“Features of sugaring with citric acid: paste recipe and technique”

Beauty, as you know, requires sacrifice. And many girls, in order to have beautiful, smooth skin and get rid of unwanted hair on the face and body, agree to endure rather painful procedures for their removal. We are talking about wax depilation, laser and electrolysis, plucking and pulling out hairs using a depilator.

One of the methods for removing unnecessary hair is sugaring. This method, whose name comes from the English word “sugar,” is gaining increasing popularity. However, it is not an invention of modern cosmetologists: sugaring was practiced by the ancient Egyptians and residents of Persia. This fact is reflected in one of the names of the method - Persian depilation.

Sugaring is

Who doesn’t know yet, this is one of the types of depilation. In which sugar paste prepared in a special way is used to remove hairs from different areas of the body.

This paste for sugaring at home consists of only three components: sugar, water and lemon juice (however, not necessarily only lemon juice, there are several options). And I can confidently say that this method is rapidly gaining popularity recently and more and more beautiful ladies are starting to use it.

Because, they have already made sure that it is: hypoallergenic, safe and cheap, regardless of the area of ​​application, be it: legs, face, or bikini area. Sugaring does not cause cuts, like other types of depilation, does not burn, and prevents hair from growing under the skin.

When preparing sugaring paste at home and using this method yourself, you get significant savings in time and money, and the effect is exactly the same as in a beauty salon.

Herbal infusions

In sugar paste recipes, instead of water, you can use infusions of medicinal herbs that moisturize, nourish, and soothe the skin.

Infusions for sweet mass are prepared from the following herbs:

  • linden blossom - heals the skin, moisturizes, saturates it with vitamins and microelements;
  • rose petals - refresh, smooth and restore the skin;
  • chamomile flowers - have a soothing, rejuvenating, whitening, anti-allergenic, anti-inflammatory, moisturizing effect on the skin;
  • mint - cleanses the skin surface of toxins, has an antiseptic effect, tightens and cools the skin;
  • series - moisturizes, rejuvenates, improves skin immunity;
  • calendula - relieves inflammation, gently disinfects, gives a rejuvenating effect;
  • sage - helps remove dead skin cells, removes free radicals, and has a rejuvenating effect.

To prepare the infusion, take 1 tsp. herbs or a mixture of herbs, pour 1 cup of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes. This infusion should be filtered and used in sugar paste recipes.

Herbal infusion containing sugar paste cares for the skin

Recipes for making sugar paste for sugaring

Sugaring paste at home is incredibly easy to prepare. Now I’ll tell you how to prepare it and you’ll understand that any girl can cope with it. Below you will find 3 ways to prepare sugaring paste.

Sugaring paste with lemon

Almost a classic - the most popular of all sugaring pastes.


  • 10 tbsp - sugar
  • 0.5 - lemon
  • 1 tbsp - water

Cooking method:

Take a saucepan (mine is stainless steel), squeeze lemon juice into it and add all the other ingredients listed above into the total mass. Stir and cover with a lid. And immediately place a glass of cold water next to it, in which we will check the readiness of the pasta.

Place the mixture on the lowest heat possible. And while heating slowly, stirring constantly, bring the sugar until it is completely dissolved so that there are no grains of sugar in the total mass.

When we see bubbles, remove the lid and cook the paste until it turns a caramel color. After 2-3 minutes, you can begin to check the readiness of the syrup by simply dripping syrup from a saucepan into a glass of cold water. We check the readiness by crushing the caramel piece, we will see that it has already thickened, but crumples like plasticine.

Attention: The water in the glass must be changed to colder water, because it will heat up from the boiling drops of syrup. The syrup should be checked for readiness every 15-25 seconds.

As soon as we feel the thick, plasticine density of the ball, we should remove the pan from the heat. All that remains is to pour the syrup into a container prepared for use, and you can safely assume that the sugaring paste at home is prepared correctly. We wait for the mass to cool down.

With citric acid

If suddenly there is no lemon in the refrigerator, you don’t really feel like running to the store for it, but sugaring needs to be done right now; we can easily replace it with citric acid.

It just needs to be added strictly according to the proportions presented below, or with an even larger margin. Otherwise, we will get a less viscous paste, which will harden quickly and sugaring will not work.


  • Sugar - 6 tbsp
  • Citric acid - ½ tbsp
  • Water - 2 tbsp


Add all ingredients to the saucepan and stir. Then we put it on the stove, warm it up for about 1 minute and turn it off.

Leave for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally, to completely dissolve the sugar grains. Then turn on the lowest heat and cook the caramel for about 4 minutes.

Don’t forget to check the doneness every 10-15 seconds by dropping the caramel into a glass of cold water. We need to get a consistency similar to plasticine. Remove the prepared pasta from the heat, pour into the desired container and cool.

Sugaring paste in the microwave with honey

The fastest, most effective method of preparing sugaring paste. You don’t have to stand at the stove, you can save time, and if you get used to it, this method will become your main one, like mine.

The only thing is that this recipe will need honey, there is no water here at all. And it is thanks to honey, which in the future, in the prepared paste, I think, will play a role as a skin care product too.

Because this paste has the best consistency; it does a better job of capturing hairs and removing them. And the skin looks great after using the paste with honey.


  • ¼st. - honey
  • 1 tbsp. - sugar
  • ¼ tbsp lemon juice


We combine and mix all the ingredients well in the final container in which the paste will be stored in the future, make sure that the plastic is intended for use in microwave ovens.

And let's begin the magic of making pasta. The first stage of cooking is 15 seconds at maximum microwave power. After that, take it out and mix it, because bubbles form there, we don’t need them.

Place it a second time for 15 seconds and repeat until the desired consistency is achieved. You can also check with a toothpick without water. The paste should be as viscous as honey and in color too. When the paste cools, it will take on a thicker mass.

Well, or, as usual, we drop it into cold water and pick it up with a toothpick and check its viscosity. Usually 4-5 approaches of 15 seconds are enough for the sugaring paste with honey to be ready.

Why add citric acid?

The point of sugaring is to capture regrown hairs with sugar and pull them out by the roots. To do this, the caramel must be dense and viscous. Sugar and water will make a mass that is not thick enough—you can’t roll it into a ball. Sometimes, of course, paste cooked with citric acid also turns out liquid - and in principle, even with such a composition you can work, just not using the manual technique, but using the bandage technique. The problem is different: a composition made from sugar and water will not capture the hairs tightly enough. So, you will apply the mass, but trying to remove it will cause, firstly, severe pain, and secondly, hair breakage. The consequences are also unpleasant: skin irritation, hematomas, ingrown hairs.

There is only one reason why women do not want to add citric acid to caramel - fear of allergies. But individual intolerance may be to natural lemon juice - the allergen protein is contained in it, and not in the acid, which is made from waste sugar (molasses) and mold fungi.

Citric acid is made not from lemons, but from waste sugar and molds.

Why are care products needed in the sugaring procedure?

When carrying out sugaring, it is very important to avoid several unpleasant moments. Now I will tell you about them. It happens that we see hairs growing under the skin, or the paste “sticks” during the procedure itself. before and after sugaring help prevent this .

If on the eve of depilation with paste you use a scrub to remove excess epithelium under which we then see ingrown hairs, then the problem is solved. The second stage will be treating the skin with lotion before sugaring. Apply lotion to a napkin and treat the surface of the skin before the procedure, thereby degreasing the area of ​​application with the paste.

The third step is, of course, powder (talc), which will give the paste 100% adhesion to the hairs. And at the end of the procedure, it’s so nice to refresh your skin with lotion after depilation. Containing natural plant extracts, this lotion will soothe the skin, relieve irritation, and provide hydration after the procedure.

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Care products before and after sugaring.

  • Scrub - mousse, Orchid and Pomegranate, 150 gr. It lasts a long time, its consumption is minimal, but it will help prepare for the procedure and remove dead skin particles, thereby preventing ingrown hairs under the skin. And natural orchid and pomegranate extracts will provide an additional care effect.
  • Micellar lotion before depilation. It will allow you to carefully clean and degrease the surface while maintaining the pH of the skin, which will give the paste better adhesion to the hairs.
  • Lotion after depilation. It will help speed up the restoration of the epidermis after the procedure. Contains extracts of Camellia sinensis leaves and Aloe Barbados, which will moisturize and relieve irritation and redness.
  • Talc "Soft". It significantly helps to facilitate the depilation procedure by being able to absorb excess moisture and fat. Raises hairs for better adhesion of sugar paste to skin. Creates a protective coating for the skin, protecting it from heat.
  • You will learn more about depilation techniques, choosing the right paste density, and much more in this article.

Rules and features of the event

The success of hair removal with sugar caramel is determined by how accurately the technology for its implementation is followed.

To increase the effectiveness of the procedure, you will have to adhere to several simple rules:

  1. Hair removal in this way should be done when its length does not exceed 2-5 mm. Otherwise, gaps may occur.
  2. The chosen recipe should be used without improvisation. Everything depends on the consistency and color of the paste.
  3. It is imperative to prepare your skin by taking a shower. Gels should not be used. It is best to wash with regular baby soap for the paste to work more effectively.
  4. The body must be completely dry. Lotions and creams should be postponed until the final stage.
  5. Depending on the thickness of the paste , you will have to decide on the method of performing sugaring: manual or bandage. In the first case, a thicker product must be kneaded in your hands and rolled into a ball, which is then distributed over the selected area of ​​the body. In the second, the caramel remains liquid. In this state, it is applied to the skin, and a small strip of paper or fabric is placed on top. After the paste hardens, as with wax epilation, it is sharply torn off along with the hair.
  6. It is important that in both cases you cannot pull the caramel slowly and in a vertical direction. Movements should be lightning fast and parallel to the body. This will protect the skin from irritation, and hairs from ingrown and breaking off.
  7. The paste should be distributed against their growth and removed in the reverse order. The rule works for all zones.
  8. If we are talking about the armpits , mustache and bikini area, then for the first time it is better to treat these areas with a local anesthetic to reduce discomfort. Gradually, the skin will get used to it, and the need for pain relief will disappear.
  9. The paste can be easily washed off with water.
  10. After sugar hair removal, care and anti-inflammatory agents should be used.


  1. To eliminate these side effects , you can rub the skin with an ice cube or pre-smear it with an anesthetic cream.
  2. If you are concerned about redness , then it is better to resort to special products after hair removal or cosmetic oils.
  3. alcohol-based disinfectants
  4. Naturally , on the first day after sugaring you should not visit the sauna, swimming pool or solarium to avoid skin infection or burns.

How to store sugaring paste

Thanks to sugar, which is a wonderful preservative in itself, the paste can be stored for quite a long time. You just need to ensure that the storage container you choose has a lid. And you can store it in any cool place, preferably, of course, a refrigerator.

If you take the paste out of the refrigerator, simply heat it in the microwave to use. The main rule here is not to overheat, but just warm it up a little. Otherwise, it will become unsuitable for use and, even more so, may cause a burn. Be careful.

Contraindications for sugaring

The presence of diseases such as:

  • Varicose veins;
  • Allergies to honey or citrus;
  • Irritations of any etiology on the surface of the skin.

In such cases, you should choose other, more suitable types of depilation.

Useful tips

Before home manipulation, it is advisable to scrub the skin. The paste is applied to a dry surface sprinkled with talcum powder.

If you are not experienced in hair removal yourself, then it is best to start from the feet. Move from your ankles to your hips. Sugaring your own armpits is very inconvenient, so at first you will have to abandon this method of removing unwanted hair in this part of the body.

For the bikini area, proper skin tension is very important. This not only makes it easier to tear off the paste, but also helps to avoid mechanical damage (carelessness can easily lead to ruptures of the mucous membrane).

How to do sugaring yourself at home

Easy and simple, with acquired skills, of course, some will succeed the first time, others the second, a lot depends on the prepared pasta. But in any case, if we try, the result will be a salon-like effect.

  1. To do sugaring, we need the hairs to grow to at least 4 mm. And we all know that it is necessary to treat the skin with a scrub before the sugaring procedure. Coffee grounds are fine for this.
  2. We take a slightly warmed paste, just enough to separate it from the total mass, the size of a small ball (about the size of a hazelnut, or a little larger, depending on which zone)
  3. Place it between two fingers and start stretching and squeezing them back until the paste changes color from an initially honey-transparent to a whitish, opaque color.
    It will take about 20 of these stretching movements.
  4. Apply the paste using your fingers or a spatula in a smooth and slow motion. Important: apply strictly against hair growth. The procedure is certainly not pleasant.
  5. And here you need to wait a few seconds and sharply pull in the direction of hair growth, parallel to the skin. Under no circumstances should you pull up.

    To begin with, you can practice on your legs, and then move on to more delicate areas, under the arms or in the bikini area.

    If possible, try to stretch the skin on the treated area with your free hand. And continue processing with this piece of paste until it retains its properties.

    You can, of course, use a large amount of paste to treat a larger surface of the skin. But, in this case, you can skip the area where hairs grow in a different direction. In this case, it is no wonder that your actions will cause hairs to grow under the skin. Smaller paste balls allow you to control all areas and depilate them correctly, strictly according to hair growth.

  6. If you use sugaring on the same place more than 3 times, this can cause bruises. The bikini area is the most sensitive, where they can be seen the first time. But, with constant sugaring procedures, the skin gets used to it and these phenomena do not bother you.
  7. After the procedure you should take a shower. And pluck out missing hairs with tweezers. Then you can treat the skin with chlorhexidine to avoid any inflammation

What could go wrong

Cooking caramel, whether for food or sugaring, requires skill. Cooking time depends on many factors. Including the quality of sugar, stove power, air humidity. The main difficulty is to catch the moment when it is time to remove the mass from the heat. If your already cooled paste is runny, sticks strongly to your hands during kneading and does not form a lump, it means that you have not finished cooking it, there is too much liquid left in the mass. If the paste does not soften in your hands, but, on the contrary, hardens, breaks, is dark in color and smells of burnt sugar, it means it has been overcooked.

In both cases, do not rush to throw away the failed paste. Try to fix everything first. In the first case, heat the mass in a water bath, pour into a saucepan and cook a little more, until it becomes a soft ball. In the second, add a drop of hot water right during the kneading process. If this is not enough, add another drop. These steps may be enough to save your sugaring caramel. But whether it is possible to do sugaring during pregnancy and how safe this procedure is, you can read here.

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