Elixir of youth from France - remedies for Vichy after 40

Biological aging of the skin is an irreversible process; it starts at about 30 years old, and at 35–40 age-related changes are already quite noticeable. The skin begins to wither and lose elasticity, and the first wrinkles appear. For some, the process goes faster, for others slower, the speed of aging largely depends on lifestyle, nutrition, quantity and quality of sleep, and facial care products also play a huge role, which can slow down aging for a long time and cope with already existing problems. One of these products was the excellent anti-age line from Vichy, aimed at combating skin aging after 40 years. Let's consider which face cream from Vichy is considered the best.

What products should be used after 30 years?

Vichy creams produced specifically for women aged 30-35 years include:

  • Liftactiv Retinol HA;
  • Liftactiv Nuit Supreme;
  • Liftactive Collagen Specialist;
  • Vichy Myokine;
  • Vichy Normaderm Anti-Age.

Liftactiv Retinol HA cream contains hyaluric acid and the new generation Retinol-A complex. The product activates the production of elastin and collagen, smoothes wrinkles. The product is suitable for different skin types. Average price – 1,700 rubles.

Liftactiv Nuit Supreme Night Treatment is enriched with hyaluron and retinol-A. It also contains thermal water from natural springs. The main effect of the cream is to rejuvenate and moisturize the epidermis during sleep. Liftactive Nui Supreme quickly eliminates signs of skin aging and is well absorbed. You can buy this product for 2,200 rubles.

Liftactive Collagen Specialist is a universal product with peptides that eliminates the first signs of aging. The product can be used before applying cosmetics in different areas of the face, including the area around the eyes.

Vichy Myokine fights against expression wrinkles and also prevents their appearance. The skin condition improves quickly. Vichy Myokine price – from 1600 rubles.

Vichy Normaderm Anti-Age is suitable for combination and oily skin. It contains glycolic acid, vitamin C, lipo-hydroxy acid. The product eliminates skin imperfections, evens out tone, and increases elasticity. The price of the product is 1300 rubles and above.

Features of Vichy cosmetics - composition, benefits

Most likely everyone has heard about the Vichy brand. But how many people know what is good about this cosmetics, what makes it special? A city called Vichy was already famous for its thermal waters during the time of Napoleon III. People from all over the world came there to improve their health and gain strength.

For its products, the company uses water from a thermal spring called Lucas, which contains 15 essential minerals. This composition is unique; it simply cannot be recreated artificially. Such valuable moisture is formed due to a temperature of 140 C 3-4.5 thousand meters underground. It is this degree that allows noble minerals to dissolve in water.

Thermal water is not just beautiful words, its effectiveness has been scientifically proven. The effect is as follows:

  • activation of the skin's defense mechanism
  • stimulation of regeneration
  • neutralization of negative external factors
  • calming effect

Vichy cosmetics can really heal your skin and make it better. Defects are not retouched, but eliminated. The active ingredients penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis, improve tone, and moisturize. The collagen matrix is ​​restructured and hyaluron is normalized.

The composition includes many different elements of natural origin. These components vary depending on the nature of the cosmetic product, the needs of a particular skin type, and age characteristics. Each line has an individual set of components and their concentration.

The advantages of Vichy cosmetics include:

  • production in factories in France
  • low allergenicity (all products are tested)
  • unique composition with thermal water
  • proven effectiveness

The creams really work and smooth out wrinkles. The epidermis is transformed, fading cells are replaced by strong and healthy ones. Moreover, the effect lasts for a long time, and not just while using a product. The success of the brand is evidenced by the undoubted popularity of the products all over the world.

Some interesting information about Vichy's products in the video:

Products for rejuvenation at the age of 40+

After 40 years, creams with a lifting effect are effective, eliminating dullness, ptosis of soft tissues, blurred facial contours and pronounced wrinkles. These include:

  • LiftActiv Supreme;
  • LiftActiv Pro;
  • Liftactiv Derm Source.

LiftActiv Supreme is included in the list of the most effective anti-wrinkle creams. The product is highly hypoallergenic. You can buy cream from the Liftactive series for 1,400 rubles.

LiftActiv Pro has a tightening and anti-edematous effect. The substance is intended for application to the skin of the eyelids. When used, dark circles under the eyes are lightened and wrinkles are reduced. The average price of LiftActiv Pro is 1350 rubles.

Liftactiv Derm Source eye cream reduces age wrinkles, removes crow's feet, and fights sagging upper eyelids, dark circles and puffiness. Suitable for sensitive skin. Current price – 1900 rub.

READ ALSO: Application of Adapalene cream for wrinkles

What consumers say

If you don’t know which cream is best for you, read reviews from women who share their experience in this matter.

I have always taken facial care seriously, so when I turned 40, I decided to buy a suitable anti-aging cream. Having carefully studied numerous ratings, I did not find anything suitable and decided not to change my beloved Garnier. They just had a line for my age. I'm happy with the result, as always.

Inga, 41 years old

Due to certain skin problems, I needed an anti-aging cream with a healing effect. At this time, my close friend bought Vichy cream. But for some reason it didn’t suit her, and she gave it to me. For me, this cream is simply ideal, because it completely suits my requirements.

Eleanor, 44 years old

Almost all purchased cosmetic facial care products cause me allergies. This got me thinking about making my own cream. I won’t describe the details, but I will say that this task turned out to be not as difficult as it seemed at first. You just need to choose the right components and then you will not suffer from allergies and will be able to take care of your face.

Ksenia, 48 years old

I bought Dior cream on the recommendation of a friend who has been using it for a long time and constantly praises it very much. Before this, I tried a bunch of anti-aging products, but nothing suited me. Dior effectively removes wrinkles, dryness and sagging skin. I am pleased.

Alla, 46 years old

I used to use expensive cosmetics, but one day I was forced to buy Black Pearl cream. Honestly, I didn’t expect anything good from him, but the result pleasantly surprised me. To celebrate, I bought the entire series for myself and now I use it with pleasure. Dear women, don’t overpay a lot of money for a brand and try cosmetics from Russian manufacturers - they are no worse.

Olga, laboratory assistant

Many of my friends complain about the poor quality of Yves Rocher products. For example, I really like their anti-aging line. The products smell nice, absorb quickly and do the job well. I consider Yves Rocher products to be the ideal combination of price and quality.

Creams for smoothing wrinkles after 50 years

For facial skin care at 50-55 years old, cosmetologists recommend a series of Vichy Neovadiol creams. These products are good for toning the skin during menopause. They are used for facial rejuvenation, neck and décolleté.

The line includes the following products:

  • day cream for normal to dry skin;
  • night remedy for different skin types;
  • care composition for eyelids and lip contour.

Vichy Neovadiol day creams contain hyaluronic acid, proxylane, proteins, eperulin. Such products increase the density of thinned skin, actively saturate it with moisture, accelerate recovery processes and provide a noticeable lifting effect. Products for daily use cost around 2,300 rubles.

Night care formulations have a similar composition, but are additionally enriched with caffeine. These creams exhibit an active anti-inflammatory effect, improve blood circulation and lymph flow, and relieve swelling. To get quick and lasting results, they are combined with Magistral Elixir serum. Vichy night creams for ages 50+ cost from RUB 2,555.

Vichy Neovadiol Gf contains a protein that stimulates cell growth, proxilan, which promotes greater skin elasticity, legume extract, which has an anti-inflammatory effect, and thermal water. This eye and mouth cream has a lightweight texture and is easily absorbed. Price – 1600-1800 rubles.

#5: Protect your skin from the sun

How wonderful it is to relax in the sun in the summer! The main thing is not for too long. UV rays destroy collagen and elastin, causing premature skin aging. Another negative consequence is the appearance of age spots. When on vacation, apply sunscreen with SPF-50 every few hours and limit walking during the hottest time of day - between 12 and 16 hours of the day. Tip: To protect your skin from the harmful effects of UV rays, use products enriched with antioxidants, beta-carotene and vitamins C and E 10 days before departure. Or apply a BB cream with SPF protection to your face throughout the year. Effective facial skin rejuvenation at 40+!

Use of Vichy products after 60 years

After 60 years, the skin on the face and neck is subject to severe dryness and active aging, acquires an uneven color and decreased tone. The special Vichy Cellebiotic series allows you to combat these negative processes.

Products in this series quickly improve the condition of aging skin. One of the main components of such products is the cellular health activator Biotique-B8, which promotes active skin renewal.

The main representatives of this line are day and night creams, produced in 50 ml containers. Cellebiotic products are suitable for all skin types. Such products exhibit actions necessary for skin with pronounced signs of aging:

  • provide deep rejuvenating care;
  • saturate with valuable substances;
  • increase density;
  • reduce the depth of deep wrinkles;
  • eliminate yellow tint;
  • return natural color.

Reviews from cosmetologists confirm that even after a single application of Cellebiotic series creams, the skin looks fresh and rested. You can get noticeable results after 4 weeks of regular use of such products.

#2: Change your diet

To maintain health, it is very important to monitor your diet. It has long been proven that some foods prevent the development of diseases, such as cancer. The ideal food basket for those over 40: omega-3 to fight depression and good heart function (fatty fish, shrimp, herring), as well as antioxidants (fruits and vegetables) to fight free radicals. So, are you ready to start eating better?

Where to buy and how to choose Vichy products?

It is recommended to purchase Vichy creams in pharmacies or branded stores that cooperate with the manufacturer. When buying such products in dubious places, there is a risk of coming across a fake.

It is important to make sure that the cream does not contain components that can cause allergies. To do this, the buyer must know what substances he has an individual intolerance to.

Considering the price of Vichy products, it is better to buy them in places where preliminary testing is possible. This will allow you to make the right choice of anti-aging product.

#1: Start meditating

Make meditation your new beauty ritual! This practice is aimed at relaxation and stress reduction. By the way, various breathing exercises help saturate the body with oxygen and improve blood circulation. Ideal if you want to return a healthy glow to your face! How to meditate correctly? Beginners will find the answer to this question by reading specialized literature or downloading one or two applications. They will help with positions and breathing rhythm. The most important thing is to reconnect with your body and soul. Remember to choose a quiet place to meditate, away from phones and social networks!

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