatic mode... - sheer futurism. But we know from any other technology and electronics that the finer and more numerous the settings, the easier it is to break them. And with a cochlear implant, in this regard, psychologically it’s even worse. After all, this is:

  • An expensive device, if you do not install it according to a quota, then for most people it is financially unaffordable.
  • To replace the internal part, you need to do a second operation.

Therefore, owners of such devices naturally have questions:

  1. How will the device react to strong electromagnetic radiation, for example, from an MRI machine?
  2. Will frequent passage through metal detectors cause harm?
  3. A separate conversation is about sports, travel, any activity.

This hearing aid can be turned off and removed completely; with a cochlear implant, this is only possible with a speech processor; a large and important part of the device remains literally in the head.

It's actually not that scary. Thousands of people around the world live full lives with cochlear implants with little or no discomfort. But! Some caution and vigilance should still be present. Every hearing impaired person should remember the features and capabilities of their high-tech prosthesis.

Detailed instructions, literally point by point, do’s and don’ts, are issued by cochlear implant manufacturers. Each model has its own characteristics. But the general principle is the same.

Doctors who are in close contact with the hearing impaired adjust speech processors, constantly keep abreast of the latest developments in the safe and high-quality use of cochlear implants and are always ready to provide clarification.

Therefore, if you have any questions or doubts, first of all, contact your audiologist, audiologist (contacts of the MasterSlukh network of clinics - follow the link), read the paper instruction or watch the video instructions for speech processors.

Now point by point.

How is the operation performed?

Mammoplasty is performed in the following ways:

  • submammary - through the fold under the breast;
  • periareolar - through an incision of the areola;
  • axillary - through the armpit area.

The following describes the method of installing an implant through the areola.

Operation stages:

  1. Marking is being carried out.

  2. An incision is made using a scalpel.

  3. Vessels are coagulated to prevent bleeding.

  4. A pocket is formed and an implant is inserted.

  5. The implant is placed either under the pectoral muscle or under the mammary gland.

  6. Sutures are placed and drainage is installed.

Recovery period

After the operation, the patient remains in the clinic, where she is observed by specialists. Usually on day 2 you can go home. The rehabilitation period takes from 2 to 3 months. The final result can be seen after six months.

What to do at home:

  • take medications prescribed by your doctor: antibiotics and painkillers;
  • wear compression garments for a month;
  • refrain from bathing, as well as from visiting baths and saunas for at least 2 months;
  • Do not process seams yourself unless authorized by a specialist;
  • rest more;
  • Avoid physical activity and heavy lifting.

During the postoperative period, you should only sleep on your back or side. Under no circumstances should you lie down on your stomach, otherwise you may cause the stitches to come apart.

After surgery, you must wear compression garments

About sport

There are few restrictions for people with cochlear implants who wish to participate in any kind of active sport. They consist in the fact that it is necessary to protect the implant area from bruises, impacts, any damage, as well as from water and sweat, since moisture can damage the speech processor.

Training and competitions in boxing, karate, and any contact martial arts should under no circumstances be conducted without a special protective helmet.

Likewise with skydiving, horse riding, skiing and snowboarding . Anything is possible, but with protection.

By the way, keep in mind: high in the mountains (if you suddenly go there for a ride or just as tourists to climb) the oxygen content is low. There should be no discomfort in this regard in terms of hearing, but since the batteries of speech processors use oxygen from the air, in a rarefied atmosphere they can quickly discharge. The problem is solved by using a battery.

Swimming activities require the use of special waterproof covers for speech processors. It’s even better to simply remove your devices at this time.

This is what a waterproof case for a speech processor looks like

Sports shooting with cochlear implants is not prohibited; on the contrary, for the owner of a high-tech prosthesis it can be more comfortable than even for a completely hearing person, since the settings of the speech processor can limit peak loud sharp sounds.

Any physical activity carries the risk of losing the speech processor. In the heat of sports excitement, this may not be noticed. Therefore, during sports, fitness, jogging, dancing, etc., be sure to wear for yourself or your child:

  • a fixing clip - with it, even if the processor flies off, it will hang on the safety rope;
  • a special sports bandage or a holder insert - these will securely fix the device.

There is a huge selection of accessories for speech processors on sale: as discreet as possible, fashionable, bright and funny for children. In general, for every taste.

Modern speech processors with wireless communication, for example, SONNET 2 from MED-EL, make it easy to find yourself through an application on your phone if you suddenly get lost. But it’s better not to allow such a situation to happen, so as not to waste your nerves and time.

Photos before and after

Photos before and after breast augmentation with Motiva No. 1 implants

Photos before and after breast augmentation with Motiva No. 2 implants

Photos before and after breast augmentation with Motiva No. 3 implants

Photos before and after breast augmentation with Motiva No. 4 implants

Photos before and after breast augmentation with Motiva No. 5 implants

Cost of Motiva implants and surgery

The cost of Motiv breast implants alone starts from 80 thousand rubles.

Price including surgery in Moscow

Clinic nameCost, thousand rubles
Doctor plasticfrom 320
Frau Klinikfrom 280
New mefrom 220
GarantClinicfrom 180
Alliance Françaisefrom 250

Price including surgery in St. Petersburg

Clinic namePrice, thousand rubles
Abriellefrom 246
Center for Reconstructive, Restorative and Plastic Surgeryfrom 200
RAMIfrom 150
Scandinaviafrom 183
Union Clinicfrom 180

Popular questions

What complications can you encounter after installing Motiva?

With proper intervention, complications are excluded. However, capsular contracture, seroma, and severe edema may occur. In some cases, infection may occur.

What symptoms may occur during the postoperative period?

After the intervention, pain and decreased sensitivity of the skin and nipples in the chest area may be felt. In rare cases, severe swelling and hematoma appear. There may also be a feeling of tightness in the chest and increased fatigue. These symptoms usually resolve within 5-7 days.

Will Motiva implants interfere with ultrasound and mammography?

No. These diagnostic methods are also applicable, however, due to the presence of the chip, gaps (so-called artifacts) in the X-ray scan are possible. For this reason, it is recommended to combine 2 diagnostic methods: mammography and ultrasound.

Passing through security systems

Radiation from metal detectors does not damage implants, but may cause an unpleasant sound sensation during the passage. Adults usually tolerate it (especially when there is little time: on the subway, when entering work) or turn off the speech processor. For parents of young children, the following options may be recommended:

  • Remove and disconnect the speech processor and move it outside the frame, and then give it to the child, who still passes through the detector.
  • Show the staff an identification card (which every cochlear implant owner should have), which indicates that the child is not recommended to go through the security systems and ask to be taken around.

Opinions of plastic surgeons

The doctor confirms that Motiva does not create the effect of artificial breasts.

The surgeon also emphasizes that the manufacturer makes fairly reliable products.

Another doctor notes that Motiva attracts patients because it is innovative.

Patient reviews

The patient notes that when installing implants, it is important to choose a competent plastic surgeon and be wary of fakes.

Another girl in her review says that with Motiva the bust looks natural.

And this one talks about how the doctor recommended Motiva as a more innovative product compared to others.

Well, just a song!

Available for cochlear implant owners and vocal lessons . As a rule, singers of any level have enough basic speech processor settings, and the devices automatically adjust to different acoustic situations. But if a person has special wishes, then speech processors can be adjusted so that, for example, unpleasant sensations from high-frequency sounds are smoothed out. Everything is decided at an appointment with an audiologist on an individual basis.

The same goes for public speaking . The initial settings of the speech processors allow you to speak comfortably in front of a large audience; the microphones do not generate noise. But still, if this is your first time doing this, we advise you to warn your doctor, perhaps he will recommend special settings.

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