Biomatrix: review of the drug and how biomatrix is ​​done + reviews and photos after the procedure

In this article we will look at the Russian drug Biomatrix (Biomatrix) from. You will learn what it contains, in what situations it is effective, how the biomatrixation procedure works and how to prepare for it. You will also be able to read the opinions of cosmetologists, patient reviews, and “before and after” photographs of the procedure.


Description of the drug

Biomatrix is ​​a mesotherapeutic polydrug for combating age-related changes at the cellular level. Created (formerly "NOVA"), produced on the basis of a biotechnological plant in Koltsovo. Injections based on it are called biomatrixation.

The rich, balanced composition of the drug includes many amino acids, vitamins, minerals, coenzymes, and hyaluronic acid. It is this that allows you to combine two procedures into one: mesotherapy and biorevitalization.

The use of a cocktail allows you to reduce the number of sessions to a minimum (3-4), while obtaining a quick and noticeable effect.

Analysis of the composition

The drug contains about 70 components. Here are all the necessary substances that fibroblasts need to synthesize their own hyaluronic acid, collagen, and other components of the dermis.

  • 10 minerals.
  • 22 nonessential and essential amino acids. Ensure normal processes of collagen cell growth and epidermal renewal.
  • 17 vitamins. Almost all B vitamins. There are also A, K, C, E: The combination has a beneficial effect on metabolic and regenerative processes in the dermis.
  • 2 coenzymes. Necessary for regeneration processes.
  • 9 nucleic acid components, 4 peptides. They establish the processes of independent production of elastin and collagen. Increase skin turgor and retain moisture in cells.
  • Novgial Biotek J (glycerin, water, acetyl glucosamine disodium phosphate).
  • Hyaluronic acid. Retains moisture in the dermis, normalizes hydrobalance.

Comparison with foreign analogues

Novosibirsk scientists conducted a series of experiments during which three drugs with a similar composition and principle of action were compared:

  • Biomatrix (Nova, Russia);

  • NCTF 135 (Filorga, France);

  • Dermaheal HSR (Caregen, South Korea).

The results obtained indicate that Biomatrix, even at a concentration of 2.8%, works more effectively than NCTF 135, stimulating the restoration and division of human skin fibroblasts. The Korean analogue is effective only at a dose of up to 5.6%. When the concentration is exceeded, the proportion of viable cells decreases sharply from 90% to 40%.

Research results


The manufacturer produces several products that differ in composition and purpose:

  1. Biomatrix active concentrate for injection. An ideal solution for rejuvenating aging skin.
  2. Soft peeling LACTO PEEL for non-injection revitalization. A good way to clean skin tissue, smooth the surface and improve skin color. Recommended for the treatment of acne or seborrhea.
  3. Therapeutic peeling PROBIOTIC PEEL for the treatment of acne and the prevention of new formations. Gentle cleansing that does not injure the skin. Can be used for any type.
  4. Serum for effective healing of the skin. The product is used for nutrition after peeling or injected under the skin in the form of a multicomponent cocktail.

Biomatrices are used separately or combined in a treatment course. Better results and long-lasting effects can only be achieved through complex treatment.

What problems does biomatrixation solve?

The procedure allows you to:

  • moisturize dry skin;
  • restore the oval of the face;
  • get rid of or reduce the degree of pigmentation caused by age-related changes and UV radiation;
  • get rid of sagging, smooth out fine wrinkles, reduce the depth of large wrinkles;
  • increase skin firmness and elasticity.

Problems that Biomatrix solves

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of Biomatrix include:

  • Affordable price. Minimum price - 650 rubles. The closest analogues in composition are much more expensive: NCTF 135 Filorga - 1200 rubles, Meso-wharton P199 - 4000 rubles. The price is for 1 ampoule.
  • Balanced composition. The list of ingredients includes all the microelements necessary for normal functioning, renewal and construction of the cellular framework. The composition is enriched with hyaluronic acid, which keeps the skin toned, protects against dehydration, and is also supplemented with amino acids necessary for the synthesis of its own hyaluronic acid.
  • Versatility. Can be used even on delicate eyelid skin.
  • Fast recovery. The swelling goes away within two hours.
  • Replenishes the lack of hyaluronic acid in the dermis.
  • Effective for all types of aging.
  • Not addictive.

The only disadvantage of Biomatrix is ​​the number of components in its composition. The more different substances in the drug, the higher the likelihood of an allergic reaction.

What is mesotherapy and facial biorevitalization

Most women who take care of their skin have probably wondered what is better to do: mesotherapy or biorevitalization. After all, if a girl does not take any measures to stay young as long as possible, this is considered almost bad form.

There are a huge number of ways to cope with the problem of aging without surgery. However, not every representative of the fair sex can decide on the right option and get what she expected. Thus, the first difficulties for women planning a visit to a beauty salon or clinic arise when choosing between two procedures that at first glance seem the same.

Some are trying to figure out what is more effective: mesotherapy or biorevitalization, with the help of those who have already experienced the methods on themselves. For this purpose, polls are created on forums (in the hope of obtaining an objective opinion). Let's look right here and now at what are the features of each of these methods of rejuvenation.

How does the procedure work?

Depending on the condition of the skin, type of aging, as well as the personal wishes of the client and the task at hand, the doctor may offer two options for the procedure: injection or with a mesoscooter.

Similarly, the duration of the course is calculated using the same parameters. Its minimum duration is 3 sessions. On average, 5-8 sessions are enough, every 7-10 days.

Recommended course of biomatrixation


  • During your consultation, tell your doctor about all your previous illnesses. Biomatrixation can aggravate old untreated diseases.
  • A week before the session, you need to stop taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Examples: Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Ketorolac.
  • On the day of the procedure, it is not recommended to consume substances and drugs that increase blood circulation: coffee, strong tea, alcoholic beverages, Eleutherococcus.
  • Rest well before biomatrixation.
  • Do not book a session while you are menstruating.
  • To improve the result, it is recommended to undergo a superficial peeling before the procedure.

Carrying out injections

For one biomatrixation, 2 ml of Biomatrix is ​​enough

The procedure is carried out according to the following scheme.

  1. Allergy testing. Biomatrix uses a fairly old but reliable “scratch method” - applying an allergen to a shallow scratch. The doctor runs a special lancet or a regular syringe along the patient’s arm, leaving a thin mark, and then drops the drug onto this place. If after 15-20 minutes there is no allergic reaction, the procedure can begin. An allergy test for painkillers is carried out in the same way. A small amount of the substance is applied to the inner bend of the elbow, and only if there is no irritation can it be applied to the face.

  2. Skin cleansing, antiseptic treatment.

  3. Local anesthesia (at the request of the patient). Typically, pain relief is done with lidocaine-containing agents. For example: “Emla”, “Lidocaine spray”, “Light dep”, “Akriol Pro”.

  4. Injections. Biomatrix can be applied directly to the surface of the skin and then treated with a mesoscooter. Or inject it into the dermis using the papular method. Its peculiarity is that the substance is introduced at a small angle (10º-15º) to a depth of up to 3 mm. The diameter of the papules varies from 2 to 4 mm. The larger their size, the longer the effect lasts.

The duration depends on the area of ​​the treated area. On average, a session lasts 20-30 minutes.

Biomatrixation: an innovative method of rejuvenation

Each of the fair sex tries to stop the aging process of the skin with the help of special cosmetics. Cosmetologists widely use mesotherapy preparations. They partly replace simple plastic surgery.

Classification of funds

Today there are a huge number of drugs used in mesotherapy procedures. All products are classified according to the following requirements:

  • depending on the injection area (face, neck, forehead, head, etc.);
  • different amounts of drug components (salons often use a multi-component meso-cocktail for the face or other parts of the body);
  • the type of main substances that are included in the composition (vitamins, trace elements, minerals, etc.);
  • method of influence.

Below is a classification of several popular remedies.

The cosmetologist decides on the advisability of choosing a particular method, taking into account all the wishes of the patient.

The main active components of meso-cocktails and their features

The composition of injection cocktails is varied, the main components are:

  1. Substances obtained by synthesis in laboratory conditions. Hyaluronic acid falls into this category. Using this ingredient in cocktails helps moisturize the skin.
  2. Extracts of herbs and plants. This category includes gingo biloba, chamomile extracts, etc.
  3. Collagen and elastin, which are representatives of animal components. They are the ones who make the skin firm and elastic.
  4. Various vitamins. These include vitamins A, B, E, C and P. They have a powerful antioxidant effect. Often used for mesolifting of the scalp.
  5. Mineral complexes and amino acids. This includes organic silicon, zinc, phosphorus, selenium and other trace elements.
  6. Glycolic and pyruvic acids are used in combination. They have a skin peeling effect and help speed up regeneration processes.
  7. Medicinal components are present in individual drugs, their action is aimed at treating specific problems.

The drugs are selected individually; their selection takes into account all the characteristics of the patient’s dermis (oily skin or dry skin), her age and indications for mesotherapy. After the procedure is completed, cosmetics must be applied, which have anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory and regenerating effects, as well as anti-aging care. Mesotherapy in many cases does not require anesthesia.

10 best drugs for facial mesotherapy

Among the many facial care products, it is necessary to determine for what skin type they will be used:

  1. Cytocare (532, sline) is used for mature skin, rejuvenates and smoothes it.
  2. Curasen - a few ampoules are enough to achieve a visible effect of facial skin rejuvenation. Used for biorevitalization of eyelids.
  3. Dermaxx (dermax) is used in the form of microinjections, helping to achieve results in a short period of time.
  4. Dermaxx soft is a complex meso-cocktail recommended for skin prone to inflammation and hyperpigmentation.
  5. The drugs from this manufacturer are suitable for any age and have virtually no contraindications. They are known for their multifunctionality - one drug can solve several problems at the same time.
  6. Hydroline (hydroline) - its vitamin complex increases skin turgor and increases hydration processes.
  7. Light eyes ultra (light ice ultra), meso for eyes helps smooth out even the smallest wrinkles and relieves puffiness.
  8. Mesoline shine reduces the process of pigmentation of the dermis, reduces the number of freckles, melasma or age-related discoloration of the skin.
  9. Vec helps smooth the skin around the eyes and prevent the formation of new wrinkles.
  10. Cocktails from the Italian brand Promoitalia (Upgrade, Vidzhal, etc.) help stop the aging process of the skin, restore its elasticity, and also help fight acne and scars.

Various cocktails are also used for the procedure of biorevitalization of the eyelids, tightening the skin of the neck and forehead. Among the beneficial substances included in their composition are melito extract and rutin (an amino acid). The Japanese Sakura peptide complex is very popular for cosmetic purposes. Very often, cosmetology clinics use Vasis, a mesotherapy drug that helps improve microcirculation in the facial area. In this case, the patient undergoes several courses of Leister mesotherapy.

To treat patients with problematic dermis, the drug Angioftem O2 is used; it enriches the skin with oxygen, provides lymphatic drainage and restoration of blood microcirculation, flushes out accumulated toxins and stops the development of rosacea. Gialaripayer 07 Mesolift is considered an effective product in cosmetology.

For aging facial skin, it is recommended to use the unique Biomatrix complex, which can be used not only for biorevitalization, but also for mesotherapy.

Body and hair products

Body mesotherapy is aimed at reducing the amount of fat deposits, shaping the figure, and eliminating stretch marks. The following drugs are used:

  • Buflomedil (restores blood circulation). Used in main mesotherapy;
  • Xbc body - helps get rid of excess fat in different areas of the body;
  • Neovial;
  • Novial;
  • Veluderm (Veluderm) - actively used in the anti-cellulite program;
  • Tiziano Fusion (Tiziano Fusion) - considered the most powerful drug for skin tightening;
  • Lofton, which is used for body contouring.

The main goal of hair mesotherapy is to slow down hair loss. If the form of baldness is advanced, the procedure will be ineffective. Only an experienced specialist can give injections. The composition of such organic preparations includes vitamins B5 and B6, biotin, azelaic acid.

Among the products are Hairloss, Keractive, Mesopecia and others. Korea remains a popular producing country.

Home care recipes

All drugs for home use can be divided into two main groups:

The composition of the cocktails corresponds to the problem that is being treated. The product should include hyaluronic acid, multipeptide complexes, vitamins, silicon, glycolic acid and organic substances (gels and solutions that help better penetrate the active ingredients). Distributors of well-known manufacturers can help with the choice.

For mesotherapy at home, special mesoscooters are used (Kohmison, etc.). You can buy them in cosmetic stores. A prerequisite is preliminary cleaning and disinfection of the skin.

It is strictly forbidden to use cosmetics or take baths after the session. Before using the injection, you must study the instructions in detail and determine the dose. The laser procedure is best performed in a specialized clinic.

Contraindications for use

In order to reduce the risk of side effects, it is necessary to first study the main contraindications:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • viral diseases that are accompanied by high body temperature;
  • blood clotting problems;
  • chronic infectious processes;
  • liver and kidney pathologies;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Mesotherapy is not recommended for patients with serious skin diseases (psoriasis, acne, etc.), hypersensitivity to drug components, or if it is necessary to take a certain category of medications. You should notify your doctor in advance about any possible problems.

Reviews from cosmetologists and real people

Lyakhovich E.V., cosmetologist, dermatologist:

The mesotherapy procedure allows you to stop the aging process of the skin. I use Biomatrix products, patient reviews are positive. Very often girls who are overweight come to us. The introduction of meso-cocktails allows you to get rid of cellulite and correct your figure.

Stadnichenko, A.V., 35 years old, Perm:

I did hair mesotherapy with Martinex products and was very pleased with their lifting properties. 5 sessions were enough, my hair stopped falling out and looked much better.

Or T.V., 45 years old, Moscow:

The cosmetologist recommended taking several injections of hyaluronic acid to slightly improve the skin on my face. I was very pleased with the result, wrinkles smoothed out, skin looks healthier.

Answers on questions

At what age can mesotherapy be performed?

To prevent skin aging, it is recommended to perform injections starting at age 26. This especially applies to patients with dry skin, as they are at risk of early wrinkle formation.

Is it possible to get rid of pigmentation on the face?

Yes, this is possible by using special meso cocktails. In this case, it is better to give preference to popular quality brands, despite their high cost. Only in this case can you count on the best effect.

Are there any unpleasant sensations during the session?

The patient may feel a slight burning or tingling sensation during the injection. This is an absolutely normal phenomenon, the discomfort will pass after some time. After injections, minor bruising or swelling may occur.

Let's sum it up

The mesotherapy procedure is very popular among women of different age groups. With the help of various drugs you can get rid of wrinkles, excess weight, hair loss and other problems. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of this cosmetological method, it is necessary to undergo several sessions. It is better to give preference to qualified clinics and specialists - this will significantly reduce the risk of developing side effects.

If you are already familiar with mesotherapy, you can share your impressions of the procedure and leave your review.

And a little about secrets.

Have you already encountered the first signs of skin aging - wrinkles, sagging, dryness, hyperpigmentation? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, yes. And from your own experience you know what it is:

  • inability to remove crow's feet using conventional means;
  • constant discomfort and dry skin;
  • dull and lifeless complexion;
  • loss of a clear oval face, “double” chin;
  • drooping corners of lips and eyes;
  • new folds and sagging neck muscles.

Now answer the question: are you satisfied with this? Do you want to come to terms with this? How much money has already been spent on ineffective drugs? But why endure this if there is a simple solution. Read about an exclusive anti-aging, all-natural remedy from leading Russian dermatologists.

Your skin reveals your age faster than you think.
No need to put up with early wrinkles, swollen ovals and bags under the eyes! Meet the recipe for slowing down old age... Dermahil hsr mesotherapy reviews

Recovery period

Biomatrixing is considered a “lunch break” procedure, as it does not cause noticeable negative changes in appearance. Small papules disappear after 1.5-2 hours. Occasionally, bruising, redness, and small hematomas may occur, which disappear within a few days.

In order to avoid complications and achieve the desired result, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • On the day of biomatrixation, any other cosmetic manipulations are excluded.
  • During the day after the procedure, it is not recommended to apply any cosmetics, both decorative and skincare, to the treated area.
  • For a week after the session, the skin is very sensitive to sudden temperature changes. Visiting baths and saunas is contraindicated.
  • For 3 days after the session, you should refrain from physical activity, massage, or visiting the pool.
  • During the entire course, before going outside in any weather, it is recommended to apply sunscreen or foundation with an SPF factor of at least 30. Sunbathing or visiting a solarium is highly undesirable.

To eliminate unwanted reactions, such as microhematomas, it is recommended to use products with anti-inflammatory, restorative, absorbable, and protective properties. An example of such a product is “Rescuer” cream.

If you feel unwell, have an increase in body temperature, or feel pain when touching the treated area, consult a doctor immediately.

Photos before and after

Result of 7 procedures

No swelling and smoothed out fine wrinkles soon after the session

3 biomatrixations, 1 botox

4 procedures

Facial cleansing from age spots - 2 courses of 6 procedures

Rejuvenation of the reorbital zone

Nasolabial correction


If the client has the following diseases, biomatrixation will have to be temporarily postponed or cancelled:

  • Allergic diseases, individual intolerance to any of the Biomatrix components. Due to the fact that the drug contains about 70 different substances, the doctor is required to conduct an allergy test before each procedure. A similar analysis is done for any anesthetic if the procedure is done with local anesthesia.
  • Hypocoagulation or poor blood clotting caused by various diseases or taking anticoagulants.
  • Oncological diseases. The combined effect of the drug and the needle on the tissue can create a new lesion.
  • Pregnancy at any stage. There is a risk of failure due to unpleasant, quite painful sensations.
  • Lactation. The components of the drug can get into the milk and cause an allergy in the child.
  • Menstruation. It is a temporary restriction on the procedure. At this time, the pain threshold is reduced, blood clotting is worse, and rashes appear more often. Therefore, the best days for meso-biorevitalization are the middle of the cycle.
  • The tendency of the skin to form hypertrophic or keloid scars. Injections can cause new scars. In rare cases, mesococktail components can provoke fibrosis.
  • Mental illnesses.
  • Metabolic disorders: gout, diabetes and others.
  • Autoimmune diseases.
  • Any disease in the stage of decompensation or exacerbation.
  • Infectious, inflammatory skin diseases.
  • Cardiovascular pathology.
  • Low sensitivity threshold, “needle fear syndrome.”

If you have any of the diseases, a good cosmetologist will recommend undergoing a course of treatment, and only then undergoing a course of biomatrixation.

Why biorevitalization is more expensive than mesotherapy

It cannot be said that these procedures are expensive, since a person with average income can afford them. However, the price of biorevitalization is still somewhat higher due to the cost of the drug used (you can buy it without any problems). In addition, it must be taken into account that the master performing plastic surgery must have great professionalism and experience, otherwise the result can be various defects or complications, and they, as we know, are much more difficult to correct.

However, you need to understand: swelling and bruising should not be considered complications, since this is a normal reaction of the body to injections. As a rule, everything goes away after a few days.

There is no need to agree to a procedure that costs 1000–2000 rubles - this way you can end up in the hands of not a professional, but a beginner who also uses low-quality drugs in his work. In addition, in such cases, sanitary standards are often not observed. Before giving preference to one or another salon for biorevitalization or mesotherapy, you need to visit at least 3-4 institutions. Only after you compare prices, talk to the cosmetologists who work there, and make sure that you are in good hands, can you make a choice.

As for the cost of mesotherapy, one procedure will cost 3–5 thousand rubles, but if it is carried out as a complex, it will be a little cheaper. To treat one area, 5–7 injections are required. To make your facial skin renewed and youthful, you will need about 20–25 thousand rubles.

If we talk about biorevitalization, it is more expensive: 8–12 thousand rubles for each procedure, of which 2–3 will be required, in some cases 3–5. Anyone who follows seasonal discounts and promotions in beauty salons can do biorevitalization (from 2 procedures), saving significantly.


The minimum cost of one ampoule of the drug is about 650 rubles. A lower price indicates a fake.

Remember that the cost of the procedure is affected not only by the price of the drug, but also by the area of ​​the treated area and the qualifications of the cosmetologist.

CityMinimum price for one procedure, rub.
Saint Petersburg5900
Nizhny Novgorod3200

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of Biomatrix is ​​its complex composition that acts comprehensively. The drug not only masks the problem, but also treats the causes and normalizes the natural processes of the body. Biomatrix has a low cost and wide capabilities.

The disadvantage of Biomatrix is ​​its extensive component composition, which can provoke allergic reactions. The drug stimulates internal processes and does not mask problems. The body's own strength is sometimes not enough to eliminate external deficiencies.

Patient reviews

The drug is slowly but surely conquering the market. Some people don’t yet trust the unfamiliar brand, but the low price and good results are making it more and more popular.

In her review, the patient writes about the effectiveness of the drug against post-acne.

In this review, the girl writes that after a course of biomatrixation, the bags under her eyes went away.

And then the woman noticed that after the procedure her complexion evened out, her pores narrowed and her skin became less oily.

What clients say

Not every patient agrees to try a Russian-made drug. When choosing a product, almost everyone prefers to pay more for expensive foreign brands. But judging by the reviews, those who decided on the domestic meso cocktail were satisfied with it. Even relatives and friends note the positive effect of the procedure, but do not dare to carry it out on their own.

There are no negative reviews about biomatrixation at all, but it is worth remembering the importance of choosing a professional cosmetologist.

Reviews from cosmetologists

The doctor recommends procedures with Biomatrix

The cosmetologist recommends biomatrix along with other drugs.

The specialist notes the regenerative properties of Biomatrix.

The doctor notes the effectiveness of the drug at the cellular level.

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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