Smoothing face creams - choosing an effective anti-wrinkle product

The mistrust of the idea that smoothing face creams can reverse the signs of aging is easy to explain. Many women believe that only expensive cosmetic procedures can cope with wrinkles. It should not be so categorically stated that there is no alternative to lifting or plastic surgery - the active compositions of the drugs, most of which are of plant origin, easily smooth out the face.

Let's try to find out which creams are the most effective, which drugs are better to choose - expensive or budget.

Causes of age-related changes

Age-related changes in the skin, including on the hands, are a natural biological process that always affects women and men. The age at which signs of aging first appear depends on many factors, with men typically aging earlier due to low estrogen levels.

If in women visible signs appear after 35, in men this occurs on average 5-7 years earlier. This process largely depends on :

  • lifestyle;
  • presence of bad habits;
  • genetics;
  • care

The last point is often neglected, although the right care can help keep the skin of your hands young much longer.

European cosmetologists advise their clients to begin care even before the first signs of aging appear - at 25-30 years old.

This helps prevent the formation of wrinkles and maintain elasticity, which is much easier than dealing with problems that have already appeared.

Other reasons:

  • Sun . Ultraviolet radiation emitted by sunlight causes the appearance of age spots and thinning of the skin. Of course, this does not happen overnight, but exposure to the sun over many years contributes to the deterioration of the skin on the hands. Allison Arthur, an American dermatologist, claims that 80% of the processes associated with the appearance of wrinkles and loss of elasticity are triggered by ultraviolet radiation;
  • exposure to household chemicals . Aggressive components of cleaning products and detergents provoke dryness, which later results in thinning and loss of elasticity. Excessive cleanliness and frequent hand washing, by the way, also negatively affects the water balance of the dermis;
  • environmental impact . In addition to the sun, snow, wind and rain can accelerate age-related changes. As a result of constant stress, the skin of the hands becomes dry, flaky and covered with fine wrinkles. Monitor the air humidity at home - in the warm season it should be at the level of 30-60%, in winter - 35-40%.

Types of wrinkles

Before moving directly to the review of the best creams, it is worth understanding the types of wrinkles and the reasons for their formation. This will help you take a fresh look at the choice of cosmetics and the need for regular care procedures.

What causes wrinkles to appear?

There are several reasons:

  • aging. The most obvious factor. With age, collagen synthesis decreases, the skin becomes less elastic;
  • dermatoheliosis. Simply put, photoaging, which occurs due to excessive tanning;
  • sudden change in weight. Wrinkles often occur in women who have dramatically lost weight and got rid of significant excess weight;
  • Unhealthy Lifestyle. Nicotine addiction, alcohol abuse, poor sleep - all this impairs blood flow in the skin and worsens its condition;
  • lively facial expressions. Deep expression wrinkles occur in those people who are accustomed to often frowning, raising their eyebrows, squinting and even smiling;
  • skin diseases. Some dermatological diseases lead to dry skin and decreased turgor;
  • structural features of the skull. Wrinkles on the face and neck occur in people, for example, with an incorrect bite.

According to the degree of severity, skin folds can be divided into superficial and deep. The first ones can occur at a young age, but they are easier to deal with. The reasons for its appearance are dry skin, weight loss, improper care. Deep wrinkles occur with age. And it is impossible to get rid of them through cosmetic products alone.

And yet, you shouldn’t give up and sadly watch age-related changes on your skin. You have the power to delay old age a little and delay the appearance of superficial and deep wrinkles. You need to choose the right anti-wrinkle cream, paying attention to the active ingredients in the composition.

How to prolong youthful skin

Of course, it is impossible to completely stop biological processes - sooner or later nature will take its toll. However, you can significantly delay this process by introducing a few simple rules into the habit:

  • use cream with SPF . A special filter included in the creams directly reduces the impact of ultraviolet radiation on the skin. The product must be applied to the back of the hand. Do not neglect this advice in the winter season - ultraviolet radiation does not cease to be emitted, its concentration simply decreases. It is recommended to use products with SPF if the UV index is above 2 points. You can view the current index in your region on the hydrometeorological center website;
  • use gloves . This rule applies to both going outside and cleaning the house. It is also recommended to wear gloves when driving on sunny days. For this purpose there are special driving gloves with open fingers;
  • use creams rich in protein at night, and also containing hyaluronic acid, essential oils of plants - shea, coconut, tea tree, as well as lightening components, such as lemon extract;
  • Once a week, apply nourishing cream and put on cosmetic cotton gloves over it . Just an hour of this spa treatment helps saturate the skin with additional moisture.

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Anti-aging cream components

The presence of certain components depends, of course, on the manufacturer, but these 7 substances are most often found in anti-aging products:

  • hyaluronic acid . The substance penetrates into the deep layers, saturating the dermis with moisture. Regular use of creams with hyaluronic acid restores elasticity;
  • collagen _ Helps eliminate fine wrinkles and prevent their appearance;
  • fruit acids and extracts , such as lemon. Returns healthy color to hands and eliminates pigment spots;
  • allantoin is a chemical substance with pronounced regenerating and rejuvenating properties;
  • antioxidants . Reduce inflammation, protect the skin from external factors. The most common antioxidants are vitamins A, E, C;
  • natural extracts. Each plant has its own unique set of qualities. Chamomile, for example, relieves inflammation, and ginseng has tonic properties;

  • Snail mucin is a complex substance that includes hyaluronic acid, collagen, vitamins, and allantonin. Commonly found in Korean remedies;
  • peptides _ A peptide is a protein that helps maintain a healthy appearance of the dermis. This component is equally good in any cream - for the face, eyelids or hands.

Please note that the composition does not contain parabens. They are usually listed as "Propylparaben". Studies have shown that parabens react with ultraviolet radiation and accelerate the appearance of age-related changes.

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Useful tips

To choose the best anti-wrinkle cream, you must pay attention to the labels on the tube. They are made for a reason. Manufacturers indicate age markings: 25+, 30+, 45+, etc. It is also worth considering the type of skin. Products suitable for dry dermis are contraindicated for oily dermis. And vice versa.

Cosmetics work if used regularly. A systematic approach is also important when using a whole line of products from one manufacturer. This includes day and evening anti-wrinkle creams, anti-aging serum, masks, tonics for every skin type.

It should also be remembered that folds in the skin are not the only sign of impending, let’s say, maturity. Age-related changes include pigmentation, impaired turgor of the dermis, a “swimming” oval of the face, lowering of the sacs in the cheekbone area, delineation of the nasolabial folds, “dropping” of the corners of the mouth and eyes.

This means that the fight against fading must be comprehensive (massage, cosmetic procedures, etc.). Of course, anti-wrinkle cream is also included here. But he alone is not able to restore youth to the face or at least stop aging. But as an auxiliary product for the care of aging skin, it is quite suitable.

Selection rules

  • Buy cream according to your age and do not neglect the manufacturer's recommendations . If you are barely 25, and the package says “35+”, this means that the composition includes stronger components, such as snail mucin, which ceases to have an effect with prolonged use. As a result, when you turn 35, the snail will no longer help;
  • separate day and night creams . Products for daytime use are usually light, do not leave stickiness and are quickly absorbed, while nighttime ones are more nourishing;
  • Before purchasing an anti-aging cream for the first time, go to an offline store, where consultants can help you choose the optimal composition of the product . In the future, you will be able to purchase it yourself, without consultation.

Anti-aging hand care at home

The most popular brands and manufacturers

Perhaps all major cosmetic companies offer creams for aging skin. And luxury brands, and brands specializing in pharmaceutical products, and mass market manufacturers. And in each segment there are several leaders whose products deserve special attention due to their good composition and high quality.

Luxury brands offering the best anti-wrinkle creams:

  • Guerlain;
  • Estee Lauder;
  • Lancôme
  • Clarins;
  • Helena Rubinstein;
  • Clinigue;
  • Dior.

There is no need to worry about the quality of the products of these companies. The cosmetics have a long-lasting effect and contain “unique” ingredients. Well, it costs many times more than mass-market goods. However, some users and experts are convinced that there is not much difference between them.

Popular brands offering pharmacy products:

  • Avene;
  • Lierac;
  • La-Roshe Posae;
  • Vichy.

Products from these manufacturers are also expensive, although somewhat cheaper than luxury cosmetics. The main feature of pharmacy anti-aging creams is a high concentration of active substances, which allows you to fight aging and qualitatively improve the condition of the skin.

There are good brands in the mass market:

  • L'Oreal;
  • "Green Mama";
  • Garnier;
  • Nivea;
  • Bielita Vitex;
  • Natura Siberica, etc.

You shouldn’t expect any special miracles from the products of these companies, but the skin care is still decent. And most importantly - affordable price.

In addition, experts advise taking a closer look at professional cosmetics. It is sold in beauty salons and specialized retail outlets. The most popular products are from brands such as NeoStrata, SesDerma, Skin Doctors, SkinCeuticals, Janssen, Cristina.

TOP 15 anti-aging hand creams

There is a huge selection of anti-aging creams, but not all of them are equally effective. We have compiled a rating of anti-aging hand creams and collected the best products according to the editors of NAILS magazine.

15th place. Sensai, Cellular Performance

Intensive nourishing cream from Sensai helps restore softness and silkiness to your hands, and also reduces damage from external factors. The cream's functions include protection against UV rays, so the product is perfect for hand care in the summer.

The product is unlikely to be suitable as the main means of combating existing age-related changes, but as a preventive cream it is an excellent option.

The manufacturer recommends using the product twice a day, morning and evening.

14th place. La Prairie, Cellular Hand Cream

Cellular, cellular anti-aging hand cream from the premium brand La Prairie is not a cheap pleasure, but thanks to AHA acids of marine origin, algae extract and antioxidant components, it makes hands visually more elastic and soft after the first use. With regular use:

  • The risk of developing pigment spots is reduced;
  • Increases skin elasticity;
  • Hands become soft and smooth;
  • Moisture remains in the skin longer even in extreme temperatures.

The cream will help in the fight against premature skin aging caused by external factors - temperature and environmental.

13th place. Crimean Natural Collection, Anti-aging hand cream

Suitable for daytime use at any time of the year. Absorbs quickly and leaves no stickiness.


  • Shea Butter;
  • viburnum and green tea extracts;
  • rosemary extract.

There are cases of allergies - before use, do a test on a small area of ​​the elbow.

12th place. Avon, Youth Active Cream

The product for mature skin is recommended for use after 40 years. Includes elastin and collagen - components that promote rejuvenation. Systematic use allows you to smooth out the skin, making it more elastic and smooth.

11th place. Vita-complex, rejuvenating hand cream-oil

Cream-oil restores moisture and increases the elasticity of the dermis. The effect is noticeable after the first use. With regular use, it smoothes out wrinkles.


  • aloe vera . Increases the ability of the epidermis to retain moisture, and also soothes, moisturizes and relieves inflammation;
  • Macadamia oil . Smoothes wrinkles and starts the skin renewal process.

Used as a daily care product or as a mask - apply a thick layer to your hands for 15-20 minutes. Remove any remaining residue with a dry cloth.

10th place. Natura Siberica, Hand care cream, anti-aging

Designed to prevent skin aging and is used at the stage of manifestation of the first signs.

Includes natural extracts and herbs:

  • ginseng – tones and increases elasticity;
  • chamomile relieves inflammation, soothes and moisturizes;
  • vitamins A, C, E - have a general strengthening effect on the skin of the hands;
  • lemon balm and calendula - increase protective functions.

9th place. GATINEAU, Vitamina Suractivee Hand Cream

The French-made product is suitable for skin with subtle signs of age-related changes. It is during this period that the product demonstrates visible results.

Contains only 2 active ingredients:

  • vitamin E;
  • collagen.

The manufacturer recommends using the cream at least 3 times a day to see the effect.

8th place. Pharmacist whitening anti-aging cream

Suitable for mature skin prone to wrinkles, sagging and dryness. Shea butter and bearberry leaf extract reduce the severity of age spots and also effectively moisturize.

After a week of use, peeling disappears, the skin becomes firm and elastic. By the way, Aptekar cream has a protective filter SPF 20, which allows it to be used in the summer.

7th place. Tony Moly, Peach hand cream

Anti-aging hand cream from Korea from Tony Moli is suitable for dry and sensitive skin. In addition to its anti-aging effect, the product effectively lightens age spots. The manufacturer promises results after a week of use.

  • peach extract, rich in lycopene - a powerful component in the fight for youth;
  • adenosine – blocks processes associated with age-related changes;
  • Apricot extract – moisturizes and tightens the skin.

6th place. TianDe, Rejuvenating Hand Cream with Lingzhi Extract

Smoothes wrinkles and fights pigment spots. Effectively moisturizes the skin of the hands, restoring its elasticity and firmness. Apply 2 times a day - morning and evening.

Active components:

  • hyaluronic acid;
  • lingzhi – lingzhi mushroom extract improves the protective functions of the skin and protects it from the effects of aggressive factors;
  • allantoin.

The effect of the cream is evident with regular use.

5th place. L'Occitane, Immortelle Hand Serum Cream

L'Occitane's rejuvenating cream serum is rich in shea butter, which is highly effective in nourishing and protecting the skin. Also among the ingredients are flowers of Immortelle - a plant similar to immortelle, which even when withered retains its original appearance of flowering.

With regular use:

  • Visible signs of aging are reduced;
  • Increases skin elasticity;
  • The tone of the epidermis is evened out;
  • Hands are moisturized, soft and silky.

Despite the rather fatty shea butter in the composition, the anti-aging hand cream from Locsitane is quickly absorbed without leaving a greasy sheen.

4th place. Biotherm, Biomains

Biotherm Biomains anti-aging hand cream is a specialized product for reducing the severity of age-related changes, but is also suitable for preventing their occurrence.

Main functions of the cream:

  • Restoration of the protective barrier;
  • Mitigation;
  • Strengthening nails;
  • Preventing signs of skin aging.

Hand cream with a rejuvenating effect has a light texture. It is quickly absorbed and does not leave any stickiness or oily film on the skin.

3rd place. Himalaya Herbals, Age Defying Hand Cream

The components of the cream can not only smooth out the skin of the hands, but also launch regenerative and restorative processes. Unlike other creams, the composition does not include standard components. Instead, the active ingredients were:

  • rhodomyrt - a shrub plant of the Myrtle family to increase skin elasticity and restore renewal function;
  • cocoa butter – hypoallergenic component for moisturizing;
  • Woodfordia is a fern plant with antioxidant properties;
  • ginger lily . It has a number of properties, including: restoration, healing, moisturizing and smoothing the skin of the hands.

Galangal root – anti-inflammatory and antioxidant component

2nd place. Ahava, Time To Smooth

Anti-aging cream with broad spectrum action. Regular use:

  • eliminates pigmentation;
  • evens out skin color;
  • increases firmness and elasticity;
  • nourishes and moisturizes;
  • protects against UV radiation.

The Israeli manufacturer even conducted a study according to which about 80% of women noticed a decrease in the number of age spots and an improvement in the overall condition of the skin.

Homemade cosmetics

You can pamper your skin with a cream you prepare yourself. The manufacturing process is not particularly difficult. The main thing is to strictly follow the preparation instructions and make sure that the skin does not react to homemade cosmetics with an allergy.

The shelf life of homemade cream is short (about 30 days), so you should not prepare it in large quantities. The product is stored in the refrigerator, placed in a glass jar.

This easy-to-make cream has an excellent rejuvenating effect. Mix the ingredients in a water bath, without boiling, until smooth:

  • 1 tsp. gelatin;
  • 3 tbsp. l. honey;
  • ½ glass of still mineral water;
  • 1 g aspirin;
  • ½ cup glycerin.

The beauty of homemade cosmetics is that there are many recipes. Therefore, skin care can easily be turned into a fun activity.

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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