The best cream for breast enlargement: a review of products for growth and firmness (reviews)

Every woman strives for high ideals, among which beautiful, proportional and lush breasts are of great importance. Many girls still look up to the 50s star Marilyn Monroe, who to this day is considered a sex symbol thanks to not only her bright appearance and ideal figure, but also her expressive bust.

Modern possibilities of plastic surgery amaze with their progressiveness and innovation, allowing to improve any figure and eliminate defects of the mammary glands. Breast lipofilling (fatgrafting) is a new and completely safe technique used to increase breast size, improve its shape and contours by transplanting one’s own fat deposits. The substance of fat cells is taken from areas of excessive accumulation of subcutaneous fat, thereby solving another problem. As a rule, this is the area of ​​the abdomen, thighs and buttocks.

The main advantage of the procedure is its naturalness, since the woman is injected with her own fat, and not foreign implants, which often do not take root. Also, using fat injections, a specialist recreates the individual shape of the breast and can improve its condition in problem areas.

How does breast enlargement cream work?

The action of breast lifting creams is aimed at improving its shape. But the mechanisms of such correction vary significantly. For the most part, the mammary gland consists of two types of tissue - glandular and fatty. The volume of the latter can only be increased by eating high-calorie foods, which inevitably leads to weight gain. For many women this is unacceptable. Therefore, they use breast growth creams that increase the mass of glandular tissue. How this can happen:

  • fluid retention. After using the product, swelling forms due to the irritating effect of its components. It is short-lived, soon naturally resolves, and the breast acquires physiological dimensions;
  • hormonal stimulation. For this purpose, creams with phytoestrogens are used - analogues of female sex hormones. Unfortunately, there is no evidence base for their effectiveness. So they work more like a placebo. A woman feels that her breast size has become larger. In an effort to demonstrate this, she straightens her back, turns her shoulders, and looks more attractive.

But the most effective way to increase the volume of the mammary glands is considered to be improving the condition of the skin. The cream ensures its constant saturation with nutrients and bioactive substances. The elasticity of the skin increases, now it is not dry and flabby, but elastic. The breasts acquire beautiful outlines, rise, and seem larger.

The most effective products are creams that provide good skin care.

Stages of rehabilitation

Carrying out mammoplasty is a fairly serious surgical intervention, performed under general anesthesia, accompanied by tissue incisions and trauma when placing implants, followed by suturing. Therefore, the rehabilitation process takes place in stages, with certain restrictions and prohibitions over several days or weeks. The patient needs to strictly monitor her general well-being, monitor the condition of the postoperative scar and follow all the recommendations of the plastic surgeon. This is necessary so that expectations regarding the desired shape and size of the breast are met, and the recovery process goes according to plan.

In general, the first (postoperative) rehabilitation period lasts up to two months, full recovery occurs within 6-12 months.

Composition of creams

Breast enlargement cream consists of a base and active ingredients. The latter are usually substances that can retain moisture in tissues. The composition of a quality product should be represented by the following components:

  • collagen or elastin;
  • fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • glycosaminoglycan polysaccharides;
  • alpha lipoic acid or alpha hydroxy acids;
  • peptides;
  • cosmetic oils of almond, apricot, ironwood, shea butter, peach, olive, wheat germ.

If a bust enlargement cream contains 4-5 of these ingredients, then the result will not be long in coming. Products with an irritating effect will increase the attractiveness of the breasts for 4-6 hours. They usually contain caffeine, hot pepper extract, essential oils of citrus fruits or fir trees.

Isoflavonones, lignans, coumestans are phytoestrogens. Their presence in the composition significantly increases the cost of creams for breast enlargement. But the only proven beneficial property of such products is the thickening of the epidermis. Other components, for example, natural oils, also successfully cope with this task.

Many bust products contain natural cosmetic oils that have nourishing properties.

Rehabilitation after mammoplasty by day

The patient spends the first day after the operation in the ward under the supervision of a doctor and nurses, recovering from anesthesia. An increase in temperature is possible as a reaction to incisions and tissue injury, pain. Antipyretics, painkillers, and antibiotics may be recommended to prevent wound infection. After the operation, a semi-lying or sitting position is required; by the end of the day you can stand up and walk. You can drink 3-4 hours after anesthesia, eat food after 5-6 hours.

On the second day, the doctor conducts an examination, removes drainages and makes dressings. In some clinics, the patient is allowed to go home by the end of the second or third day with positive dynamics of recovery.

The patient remains at home for the third or fourth day. Physical activity is prohibited; walking around the house is acceptable.

On the fifth day, a visit to the clinic is required for a follow-up examination by a surgeon and assessment of the recovery process, dressing, and suture treatment.

From 6 to 11 days after surgery, there is a smooth return to normal life with a number of restrictions. Physical activity, sports and heavy lifting are prohibited.

On the 12th day, the doctor conducts an examination again, monitoring the process of restoration of breast tissue and postoperative suture. The next visit during the normal rehabilitation process is planned for the 6th week from the date of surgery.

In the second or third week after the intervention, light housework is allowed; after the doctor’s permission, you can start training after about a month.

Who is the product suitable for?

The deterioration of the condition of the breast skin, which predetermines its sagging, occurs for various reasons. These include sudden weight loss, lactation, pregnancy, mono-diets, unbalanced nutrition, and a sedentary lifestyle. Any of these provoking factors is an indication for regular moisturizing and nourishing of the skin. It is also advisable to use breast tightening cream for the formation of stretch marks or age spots. Eliminating such cosmetic defects will allow a woman to find psychological comfort and regain her former attractiveness.

Contraindications and restrictions

Even a high-quality cream for breast elasticity is saturated with bioactive substances, which cannot be called hypoallergenic. Therefore, the main contraindication to its use is individual intolerance to one of the components. Restrictions on the use of any means for breast enlargement are:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • benign or malignant neoplasms of any location;
  • recurrent skin pathologies - eczema, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis.

Phytoestrogens increase skin sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation. It is better not to use breast enlargement cream with them in the summer. It is worth considering that the safety of natural ingredients is nothing more than a myth. Therefore, preliminary consultation with a doctor is required.

Before using the cream for the first time, it should be tested for safety. A small amount (about the size of a pea) should be rubbed into the elbow or wrist. If the skin does not turn red or swell within an hour, there is no hypersensitivity to the ingredients.

The action of some creams is based on an irritant effect, so before using them it is necessary to test for individual allergies

How to use correctly

Each bust enlargement cream is enclosed in a cardboard box along with instructions for use. Following her recommendations will allow you to avoid any negative manifestations from the body. Using these cosmetics is not difficult at all:

  • wash the skin of the chest with warm water and soap, rub well with a hard towel;
  • apply the cream in a thin layer, rub in with soft massaging movements, without touching the nipple;
  • Remove any remaining product with a paper towel.

The effectiveness of the procedures will increase significantly when adjustments are made to the diet. Nutritionists recommend eating more legumes, nuts, and grains during this period. These are natural sources of useful bioactive substances that are good for healing the entire female body.

In addition to changing your diet, daily physical activity will help enhance the effect of the cream. You should choose exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the mammary glands. For example, dumbbell lifts and push-ups.

Instructions for use of breast enlargement product

The best creams for bust enlargement

High cost does not always become a reliable guarantee of quality. When choosing a cream, it is better to pay attention to its qualitative and quantitative composition. It must contain cosmetic oils. If the product contains pepper extract, then it cannot be used constantly. An indicator of quality is the presence of vitamins A or E, peptides and hyaluronic acid. Below is a rating of the most popular creams for increasing the attractiveness of female breasts.


The main effect of the dietary supplement is aimed at stimulating the enlargement of the mammary glands. For this purpose, various cosmetic oils have been added to its composition - roses, shea butter, macadamia. They improve skin turgor and help replenish nutrients. Breast tightening cream is quickly absorbed and does not leave stains on clothes and underwear.

Despite the fact that the manufacturer recommends using it for ongoing care, it is better not to do this. One of the components of Upsize is Pueraria mirifica, rich in phytoestrogens. But their pharmacological properties have not yet been studied enough. Therefore, you need to use the cream for 1-1.5 months in the morning and evening. The cost of dietary supplements is about 1000 rubles.

Upsize is a popular breast care product


Thanks to natural active ingredients, it nourishes, strengthens and moisturizes the breast skin. Guam prevents the appearance of stretch marks, but is ineffective for existing stretch marks. Unlike other products, it has a slight cooling effect. There are several types of Guam breast enlargement creams on sale:

  • Firming Cream (about 1,700 rubles). Quite greasy, the consistency resembles an ointment. The composition is represented by ivy phytoextract, lemon and wheat germ oils, tocopherol, B vitamins. Firming Cream is suitable for daily care 2-3 times a day;
  • Volumel Seno (from 2200 rubles). It has an irritating effect, so it quickly visually enlarges the breasts. Provides it with red algae concentrate. Use the product once a day for 1-2 months. It is not suitable for women with dry and sensitive skin prone to irritation.

Guam products are relatively safe and rarely lead to adverse reactions. Unlike dubious dietary supplements sold on the Internet, it has been thoroughly tested for safety.

Volumel Seno increases breast size due to the irritating effect of red algae extract


Breast Enhancer Firming Cream - bust tightening cream. Contains active substances that effectively increase skin elasticity and prevent sagging. The structure of the product resembles a gel, so it is absorbed within 1-2 minutes. Its advantages are the mild smell of gardenia phytoextract and the excellent reputation of the brand. The composition contains volufilin acid, which moisturizes and nourishes the stratum corneum of the skin. It is enough to apply the cream 2 times a day for a month to obtain visible effects. Price - about 750 rubles.


This cosmetic product contains Pueraria mirifica with phytoestrogens, rose and orange oils. And an instant lifting effect is provided by an extract from capsicum. The manufacturer assures that after a month of daily use, the breasts will increase by 1-2 sizes. This statement is doubtful, but the product is quite capable of improving the condition of the skin. The volume of the bust increases only for a few hours due to tissue swelling. Once Breasthill is cancelled, all effects disappear. The cost of breast tightening cream is about 1000 rubles.


Eveline Slim Extreme 4D is available in the form of a firming cream serum with a push-up effect. Breast enlargement occurs due to the presence of centella asiatica and caffeine in the composition. It should be borne in mind that the result is maintained only with daily use of the product up to 2 times a day. But the cream moisturizes and nourishes the skin well thanks to the high concentration of hyaluronic acid.

There is no need to constantly care for your breasts with Eveline Slim Extreme 4D. The serum is suitable for course use for a month 2-3 times a year. Unlike many other similar products, it is often available in pharmacies. Eveline Slim Extreme 4D is inexpensive - less than 300 rubles.

The presence of caffeine in Eveline serum provides a quick tightening effect

What does Aliexpress offer?

This Chinese trading platform offers consumers a lot of inexpensive formulations designed for breast care. Almost all of them contain natural ingredients.

Placing an order is quite simple. Everything here is organized according to the principle of an ordinary online store. Selected products are placed in a virtual basket, after which the checkout process begins.

After this, the order is sent by Russian Post to the address you provide when placing it.

The most popular and current offers include the following creams:

  • Bonixia;
  • L&K ;
  • Benars;
  • Pueraria mirifika.

Average price - from 400 to 600 rubles.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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