Reinforcement of the face with gold threads: myths and effectiveness

Bioreinforcement is a way to model the oval of the face.

Using special needles - cannulas (4-6 cm long and with a blunt end), during the bioreinforcement process, the drug is injected intradermally in the form of a network (threads) throughout the entire treated area (usually the cheeks, neck), creating a “framework”. The procedure for bioreinforcement of the face and neck is performed only with fillers based on hyaluronic acid; the optimal composition of the filler will be selected by a cosmetologist.

Hyaluronic acid attracts water, as a result of which the bioreinforcement zone becomes more voluminous, skin turgor and hydration increase, skin renewal processes, collagen and elastin production are launched. The lifting effect of the bioreinforcement procedure for the face and neck lasts for more than a year.

Bioreinforcement: what is it?

The latest cosmetological rejuvenation technology, the essence of which is to create a subcutaneous framework using hyaluronic acid-containing biogels. The punctures are performed taking into account the anatomy of the face; the pattern creates a supporting mesh under the skin that forms an oval and tightens the contours. Despite the fact that hyaluronic acid dissolves over time, its formula at the molecular level continues to retain moisture. As a result, the production of your own elastin and collagen is stimulated by stimulating fibroblasts.

In each case, the cosmetologist assesses the patient’s skin condition, its characteristics, type of aging, age, prescribes an individual injection regimen and determines their frequency. Bioreinforcement is a virtually painless procedure that does not require any special preparation and has a small list of contraindications. The technique involves performing vector lifting using liquid threads, fillers, using a non-injection method.

Facial reinforcement

Is it possible to remove or reduce the signs of skin aging without plastic surgery? Yes, it is possible, but the result will depend on the initial condition of the skin. Methods of injection and hardware cosmetology, including facial reinforcement, are effective in cases where age-related changes are minimal or moderate, and the regenerative potential of tissues is quite high. Cosmetic procedures give very good results up to the age of 40-45 years, and they are recommended to start after 33-35 years.

At a more mature age, the regenerative capabilities of the dermis are limited, and age-related changes reach a critical point, after which only radical correction methods using a surgical scalpel provide optimal results. For this reason, doctors often recommend that patients over 45 years old undergo plastic surgery to tighten their facial skin. However, the achievements of modern cosmetology can be used at this age, but you need to clearly understand that they will reduce age-related defects and not remove them completely.

Gravitational ptosis: causes and three correction options

Facial reinforcement with hyaluronic acid is an injection cosmetic technique aimed at eliminating the manifestations of gravitational ptosis, that is, the descent of soft tissues down relative to bone landmarks under the influence of gravity. The following cosmetic imperfections may be indications for the procedure:

  • Drooping of the eyebrows in the area of ​​the lateral, or outer, edge.
  • Drooping of the outer corners of the eyes.
  • Ptosis of the tissues of the middle third of the face, which is expressed in the appearance of cheek pouches, “bulldog” cheeks.
  • Deep tear grooves.
  • Static wrinkles in the middle and lower facial zone.
  • Deep nasolabial folds.
  • Downward displacement of the tissue complex of the nasolabial triangle.
  • Sagging corners of the mouth.
  • Blurredness of the mandibular line, smoothness of the chin-cervical angle.

Deformation of the facial contour, or oval of the face, can also be an indication for reinforcement using the injection of hyaluronic acid according to certain schemes. In general, the general indications can be formulated as follows: this method is advisable to use in the presence of aesthetic defects caused by downward displacement of soft tissues due to a decrease in their tone, turgor, and elasticity.

Causes of gravitational ptosis

What causes gravitational ptosis? An external factor is a force of attraction that acts on all tissues of our body 24/7. But the decisive role is played by an internal factor - a decrease in skin elasticity due to changes at the cellular and molecular level. These changes are caused by age-related processes, and therefore signs of sagging facial skin first make themselves felt, as a rule, after 30-35 years.

What changes occur at the cellular-molecular level? With age, the number of cellular elements in the dermis decreases, as the processes of their division, growth, and differentiation slow down. At the same time, the synthetic function of cells decreases, which leads to a decrease in the synthesis of collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid, and other important substrates of the intercellular substance.

Slowing down the synthesis of organic molecules that form the fiber frame and the intercellular substance that fills this frame leads to a deterioration in the elastic properties of the skin. And as soon as the skin loses its inherent youthful elasticity, it begins to succumb to external forces and shifts downwards.

Methods for correcting gravitational ptosis

The beauty industry offers many methods for correcting gravitational ptosis and cosmetic defects caused by this phenomenon. All methods can be divided into three groups:

  • Hardware and injection methods aimed at stimulating the synthesis of key molecules of the intercellular substance.
  • Ligature reinforcement by installation of threads.
  • Plastic surgeries aimed at mechanical tightening of the skin.

Bioreinforcement of the face belongs to the first category of methods. Injection of hyaluronic acid triggers internal recovery mechanisms, stimulates skin renewal and rejuvenation using its own reserve. But the technique also gives an instant lifting effect, which is explained by the improvement in the molecular composition of the dermis due to exogenous hyaluronic acid.

Threads have a similar effect, but with some amendments. Modern threads are made from biologically active materials that stimulate regenerative processes. After installation of the thread, the synthesis of collagen and other molecules mentioned above, which determine the elastic properties of the dermis, is enhanced. But the threads themselves do not restore the molecular composition of the dermis. In this regard, they are more similar to a surgical lift - the instant lifting effect is explained by the simple mechanical movement of soft tissues.

Surgical lifting is used after 45 years, since it does not stimulate renewal and regeneration, but only eliminates imperfections due to the mechanical movement of tissue. On the one hand, this is a minus, because there are no improvements at the cellular-molecular level. But there are advantages - excellent results are achieved even with low regenerative potential of the skin.

Bioreinforcement of the face: the principle of the method

What is facial reinforcement with hyaluronic acid, reviews of which vary widely, from enthusiastic to skeptical and negative? This is an injection procedure aimed at restoring skin tone and elasticity by creating a strong frame along natural tension lines.

The term reinforcement should be clear. In general, it can be interpreted as “strengthening or creating a frame.” Facial bioreinforcement is a procedure for strengthening and strengthening the internal framework of the dermis made of collagen fibers, as well as increasing the volume of intercellular substance to stretch this framework in order to increase the elasticity, firmness, and tone of the skin.

Reinforcement is carried out with hyaluronic acid. A high molecular weight (high molecular weight) organic compound has high biological activity. Firstly, hyaluronic acid attracts water molecules, retains them and thereby improves the hydration of the dermis. And moisturizing the skin, as everyone knows, is one of the essential conditions for maintaining youth and beauty.

Secondly, the breakdown products of hyaluronic acid have stimulating properties. They enhance cell division, growth, differentiation, induce and maintain their synthetic function. In the area of ​​HA injection after the procedure, intensive collagen synthesis begins, which leads to renewal, strengthening, and strengthening of the “network” of collagen fibers.

Thanks to the double action (hydration of the dermis plus stimulation of its renewal at the cellular-molecular level), bio-reinforcement of the face gives an amazing result: the lifting effect appears literally immediately upon completion of the procedure, then it intensifies over 3-5 months and lasts up to a year, after which cosmetologists recommend repeat the procedure

Bioreinforcement: pitfalls

If facial bioreinforcement is so effective, how can we explain the negative reviews about this procedure? A bad experience may have the following reasons:

  • Wrong choice of filler. Bio-reinforcement of the face is carried out using gel fillers with different densities and concentrations; here it is important to avoid mistakes at the drug selection stage.
  • Errors at the filler injection stage: uneven distribution of the gel, incorrect injection pattern.
  • Violation of the rules of the recovery period by the patient.
  • High expectations. This is typical for patients over 45 years of age who are not ready for a surgical facelift, but expect a miracle from cosmetic procedures.

As you can see, reinforcement is a complex technique. It requires high qualifications and extensive injection experience of a cosmetologist. All that is required from the patient is careful attention to the rules of recovery. For some reason this becomes a problem, although the rules must be followed for no more than three weeks.

Fillers for reinforcement, details of the procedure

The procedure uses fillers based on synthetic hyaluronic acid. The most famous manufacturers are Surgiderm, Juviderm, Teosyal, Restylane. These companies produce fillers for the entire range of injection procedures, from biorevitalization to contouring (lip augmentation, cheekbone correction).

Fillers for facial reinforcement differ in the density and concentration of hyaluronic acid. The optimal effect is provided by gels of medium viscosity with a concentration of the active substance in the range of 21-25 mg/gram. In contour plastic surgery, denser fillers are used, and biorevitalization procedures are carried out with gels with minimal viscosity and concentration.

However, bioreinforcement of the face can be called a private option of biorevitalization. The procedure is aimed at rejuvenation, renewal, and revitalization of the dermis by stimulating internal reserves with exogenous hyaluronic acid. The same goals are pursued by skin biorevitalization.

But unlike classical biorevitalization, bioreinforcement involves the administration of drugs according to strictly defined schemes. Fillers are injected along the tension lines of the facial skin, along which a frame of renewed collagen fibers should subsequently be formed. Correct marking of the correction zone and distribution of the gel between injection points are complex tasks, but this is a key condition for the success of the procedure. Only an experienced cosmetologist can provide an excellent effect.

Restoration after reinforcement

The recovery period is short, it lasts 2-3 weeks. In the first week, many patients complain of bruising and swelling of the face, but this is not a complication, but a normal consequence of the injection of a high molecular weight drug. Bruises go away on their own after 5-7 days. There is no need to take special measures to eliminate them. Moreover, activities such as massage may worsen the effect of the procedure.

Facial massage or self-massage after bioreinforcement is contraindicated for 3-4 weeks. Intense and moderate workouts (cardio, yoga, strength training, fitness) are contraindicated. You should not take hot baths; in general, all thermal procedures are contraindicated, including sauna, steam room or solarium.

There are no other strict rules. From the second or third day you can apply cosmetics to your face. You should wait a week and a half to two weeks with alcohol, or better yet, longer. On the street, it is advisable to use cream with SPF; sunbathing on the beach or in the country, of course, is not allowed. All these recommendations speed up recovery, promote skin renewal, and enhance the effect.

Conclusions. How long does the result last?

Bio-reinforcement of the face gives excellent results if the procedures are performed by an experienced cosmetologist, if the technique is used according to indications (age-related defects caused by gravitational ptosis) at the age of 33 to 40-45 years. At a more mature age, there will be an effect, but the result may not live up to expectations if they are too high. Procedures reduce the signs of facial aging, but after 45 years they are no longer able to completely eliminate them.

The result is visible immediately after the procedure, which is explained by the rehydration of the dermis along the lines of drug administration. The lifting effect lasts from one to two years. After this time, the procedure can be repeated.

At the Galaktika aesthetic medicine clinic (Moscow), bioreinforcement is carried out by cosmetologists with extensive injection experience and the highest qualifications. To make an appointment with a specialist and ask him all the questions that concern you, contact the clinic administration by phone number: +7(495) 215 5780


Bioreinforcement is called the golden mean between plastic surgery and techniques that are usually offered by cosmetology clinics. Indeed, vector lifting has absorbed the best of two extremes - safety, quick results, high efficiency and naturalness.


  1. long cumulative effect (up to 2 years);
  2. injection of drugs under the skin is almost painless;
  3. the result is noticeable after the first session;
  4. stimulation of own regeneration processes;
  5. the ability to combine lifting with other procedures from a cosmetologist.

After bioreinforcement, there is no need for recovery time; provided that the doctor’s recommendations are followed, negative consequences in the form of hematomas, redness and local swelling are unlikely.

Description of the facial bioreinforcement process

At the preliminary stage, the doctor interviews and examines the patient. This is necessary to identify indications and contraindications for manipulation. Particular attention is paid to previous diseases and allergy history. If no contraindications are found, the date of the procedure is agreed upon. Stages of manipulation:

  1. Thorough treatment: first with water, then with 70% ethyl alcohol and 0.25% chlorhexidine.
  2. Applying an anesthetic gel containing lidocaine.
  3. After completing the injections, it is disinfected with an antiseptic.

The duration of the procedure is on average 40 - 50 minutes. To achieve pronounced rejuvenation, it is necessary to conduct 2 - 3 consecutive sessions, with a break between them of 30 - 45 days.


Vector lifting is indicated for girls aged 30 to 50 years. Before age 30, the procedure is not prescribed due to the fact that the body itself produces a sufficient amount of elastin and collagen, and after 50 years, biolifting may no longer provide a guaranteed result.

What are the indications for the procedure:

  1. sagging skin;
  2. changed facial contour;
  3. wrinkles;
  4. withering;
  5. pronounced folds in the smile area;
  6. decreased skin elasticity;
  7. drooping corners of the eyelids and mouth.

The procedure is recommended for solving many aesthetic problems, helping to get rid of age-related skin changes and disruption of natural ovals.

The essence of the procedure

The bioreinforcement technology used by specialists at the Ornate center involves injections of biodegradable high-molecular fillers. They are based on stabilized hyaluronic acid. Under the skin, it creates biothreads that stimulate the production of collagen, which is responsible for the expression of the facial contour.

It is known that as we age, the hyaluronic component is produced less actively, the amount of collagen decreases, this leads to the skin losing its elasticity, sagging, and the formation of wrinkles and folds. During the bioreinforcement process, biothreads are formed under the skin. They become a framework for connective tissue, which maintains the shape of the face, youth, and hydration of the skin.

Prices for cosmetic bioreinforcement of the face are offered in the table above. We want to make effective rejuvenation accessible to everyone, so the price of the procedure is reasonable.

Application areas

Bioreinforcement is carried out for the most sensitive and delicate areas - the neck and face. The main areas that can be improved with vector lifting are:

  1. facial contour (elimination of natural gravitational ptosis);
  2. chin;
  3. forehead;
  4. thighs (inner part);
  5. shoulders (lower part);
  6. stomach;
  7. neckline;
  8. neck.

Thus, bioreinforcement is applicable in almost all areas that need correction. The procedure helps to permanently get rid of sagging, laxity and other defects that often reveal a woman’s age.


It is necessary to prepare for the procedure because it reduces the risk of complications. After consultation with a cosmetologist:

  • a couple of weeks before the procedure, stop taking anticoagulants, three days before starting to take drugs that improve blood clotting;
  • if you are prone to skin pigmentation, undergo a course of therapy with agents that block melanin synthesis;
  • if the pain threshold is low or if there are objective indications, discuss the issue with the anesthesiologist about general anesthesia;
  • reschedule the procedure if menstruation has begun;
  • if the age for reinforcement is limited and a circular facelift is planned by a surgeon, then at least 5 years must pass from the moment of reinforcement (threads at the point of attachment to the skin of the face provoke fibrous growth, which leads to unpleasant consequences).

Bioreinforcement with liquid threads

Liquid threads are an alternative method to traditional bioreinforcement with mesothreads. In fact, they are not threads, but represent a special chemical formula with hyaluronic acid and zinc. The active components of the composition act on the deep layers of the dermis at the cellular level, form a framework, restore skin elasticity and increase its density.

Unlike classic threads, there is no mechanical tension, so the subcutaneous fibers are not injured. Biogel acts delicately, moisturizes the skin, improves quality, evens out the contour and color. The puncture sites are practically invisible, the procedure does not require pain relief, and the healing process is fast.

Bioreinforcement: features of the procedure

Initially, a consultation is held with a specialist who will carry out bioreinforcement. He will also determine the price of the procedure based on the individual characteristics of the client’s skin. To determine the final cost, he will indicate the injection sites and the appropriate drug.

The indications for manipulation are clarified, the specialist explains how bioreinforcement is carried out, and gives recommendations on preparing for the session.

Before administering the drug based on hyaluronic acid, the cosmetologist treats the skin with a disinfectant, applies a marking of injections to it, and applies a gel (cream) with an anesthetic effect. Next, bioreinforcement is carried out directly - injections of a drug based on hyaluronic acid using a special technique. At the final stage, puncture marks are treated with an antiseptic. The procedure itself takes from 30 minutes to two hours, depending on the number of areas to be treated.

Injections are performed with the thinnest needles, so the damage left by them heals quite quickly and does not leave marks after the punctures heal.

Recommendations before and after

2 weeks before the procedure you should stop taking anticoagulants and anti-inflammatory therapy. During the first visit, the doctor will announce a list of contraindications:

  1. pregnancy;
  2. lactation;
  3. acute infectious processes;
  4. diseases of the hematopoietic system.

After the procedure, for the first three weeks you need to refrain from baths, solariums, do not massage your face, sleep only on your back and do not perform physical activity. You can get bioreinforcement done by a certified cosmetologist at the VOSK salon in Moscow. We do everything to make you happy with yourself and feel like a millionaire. Make an appointment with a specialist on the website and receive a 15% discount on your first visit.


The list of restrictions for the procedure is not very long, since lifting with hyaluronic acid threads is not considered a complex and dangerous procedure. Contraindications include:

  • oncology;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • taking anticoagulants;
  • infectious or viral infection;
  • allergies to the drugs used;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding.

For all questions related to admission to manipulation, you must make an appointment with a dermatocosmetologist.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • A short recovery period is guaranteed by minimal tissue trauma.
  • The procedure is safe and painless, with a low likelihood of complications.
  • A quick visual effect that gradually builds up.
  • No incisions are made, so there are no scars or scars after the procedure.
  • The correction occurs in the most natural vector.
  • The technique can be carried out together with other methods of rejuvenation.
  • No change in case of serious age-related problems.
  • The result and the duration of its preservation depend on the individual characteristics of the organism and the material used.
  • The price of high-quality biodegradable gels and threads is quite high.


Reinforcement is carried out without the use of general anesthesia. It is for this reason that the patient does not need to stay in the hospital after the procedure.

Literally on days 4-7, microhematomas, swelling and other signs of a facelift disappear. After a month, 100% results are observed.

Photos before and after non-surgical rejuvenation confirm that the effect is visible immediately. This is very important for women.

However, it is worth considering that injection lifting is not a one-time procedure. To achieve the best results, several sessions will be needed.

Substances used

As already mentioned, the essence of reinforcement is to restore the natural elastic frame that supports the facial oval. It consists of collagen and elastin.

These substances are introduced into the deep layers of the skin. Their action is aimed at solving the existing problem of sagging skin and preventing further deformations.

Today, for facial reinforcement they use:

  • hyaluronic gel;
  • polylactic acid;
  • calcium hydroxyapatite;
  • threads based on caprolactone and polycaprolactone;
  • 3D mesothreads.

If reinforcement is performed with biogels or biofilaments, it is called bioreinforcement. Its cost directly depends on the material used.


Initially, biolifting was done exclusively with threads. Today there is a worthy alternative - reinforcing the face with fillers.

An excellent stimulator of collagen production is hyaluronic acid. In addition to it, polylactic can also be used. Their introduction under the skin significantly improves metabolism at the cellular level.

Hyaluronic gel (stabilized acid)Triggers the synthesis of your own elastin and collagen. Penetrating into the dermis, it fills all voids and sagging. Stimulation of tissue regeneration processes. Strengthening the skin framework. "Restylane", "Juviderm Ultra 2", "Voluma", "Belotero", "Surgiderm".
Polylactic acidAffects the deepest layers of the skin. It is more active than hyaluronic acid. Helps produce new collagen at the cellular level. Pronounced and long-term strengthening of the facial contour.Sculptra, Aesthefill, Powerfill.
Calcium hydroxyapatiteThis inorganic bone tissue substance is obtained from sea corals. Completely biocompatible with the body. Activates the synthesis of natural collagen and fills empty areas under the skin. Replenishment of lost tissue volume. Smoothing wrinkles. "Radiesse", "Crystalice".

Suture material

The effectiveness of thread reinforcement is based on a special property of the body. We are talking about its ability to separate everything that gets under the skin with a kind of barrier formed from connective tissue.

Within 2 weeks after the procedure, a collagen capsule is formed around the implanted threads. First, the contour of the face is held in place by the inserted threads. Then the skin copes with it itself.

Non-absorbableGold, platinum, polypropyleneA neocollagen framework is formed around the metal embedded under the skin. The shelf life of the effect for gold and platinum is up to 15 years. For polypropylene – up to 6 years. "Gortex", "Aptos"
Absorbable (biodegradable)Polylactic acidPowerful stimulation of the growth of elastic fibers from special cells - fibroblasts. Launching collagen production in the deep layers. The result lasts up to 2 years. "RezorbLift", "LightLift"
CaprolactoneActivation of regeneration of elastic fibers in the muscle layer. The effect lasts up to 5 years. "Aptos", "Happy Lift", Meso Cogs
PolycaprolactoneStimulation of the production of new collagen. Replenishing the volume of “sagging” tissues. The results obtained last up to 3 years. "Darwin", "Resorba"
MesothreadsPolydioxanoneWhile the mesothread is located under the skin, the fabric is woven with new collagen fibers. In this way, a supporting frame is formed. After some time, the threads turn into water and carbon dioxide, completely disappearing. This material allows you to tighten even the thinnest areas of the skin. The effect lasts up to 2 years. Lead Fine Lift, Mint Lift, Beaute Lift V Line
CombinedPolypropylene with notches, knots or cones of glycolide and lactic acidThe threads disappear from the body a couple of years after their introduction. Instead, a frame built from connective tissue remains under the skin. It will keep your face in good shape for up to 3 years. "SilhouetteLift", "Aptos"

Precautionary measures

A correctly performed procedure will not cause harm to health and will give a visual effect. An unsatisfactory result may be due to:

  • deep or superficial administration of the drug;
  • poor filler quality;
  • individual characteristics of the patient.

If the result is not satisfactory or complications are observed, neutralization is possible. It is carried out taking into account the composition of the product, its main component. Hyaluronic acid is removed with hyaluronidase and lidase, which are delivered by injection or physiotherapeutic methods. Electrophoresis, phonophoresis, myostimulation, darsonval, microcurrents are suitable.

Unpleasant consequences after the installation of threads are associated with skin reactivity and the condition of blood vessels. Therefore, the procedure should be abandoned if there is a significant deficit in the volume of the soft tissues of the face, thinning or excessive dryness of the skin.


In the absence of contraindications and compliance with the technological process of the operation, the occurrence of negative consequences is minimal. Minor redness of the skin, swelling, bruising is a normal reaction of the body. The manifestation disappears on its own in 2–7 days. If symptoms persist for a long time, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

As a result of the cosmetologist’s mistakes or failure to comply with restrictions during the rehabilitation period, the following are possible:

  • asymmetry;
  • uneven skin;
  • spreading of gel in tissues;
  • the occurrence of foci of inflammation.

Negative consequences require additional correction. To prevent side effects from tissue reinforcement, it is recommended to carefully choose a cosmetologist and follow all doctor’s recommendations.

Side effects

Complications arise due to the incompetent actions of the cosmetologist, non-compliance with the installation protocol, violation of the rules of asepsis and antisepsis, and can lead to serious problems. Incorrect injection of fillers is fraught with the following consequences:

  • insufficient or excessive effect, asymmetric correction - the result of incorrect dosage and distribution of the filler;
  • purulent-inflammatory processes - failure to comply with sanitary standards during the procedure, recommendations after manipulation;
  • puffiness of the face - occurs if the material has sagged;
  • circulatory disorder, embolism, tissue necrosis - the drug is injected into the vessel.

Implantation of threads can be accompanied by a number of problems:

  • Violation of the integrity of the excretory duct or capsule of the parotid salivary gland. Threatens the formation of fistulas.
  • Contouring (candling), protrusion, retraction along the fiber. Problems arise due to superficial introduction of the material.
  • Inflammation, abscess, phlegmon. They are observed due to improper cutting of ends, damage to the salivary gland duct, non-compliance with hygiene standards, and unsatisfactory postoperative care.
  • Limitation of facial movements. Incorrect placement of the material, the tip got under the skin.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

In some cases, even compliance with all rules and regulations also leads to the development of unexplained complications. And then the bioreinforcement technique will have to be abandoned forever.

Patient reviews

Bioreinforcement is often assessed positively. The results of the procedure are noticeable, but do not last as long as we would like. In some cases, patients' expectations from reinforcement are too high, and the level of effect does not meet the requirements.

The patient does not see the result of the procedure.

A patient with experience in performing various procedures is satisfied with bioreinforcement, but is saddened by the short duration of the effect.

The patient speaks enthusiastically about bioreinforcement.


After you have undergone facial reinforcement, you must follow the rules of rehabilitation. Otherwise, you can ruin the result. The doctor should tell you what is allowed and what is not.

Here are some general recommendations:

  1. Avoid heating areas affected by bioreinforcement. Reduce exposure to direct sunlight to a minimum. Don't forget to use protective cream (SPF 15+). Chemical peeling and laser procedures will have to be excluded.
  2. It is not advisable to massage reinforced areas. Stretching of the facial muscles may distort the position of the injected drug. During the first day after the procedure, it is better not to make sudden movements with the treated area of ​​the face. But applying ice to it, on the contrary, is allowed.
  3. Any physical exercise, as well as visits to the solarium and bathhouse (sauna), should be postponed for at least a day.

If facial reinforcement was done with hyaluronic acid, and you didn’t like the result, everything can be easily corrected. This substance is completely dissolved by the enzyme hyaluronidase.

Cosmetical tools

It is not possible to achieve pronounced skin lifting with the help of cosmetics. Surface application products will provide nutrition, hydration, and slight tightening of the skin. It is recommended to use cosmetic substances to prevent age-related changes and maintain skin condition. Surface applied preparations will satisfy the needs of the integument and will help to slightly delay the manifestations of age. Cosmetics cannot prevent the formation of wrinkles and gravitational ptosis. For comprehensive skin care and achieving a lifting effect, Libriderm Mesolux is popular.

Rehabilitation period

After reinforcement, traces of injections may remain on the face for up to 48 hours. Swelling, small hematomas, and redness often occur. It is not recommended to mask traces of manipulation with cosmetics.

The reinforcement procedure does not require significant rehabilitation. You can immediately return to your usual activities. You will have to exclude for 7-14 days:

  • visiting a bathhouse, sauna, swimming pool;
  • playing sports, heavy physical labor;
  • enhanced effects on the skin (peeling, massage, cosmetic procedures).

Be sure to keep the covers clean. The skin is washed with delicate products, excluding strong friction. A cosmetologist may recommend the use of antiseptics and regenerating agents.

After the puncture sites have healed, it is permissible to return to using cosmetics. After the recovery period is completed, the remaining restrictions are gradually lifted.

The result of reinforcement is noticeable immediately, develops, and intensifies over 2–3 months. The effect usually lasts 6–12 months.

When using long-acting drugs, the result can last up to 2-4 years. Some substances are administered in courses of 2–4 sessions, 14–30 days apart.

Important! It is recommended to carry out repeated manipulation after eliminating the previous effect, no earlier than a month after the previous effect.

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