Cocoa for the face: mask with powder at home - reviews in cosmetology

01.05.2014 / Face masks at home

Cocoa is a wonderful and noble product with an exquisite taste and aroma. It is successfully used for confectionery purposes; everyone’s favorite cocoa drink is brewed from dry powder. It turns out that cocoa is indispensable in caring for beauty, since it is used to prepare various masks for the face, body and hair. Such procedures will give you a lot of pleasant sensations and will allow you to effectively cope with skin problems; in addition, cocoa-based masks will improve your mood and well-being.

Cosmetic properties

Powder from the fruits of the cocoa tree amazes with a variety of beneficial properties. The product contains proteins, carbohydrates, saturated vegetable fats, vitamins and minerals. All of them are related to the beauty and health of facial skin to varying degrees.

The product is especially generous with vitamins, without which neither the normal functioning of the body as a whole nor the healthy condition of facial skin is possible:

  • vitamin A (retinol) – rejuvenates epidermal cells;
  • vitamin B₁ (thiamine) - heals the skin;
  • B₂ (riboflavin) – takes part in cell regeneration;
  • B₅ (pantothenic acid) – promotes the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • B₆ (pyridoxine) – a necessity for problem skin;
  • B₉ (folic acid) – excellent protection from sun rays;
  • vitamin E (tocopherol) – gives a rejuvenating effect, smoothes out fine wrinkles;
  • Vitamin PP (niacin) – gives the face a fresh, healthy look.

Andalou naturals

A proven remedy for combating blackheads is a face mask with activated carbon.

Accordingly, the product is recommended both for consumption as a healthy food product and for use for cosmetic purposes.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the benefits of cocoa butter for facial skin. Its composition is based on saturated fatty acids, which moisturize and nourish dry, flaky skin and protect from the harmful effects of severe frosts, scorching sun rays, wind and dust.

Chocolate cosmetics have long been popular among women. Modern beauty salons and spas actively use cocoa-based cosmetics: they carry out peeling and wrapping procedures, massages and even chocolate baths.

After such sessions, the process of collagen formation is enhanced, the skin becomes more elastic and smooth. In addition, cocoa helps eliminate harmful toxins from the body. And, of course, this is a powerful aromatherapy aimed at increasing vitality.

Chocolate wrap and massage are effective prevention and one of the effective methods of combating cellulite. Processed cocoa beans stimulate blood circulation in the tissues of the epidermis and activate the processes of breakdown of fat deposits.

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Cocoa powder + honey

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Composition and properties of cocoa

The rich composition of cocoa includes B vitamins (B5, B9), vitamins A and PP, minerals (calcium, iron and potassium, copper and magnesium), starch, caffeine, tannins, antioxidants, fats and vegetable proteins. Acids include palmitic, stearic, linoleic and oleic. Rich composition of phytosterols, flavonoids, polysaccharides, as well as theophylline and theobromine.

Benefits of cocoa masks

• Active for different skin types. Since cocoa components effectively fight the first signs of aging, a cocoa mask is an excellent option for prolonging the youthfulness of facial skin thanks to vitamin B5.

• Combined effects on the skin. A cocoa face mask simultaneously nourishes and moisturizes the skin, exfoliates dead particles of the surface layer of the epidermis.

• Improved skin appearance. For example, vitamin PP allows you to restore your natural shade.

• Elimination of pimples and blackheads. Vitamin A removes inflammation, vitamin B9 soothes irritation.

• Moisturizing and softening the skin thanks to the potassium content. Iron ions take part in the transport of oxygen to cells, and calcium performs a construction function.

• Whitening occurs due to starch.

• Restoration of the barrier functions of the epidermis.

• Activation of fat metabolism.

• Activation of the synthesis of elastin, hyaluronic acid and collagen due to the presence of palmitic acid.

• The lifting effect is possible due to theobromine and theophylline.

• Healing and toning due to tannins, caffeine and methylxanthine.

Recipes for home cooking

Home treatments using homemade cosmetics often give results no worse than those in the salon. Regular systemic application of cocoa masks will help your facial skin look healthy and fresh. The main thing is to combine the ingredients correctly and follow the basic rules for preparing and applying homemade masks.

Mask for all ages skin types:

  • 1 tbsp. natural cocoa powder;
  • 1 tsp liquid honey;
  • 1 chicken yolk.

Lightly beat the yolk and combine with liquid honey. Add cocoa mixture and mix well. Apply the mask to the face, strictly following the massage lines for 15 minutes.

With sour cream and oatmeal

For dry and very dry skin, masks based on cocoa butter will be effective. The product itself is already a finished cosmetics:

  • 1 hour l. warmed cocoa butter;
  • 1 tsp wheat germ;
  • 1 tbsp. avocado (or pumpkin) pulp.

Combine warm oils with crushed avocado pulp and apply the mixture to a thoroughly cleansed face for 20 minutes. Rinse off the product with warm water using a cotton swab or cosmetic pad.


Recipe with cocoa to normalize sebum secretion:

  • 1 tsp cocoa powder;
  • 1 tbsp. oatmeal;
  • 2 tbsp. low-fat kefir;
  • 1 tsp cottage cheese.

Beauty in every drop

Grind the flakes and soak for 5-7 minutes in kefir. Add cottage cheese and cocoa, pureed through a sieve. Relax on the couch with a mask on your face for 20 minutes.

Anti-inflammatory recipe:

  • 1 tsp cocoa butter;
  • 1 tsp chamomile oil;
  • 1 tsp aloe juice;
  • 1 tbsp. l. fresh cucumber.

Combine the oils and heat in a water bath. Squeeze the juice from a fresh aloe leaf and grate the cucumber on a fine grater. Combine all components and apply the composition for 20–30 minutes.

Cleansing your face before applying a mask is the key to its effectiveness. Cocoa can become one of the components of a homemade scrub: mix 2 tsp. ground coffee, 1 tsp. cocoa powder and 1 tsp. any vegetable oil.

Lifting without surgery - kefir face masks.


Find out how to properly prepare and apply a face mask with honey and cinnamon here. And when you can’t do without a face mask with honey and lemon, read here.

Real reviews

  • Nastasya, 33 years old: “While I was sitting in the hairdresser waiting for my turn, I read a recipe for a mask with cocoa in one of the suggested magazines. This product has been in my house for a long time, as I have two mischievous boys who love to drink this drink. Therefore, when I came home, I reconstructed the ingredients of the mask from memory, then checked the ratio of the components on the Internet and began to make it every week. The skin actually became softer and the complexion became rosy. I am very pleased with these results.”
  • Evgeniya, 42 years old: “Cocoa is an excellent remedy not only for the skin of the face, but also for the whole body. This product can always be purchased in stores at an affordable price. I used a mask based on cocoa with yogurt. It very carefully cleanses the skin and tightens its pores. I apply it in the evening, after rinsing it off, I consolidate its effect with moisturizer, and the next morning I always get up with a rested and refreshed face. There is nothing complicated in preparing the mask, despite its multi-component nature. It is easy to apply and wash off, so I advise you to choose a suitable product with cocoa for yourself and forget about many troubles on your face.”
  • Alena, 38 years old: “I always dreamed of taking care of myself, and especially my face. I’m very rarely in the fresh air: you go to work early in the morning, and come home in the evening, with no time for walks. Therefore, after my skin became sallow in color, I began to look for simple recipes for homemade masks to restore its former healthy tone and found recipes with cocoa. I really liked the double-action products that improve the condition of the skin and cleanse it. These homemade peels gently remove impurities from pores, rid the surface of the skin of dead cells while moisturizing them. I think I made a good choice, now no one will say that I look like an “earth mouse.”
  • Olechka, 25 years old: “I use homemade masks in combination with other cosmetics. Chocolate treats are my specialty. I work as an animator at children's parties, and very often parents order a chocolate fountain for their children. As you understand, after the celebration you don’t feel like throwing away the leftover chocolate, but eating it all the time – there’s no strength or desire. I decided to use it for masks. I add cocoa and other ingredients to it and apply. I wait the allotted time, then wash it off with chamomile infusion to soothe the skin. I don’t have any special problems with my face, and the mask is suitable for maintaining healthy skin.”

Ready-made cosmetics

Finished cosmetic products with cocoa have won the love and trust of many representatives of the fair half of humanity. Cocoa is used to make hair care products, creams, scrubs and face masks.

TOP 3 popular masks:

  1. “Nourishing” with cocoa butter – Ziaja Nourishing Cocoa Face Mask. Polish for dry skin, softening and moisturizing.
  2. Demax Chocolate Mask For Face, Japan. Professional anti-aging restorative.
  3. With rosemary, cardamom, cinnamon, ginger – WildLife Face Mask.

Dry masks with cocoa powder and various ingredients that have a versatile effective effect on the skin. Produced in Ukraine.

Cocoa butter is used to make hygienic lipsticks that make lips incredibly soft.

A mountain treasure for youth and healthy skin – a face mask with mumiyo.

Lavera with cocoa butter

A hair lightening mask will help you get the desired shade of your curls without harm.

Using cocoa powder masks

• Use a natural product. Instant mixtures are not suitable for preparing tasty drinks.

• Before applying the mask, the skin is thoroughly cleansed of excess sebum, cosmetic residues and impurities. Any cosmetic products (cleansing gels and milk) are suitable for this.

• Masks containing cocoa may stain clothing. When using, apply the composition to the skin and rest. It’s better to just lie down with your eyes closed - this will allow the active composition to penetrate deeply into the layers of the epidermis.

Secrets of application

There are no specific features for using cocoa face masks. The main task is to purchase a real quality product.

Signs of a natural product:

  • brown color only;
  • rich chocolate aroma;
  • absence of lumps and any impurities in the powder.

The presence of individual intolerance to a component is its only contraindication. Cocoa powder dissolves well in liquids and combines ideally with a variety of components.

Regular application of homemade chocolate masks will help maintain beautiful and healthy skin for many years.


What masks for dry hair ends will help restore curls quickly and for a long time, read the article.

Recommendations from cosmetologists

When planning to use cocoa-based mixtures on your face at home, you should familiarize yourself with the basic rule that cosmetologists never tire of reminding you of. The first thing to do before the procedures is to test the prepared mass.

Testing is easy - apply 2-5 drops of the composition to the sensitive dermis of the wrist or the “crescent” behind the ear. Lightly massage the area, allowing the active ingredients to penetrate deep into the skin.

It remains to wait 3-5 hours. If there are no unwanted reactions in the form of irritation or redness, feel free to use face masks - chocolate mixtures will not cause harm.

Another useful tip is to use only natural products. Before applying the mixture, cleanse the dermis using a detergent.

Customers' opinions

Reviews about cosmetics are written by ladies who have already used them to care for their beauty. Short or long notes about the quality and effectiveness of a particular product help you not to get lost in the variety of recipes and products.

There is only one drawback to this event: what is perfectly suitable for one person may not be to the liking of another. So you won't understand until you try it yourself.

  • Milana, 27 years old, Rostov-on-Don: “Chocolate masks nourish the skin well and even out the color. I mix cocoa powder with various ingredients, depending on my mood. And wrapping is generally bliss for the body.”
  • Oksana, 32, Orel: “I actively use cocoa butter to eliminate dryness. I apply it neat to my face and hands. Sometimes I turn on my imagination and “create” my own masterpiece recipes. By the way, I don’t use store-bought masks at all. Homemade cosmetics forever.”
  • Daria, 42, St. Petersburg: “Something didn’t work out with preparing masks at home. I buy care products in natural and organic cosmetics departments. I give preference to compositions with cocoa first of all: the skin becomes smooth and elastic, the result is always visible.”


Any cosmetics has the right to exist if the result from its use corresponds to its stated promises. Masks containing real cocoa are always effective and effective. Buy in a store or create at home – it’s everyone’s personal choice!

Benefits of a face mask

A beneficial effect on the epidermis is ensured by a rich amount of vitamins and microelements valuable for the skin:

  • retinol is an antioxidant, prevents early aging of the dermis, activates regeneration processes;
  • B vitamins – restore the protective properties of the skin, have rejuvenating and moisturizing effects;
  • nicotinic acid – evens out skin texture, improves blood flow in the tissues of the epidermis;

  • palmitic acid – helps smooth out facial wrinkles, lightens age spots;
  • alkaloids theophylline and theobromine – block the harmful effects of the environment, increase the elasticity of aging skin;
  • caffeine – has a tonic effect and gives the face a fresh, rested look.


  1. Like many natural products, cocoa has few contraindications. The main thing is individual intolerance, allergic reactions.
  2. Cocoa butter should not be used for severe inflammation.
  3. Some procedures with cocoa, for example, wraps, are contraindicated during pregnancy, as are any thermal procedures.
  4. If you have oily skin, you should not use cocoa butter daily, but you can include it in your weekly skin care routine. Better yet, ditch recipes with butter in favor of recipes with cocoa powder.
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