Anti-wrinkle cream after 40 years - say no to wrinkles

Wrinkles, bags under the eyes, folds on the eyelids - all this gives mature women a lot of grief. It’s not surprising that anti-wrinkle cream is in high demand after 40 years: everyone wants to maintain youth and beauty longer. This article will help you understand the variety of products offered by cosmetic stores and find what you need.

Criterias of choice

When choosing an anti-wrinkle cream, you should be guided by its price. Such creams contain much more effective and, accordingly, more expensive components. A truly high-quality cream cannot be cheap. If the cost seems suspiciously low to you, it may be a fake. Or maybe they are trying to sell you a less effective cream that will not have any effect on your skin.

At the same time, anti-wrinkle products produced by different cosmetic companies, with almost the same effectiveness, can differ significantly in price. Therefore, the best solution would be to study the information in advance and only then make a purchase.

Nonicare Active Moisturizing & Care Eye

Volume : 15 ml.

Price : 579 rub.

You will be very lucky if you get your hands on Nonicare Active Moisturizing & Care Eye - an organic cream. The German brand has long gained a good reputation. The main ingredient in the cosmetics of this brand is the noni plant, the juice of which is very healthy and is a storehouse of useful vitamins.

The cream soothes the skin well, eliminates redness and gives it elasticity. Can be used from 25 years of age. As numerous reviews from women show, the cream really moisturizes the skin. When applied, it smells nice of lemon. Since the cream is instantly absorbed, it can be used as a base for makeup.

Composition of the right cream

Before paying for the chosen cream, you should carefully study its composition. After all, just a good cream is not enough for your skin. Everything that helped you prolong youth and freshness at 30 - natural oils, enzymes and plant extracts, vitamins and hyaluronic acid - is too little to make your skin glow after 40.

What should be present in the “correct” cream?

  • Proteins : elastin, keratin, collagen. Please note that collagen in its pure form is no longer for you: the most you can expect from it is to moisturize the skin. You should pay attention to the presence of collagen derivatives - for example, amino acids that can penetrate deeper into the skin.
  • Peptides : matrixyl, polypeptides, tripeptides, pentapeptides, etc. Penetrating deeply into the skin, they rejuvenate it, make it elastic and fresh, stimulate regenerative processes, eliminate inflammation - everything that mature skin needs.
  • Retinoids: retinol, retinol palmitate, tretinoin and others. Without these vitamin A derivatives it is impossible to imagine a high-quality cream. Retinoids stimulate skin cell renewal and refresh the complexion. After regular use of a cream with retinoids, age wrinkles look “filled” and the face looks noticeably younger.

Aging skin problems

From the age of 25-30, the skin of the face gradually begins to age. And this process starts precisely from the area around the eyes, because... it is the most subtle and sensitive. There is practically no fat layer in this area, and due to the active work of the facial muscles, creases and “crow’s feet” begin to form.

Collagen and elastin are responsible for skin quality. These components make it elastic and smooth. It’s just that they are found in limited quantities in the body. Having reached the age of 40, the fibers begin to break down and their synthesis slows down. There are a number of manufacturers that sell anti-aging creams - lifting creams for the skin around the eyes with collagen. It is important to know:

  • collagen is found in multicellular organisms. It cannot penetrate human skin because the molecules are large. Also often incompatible with dermal fibers. Such means will be useless;
  • A cream with wheat proteins will be more effective It is a protein of plant origin;
  • marine collagen substances penetrate the dermis best and are absorbed faster;
  • wrinkles of mimic origin. Since the eye muscles are more susceptible to contraction than others, the surface around the eyes is at risk of developing fine wrinkles;
  • dark spots. There is no clear answer to the question of why they appear. There is an assumption that the functionality of the cells responsible for the production of melanin decreases due to hormonal changes under the active influence of ultraviolet rays. To prevent stains from appearing, it is recommended to wear sunglasses and use cosmetics with a UV filter;

If age spots have already formed, it is necessary to use products containing azelaic acid and retinoids.

  • dry skin. How hydrated the areas around the eyes are is directly related to hyaluronic acid. It can be low molecular weight or high molecular weight. Molecules perform different jobs: low-molecular substances easily penetrate into the deep layers of the skin. Their functions for instant hydration are insignificant. They have a promising effect, they help launch collagen production; long chains remain on the outer skin. They absorb water from the environment. A hydrophilic film is formed, which provides instant hydration.

We recommend that you read about Belita eye cream in this material.

Rating of the best eye creams for wrinkles

“Black Pearl” 46+ Expert eye cream

Cream from a domestic manufacturer. Relatively inexpensive, only 1100 rubles per tube. There are two types of cream on sale: one can be used from the age of twenty-five, and the other from the age of forty-six. Helps get rid of old wrinkles and prevents the formation of new ones.


  • hygienic tube;
  • low price.


  • inconvenient dispenser.

"Idealia Yeux" Vichy 15 ml

Anti-wrinkle eye cream from. It is quickly absorbed into the skin without leaving an unpleasant shine on the eyelids. Masks existing wrinkles and suppresses them. It can also be used for preventive purposes. The cost of a tube is 2000 rubles.


  • convenient dispenser.


  • relatively expensive.

Faberlic Renovage eye cream

Another anti-aging cream from intensive revival. Moisturizes the skin, thereby preventing wrinkles from forming. This cream creates the thinnest film on the eyelids, protecting it from exposure to the atmosphere. The cost of one tube is 2500 rubles.


  • long shelf life, reaching eighteen months.


  • high price.


Cream from Oriflame, containing iris processing products. Increases skin elasticity, smoothes wrinkles. The cost of a tube is only 1100 rubles.


  • relatively low price.


  • the effect is observed only after prolonged use.

Clarins anti-wrinkle eye cream "Clarins"

Clarins anti-wrinkle cream, which additionally helps get rid of dark circles under the eyes. Moisturizes and softens the skin, improves blood circulation. The cost of one tube is only 900 rubles.


  • small price.


  • can improve blood circulation too much, which is why the eyelids often turn red.


  1. Aging skin often suffers from a lack of moisture and nutrients. To replenish them and slow down the aging process, comprehensive care is required.
  2. You need to select products for the skin around the eyes in accordance with your skin type and existing defects.
  3. The composition welcomes the presence of peptides, proteins and retinoids.
  4. In order for the product to bring the desired result, it must be properly applied to previously cleansed skin. Experts often recommend using the best Korean eye creams, which you can read about in this article.

The best moisturizing and nourishing creams

Darphin “Fibrogene” face cream

Cream from. Rich in vitamins and oil, the composition contains only components grown in natural conditions, without the use of chemicals. Absorbs quickly without leaving any traces on the skin. The price for one package is 1000 rubles.


  • enriches the skin with vitamins and minerals.


  • Available in jars.

Nutritic Intense Riche

Nourishing cream with a moisturizing effect produced by La Roche-posay. Its main advantage is the ability to be used directly during the process of applying makeup. The composition is based on thermal water. The cream is rich in proteins, which accelerates the skin regeneration process. The manufacturer's recommended price is 1200 rubles.


  • Doesn't remove makeup.


  • Available in jars.

Face cream NNPTSTO “Cosmetic sour cream”

"NNPCTO" offers customers the latest innovative cream, which not only rejuvenates the skin and protects it from environmental influences, but also promotes abundant nutrition of the skin with all necessary substances. It is based on milk processing products. Price 520 rubles.


  • Contains exclusively natural ingredients.


  • Available in jars;
  • a little-researched formula that may not be effective.

"Nutrilogie 1"

Cream based on thermal water and apricot oil from Vichy, which enriches the skin with nutrients and inhibits the aging process. The cost of packaging is only 600 rubles.


  • time-tested composition.


  • Available in jars.


Very cheap moisturizer. Based on aloe juice and other plant components. The cost of packaging can vary from 150 to 200 rubles.


  • excellent quality cream;
  • low cost.


  • Available in jars.

The best firming creams


This is a cream that penetrates deeply into the skin and encourages cells to regenerate. Its main task is to smooth out wrinkles and give the skin a natural glow. Contains calendula and orange. One tube costs about 3,000 rubles.


  • cream from the famous “Beauty Style” line.


  • expensive.

Multi-correcting anti-aging face cream “Kiehl's”

A very expensive cream that moisturizes the skin and tightens the pores, so that the liquid stops actively evaporating. The cost of a fifty-gram jar can reach 5,000 rubles!


  • a positive effect that quickly manifests itself.


  • the cost of the cream is too high;
  • Available in jars.


Reduces skin sagging, smoothes wrinkles. Can be used both as a shower gel and as a cream for everyday use. The cost of a tube is 3000 rubles.


  • universal.


  • may cause an allergic reaction.

Tips from cosmetologists

Refrain from going into a store and immediately buying half the counter. Buy facial skin care products from one company, and be sure to match your type, and use only them for at least a month. If there is no improvement or the skin condition worsens, you need to switch to products from another manufacturer.

Before using any cream, you should consult a dermatologist and pharmacist to avoid various allergic reactions. You should always check the authenticity of the products you buy, as some unscrupulous manufacturers disguise their creams as products of well-known brands, but use cheap components in them that can harm your health.

Contraindications to the use of anti-aging products

In most cases, cosmetics have no contraindications. Undesirable consequences can be observed either if you are allergic to some components in the product, or if the rules of storage and use are violated. Signs of an unhealthy reaction of the body to the cream (serum) may be:

  • edema;
  • redness;
  • itching;
  • skin tightness.

There are several reasons for this:

  • oxidation of components after expiration date or due to non-compliance with storage conditions;
  • exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the area where the product is applied;
  • product does not match your skin type.

It also happens that skin problems are caused by an overdose of the product or its incorrect application, but these cases are extremely rare.

Look for cosmetics labeled “for the eye area.” Read the ingredients - a good cream should contain both nourishing and moisturizing components, preferably also an SPF filter. Remember the sensations - with what products you were sure that the skin received the right amount of moisture and nutrition. You should not trust the manufacturer’s promises, but your eyes and skin.

Feedback from our readers


“Women in our family look quite youthful after 40 years, except for wrinkled eyelids and bags under the eyes. I still remember how my granny, who was not yet old at all, without a single gray hair, left the house wearing only “chameleon” glasses, so her sweet face was spoiled by her drooping eyelids. Mom had the same problem, which she fought with all the means available at that time. Now I am 43 years old, and every morning I approach the mirror with fear, fearing to see signs of approaching old age. But they are not visible yet. Perhaps because I have been using Erborian eye wrinkle cream SEVE DE BAMBOO EYE for two years now. I immediately fell in love with the cute tube with a painted bamboo, equipped with a very convenient dispenser. You press once and this amount is just enough to apply on your eyelids. The smell is not strong. Actually, almost imperceptible: a light aroma of something fresh. I apply it in the morning, under foundation, and before bed. I especially like that it is absorbed almost instantly, no greasiness - a complete pleasure. Swelling of the eyelids becomes much less noticeable, but as for the circles under the eyes, it has little effect on them. So far we can cope with them with the help of cosmetics, but in the future we will have to look for a stronger remedy. In general, it is an excellent remedy for reducing swelling. The eyelids look rested and toned.”

Evgenia, Nizhny Novgorod

Having tried “Cosmetic sour cream” from NNPTSTO for the first time, I realized that this was exactly the anti-wrinkle remedy I needed: very effective and, compared to other creams, inexpensive. For mixed skin like mine, it is not so easy to find the right cream. Before that, I tried many different means: I bought something, they gave me something. But until I came across “Cosmetic Sour Cream”, I was not at all happy with the result. I like this product because it is easy to apply and completely absorbed, perfectly moisturizing and nourishing my skin. I also like the composition, which includes components such as whey, sweet almonds and olive oil - natural products that have long been used to maintain female beauty. The cream delicately moisturizes and smoothes my skin, relieves redness, and perfectly softens. And, the best part, after it the skin is not at all oily, but soft, like velvet, and matte

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