Nail fungus: how to identify and eliminate the problem in time

Despite the fact that the scientific name of this disease - onychomycosis - is not so often heard by ordinary people, the prevalence of the infection itself is very high. Nail fungus is a disease that affects every fifth person on earth according to WHO.

In the early stages it may not appear too pronounced, but as it develops it will be impossible not to notice. And treatment of nail fungus takes quite a long time (from 3 months and sometimes longer than 1 year).

The danger also lies in the fact that an infection from one nail plate spreads to the rest in a fairly short time, and can also be transmitted to other people. According to statistics, 80% of people do not even know that they are carriers of the fungus.

Causes of nail fungus

Let's figure out where this infection comes from in order to prevent the questions “How to cure nail fungus?”

Onychomycosis is caused by dermatophyte, yeast, and some types of mold fungi. In a healthy person, the nail plate is considered invulnerable to this infection. It penetrates when immunity decreases due to injury, abrasions and cracks in the nails, skin of the fingers, and feet. Further, when exposed to favorable conditions, where it is warm and humid, the fungi quickly multiply and begin to gradually destroy the hard layer of the nail and the tissue around the nails.

If you do not treat nail fungus, then there is a risk of allergic reactions, intoxication of the body and the appearance of concomitant diseases, not to mention the fact that a person becomes a dangerous carrier of infection for others.

Interesting to know:

People who pay increased attention to their personal hygiene increase the likelihood of becoming infected with fungus due to the fact that detergents, when actively used, wash away the so-called protective layer and form “depleted skin syndrome.” As a result, dryness and cracks may appear on the surface of the skin, through which infection usually enters.

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Antifungal tablets contain active fungicidal components that suppress fungal activity in tissues, acting from the inside and throughout the body. It is important that tablets for nail fungus are selected only by a doctor, taking into account the indications, type of infection and side effects, eliminating all possible contraindications.


Terbinafine. Photo: Vertex

The drug is available in the form of a cream for external use; it is available in pharmacies without a prescription. Tablet forms of the drug are available with a doctor's prescription. The main active ingredient is terbinafine hydrochloride. Belongs to the group of allylamines that have a broad antifungal spectrum against pathogenic fungi that affect the skin, nails and internal organs. This is a synthetic compound that has a direct effect on the shell of mushrooms, destroying it. The main effect is to suppress the synthesis of fungal ergosterol, a substance similar to hormones that strengthens and compacts the fungal cell wall.

Applicable for:

  • fungal infections of any etiology;
  • complex therapy of ringworm;
  • dermatophytosis;
  • fungal infection on the feet with peeling and skin lesions;
  • fungal infection of internal organs together with other drugs.

The drug has a number of side effects when taken, so treatment should be supervised by a doctor. It is important to regularly check your blood count - platelets and neutrophils may decrease. Possible skin allergies, dizziness, taste disturbances and problems with the liver, kidneys, exacerbation of arthritis. The higher the daily dose, the more likely side effects are.

The drug is contraindicated in case of allergies to components, renal and liver failure, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, in children.

The dose is selected individually, as well as the course of treatment - in case of severe damage to the feet, it can reach 180 days. For nail fungus - until a healthy plate grows and tests for fungus are negative.


Fluconazole. Photo: OZONE

The drug is available in the form of capsules and tablets, as well as local forms - sprays, gels, ointments, vaginal suppositories. Oral forms are available with a doctor's prescription. The active ingredient is fluconazole. Belongs to the group of antifungal drugs with a wide spectrum of activity.


  • with cryptococcosis of the nervous system, respiratory tract and skin;
  • for the prevention of fungal infections in the presence of immunodeficiencies;
  • as prevention of fungus during donation and immunosuppressive therapy;
  • for the treatment of candidiasis of any localization;
  • when the nails on the hands and feet are affected by fungus, including the skin on the feet;
  • in the treatment of pityriasis rosea.

The dosage is selected by the doctor based on the type and severity of the lesion. When taken in high doses, side effects are possible - allergies, itching of the skin in the affected areas, abdominal pain, blood picture disturbances. During treatment, it is necessary to periodically monitor blood tests. The drug has a number of contraindications - intolerance to components, liver damage and cirrhosis, viral hepatitis, kidney failure, psoriasis, pregnancy for oral administration (external forms are acceptable). In children, the dose is calculated based on body weight and taken strictly according to indications.

To treat nail fungus, tablets are combined with local forms of drugs. The course of treatment is 150 mg per day for a month, then 150 mg per week for another month.


Ketoconazole. Photo: Mekophar Chemical-Pharmaceutical

The drug is available both in local forms - shampoo, suppositories, creams, which can be bought without a prescription, and in the form of tablets, which are available with a doctor's prescription. The active ingredient is ketoconazole, which has a pronounced antifungal effect and is used to treat systemic fungal infections. Kills the fungus by affecting the proteins of the outer cell membranes. The drug is taken when local treatment is ineffective or the fungus is resistant to other drugs. Suppresses the activity of opportunistic flora, which is important in the treatment of fungal infections.


  • for fungal skin infections on the arms and legs;
  • with damage to the nail plates that have not been cured by local therapy;
  • for the treatment of yeast infections of any localization;
  • for thrush resistant to fluconazole.

When taken in high doses or for a long course of treatment, side effects are possible - digestive disorders, hair loss, fever, decreased libido in men, sleep disturbances, irritability, conjunctivitis.

There are a number of contraindications for taking the drug - age under 12 years, any serious problems with the kidneys and liver, allergies to the drug, pregnancy (only local forms can be used from the 2nd - 3rd trimester).

For nail fungus, take the drug for a long time, until healthy nails grow back completely and symptoms disappear permanently (at least 4 weeks).


Itraconazole Photo: OZONE

The drug is available in capsules and solution, available by prescription, the active ingredient is itraconazole. The drug has broad-spectrum antifungal activity and destroys the cell walls of fungi by blocking the synthesis of ergosterol. It practically does not create resistance from fungi, which allows it to be used in difficult cases.


  • for fungal infections of the intimate area that are resistant to other drugs;
  • for fungal infections and immunodeficiencies;
  • for the treatment of nail fungus of any location;
  • for damage to internal organs caused by rare forms of fungus (cryptococcus, paracoccidiosis, histoplasmosis).

The drug is not without side effects when taken, which the doctor should take into account when prescribing it. There may be a disturbance in the absorption of food in the intestines, pain in the abdomen, headaches and dizziness. With long-term use, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the liver.

Among the contraindications, it is important to note allergies to the components of the drug, severe impairment of liver and kidney function, pregnancy, and breastfeeding. For nail fungus, the course of treatment can last up to 90 days with possible repeated courses.


Orungal. Photo: Janssen

The drug is available in the form of capsules and solution for injection and is available with a doctor's prescription. The active ingredient is itraconazole. It has an effect against many types of fungus, including those resistant to other types of drugs.

Applicable for:

  • treatment of dermatomycosis;
  • eliminating fungal nail infections;
  • systemic fungal infections;
  • candidiasis, especially recurrent;
  • fungal infection of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • pityriasis versicolor.

Prohibited during pregnancy, if you are allergic to the drug, or due to severe liver and kidney damage. Do not take with statins or ergotamine drugs.

Signs of fungus damage to the nail plate

If you notice the following manifestations on your nails, then it’s time to sound the alarm:

  • Yellowish tint
  • Delamination, destruction or thickening
  • Blotches of yellow or white spots
  • Unpleasant odor, pain
  • Changing shape

Given the variety of types of fungus, the infection in its first manifestations may look different.

For example, yeast fungi make the tone of the nail plate darker and add a yellowish color. The nail becomes deformed and takes on a wavy shape. Redness forms on the skin around the nail and even with slight exposure painful sensations appear.

Dermatophytes, affecting the nail, first appear as small spots along the edges of the plate of yellow, white and gray color. Subsequently, the nail completely turns yellow and moves away from the base.

Molds most often attack against the background of reduced immunity. It is difficult to confuse lesions with this species due to the rich palette of colors on the nails: green, blue, black, brown, yellow. Sometimes, already at the first stage, peeling and separation of the nails from the base are observed.


The solution for the fungus "Exoderil" contains naftifine - this substance gradually accumulates in the nails affected by the fungus and destroys it. The excipients of the drug help the active components penetrate the nail faster. In addition to the antifungal effect, Exoderil has the ability to relieve inflammation caused by mycosis and relieve itching. Contraindications to the use of the anti-fungal remedy: allergic reactions to the components of the drug, pregnancy, breastfeeding, childhood.

Eczacibasi Ilac Sanayi ve Ticar, Türkiye; Sandoz (Sandoz), Germany; Biochemie GmbH, Austria; Globopharm pharmazeutische Productions, Austria

Naftifine is an antifungal agent for external use, belonging to the class of allylamines.
The mechanism of action is associated with inhibition of squalene-2,3-epoxidase, which leads to a decrease in the formation of ergosterol, which is part of the cell wall of the fungus. Active against dermatophytes such as Trichophyton, Epidermophyton and Microsporum, molds (Aspergillus spp.), yeast fungi (Candida spp., Pityrosporum) and other fungi (for example Sporothrix schenckii). from 364

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Types of nail fungus

There are three clinical types of nail fungus:

  • normotrophic - the color of the nail plate changes, yellowish and white areas appear. The nail does not lose its shine and thickness within normal limits;
  • hypertrophic - the nail plate acquires a yellowish tint, thickens, deforms and splits in the future. The shine of the nail is lost, crumbling on the sides is possible;
  • onycholytic, or atrophic - the nail becomes thinner, and the damaged area peels off from the nail bed.

Depending on the location of the infection, the following forms are divided:

  1. distal (at the tip of the nail);
  2. lateral (on the sides of the nail);
  3. proximal (at the posterior skin fold);
  4. total (over the entire surface of the nail).


The active substance of the drug for mycosis is amorolfine. This antifungal agent is a clear nail polish. "Loceryl" helps treat fungus directly on the surface of the nail. Amorolfine slows down the destruction of the nail by fungus, and with long-term use, it completely destroys the pathogen. The components of “Loceryl” do not have a negative effect on the body, even if you use this varnish for a long time. The course of treatment with Lotseril lasts one to two weeks, the only drawback is the high cost of the product.

Galderma, Switzerland

Loceryl is an antifungal drug for external use.
It has a fungistatic and fungicidal effect due to damage to the cytoplasmic membrane of the fungus by disrupting the biosynthesis of sterols. The content of ergosterol decreases, the content of atypical steric non-planar sterols accumulates. Has a wide spectrum of action. Highly active against both the most common and rare pathogens of fungal nail infections. from 823

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Stages of development

Initially, nail fungi may manifest as mild itching in the affected area, dry skin, redness and peeling.
The symptoms are not very disturbing at the initial stage, and visually, without consulting a dermatologist, podologist or mycologist, onychomycosis can be confused with other diseases with similar manifestations. This stage can last up to several years. The infection is then revealed by a noticeable yellowing of the nails around the edges. Small cracks and other damage may form on the nails, the skin near them, and between the toes.

The bottom layer of the nail plate becomes looser, and the nail itself becomes exfoliated and thinner.

Cracks in the skin become larger, cause severe pain, an unpleasant smell and appearance create discomfort, nails are destroyed and deformed, and become black. In case of inaction, nail loss is possible.


This is a broad-spectrum anti-fungal medicine that is used externally. "Candide" helps well with mycosis of the legs. The active ingredient in Candida is clotrimazole, which damages the membrane of the pathogenic fungus and also heals the affected tissue. Allergies to this antifungal agent are extremely rare, since it contains a minimum of components. The course of treatment with Candide, depending on the situation, lasts from a week to a month.

Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Ltd., India

An antifungal drug with a wide spectrum of action.
The active substance of Candida, clotrimazole, is an imidazole derivative. Its antifungal effect is due to disruption of the production of ergosterol, which is part of the fungal cell membrane. As a result of the action of clotrimazole, the permeability of the cell membrane changes, which leads to cell lysis. from 264


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Prevention of nail fungus

It is more rational to adhere to simple rules of prevention now than to treat nail fungus in the future.

  • Regularly check and inspect your nails, feet, and skin between your toes for spots, peeling, and cracks.
  • Be responsible when purchasing shoes - they should be moderately loose, made from natural materials that allow air circulation.
  • Use replaceable shoes in public places, such as: bathhouse, sauna, swimming pool, beach.
  • Don't use someone else's shoes.
  • For nail care services, choose trusted nail salons that sanitize tools after each client.
  • To avoid acquiring toenail fungus, you should wash and dry the areas of your lower extremities between your toes every day.
  • Socks, knee socks, and tights should be made from natural materials and changed regularly.
  • To avoid re-infection, you should disinfect everything that the infected person has interacted with: clothing, bedding, shoes, floors, bathtub, shower, etc.


The main active ingredient of Nizoral is ketoconazole. This drug has a pronounced antifungal effect and is ideal for the treatment of mycosis of toenails. Ketoconazole penetrates deep into the nail and prevents further proliferation of pathogens, destroying their metabolic processes. For optimal therapeutic effect, it is recommended to apply Nizoral to the affected areas twice a day. The indisputable advantage of this remedy for fungus is that it is completely safe for the body. Pregnant and lactating women can be treated with Nizoral.

Janssen-Cilag, UK

Dermatophyte skin infections caused by Trichophyton rubrum, Trichophyton mentagrophytes, Microsporum canis and Epidermophyton floccosum: - dermatomycosis of smooth skin;
- inguinal athlete's foot; - epidermophytosis of the hands and feet; - skin candidiasis; - pityriasis versicolor; — seborrheic dermatitis caused by Pityrosporum ovale from 430

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This is an inexpensive drug against foot fungus, and very effective. The active ingredients of the product are undecylenic acid and its salt. "Mikoseptin" destroys fungal cells and is a powerful antiseptic. The ointment relieves itching, redness and burning. "Mikoseptin" is used in a course (four to six weeks). The drug should not be prescribed to children under 2 years of age or if they are allergic to the components of the ointment.


Mikoseptin is an ointment for topical use with an antifungal effect.
Indications for the use of Mikoseptin ointment are: superficial mycoses of the skin caused by microorganisms sensitive to the active ingredients of the drug, in particular dermatomycosis of smooth skin, inguinal dermatomycosis, dermatomycosis of the feet, interdigital dermatomycosis, including mixed candidal and bacterial infections. from 321


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This is one of the best remedies for fungus in this rating; the active ingredient of Nitrofungin is undecylenic acid. The drug acts not only as an antifungal agent, but also as a disinfectant and antiseptic. This medicine for fungus acts quickly: the symptoms of mycosis disappear, the fungus goes away. Nitrofungin should be used twice a day until the manifestations of the disease disappear completely. Contraindications: children under three years of age, pregnant and lactating women, allergies to the components of the drug.

IVEX Pharmaceuticals, Czech Republic

Fungal skin lesions: - rubrophytia;
- inguinal athlete's foot; - trichophytosis; - skin candidiasis; - mycoses of the feet; - fungal diseases of the external auditory canal. from 322

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This fungal remedy is available in the form of a solution, spray, cream and ointment. The active substance of the drug is terbinafine, which inhibits the proliferation of the fungus, destroys its cellular structure and ultimately completely destroys it. For one to two weeks, Terbinafine is applied 1-2 times a day. Contraindications include: pregnancy, lactation, age under three years, renal failure, cancer.

Vertex CJSC, Russia

Prevention and treatment of fungus, fungal infections of the skin, including mycoses of the feet (“fungus” of the foot), inguinal athlete’s foot (tinea cruris), fungal infections of the smooth skin of the body (tinea corporis), caused by dermatophytes such as Trichophyton (incl. T. rubrum, T. mentagrophytes, T. verrucosum, T. violaceum), Microsporum canis and Epidermophyton floccosum;
yeast infections of the skin, mainly those caused by the genus Candida (for example, Candida albicans), in particular diaper rash; Versicolor versicolor (Pityriasis versicolor), caused by Pityrosporum orbiculare (also known as Malassezia furfur). from 38


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