Vichy creams after 40 years, anti-wrinkle products and foundation

The area around the eyes needs special care, so you need to take care of it from a young age. After 40 years, hormonal changes are so serious that care must be regular, and eye products must be guaranteed to be effective.

Otherwise, it will be impossible to avoid the appearance of wrinkles. Poor quality care or its absence will provoke the appearance of dark circles and bruises around the eyes, swelling, and drooping of the upper eyelid.

In the ranking of the best products for this delicate area, the eye cream from Vichy certainly appears. For many years, the manufacturer has been providing women over 25, 30, and 40 years of age with quality care, constantly expanding their line of eye products.

Five products from Vichy provide the eyes with an excellent anti-aging effect:

  • LIFT ACTIV PRO series eye cream;
  • eye contour product Liftactiv Derm Source;
  • MYOKINE eye wrinkle correction cream;
  • product for comprehensive rejuvenation of eyes and lips NEOVADIOL CONTOURS;
  • eye contour restoration cream Vichy Idealia Eyes

All of them are suitable for caring for the eyelid area. The effectiveness of the products is also explained by the unique composition

Useful properties and composition

The company's scientists conduct cosmetic research that allows them to select the ideal product for each skin type. The age series includes components that affect three types of wrinkles: primary, mimic and age-related.

The main emphasis is on eliminating the cause of the problem, rather than on mitigating the consequences. The active ingredient used in most products is thermal water. It is mined in the city of Vichy. It is there that the Lucas spring is located, which has been known for its healing properties since the times of the Roman emperors. The water contains 28 useful minerals and trace elements (iron, calcium, silicon, magnesium, potassium and others).

Creams for the skin around the eyes help cope with age-related changes in the body and provide complete care.

Serum 10 Vichy LiftActiv Dermoresource Eyes & Eyelashes

As promised, the Vichy Eye Serum reduces fine lines, brightens the eye contour and strengthens lashes. Is it so? It should be noted right away that there are very different reviews floating around on the Internet: there are downright “unctuous” ones that are hard to believe, and there are also “disappointing” ones. The project has chosen the most useful ones for you.

  • Smoothes out small wrinkles around the eyes, is quite economical, but the eyelashes are as they were and remain. No improvements. Kate.
  • It's strange that it is stated as suitable for sensitive skin. And the manufacturer doesn’t particularly advertise this, but it contains alcohol!!! How so. This serum feels very harsh. I used it for five days, and peeling appeared. There is no talk of any moisturizing, much less smoothing out wrinkles. Alina.

Vichy LiftActiv Derm Source Serum: composition and swatch

  • I didn't like the texture. Sticky. When I read reviews about this Vichy eye serum and see that they praise the texture, it seems that we tried some different products, or they even write without trying! At the same time, it does not absorb for a long time. Wrinkles like “crow’s feet” (I have them due to age, I’m 40) do not smooth out in any way. And where is the instant lifting? In general, I feel sorry for the money I wasted, and the serum is not cheap. Zarina.
  • Quite a strange situation. I bought the serum not just like that and not after reading some reviews, but after testing it! I really liked it, it was so cool, I decided that I should take it. But the purchased bottle, perhaps, contains the wrong product... I only liked the smell, but the rest - it was like some kind of cheap cream... Elena.

Product Features

All products of this brand have a number of distinctive features that distinguish it from the variety of cosmetic products:

  • availability of quality certificates, which can be viewed directly in a store or pharmacy;
  • the availability of narrowly targeted means that effectively combat a specific problem;
  • help get rid of puffiness, dark circles under the eyes and wrinkles;
  • products from the Vichy company do not contain hormones, so they are not addictive;
  • a variety of products helps you choose an option depending on your needs;
  • the opportunity to buy samples and test the product before purchasing a large volume;
  • Vichy cosmetics do not contain allergens and are safe for the skin.

When choosing care for the delicate skin under the eyes, you should not save money or experiment with unknown products. It is better to give preference to a company that is not only reliable, but also efficient.

All products from Vichy are considered luxury cosmetics. Despite this, the company's products are much more affordable than most luxury products.

The best moisturizing and nourishing creams

Darphin “Fibrogene” face cream

Cream from. Rich in vitamins and oil, the composition contains only components grown in natural conditions, without the use of chemicals. Absorbs quickly without leaving any traces on the skin. The price for one package is 1000 rubles.


  • enriches the skin with vitamins and minerals.


  • Available in jars.

Nutritic Intense Riche

Nourishing cream with a moisturizing effect produced by La Roche-posay. Its main advantage is the ability to be used directly during the process of applying makeup. The composition is based on thermal water. The cream is rich in proteins, which accelerates the skin regeneration process. The manufacturer's recommended price is 1200 rubles.


  • Doesn't remove makeup.


  • Available in jars.

Face cream NNPTSTO “Cosmetic sour cream”

"NNPCTO" offers customers the latest innovative cream, which not only rejuvenates the skin and protects it from environmental influences, but also promotes abundant nutrition of the skin with all necessary substances. It is based on milk processing products. Price 520 rubles.


  • Contains exclusively natural ingredients.


  • Available in jars;
  • a little-researched formula that may not be effective.

"Nutrilogie 1"

Cream based on thermal water and apricot oil from Vichy, which enriches the skin with nutrients and inhibits the aging process. The cost of packaging is only 600 rubles.


  • time-tested composition.


  • Available in jars.


Very cheap moisturizer. Based on aloe juice and other plant components. The cost of packaging can vary from 150 to 200 rubles.


  • excellent quality cream;
  • low cost.


  • Available in jars.

Popular series

All company care products have different purposes. Among them, several lines are the most popular:

Eye gel Blepharogel

  • Vichy Idealia Eyes Cream. The eye contour product helps smooth out fine wrinkles, remove dark circles under the eyes and moisturize the dermis. In addition, the cream fluid erases signs of fatigue and eliminates swelling. Contains no parabens or allergic components. Reviews online confirm that Vichy Idealia is suitable even for very sensitive skin. The cost on the official website is about 2000 rubles.
  • Vichy Aqualia Thermal cream for dry and dehydrated eyelid skin has an active caring effect. The thermal water in the composition moisturizes the skin, and beneficial minerals make it soft and silky. Due to its light texture, it can be used under makeup.
  • VichyOligo The product in the form of a stick has cooling, moisturizing and smoothing effects. Does not irritate sensitive skin under the eyes. The manufacturer promises that immediately after use, fine wrinkles will smooth out and dark circles will disappear. The product is not suitable for aging skin.
  • Serum 10 Vichy LiftActiv “Dermoresource”. In addition to increasing skin smoothness, the serum is designed to provide eyelash care. The product contains hyaluronic acid, polysaccharides and ceramides. They moisturize the dermis, strengthen eyelashes and accelerate their growth.


Vichy foundations will help you not only achieve an even, lasting and natural skin tone, but also improve your health. Thanks to its unique structure, you will be able to achieve smooth skin that does not change throughout the day. Among the undoubted advantages of Vichy foundation is the absence of a mask effect after application. The skin continues to breathe and produce its protective layer. Nutrient and vitamin elements in foundations help restore the skin.

All Vichy foundations contain hyaluronic acid. With its help, it is possible to saturate the cells with moisture, which prevents premature aging. They also contain vitamin A, which improves skin health and makes it more attractive.

Age care from Vichy

As you age, your skin stops producing collagen and elastin. The dermis under the eyes becomes thinner, and the cells lose their ability to quickly regenerate. In addition to thermal water, anti-ageing products from Vichy contain retinol, eperuline, adenosine and a cell growth stimulator, Proteic GF.

Products for the skin around the eyes are aimed at different age groups:

  • Women 50-60 years old can use VichyNeovadiol for care. This product is aimed at solving the problems of aging skin. The eye and lip contour care contains proxilan, which promotes regeneration and effectively fights crow's feet and expression wrinkles. Thanks to its natural composition, it is suitable even for sensitive skin.
  • Between the ages of 40 and 50, you can use Vichy eye care cream as your main care. The main components are a highly effective polysaccharide - rhamnose - and hyaluronic acid. The cream helps eliminate puffiness, lightens dark circles under the eyes and prevents sagging skin on the eyelids. Vichy Liftactive also promotes the production of natural elastin and collagen in skin cells after 40 years.
  • Women over the age of 30 can include Vichy Idealia eye contour product in their daily care. The product carefully cares for eyelids, helps get rid of the first wrinkles and evens out the skin texture. It is also used as a base for eye shadow. The product contains caffeine and vitamin E, which reduces dark circles and puffiness under the eyes.

Use of Vichy products after 60 years

After 60 years, the skin on the face and neck is subject to severe dryness and active aging, acquires an uneven color and decreased tone. The special Vichy Cellebiotic series allows you to combat these negative processes.

Products in this series quickly improve the condition of aging skin. One of the main components of such products is the cellular health activator Biotique-B8, which promotes active skin renewal.

The main representatives of this line are day and night creams, produced in 50 ml containers. Cellebiotic products are suitable for all skin types. Such products exhibit actions necessary for skin with pronounced signs of aging:

  • provide deep rejuvenating care;
  • saturate with valuable substances;
  • increase density;
  • reduce the depth of deep wrinkles;
  • eliminate yellow tint;
  • return natural color.

Reviews from cosmetologists confirm that even after a single application of Cellebiotic series creams, the skin looks fresh and rested. You can get noticeable results after 4 weeks of regular use of such products.

Features of application

To get rid of problems in the area around the eyes, you need to regularly and correctly use caring cosmetics.

  • Before applying cream or gel to the skin around the eyes, thorough cleansing is necessary.
  • Then use tonic.
  • The cream is driven into the skin of the eyelids and under the eyes using patting movements. For uniform application, use a special applicator.
  • Movements should be directed from the inner corner to the outer.
  • Next, move to the upper eyelid and apply the cream in the direction from the temple to the eyebrows.
  • Eye cream is best stored in the refrigerator. So, in addition to its basic properties, it will provide an additional tonic effect.
  • To avoid swelling, night cream is applied no later than an hour before bedtime.
  • Conventional cosmetics cannot be used on the delicate skin around the eyes.
  • After using the cream, you must thoroughly clean the applicator.

Liftactiv Derm Source

A product for aging skin, ideal for ladies over 40 years old. Effective against pronounced wrinkles, other signs of aging: crow's feet, sagging upper eyelid (ptosis), dark circles, swelling and sagging lower eyelid. Helps accelerate the processes of cellular metabolism and renewal of the dermis, stimulates the production of its own skin fibers. Can be used on sensitive skin, passed ophthalmological control.


The effective components of the product are ten percent rhamnose (a completely natural ingredient), caffeine, white wax, escin, and Vichy thermal water.


The fading, wrinkled dermis around the eyes becomes elastic again, the severity of wrinkles and their depth decrease, the dermis is actively renewed, the eyes shine with youth and health.

How to apply

Use in the morning after cleansing the skin and in the evening after removing makeup and thoroughly cleansing. It is recommended to lightly massage the area of ​​application, tap it with your fingertips, moving from the bridge of the nose to the temple area.

Contraindications and use during pregnancy

Vichy eye cream has various contraindications:

  • individual intolerance to some components of the cream;
  • the presence of skin diseases in the eyelid area.

Even if the product has been tested by dermatologists, allergies may occur. The first signs of an allergic reaction are itching, dryness and redness of the skin of the eyelids, tearing, and swelling. If these signs appear, you should immediately consult an ophthalmologist.

Before first use, it is recommended to test the Vichy cream around the eyes on an area of ​​skin that is not visible to the eye.

During pregnancy and lactation, the skin around the eyes is most susceptible to dryness and dehydration. These problems can trigger the early appearance of facial wrinkles. To remove them and prevent their reappearance, you can use cream or gel for the skin around the eyes. The components in the care product have a superficial effect and do not affect the child.

Vichy creams are excellent for problematic, dehydrated or aging eyelid skin. However, it should be remembered that the funds are selected individually. Good reviews do not guarantee 100% effectiveness of the cream and do not exclude individual intolerance.

Where to buy and how to choose Vichy products?

It is recommended to purchase Vichy creams in pharmacies or branded stores that cooperate with the manufacturer. When buying such products in dubious places, there is a risk of coming across a fake.

It is important to make sure that the cream does not contain components that can cause allergies. To do this, the buyer must know what substances he has an individual intolerance to.

Considering the price of Vichy products, it is better to buy them in places where preliminary testing is possible. This will allow you to make the right choice of anti-aging product.


Svetlana: I bought the Vichy Liftactive series for myself and my mother. We both liked the eye cream. Mom often develops allergies to new products. Everything is fine with this cream. After a month of use, I noticed that the wrinkles in the corners of my eyes became smaller, almost invisible.

Maria: When I bought a face wash at the pharmacy, I got a sample of a cream for the skin around the eyes. I use it in the morning. The cream is easily absorbed, the circles under the eyes are noticeably lighter. I kept it in the refrigerator, so it had an additional cooling effect. Now I want to buy the full version.

Ekaterina: My eternal problem is bags and dark circles under my eyes. I have been buying Vichy Idealia for a long time. It does its job well, I also use it as a base for eye shadow.

Tips from cosmetologists

Refrain from going into a store and immediately buying half the counter. Buy facial skin care products from one company, and be sure to match your type, and use only them for at least a month. If there is no improvement or the skin condition worsens, you need to switch to products from another manufacturer.

Before using any cream, you should consult a dermatologist and pharmacist to avoid various allergic reactions. You should always check the authenticity of the products you buy, as some unscrupulous manufacturers disguise their creams as products of well-known brands, but use cheap components in them that can harm your health.

The best creams for wrinkles around the eyes after 30 years

After 30-35 years, we recommend choosing the first creams labeled anti-age. They will not only help eliminate wrinkles in the area around the eyes, but will also cope well with puffiness, dark circles, and flaking. See which products are included in the TOP 5 best creams after 30-35 years.

5 Christina Forever Young Rejuvenating Day Eye Cream

Christina Forever Young Rejuvenating Day Eye Cream

Israeli cosmetic company Christina presents an innovative product in the fight against wrinkles. It was created for women over 30-35 years old and takes into account the characteristics of this age. Suitable for any time of year, in summer and spring it protects against ultraviolet radiation. The main feature is the fastest absorption. The cream can be applied even while running. The composition includes nourishing shea butter and other components that deeply moisturize and actively tighten the area around the eyes. It is produced in a volume of 30 ml, which is enough for six months of use. The cream really gets rid of wrinkles and prevents their further appearance. The compact size tube is convenient to take with you, and the narrow neck allows you to squeeze out only the required amount of product.


  • absorbs quickly;
  • does not leave greasy marks;
  • gives elasticity;
  • rejuvenates the skin around the eyes;
  • copes with wrinkles;
  • excellent reviews;
  • lasts a long time.


  • high price.

4 Kleona “Sea Buckthorn”

Kleona "Sea Buckthorn"

The main component of an effective cream for the eye area from Kleona is virgin sea buckthorn berry oil. It includes amino acids, minerals and a whole range of vitamins, cellular metabolism. Upon reaching 35 years of age, the cream is recommended for daily care of aging and dry skin. It fills in fine wrinkles, strengthening the eyelid contour.

Sea buckthorn cream deeply moisturizes and refreshes the skin. Immediately after use, it creates a feeling of comfort that lasts throughout the day. Pros: pleasant sea buckthorn aroma, formula with organic ingredients, compact dark glass bottle. Cons: not suitable for sensitive skin types, takes a long time to absorb due to the inclusion of oils.

3 Estee Lauder Advanced Time Zone

Estee Lauder Advanced Time Zone

In third place among products for women over 30-35 years old is the Swiss cream AdvancedTimeZone from EsteeLauder. This universal cream for all skin types has fast and long-lasting effects due to the patented Tri-HA CellSignaling™ complex. Thanks to a secret but effective formula, it forces the skin to independently synthesize collagen, which evens out wrinkles, and hyaluronic acid by 182%. It restores the water balance of all layers of the skin and gives it a radiant appearance. The effect is noticeable after three days.


  • reduces wrinkles in three days;
  • does not clog the sebaceous glands, excluding the formation of acne;
  • applicable to any skin type;
  • restores skin color and elasticity;
  • tested and approved by doctors;
  • smoothes the outer layer;
  • normalizes water balance;
  • relatively inexpensive price among the luxury professional segment.


  • not found.

2 Shiseido Bio-Performance

Shiseido Bio-Performance

ShiseidoBio-Performance eye cream is a product that ideally combines an affordable price and a high level of quality. The composition is created according to a patented formula, contains many plant components and the Bio-Defining Complex, which automatically recognizes the nature of skin problems, delivering the appropriate components to the right places. The formula was developed by doctors, the effect of the cream was tested hundreds of times in laboratory conditions. The cream is aimed not only at fighting aging, but also at protecting all layers of the skin from the negative influence of the environment.


  • effectively reduces wrinkles,
  • restores water balance and cell nutrition,
  • prevents loss of hyaluronic acid,
  • contains photoprotection components,
  • removes swelling,
  • affordable price with good quality.


  • not found.

1 Vichy Liftactiv Yeux

Vichy Liftactiv Yeux

Vichy Liftactiv Yeux is the undisputed leader among products for women over 30 years old. An honorable first place is a case where quality speaks for itself. The composition is laconic and completely hypoallergenic. The product works due to an active complex containing rhamnose (stimulates dermal resources, triggering natural regeneration processes), escin (a small dose of anti-inflammatory natural horse chestnut extract), dextran sulfate (removes swelling), caffeine, white wax and the famous Vichy thermal water, which enriches the skin with essential minerals.


  • removes all types of wrinkles,
  • smooths out unevenness,
  • Removes pigmentation and dark circles,
  • eliminates swelling,
  • prevents sagging eyelids,
  • delicate texture,
  • can be used by allergy sufferers.


  • not found.
( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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