Loceryl nail polish 5% 5 ml pack cards x1

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics


Loceryl is an antifungal external drug. The drug exhibits fungicidal and fungistatic effects, which are caused by the destruction of the cytoplasmic membrane of the fungal cell by blocking the synthesis of sterols . of ergosterol decreases , atypical non-planar sterols . Has a wide spectrum of action.

Inhibits both common and rare types of fungi that cause nail lesions:

  • yeast fungi of the genera Malassezia (Pityrosporum), Candida, Cryptococcus;
  • dermatophytes of the genera Microsporum, Trichophyton, Epidermophyton;
  • fungi of the genera Fonsecaea, Cladopsorium, Wangiella (family Dematiaceae);
  • molds of the genera Scopulariopsis, Alternaria, Hendersonula;
  • dimorphic fungi of the genera Coccidioides, Histoplasma, Sporothrix.


After application to the nail plate, it penetrates into the nail bed. The therapeutic concentration remains for 10 days even after the first use.

Absorption into the systemic circulation is negligible.

Instructions for use of Loceryl (Method and dosage)

The instructions for Loceryl indicate that nail polish should be used externally, applying it to nails affected by fungus up to two times a week according to the scheme below:

  • Before using the drug, you should, if possible, remove the affected areas of the nail plate using a nail file, which is included in the kit;
  • then the surface of the nail plate should be cleaned and degreased with a swab from the kit soaked in alcohol (a similar treatment with a file and swab must be carried out each time before using the medicine);
  • the next step is to dip the spatula into the bottle of varnish and remove it without touching the neck of the bottle (it is forbidden to remove excess product on the neck of the bottle);
  • Nail polish Loceryl is applied to the affected nail over the entire surface using a spatula, repeating this procedure for each affected nail;
  • then close the bottle tightly immediately after use;
  • the varnish is allowed to dry (this usually happens within 3 minutes);
  • Wipe the spatula with the used tampon, avoiding contact between the nail plates and the tampon, and throw it away;
  • Treatment is continued until the affected area is healed and the nail is regenerated.

The average duration of treatment for fingernails is 6 months and for toenails – 1 year.

LOCERIL (varnish)

customized mini-wipes for treating filed nails, soft plastic sticks for applying the product, and the product itself in the form of varnish in an opaque small bottle.
Process of use: - once a week (I do 2 times) we file down damaged nails, file off the affected edges and grind the nail plate itself lengthwise and crosswise to prevent the spread of infection to healthy areas of the nail. The files are very rough, they file well and quickly: - Next, we treat the polished nail with an alcohol wipe. Each wipe is packaged separately, it is moist and disinfects well. So, we wipe the nail itself and the skin around the nail: - then apply the varnish itself with a plastic disposable spatula. I applied it in two layers. The consumption of the medicine is small, it lasted me for several months. The varnish is thick and does not smudge. It is convenient to apply: After applying the varnish, wipe the spatula with an alcohol wipe and leave it until next time, because there are not many spatulas and their quantity would obviously not be enough for the entire volume of the medicine. Therefore, I used each stick several times. Now I have run out of the product, and in order not to be unfounded, I can show the results of 4 months of use in photographs. I filmed the whole process somewhere with a break of 1-2 weeks, so I wanted to see the result “for myself”: whether the medicine helps and how quickly. So, photo report. Let's start using Loceryl. The initial condition of the nails is not great, it is clear that there was treatment, the treatment was effective, but the fight did not come to an end: After a couple of weeks:

And a couple more weeks:

And so on…

There is already noticeable progress here:

But the last photos... And it feels like the infection has started to take over again (((As I said, there is no wow effect, and, comparing the first and last photos, I come to the conclusion that the drug helps, but not so quickly and effectively , as I would like... I emphasize that the photo shows the result of using it for 4!!! months.

Let's summarize the pros and cons:

+: the product is produced in the form of a varnish that has no color, and therefore can be used all year round, including applied under colored varnish in the summer, when your feet are open in sandals +: the varnish is thick and does not smell, it is convenient to apply , it does not spread, dries quickly (in a couple of minutes) and does not make the procedure of use unpleasant or long-lasting +: the kit includes quite abrasive files that quickly and effectively file down damaged areas of the nail +: the kit also includes alcohol wipes that disinfect foci of infection on nails, and this is an additional fight against infection +: it is enough to apply varnish once a week, it is very convenient, as it does not take much time. There is no need to spend time every day, or even 2 times, on treating your nails, as, for example, with Mikosan. +: Well, and most importantly, there is an effect from the treatment, I think the photo shows that the nails continue to grow beautiful, the infection does not spread to healthy areas.

-: the effect of the treatment is still not good enough - it seemed to me that with another remedy, healthy nails grew faster, and the nails themselves were stronger and more appropriate in appearance. I think that this is just the other side of one of the advantages: applying once a week, if you apply the product more often, perhaps the effect would be better... -: the medicine is very expensive, although it lasts for a long time, such prices, especially in times of crisis, make it was practically inaccessible... -: the varnish thickened greatly by the end of use... When there was very little of it left and the course of treatment was coming to an end, it was almost impossible to remove the varnish from the bottle with a spatula; it became like candied honey. Fortunately, the quantity was already only enough for a couple of procedures. But I still think this is unacceptable for a medicinal product, this is not decorative cosmetics, where nail polish can be diluted with acetone...

Well, this is how my experience of using Loceryl went. Do I recommend it? Yes, the drug helps, but based on its price and the average statistical effect (lack of a wow effect), I will continue to look for something cheaper for myself.

special instructions

Files that were used to process diseased nail plates should not be used to manipulate healthy nails.

Persons working with organic solvents should wear impermeable gloves to protect polished nails.

During treatment with the drug, you should avoid using artificial false nail plates and do not use cosmetic varnish.

The tampon contains a highly flammable component.

It is necessary to avoid penetration of varnish into the ears, eyes and mucous membranes.

Persons with conditions predisposing to the appearance of fungal infections of the nail plates ( diabetes mellitus , peripheral circulatory disorders, immunodeficiencies ), as well as persons with or damaged nails or nail dystrophy, should consult a doctor before using the drug.

Causes of onycholysis

The cause may be mechanical damage, such as trauma. Constant tapping with long nails when working with a computer keyboard or calculator is a typical situation. Nails can be damaged by manicures: improperly filing nails can also weaken nails and separate them from the nail bed over time. Another way to get onycholysis is to dry your nail polish with a hairdryer.

If there is any debris clogged under the nail, it can become a favorable environment for the development of infection. Infection (bacteria, fungi, viruses) is another cause of peeling nails. The development of infection is facilitated by disruption of the skin's natural defenses, which often occurs during work involving immersing hands in water or using various chemicals such as solvents or cleaning products.

Onycholysis can be a side effect of taking certain medications (with long-term treatment). A similar risk has been described for the following groups of medications: tetracyclines, psoralens, fluoroquinolone antibiotics, chlorpromazine, and even oral contraceptives.

Onycholysis is also often a symptom of various diseases. It can be a manifestation of both a skin disease (psoriasis, dermatitis, pemphigus vulgaris, porphyria cutanea tarda) and diseases of internal organs and systemic diseases (such as amyloidosis, multiple myeloma, anemia, diabetes mellitus, thyroid diseases, peripheral circulatory disorders, pellagra, psoriatic arthritis, Reiter's syndrome, sarcoidosis - the list is incomplete).

Loceryl's analogs

Level 4 ATX code matches:


Gentian violet





Lamisil Dermgel

Lamisil Uno


Salicylic acid

Salicylic ointment

Keto Plus







Baziron AS

Batrafen (varnish, spray), Oflomil Lac, Amorolac, Mikolak, Bifosin (spray), Demikten (varnish), Terbix (spray), Lamisil (cream, spray), Lamifast (cream), Kanespor (ointment), Fungoterbin (Russian equivalent) in cream form). The price of Loceryl analogues is noticeably lower than the price of the described drug.

Reviews about Lotseril

Reviews of Lotseryl varnish on forums are often replete with a large number of negative reviews of Lotseryl nail fungus varnish. Reviews from doctors also indicate that the drug is often ineffective. The greatest dissatisfaction is caused by cases of complete lack of therapeutic effect at a high price for this varnish against nail fungus.

Varnish Batrafen or Loceryl - which is better?

The difference between Batrofen or Loceryl is that they include different active components, although their mechanisms of action are similar. Both products are produced in the form of a varnish, and both drugs have approximately the same structure of reviews, indicating the absence of a therapeutic effect in approximately half of the cases. The price of Batrafen is approximately 2 times higher than the price of Loceril. The choice should be made based on doctor's prescriptions and economic considerations.

Mistakes in treating toenail fungus

Nail fungus or onychomycosis is an unpleasant disease that may not be noticed immediately. The fungus destroys your nail plate, causing discomfort and pain; if treatment for onychomycosis is started, this can lead to soft tissue pathologies. The fungus can easily spread to healthy fingernails or toenails, and this poses a great danger to your health and the health of others.

If you have any doubts about the health of your nails, the best thing to do is make an appointment with a dermatologist. Only with complex treatment, consisting of a course of medication, regular foot hygiene and special treatment of the nail plates, will the treatment bring a positive result.

Main symptoms of fungal infections:

● Brittle, rough nails

● Deformation of the nail plate

● Presence of inflamed tissue around the nail

● Delamination, thickening or thinning of the nail plate

● Presence of brown, black or yellow areas on the nails.

How do you get nail fungus?

Ways of infection with onychomycosis. If you follow the rules of hygiene, have good immunity, and have healthy and well-groomed skin, the risk of contracting a fungal infection is not high. The fungus often enters the body through abrasions, cuts, cracks, and altered injured areas of the nails and skin. Excessive sweating or dry skin, or wearing tight shoes can contribute to the growth of the fungus.

You are more vulnerable to nail fungus if:

● You have varicose veins

● Reduced immunity

● You wear rubber shoes that don't breathe

● There are endocrine and vascular diseases

● Have been in contact with a person infected with a fungus

● There is flat feet.

What danger does toenail fungus pose to humans?

At an advanced stage of onycochomycosis, nail fungus causes an allergic reaction, has an intoxicating effect on the body, and can affect internal organs.

How to cure nail fungus?

When treating nail fungus, local medications can be used - creams, ointments, patches, which can also be used at home. Various spray options are available that have strong antifungal, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.

At the early stage of the disease, the use of sprays or creams is recommended. Do not forget that treating nail fungus is not only about getting rid of external manifestations. During treatment, the dermatologist prescribes systemic medications. The drug can be prescribed in the form of tablets, which will be taken for a course of three to six months.

The most common mistakes when treating toenail fungus.

The moisture of your feet. Fungus in the form of spores is everywhere around us. When the skin humidity is more than 80%, fungal spores begin to multiply and infect the nail plate and surrounding skin.

The presence of fungal spores on things. When ironing socks with steam, you kill the active fungal spores remaining there. If this is not done, then from the spores, in the presence of damp skin of the feet (favorable environment), high humidity of the shoes, the fungus actively begins to multiply.

Shoe hygiene. When starting treatment for nail fungus, be sure to treat all the shoes you wear. Use a personal towel intended only for feet.

Remains of fungal spores on instruments. All tools for cutting nails must be treated with disinfecting solutions; it is recommended to use disposable files to care for affected nails. If the fungal spores remain on the tools, then you can manually remove them for years, cut out traces of the fungus along with your nail, but this will not bring any results.

What should you follow when treating toenail fungus?

If you do not follow the recommendations during treatment of nail fungus, a relapse may occur. Try to always keep your feet clean and change your socks daily. It is important for your feet to wear the right shoes to prevent your feet from getting sweaty. After taking any water procedures, wipe your feet dry, paying special attention to the area between the toes.

Use an individual foot towel, which must be dried after use. If your shoes become wet, dry them immediately. It is recommended to change indoor shoes at least twice a year during treatment. Foot baths with soda and salt will also be useful. Feet should be washed daily using laundry or tar soap.

Always follow the rules of hygiene when visiting public places: saunas, baths, hammam, swimming pools. Do not self-medicate; it would be best to contact a dermatologist who will prescribe a course of treatment for you so that you can quickly get rid of toenail fungus and save your time and nerves.

Lotseril price, where to buy

The price of Lotseryl nail polish 2.5 ml in Russia is 1300-1500 rubles. Buying Loceryl in Moscow or St. Petersburg will cost approximately comparable amounts, falling within the above limits.

How much does it cost to buy the product in other CIS countries?

The price of Loceryl in Ukraine in the specified release form reaches 1,400 hryvnia. In Belarus, in Minsk and other cities, this antifungal varnish is not available for sale at all. The cost of 2.5 ml of nail polish against fungus in a pharmacy in Kazakhstan is 10,500-13,500 tenge.

Analogs of Loceryl in other forms of release (drops, ointment, tablets) are much cheaper and if you are on a limited budget, you should pay attention to them.

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