Belotero: all about the drugs + reviews and photos of results

In this article we will take a closer look at Belotero fillers from Merz Pharma. You will find out what they contain, what types there are and where each one is used. Let's figure out how injections are made, how long the effect lasts after them and what complications there may be. And also what they write about the drugs in reviews and what results should be expected.

Belotero fillers

Belotero - what are these drugs?

Belotero are fillers based on hyaluronic acid, which are designed to fill wrinkles, restore lost volume of the face, restore smoothness to the skin and normalize its hydrobalance, and correct lip contours.

The light consistency of the gel ensures almost painless administration (although to be sure, the formula of some drugs is supplemented with lidocaine) and uniform distribution in the tissues of the face and body that need modeling.

Fillers have been successfully certified in Russia, Ukraine, Europe, the USA, Canada and some countries in South America.

Belotero fillers work on different areas of the face and body

Indications for use

Depending on the drug, the indications for use vary.

  • HYDRO. Restoration of the skin in the face, neck, hands, and décolleté area.
  • SOFT. Elimination of wrinkles in the lip area, elimination of folds in areas with very thin dermis, fight against crow's feet.
  • BALANCE. Correction of lip contour, Correction of wrinkles in the perioral and periorbital areas.
  • INTENSE. Correction of deep wrinkles, facial modeling.
  • VOLUME. Volume restoration.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

The Belotero filler is characterized by a pronounced lifting effect, at the same time, without complications in the form of fibrosis. In addition, the product not only eliminates wrinkles on the face, but restores the volume of tissue in the décolleté area and the back of the hands.

General information about the manufacturer

The developer of Belotero fillers is the German company Merz Pharma, founded in 2007. By 2022, the company's assets include:

  • its own fairly broad niche in the aesthetic medicine market;
  • subsidiaries in Spain, Canada and France;
  • merger with the American company Bio Form Medica;
  • development of several lines of beauty products, including, in addition to Belotero, Glytone, Xeomin, Radiesse, Neocutis and Ulthera.
  • decent reputation.

Merz Pharma is continuously improving old and developing new products to maintain youthful skin, and also regularly organizes courses for cosmetologists on the correct use of its products.

The official website of the company in Russia is, and the Belotero fillers are

Where to buy the drug

There will be no problems purchasing Belotero fillers. Many online stores sell popular products. You can buy the Hydro option for 4 thousand rubles, Soft - for 5.4 thousand rubles, Balance - for 6.6 thousand rubles, Intensity - for 6.4 thousand rubles, Volume - for 12 thousand rubles .

Purchasing the drug on your own is fraught with “meetings” with unscrupulous sellers who offer counterfeits and do not comply with the storage conditions of the substance. The use of counterfeit products using the Belotero brand is fraught with the development of various complications.

To prevent a sad scenario, it is recommended to contact clinics that officially work directly with the manufacturer’s dealer. This guarantees the impeccable quality of Belotero products, the high specialization of doctors who are trained to work with substances. You can find out a list of clinics representing Belotero products on the official Merz Pharma website.


Hyaluronic acid, the main component of the filler, is produced by Merz Pharma using a patented technology for forming a CPM (cohesive polydensified matrix) in 5 stages:

  1. Preliminary purification of raw materials and production of hyaluronic acid.
  2. Pulling and aligning its chaotically located chains.
  3. Cross-linking of acid molecules to obtain a monophasic gel that is resistant to biodegradation.
  4. A new extension of molecules formed as a result of the previous stage.
  5. Repeated stitching and cleaning.

Uses hyaluronic acid using patented technology

Hyaluronic acid obtained by this method is not divided into large and small particles, as is usually the case, but is a homogeneous (homogeneous) gel with areas of single and double cross-linked acid of varying degrees of density. Thus, manufacturers kill three birds with one stone:

  • single cross-linked sections and homogeneity ensure easy penetration of the gel into tissues;
  • double stitched ones guarantee a long service life of the filler;
  • different densities contribute to a more uniform distribution of the gel in the internal structure of the dermis, which is heterogeneous in nature, and prevents its migration.

The characteristics of the resulting hyaluronic acid are as close as possible to the natural characteristics of the skin, so it is easily integrated into the tissue, and the risk of allergies or hematomas is negligible. According to research, no more than 5%.

The action of the acid is complemented by a phosphate buffer, which ensures the hydration of skin cells and the desired pH level. In addition, some drugs in the Belotero line contain lidocaine.

Why choose Belotero

A distinctive feature of fillers is that they are intended for injection exclusively into the upper layers of the dermis, which ensures the safety of the procedure and virtually no distortion of facial expressions.

The advantages also include:

  • there is no discomfort or feeling of foreignness (the drug is easily absorbed even by hypersensitive skin).
  • the end result is as close to natural as possible due to the uniform distribution of the gel.
  • There are no compactions or nodules in the corrected area.
  • minimal risk of side effects in the form of swelling, itching, redness and allergies, which is due to the cleaning of the drug during production using special innovative technologies.
  • high effectiveness - the effect of the procedure becomes noticeable immediately and can last throughout the year.

Description of the drug line

The Belotero filler collection is designed to solve all age-related skin problems. For every task posed by time, they have their own elegant solution.

Belotero Soft

Filler Soft is used for thin, vulnerable skin in the face and body and against small wrinkles such as “crow’s feet” in the corners of the eyes, thin “Rings of Venus” on the neck and short shallow folds of skin above the upper lip and on the forehead.

The content of hyaluronic acid is higher here – 20 mg/ml – so the drug not only resists the first signs of aging, but is also used for bio-reinforcement or replenishment of the missing volume where a small delicate correction is required.

Areas of application for Belotero Soft

Belotero Balance (Basic)

Don’t get confused, the filler was previously called Basic, and in 2016 it was renamed Balance. It contains 22.5 mg/ml hyaluronic acid and is able to cope with medium-depth wrinkles. It is used to fill shallow scars, folds in the eyebrow area, “nasolabial folds,” and wrinkles around the mouth.

In addition, Balance can add volume to the lips and correct the contours of their border.

Areas of application for Belotero Balance

Belotero Intense

Belotero Intense contains 25.5 mg/ml hyaluronic acid.

It is used for volumetric modeling of the face. Increasing the volume of the lips by returning them to their former colors and freshness, smoothing out deep pronounced folds near the mouth, straightening the chin, correcting the oval of the face - Intense filler is used for all this.

Application areas for Belotero Intense

Belotero Volume

Belotero Volume filler is a record holder for hyaluronic acid content : 26 mg/ml allows the gel to be considered the optimal solution for non-surgical plastic surgery. Lips, cheeks, chin, temples, cheekbones - wherever you need to restore the volume inherent in youth, filler will be in place.

Volume is often used to form the so-called “Cupid's arch” - a clear contour of the lips with attractive feminine curves.

Areas of application for Belotero Volume

Belotero Hydro

Belotero Hydro is not a filler. This is a biorevitalizant developed by Merz Pharma scientists to intensively moisturize the skin. Of all the products in the line, it contains the minimum amount of hyaluronic acid – 18 mg/ml – but is also enhanced with glycerin.

The drug penetrates deeply into the body tissue, restores the water balance of the skin, makes it elastic and radiant, restores tone, and serves as a prevention of wrinkles. Used for biorevitalization of the face, neck, décolleté and hands.

Belotero Hydro is a biorevitalizant

When are fillers from the Belotero line used?

A cosmetologist usually recommends Belotero in the following cases:

  • If necessary, correct deep wrinkles;
  • To update the appearance of cheekbones;
  • To refine the contour and oval of the face;
  • If necessary, increase natural skin turgor naturally;
  • To resolve the issue of the consequences of ptosis;
  • For correcting lip line and volume.

Comparative table of drugs

BG concentration in mm/mg182022,525,526
PurposeRehydration (deep skin hydration), stimulation of collagen production. Suitable for face, neck, hands and décolleté
  • Crow's feet
  • Purse-string morshins
  • Forehead wrinkles
  • Nasolabial folds
  • Eyebrow area
  • Puppet wrinkles
  • Correction of the red border of the lips
  • Oral commissures
  • Deep nasolabial folds
  • Puppet wrinkles
  • Prominent oral commissures
To replenish the volume of the cheeks, temples, chin
Volume of product in 1 syringe1 ml1 ml1 ml1 ml1 ml
Option with lidocaineNoEatEatEatEat
Number of syringes per package1 PC.1 PC.1 PC.1 PC.2 pcs.

In 2022, Merz Pharma introduced a new product, Belotero Revive, for deep skin revitalization. Alas, for now the new product is officially available only to residents of Europe and South America.

Precautionary measures

Before the procedure, the doctor always conducts a preliminary conversation. The cosmetologist not only finds out the details of the problem, but also draws conclusions about the possibility of carrying out the manipulation. It is important to identify contraindications:

  • hypersensitivity to the components of Belotero products;
  • skin problems in affected areas;
  • acute course of any disease;
  • severe cardiovascular, somatic, endocrine disorders;
  • oncology, autoimmune diseases;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding period.

The procedure is not performed on minors. An informed consent must be signed before the intervention. The doctor warns against undesirable consequences if the patient is prone to keloid scars. It is recommended to reschedule the procedure if you feel unwell or are menstruating.

Belotero products must not be injected into the bloodstream, muscles, bone structures, or mammary glands. Do not use drugs to correct the lower eyelid. Violation of restrictions, errors in the work of a cosmetologist, non-compliance with the recommendations of the recovery period are fraught with the development of complications:

  • necrosis;
  • seals;
  • severe swelling, bruising, hyperemia;
  • impaired blood supply to the area (pale skin color);
  • numbness;
  • allergic reactions.

Important advice! If symptoms occur, be sure to seek help from a doctor. Most violations can be resolved quickly.

Pros and cons of fillers

The manufacturers of the Belotero line themselves call its main advantage the high plasticity of the gel, which facilitates the procedure for introducing fillers and does not prevent clients from leading their usual lifestyle within a couple of hours after visiting the beauty salon.

In addition, Merz Pharma specialists believe that their products are supported by the high quality of raw materials, quick results that do not need to wait, and long-lasting effects - often up to 1 year.

If we talk about the claims made by users of Belotero drugs, then three main ones can be distinguished:

  • high price;
  • soreness noted by patients with sensitive skin, despite lidocoine and the plasticity of the gel;
  • fillers are not a panacea and do not work in 100% of cases. True, it is not possible to collect accurate statistics on this issue, since it is not always possible to say with certainty what caused the unsatisfactory result - the filler itself, the lack of experience of the technician, or a fake purchased under the guise of an original product.


Belotero fillers are subject to standard prohibitions for injectable cosmetic procedures. The administration of the gel should be avoided during the following periods:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • acute infectious disease;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • diabetes mellitus in the stage of decompensation;
  • the appearance of rashes, irritations and wounds in the area that is supposed to be treated with filler;
  • inflammatory processes in the body, regardless of what caused them.

If, shortly before contacting a cosmetologist, the client underwent laser or chemical peeling, fractional thermolysis and other procedures that violate the integrity of the skin, the introduction of fillers will have to be postponed until the skin has completely healed.

It is better to postpone all aggressive procedures for the skin.

A categorical contraindication without a time frame will be:

  • autoimmune diseases;
  • the patient’s skin is prone to the appearance of keloid scars;
  • individual sensitivity to the components of the drug.

Belotero fillers should not be administered to clients under 18 years of age. After reaching adulthood, the decision on the advisability of using the drug is best left to the discretion of the cosmetologist.

Instructions for administering the drug

The duration of the procedure depends on the volume of treatment. The doctor corrects single areas in 15–20 minutes. Contour plastic surgery covering large surfaces can take 1–2 hours.

Before introducing filler under the skin, it is necessary to treat the patient's integument with an antiseptic. To eliminate unnecessary discomfort, when using drugs without lidocaine in the composition, an anesthetic is additionally used. It is important to have your filler administered by a certified physician.

A cosmetologist who has undergone additional training in working with Belotero products knows the nuances that positively affect the quality of the result.

The gel in the package is completely ready for use. The doctor unseals a new syringe with filler in front of the patient. Using needles, the cosmetologist performs punctures in pre-planned places. The gel is most often administered using a cannula. This method is considered less traumatic and comfortable for the doctor and the patient. It is possible to perform microinjections using a thin needle. Biorevitalization is carried out with the formation of papules.

The products of the Belotero line have the ability to be evenly distributed between the areas undergoing filling and the areas adjacent to those being corrected. The doctor helps the process by lightly massaging the treated areas. The mesh structure of hyaluronic acid opens up in the tissues, creating volume and support for the tissues. This is aimed at quickly achieving a natural effect.

Important! The treatment areas, the amount of the drug, and the administration schedule will be determined by the doctor. The patient is advised to check the expiration date of the substance and ensure that sterility is maintained when performing the intervention. In licensed clinics, all safety measures are strictly observed.

Carrying out the procedure yourself or entrusting the process to a performer who does not have the necessary qualifications is dangerous for beauty and health. Incorrectly performed intervention is fraught with the development of complications.

How is the procedure done?

The manufacturer strongly recommends that potential customers of its products contact professionals and carry out procedures for the introduction of fillers on an outpatient basis. On the company's website, those interested can find the addresses of clinics whose specialists have undergone special training to handle Belotero drugs.


Preparing for the injection of fillers is not difficult, but it requires discipline on the part of the client. 7 days before the procedure, you should avoid tanning, do not use home peeling, do not smoke, do not drink alcohol, and do not take certain medications and vitamins.

Carrying out injections

First, the doctor will explain in detail what he is going to do and answer the patient’s questions. And then the actual procedure will begin, which will include:

  1. Cleaning the patient’s skin from sebum, traces of makeup and dust, treating with an antiseptic.

  2. Applying an ointment with an anesthetic effect to areas of the face or body that need correction to reduce pain.

  3. Marking for injections.

  4. Removing from the package a sealed syringe with gel, two disposable needles and two stickers confirming the authenticity of the drug.

  5. Injection of fillers under the skin using one of the standard techniques.

  6. Repeated treatment with an antiseptic, a soothing mask for disturbed skin and demonstration to the client of the result obtained.

The entire procedure takes no more than 40 minutes, often turns out to be almost painless and does not negatively affect the client’s well-being or ability to lead a social life: go to stores, visit cafes, and communicate.


Merz Pharma specialists recommend using three main methods for administering the Belotero line of drugs:

  • Linear or short-linear. The syringe needle is located almost parallel to the skin and penetrates its superficial layers by no more than 2 mm. During the process of removing the needle, a small amount of gel is injected under the skin, which is located in the form of a short line. With the linear method, the puncture channels filled with gel are located along the wrinkle or fold, filling it from the inside. With a short linear one - across, forming a supporting frame under the skin.
  • Point. The needle is turned at an angle of 30-40° to the body and through a series of punctures located as close to each other as possible, droplets of gel are introduced under the skin, which look like miniature tubercles.
  • Fan. Through a single puncture in the tissue of the face or body, a flexible cannula is inserted, through which the gel is delivered to the desired areas. Then the cannula, without being completely removed, is moved through the same puncture in several directions, due to which the filler is located in the tissues in the form of a fan.

Filler injection techniques

How are injections performed?

The first phase in the installation of any filler always begins with disinfection of the skin surface. An anesthetic cream is also acceptable if the patient does not tolerate pain well. Some clinics do tests for the tolerability of the components, but this is not necessary, because With Belotero, the cost is always justified by the highest compatibility.

Injections must be made with branded ultra-thin cannulas, branded by the same company Merz. The puncture is extremely light and practically not felt. It is not recommended to use third-party needles - they are not cheaper, but they are much worse in terms of comfort during the procedure.

No separate rehabilitation is required for Belotero Intens. Among the injuries: it is extremely rare to see small wounds and a couple of drops of capillary blood in invasive areas that heal quickly. General medical recommendations for all fillers:

  • Do not use makeup or oily creams for 12 hours.
  • Do not sunbathe, do not train in the gym, do not visit baths, solariums, or saunas for at least three days.
  • Another two weeks will be required for the recovery regime without massage, injections, or peeling.

The effect is fixed for a year. A permanent scar may form in place of the filler, and then new procedures will no longer be needed. But this happens extremely rarely; more often clients come for the next course. Fortunately, the procedure is painless.

Blanching is also done with Belotero Soft and Intense. This is a procedure to remove particularly deep neck wrinkles that cannot be removed with other fillers. Blanching occurs using the multipuncture technique - that is, several needles at the same time. At the end of the session, the skin turns white for a couple of minutes - this is normal and should not cause concern. Wrinkles and scars are quickly smoothed out, and the facial contour becomes healthier. Blanching is also indicated for the skin of the eyelids.

Side effects

The Belotero line of drugs is considered hypoallergenic and safe, but this does not exclude the occurrence of short-term side effects:

  • redness;
  • slight swelling;
  • bruises at the puncture site;
  • the appearance of compactions;
  • lightening the skin in areas with gel.

If side effects do not disappear within 7 days, you need to see a cosmetologist and find out what is the reason for the body’s negative reaction to the filler.

To reduce the likelihood of side effects, in the first 2 weeks after the procedure you should not go to a bathhouse, sauna, solarium, take a hot shower or visit a public swimming pool, indulge in physical activity, rub the filler injection sites with your fingers and apply makeup.

Healing period

The rehabilitation period after using Belotero fillers is quick. The appearance after the procedure changes immediately. A full result makes it difficult to evaluate the swelling that develops in most cases. The swelling is minor. It will pass quickly. Bruises may occur at the puncture sites. Redness is noticeable in the first 2–3 hours. Negative manifestations will pass in 2–5 days.

After 7–14 days we will see the final result. The achieved effect lasts up to 9–12 months after using the basic line of fillers. The result of volumization lasts up to 18 months, biorevitalization - up to 6–9 months.

The doctor will indicate the need to pay attention to the complete healing of the wounds. At this time, it is recommended to limit yourself to antiseptic skin treatment. It is recommended to abandon standard cosmetics, especially for decorative purposes. After 2–3 days, it is acceptable to resume standard care. For better distribution of the product, you can perform a light massage of the treated area according to the pattern specified by the doctor.

To prevent complications, the cosmetologist will recommend adhering to standard restrictions of 5–14 days. It is forbidden:

  • visit the pool, sauna, solarium, wash with hot water;
  • drink alcohol, smoke, eat fatty, spicy, salty foods;
  • skin injury;
  • perform various procedures without the consent of a cosmetologist;
  • play sports, experience other increased stress.

The list of restrictions may vary depending on the area being treated. A doctor will give you a full briefing.

How long does the result last?

According to the manufacturer, the long service life of Belotero fillers is one of its main advantages.

Drug nameHydroSoftBalanceIntenseVolume
Validity period in months6-124-106-1299-12

However, in reality, the gel can leave the body much earlier, especially if you lead an unhealthy lifestyle. But proper nutrition, moderate physical activity and careful skin care will help the filler last longer.

Comparison with analogues

NameHomeland of the brandNumber of drugs in the lineHyaluronic acid contentDuration of action
BeloteroGermany518-264-12 months
FilorgaFrance55-233-10 months
Juvederm (Yuvederm)France6241-1.5 years
PrincessAustria4236 months-1 year
RejeunesseSouth Korea4248 months-1.5 years
Restylane (Restylane)Sweden5206 months-1 year
StylageFrance916-264-12 months
SuccessIsrael518-261 year-16 months
Teosyal (Teoseal)Switzerland715-252-18 months

Cost of the procedure in clinics

The price of the intervention is negotiated with the patient individually. The cost of the procedure depends on the scale of treatment, the complexity of the task, and the amount of drug required to achieve the goals. On average, to process a single plot, you will need 12–25 thousand rubles. This amount includes expenses for:

  • purchase of the drug;
  • payment for cosmetologist services;
  • antiseptic treatment, pain relief.

Many clinics periodically hold promotions that allow patients to save money. Incentive discounts are usually available for those who perform extensive treatment and regularly attend the clinic. It is recommended to clarify in advance how much the procedure will cost.

Photos before and after

Photos before and after Belotero filler injections No. 1 (nasolabial folds)

Photos before and after Belotero filler injections No. 2 (lip augmentation)

Photos before and after Belotero filler injections No. 3 (nasolabial folds)

Photos before and after Belotero filler injections No. 4 (area around the mouth)

Photos before and after Belotero filler injections No. 5 (area around the mouth)

Popular questions

Is it possible to combine the use of Belotero fillers with drugs from other brands?

In some cases - yes. For example, you can inject Belotero gel into the nasolabial folds, and another drug under the eyes or forehead. However, you cannot enhance the effect of Belotero gel with fillers of another brand in the same part of the face or body if you are not satisfied with the result obtained. First you need to wait for the gel to biodegrade.

Is it possible to speed up the removal of gel from tissues?

There are no special medications for this, but intense exercise and a love of tanning can speed up the process.

Is there an addiction effect to Belotero fillers?

No, that's not true.


Belotero injections act in different directions. Each type of gel is designed to solve specific age-related problems.

General indications for use of the drug:

  • Dry, dehydrated skin;
  • Deep folds, creases;
  • Age-related ptosis;
  • Loss of clear facial contour;
  • Sunken cheeks, loss of volume in the zygomatic area;
  • Insufficient lip volume.

A special composition with hyaluronic acid is suitable for correcting the delicate area around the eyes. Injection will help correct the shape of the lips (emphasize contours, add volume).

Biorevitalization with Belotero Hydro, according to many women, is an effective way to rejuvenate the face, décolleté and neck.

Cosmetologists' opinion

Many cosmetologists have a positive attitude towards Merz Pharma products - and in particular, Belotero fillers. This cosmetologist considers the gel an excellent assistant in preserving beauty.

This specialist praises the drug for its quick effect and natural results.

And this one tells a colleague on the forum, who turned to another company due to a lack of reviews about Belotero, that the drug is worthy of attention.

Patient reviews

Here's what you can read in reviews from clients of beauty salons and clinics. This woman is more than happy with the way Belotero Soft filler worked on her crow's feet and wrinkles on her neck.

This patient had her smile corrected using fillers.

But the drug left this girl nothing but disappointment.

Video: Introduction of Belotero Soft and Balans fillers using a new technique

Merz Pharma's drugs combine scientific progress and high German quality - it is not for nothing that they are willingly certified in Europe and America. However, judging by the presence of a certain percentage of negative reviews, all this is not a guarantee of an excellent result. To make a final decision, find a good specialist and consult with him. Perhaps Belotero will be just the drug that will help solve your problems. Or maybe the doctor will select another filler that is more effective in your case.

( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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