Stars with a dimple on the chin. Dimple on the chin: meaning for men and women.

Not everyone likes dimples on their chin, so they wonder how to remove them painlessly and quickly. Opinions about the dimple are divided: for some it is a sign of a strong-willed character, for others it spoils the appearance, which brings a feeling of insecurity and causes despondency. Based on this, they use cosmetics and other means to eliminate defects on the face.

Many scientists come to the conclusion that the appearance of dimples is caused by heredity from one of the parents or a combination of genes from a previous generation. The gene that transmits the dimple is dominant, therefore, if the facial feature did not appear in the first generation, it will appear in the next.

Others come to the conclusion that the shape is affected by age, when fat cells are lost and the elasticity of the skin decreases. With a slight increase in body weight, it provokes the accumulation of fat cells in different places, including on the chin, which strengthens and makes the chin more massive and the dimple more expressive.

Insufficiently developed tissues on the chin contribute to the appearance of dimples. This is found on the cheeks, back, elbows.

Be that as it may, for many it is a sign of beauty and sexuality, courage, determination, and many movie stars do not hinder their facial features from being successful and popular. In some cultures, having a dimple is celebrated. But others suffer and dream of how to remove a dimple on their chin. Most often, a dimple on the chin is present in men, but in rare cases it is observed in women, which causes a lot of discomfort. The larger the hole, the more pronounced the facial features, which is why for women such a chin is an appearance defect. Apart from aesthetic discomfort, the dimple does not cause harm to health.

Interesting! Modern science compares the interpretation of facial features (physiognomy) with certain traits and properties of human character. For example, a dimple in a woman’s appearance characterizes her as an unpredictable person with sudden mood swings; in men, a dimple indicates stubbornness and determination.

Men with cleft chins

A dimple on the chin in men is considered a sign of masculinity. Such men are distinguished by purposefulness, integrity of personality and strength of character. The deeper the hole, the more pronounced these features are. Moreover, its bearer is more persistent and firm in achieving his goals. In fact, there are quite a few famous men with characteristic dimples on their chins.

Notable owners

Among them are Joseph Kobzon, Yuri Gagarin and Alexander Serov. From foreign countries - Michael Jackson, John Travolta, Michael Douglas. The combination of their popularity and the presence of a clearly visible pit is good proof of the claims of physiognomists.

In addition, it is believed that men with such a difference as a depression on the chin will experience unprecedented success in relationships with the fair half of humanity. Or maybe girls are attracted to this mysterious dimple, but the bearer himself has nothing to do with it?

Doctors' recommendations

Before deciding on lipolifting (fat cell transplantation), it is important to conduct a thorough examination and pass the necessary tests so that the plastic surgery is successful and brings the desired result.

During the contouring procedure, it is important to adhere to simple rules. In the first week, you should not visit the sauna, take a hot bath, or be in the sun, or do a facial massage.

Incorrectly done makeup can sharpen the chin or emphasize facial wrinkles. To distract your eyes from your chin, you don’t need to paint your lips with bright lipstick or use rich gloss colors. Therefore, it is important to consult a professional makeup artist on how to disguise the problem.

With various age-related changes, the dimple may become less noticeable or disappear completely. This is influenced by the process of lengthening the facial muscles. By doing a massage, you can reduce the size.

A hole in a girl's chin

A dimple on the chin in men is considered a sign of masculinity. But for women the situation is exactly the opposite. Unfortunately, many girls consider a dimple in the lower part of the face to be a defect in appearance. But physiognomists attribute very pleasant and attractive character traits to girls with dimples. It is believed that such girls:

  • happy;
  • will live a long life;
  • will not need money;
  • original and sociable;
  • tactful;
  • diversified and outstanding.

Famous owners

Perhaps one of the most famous bearers of the pit is Sophia Loren. Her beauty does not fade over the years, and the extent of her talent is difficult to overestimate. Other successful film stars are Sandra Bullock and Emily Grant. They are all beautiful and attractive, and the pit only gives them individuality.

What does a man's dimple mean?

The genetic trait in question says a lot about the character of men.

Why are the opposite sex so attracted to men with a similar genetic trait? It's all about external charm: this “zest” adds mystery and touching. People are more attracted to others due to this physiological feature.

Despite the widespread belief that representatives of the stronger sex with a pit are capable of making difficult decisions with ease, are ready to take responsibility for everything and everyone, and in extreme situations they act with maximum prudence and a “cool” head.

Is it possible to remove a dimple?

Modern plastic surgery can easily cope with dimples. Surgeons can remove the excess and add the missing. There are also more natural ways to make the hole more invisible, for example, makeup.

Correct makeup

A consultation with a makeup artist will provide invaluable assistance in creating a “pit-free” look. The main directions are:

  • distracting makeup with an emphasis on the eyes;
  • use of foundation for visual camouflage.

So, if the dimple area on the chin is covered with a lightening foundation, and the adjacent area is made darker, then the indentation will be noticeably much smaller.

Years erase dimples

Over the years, dimples may disappear on their own. This phenomenon is associated with a decrease in the overall tone of the facial muscles. For many, this is a rather sad event, so is it worth rushing things and trying to get rid of it at a young age?

Chin surgery

The most radical way to deal with an unnecessary hole is chin contouring. The point is to add the missing volume in the tissues. If the surgeon cannot remove it completely, then he is quite capable of making the hole not so deep. Being almost invisible, visually facial features can become softer. There are two ways to solve the problem - the use of fillers and lipofilling.

Fillers with hyaluronic acid

This is a gentle method that has proven itself in chin plastic surgery. Fillers are a subcutaneous injection of hyaluronic acid. It fills the pit area, the effect is wonderful. True, it is very short-lived - up to 1 year. After this period, the filler - hyaluronic acid disappears without a trace.


This method is perfect for those who have decided to permanently get rid of an unwanted dimple. The essence of the method is to collect your own adipose tissue from the abdominal area. This material is then injected into the defect site using a syringe and the highly skilled hands of a plastic surgeon.

The risk of rejection is minimal, and the dimple on the chin has disappeared forever. Like other plastic corrections, there are contraindications for this type of correction:

  • blood clotting disorders;
  • diabetes;
  • individual intolerance;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • ORZ.

Like any other feature, the pit only adds additional charm to men and charm to girls. Wear your dimples with pleasure, love yourself, feel special - after all, according to statistics, not many people can boast of having such an exquisite decoration as a dimple on their chin!

Contraindications to the procedure

Absolute contraindications for surgical intervention to correct the depression on the chin are:

  • diabetes;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • diseases of an immune nature;
  • individual intolerance to drugs;
  • the presence of a foreign body in the surgical area.

Time restrictions include:

  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • dermatological diseases of viral origin;
  • inflammatory processes in the chin area;
  • taking anticoagulants;
  • scar tissue in place of the dimple;
  • autoimmune connective tissue diseases in the acute stage.

Possibilities of botulinum toxin injections to correct a depression on the chin

Botulinum toxin blocks nerve impulses transmitted from the brain to the muscles, which leads to their relaxation. The severity of the dimple can be reduced by paralyzing the mental muscles (if they are the cause of the dimple) with botulinum toxin.

Correction with fillers in the orbital zone is effective not only for aging skin

But the effect of the drug lasts for 3–6 months, depending on the individual characteristics of the patient, and botulinum toxin does not have a filling ability. Therefore, it is worth noting that botulinum toxin injections in this case are an excellent addition to HA fillers.

It is worth noting that botulinum toxin injections in this case are an excellent addition to HA fillers.

Reasons for appearance

The main reason why a nasolacrimal trough develops is age-related changes. Skin and muscle structures that have lost their tone sag, and the subcutaneous tissue becomes thinner. As a result, a deep crease appears, which over time even thick foundations and concealers cannot hide.

However, age is not the only reason for the formation of wrinkles in this area. There is a wide list of factors that significantly accelerate furrow formation:

  • bad habits: frequent drinking of alcohol, smoking;
  • poor nutrition, predominance of fatty, salty, sweet foods in the diet;
  • chronic stress, emotional swings;
  • lack of sleep and rest;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • lack of weight control: obesity, sudden weight loss;
  • lack of moisture in the body and skin, dehydration;
  • improper skin care, abuse of low-quality decorative cosmetics;
  • genetic predisposition to a special type of skin aging.

For some, the furrow can remain as a pale line for years, while for others it can go from slightly noticeable to a deep and pronounced fold in a few months. Therefore, you need to think about how to remove a tear trough immediately after its appearance.

Why do people get dimples?

The dimple looks as if something sharp was pressed into this place of the chin, and a dent remained.

The anatomical reason for this phenomenon is the insufficient development of tissues that should be involved in connecting the skin with facial muscles or with bone. This usually occurs through a piece of connective tissue, such as a ligament or tendon. If a muscle or tendon is heterogeneous in its structure and has a gap, a piece of skin seems to fall into it. From the outside it looks like a hole.

The same reason causes dimples on the cheeks. They do not pose any threat to health, but only add a “zest” to their owner.

This feature of the structure of the connective tissue of the chin is inherited from the parents, that is, the dimples are genetically determined. Even if one of the parents has them, the probability of occurrence in children will be 50%.

With age, due to the drooping of facial tissues and the accumulation of fat under the skin of the chin, these dimples smooth out and become less noticeable than in youth.

How serious is chin dimple surgery?

The procedure described above is known as dimpleectomy or dimpleplasty. This is a cosmetic operation performed fairly quickly and under local anesthesia. Among surgeons, such a procedure is not considered serious and difficult to perform. Rather, it is a fairly simple outpatient procedure, performed directly in a beauty salon and taking up to 30 minutes of time.

Considering the fact that the cosmetic incision is made inside the oral cavity, there are no visually visible scars left after the operation. And dimples are visible during facial expressions, but not when the face is relaxed, which makes this procedure even more universal and desirable.

Rehabilitation: Micro-needle RF lifting.

Fractional thermolifting is used for a wide variety of areas of the face and body, including the most delicate ones, carefully adjusting the depth and intensity of the treatment.

  • Microneedles are used to deliver RF energy to the desired tissue level, but the procedure is bloodless.
  • Innovative technologies help launch regeneration processes, activate blood flow, and restore lymphatic drainage.
  • RF needle lifting goes well with various procedures.

The skin tightening effect is observed immediately after the end of the session.
Subsequently, with the launch of the production of new collagen and elastin, the lifting effect increases and becomes more pronounced. More about the procedure

Non-surgical methods are relatively painless and do not require general anesthesia; they also have no serious side effects. Their main disadvantages are the ability to eliminate only relatively shallow folds, as well as a short-term effect. For example, the result of contouring, mesotherapy and plasma therapy lasts about 4-8 months, RF lifting – up to 1.5 years.

Plastic surgery services

Only plastic surgery will help remove deep skin creases, pronounced defects and signs of aging. Modern aesthetic medicine offers several ways to solve this problem:

  • Surgical blepharoplasty. Plastic surgery, during which the surgeon removes excess skin and fatty tissue in the lower and upper eyelids, strengthens muscle tone. Allows you to get rid of not only the tear trough, but also swelling, bags, ptosis, asymmetry, and drooping eyelids. It is carried out under anesthesia. It is worth considering surgery after 35 years. It is well tolerated by patients, but at the same time quite difficult to implement. The effect lasts for approximately 8-10 years.
  • Lipofilling. It involves transplanting your own fat tissue into the problem area under the lower eyelid. The intervention helps to correct the tear trough, remove fine wrinkles and circles under the eyes. The procedure does not require general anesthesia. Fat cells are collected through thin cannulas, after which the tissue is injected into the desired area. This is a simpler intervention option that has a shorter lasting effect. On average, the result lasts up to 3 years.

Sometimes blepharoplasty is combined with filling the tear trough with fat cells - lipofilling. The final choice of correction method remains with the plastic surgeon.

The advantage of surgical operations is their pronounced long-lasting effect. They not only allow you to remove the deepest depressions, but also generally allow you to rejuvenate your face and get rid of accompanying imperfections in appearance. The face becomes younger, the gaze becomes more open, and the chronically tired appearance disappears.

Why do they appear when you smile?

Sometimes they can be observed when a person smiles or grins. A school-age girl who had this problem posted her request through the Yahoo community, and this is what she wrote:

“I'm a 14-year-old girl, so I worry too much about this! But the dimple only appears when I smile a beautiful big smile. When I don't smile it doesn't show, but I smile a lot so it's a problem for me. I just feel bad because this is not where I want to have a dimple. How can I get rid of her?

Genetics is listed above as one of the reasons for a dimpled chin. Sometimes genetic defects can occur that can cause a lack of connective tissue during embryonic development, leading to contraction of the facial muscles.

Because of this, when a person smiles or laughs, “the shorter muscle in the face lifts the skin. This creates a small depression in the face where muscle contraction has occurred, which can be observed on the cheeks, on one or both sides, or on the chin.

If small indentations form when a person closes their mouth, there may be a problem with the functioning of the mentalis muscle.


So, the most attractive dimples that give a person a special charm and make his face more friendly and pretty are the dimples on the cheeks. Such signs indicate sensuality, increased emotionality and a “mad” temperament, although outwardly this may not manifest itself too strongly. Along with this, dimples on the cheeks indicate vital activity, the desire for independence, low susceptibility to external impulses, and integrity of perception.

How to determine character by dimples on the face? If only the dimple on the right cheek is clearly visible, and is barely noticeable on the left, such a person is distinguished by mobility, contact, the ability to quickly switch from one thing to another, the ability to simultaneously keep several things in the field of attention, and the desire to interact.

When, on the contrary, the dimple on the left cheek is better visible, a person has high receptivity, sensitivity, mental plasticity, and the ability to quickly adapt to new conditions. He is constant in his affections, immersed in the world of his imagination and experiences.

In general, people with dimples flaunt their self-esteem and have some creative power; they are proud, artistic, authoritative, generous, prone to patronage, and always ready to help. They love luxury, pleasure, entertainment.

The negative qualities of such people include vanity, despotism, authoritarianism, a penchant for tinsel and external pretentiousness, pomp, ceremony, and pomposity.

Specialist consultation

Olga, 25 years old:

Tell me, please, is it possible that over time the dimple will disappear altogether?

Expert's answer:

Hello. Yes, this is quite possible. The dimple will either become smaller, disappear completely or become almost invisible.

Marina, 20 years old

Is it possible to make a dimple on the chin smaller with the help of massages, for example using?

Expert's answer:

The dimple can be slightly “evened out” with the help of a massage, but it will not be removed at all.

Natalya, 40 years old

Good afternoon. Please tell me how much contour plastic surgery costs?

Expert's answer:

Good afternoon. Unfortunately, we cannot accurately answer this question for you. Each cosmetologist has his own price.

Even the ancient sages learned to predict the fate of people by their distinctive appearance features. The structure of the nose, the shape of the eyes, moles and any detail of appearance can, in their opinion, mean a lot and have a noticeable impact on a person’s life path.

People with a dimple on the chin were revered as “kissed by the gods” and society at all times treated them especially.

A chin with a dimple is a real highlight in the appearance of a man or woman. And any psychologist who knows how to decipher the secrets of a face will say that all owners of such a dimple have a very difficult character.

What is chin dimple surgery?

This aesthetic operation involves making a small incision to further form a characteristic depression in the skin. After the plastic surgeon makes an incision, he begins to create an artificial cleavage by applying a cosmetic suture. Such a seam should connect the reverse side of the skin with the deep subcutaneous layer. After a certain rehabilitation time has passed, when the cosmetic suture resolves, scar tissue forms in its place. It is this tissue that will play a supporting role for the dimple so that it is in a certain position.

Techniques for introducing HA fillers for chin correction

The easiest way to remove a dimple on the chin is to implant hyaluronic acid fillers. They can be injected directly into the depression to lift the skin in the dimple and thus even out the relief of the chin.

To achieve a lifting effect and fill the volume deficit in the chin area, high-viscosity fillers are used. Such products provide longer lasting results and have the necessary lifting ability.

Despite the rapid effect and safety of HA fillers, the correction results are temporary and last for approximately 12 months. To maintain results, the author recommends repeat treatments every 8 months.

The HA filler is injected using a needle directly onto the jaw bone in the area of ​​the fossa. The bolus technique is used for injection. The author recommends that practitioners administer 0.1 ml of product while counting to ten. This can reduce the risk of complications, since slow administration and small boluses are generally quite safe. The filler should then be injected continuously as the needle is withdrawn to create a pyramid-shaped bolus.

Correction with follers: rules for safe work in the periorbital area

Next, you can inject the drug into the lower edge of the jaw at a distance of 1 cm from the medial line of the face to lengthen the face or visually enlarge the chin. The entry point is located on the lower border of the jaw, just below the corner of the mouth.

If necessary, additional subdermal injection of filler can be performed using a cannula using a fan technique. This way the surface is leveled and the end result will be more natural.

Rice. 1: techniques for correcting dimples on the chin

Typically, the amount of HA filler required to correct a dimpled chin varies between 1-3 ml. Sometimes, if the dimple is too deep or in case of overactivity of the mentalis muscle, it is better to carry out the correction in two sessions with an interval of 1 month.

Despite the rapid effect and safety of HA fillers, the correction results are temporary and last for approximately 12 months. To maintain results, the author recommends that patients return for follow-up treatments every 8 months.

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