"Losterin": instructions for use, description of the drug, analogues

Definition of symptoms

Today, along with development and progress, brings us various diseases. The growth of the Earth's population, unfavorable ecology, stress, hereditary predisposition, vitamin deficiency, improper metabolism, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - this is just a small list of factors that can be sources of various pathological changes not only in internal organs, but also in the skin. And if we talk about the latter, of course, constant itching and redness of the skin causes a lot of trouble. What do consumers say about Losterin cream? The reviews are very positive. Almost all consumers received a positive therapeutic effect and improvement in their condition until complete recovery.

Often people are alarmed to discover such signs of trouble as peeling, keratinization in the form of fish scales (especially in winter), cracks and dry skin. It is advisable to always be attentive to yourself and your loved ones. And if you notice the above symptoms, you need to consult a doctor and get competent help. They will certainly carefully examine the patient. The final result will be the diagnosis of the disease and the prescription of medications, among which may be the drug “Losterin”. Analogs, including the well-known Naftaderm, have a similar effect. However, when purchasing, you need to carefully study the instructions and especially the composition, since with a percentage increase or decrease in any component, the overall effect of the drug on the causative agents of the disease will certainly change, and therefore the entire course of treatment of the disease.


The drug Advantan is not a cheap substitute for Losterin; its cost is slightly higher - from 500 rubles.

An analog containing methylprednisolone auceponate is used to treat skin diseases with severe symptoms. The drug is active against dermatological inflammation and itching.

Advantan is produced in the form of external medicinal cream, emulsion and ointment. An analogue of Losterin is recommended if the patient’s body is sensitive to topical drugs of the glucocorticosteroid group.

Indications for use of the drug in the form of cream/ointment:

  • dermatitis of various types;
  • eczema (occupational, microbial, true, dyshidrotic);

Indications for use of the drug in emulsion form , including indications for the cream:

  • childhood eczema;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • seborrhea;
  • ultraviolet burn.

Positive results were observed in patients with seborrheic lichen and psoriasis.

Medicines for the treatment of dermatological pathologies are not prescribed:

  • for skin tuberculosis;
  • for dermatological viruses and infections;
  • with signs of syphilis on epithelial tissues;
  • in case of reaction to vaccination;
  • with perioral type dermatitis;
  • in case of hypersensitivity to components of the medicinal composition.

The analogue is not prescribed to patients under four months of age.

Side effect that occurs in rare cases:

  • erythema;
  • itching and mild burning;
  • vesicular rash.

With prolonged use, atrophy of the epithelium is possible.

The price for Losterin’s analogue, Advantan, is from 540 rubles.

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Indications for use of "Losterin"

The most important thing in the treatment of any disease is a correct diagnosis and, as a consequence, the cost of the treatment. It is curious that “Losterin” acts more sparingly than hormonal drugs. The price is also reasonable. Everything else is just a matter of technique, the desire to get better, great diligence and discipline. Patients call “Losterin” very effective for psoriasis. Patients who used this drug noted a noticeable improvement in their condition towards recovery and the disappearance of traces of this disease. It is known how disturbing psoriatic plaques cause during an exacerbation of the disease. Especially on the hands, in the elbow bend, around the fingers.

Diagnoses for the prescription and use of “Losterin” are the following:

  • psoriasis;
  • eczema;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • seborrheic dermatitis;
  • contact dermatitis;
  • lichen planus;
  • ichthyosis;
  • xerosis.


The drug Ketotifen belongs to antiallergic drugs, the action of which is aimed at stabilizing the membrane membrane of mast cells.

Ketotifen is produced in the form of syrup and tablets. As a cheap analogue of Losterin, a drug containing ketotifen fumarate is used for the development of atopic dermatitis or urticaria.

Taking a cheap analogue is recommended:

  • for allergic rhinitis;
  • with bronchial asthma of atopic type;
  • with seasonal hay fever (allergic);
  • with conjunctivitis (due to allergies);
  • with urticaria.

The syrup is also used to prevent other forms of allergic reactions.

Contraindications to the analogue:

  • lactation;
  • intolerance of the body to the components.

Cheap tablets are contraindicated during pregnancy and children under three years of age, syrup - for infants in the first six months of life.

Adverse reaction to Ketotifen:

  • dizziness;
  • inhibition of mental reactions;
  • drowsiness;
  • dysuria;
  • cystitis;
  • thrombocytopenia.

The cost of cheap Ketotifen tablets/syrup is from 50 rubles.

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Places where you can buy the drug

“Losterin” is described well and in detail by the instructions for use, which can be found inside each package. It is extremely important that this drug be prescribed by a dermatologist. Only a specialist can choose treatment individually, taking into account the specifics and characteristics of the body. Therefore, you need to buy strictly from pharmacies, preferably large ones with a good reputation, or from online pharmacies. This recommendation is partly made to avoid purchasing expired or counterfeit goods.

Types and forms of release of the drug

“Losterin” was developed by specialists in the field of dermatology, that is, people who deal with all kinds of skin diseases every day in their practice. This remedy came to people as a result of long work, practice and knowledge accumulated over the years. Clinical studies were conducted at the Moscow Scientific and Practical Center of Dermatovenereology and Cosmetology and the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov.

In fact, a whole line of “Losterin” products is united under the general name. Their composition varies depending on the form of release and the type of drug.

Analogs that cost less

Losterin has no absolute analogues, since the composition of the drug is unique. Still, some consider its cost excessively high, so they prefer other, cheaper options. And for others, Losterin is simply not available.

Frequently used analogues of the product include:

  • Elokom. Average cost – 280 rubles;
  • Linin. Average cost – 170 rubles;
  • Metizolone. Average cost – 160 rubles;
  • Fladex. The average cost is 150 rubles.

A clear advantage of Losterin is the ability to choose one of several forms of release, which would be practical for a particular case. Most of the above analogues are available only in the form for external use, and cannot be used to treat the scalp.

Analogs of Losterin shampoo are:

  • Psoril. Average cost – 160 rubles;
  • Psorioff. Average cost 420 rubles;
  • Tar shampoo. The average cost is 180 rubles.

"Losterin" for the scalp

The next type is “Losterin”, naphthalan shampoo, volume 150 ml. The instructions for use of the drug “Losterin” are presented in the form of a harmoniously developed formula. So, in addition to all the above components present in the shampoo of the described series, burdock root extract is also included, the healing effect of which has been known since ancient times. Preparations from this plant are very effective for skin itching, boils, acne and other abnormalities in the functioning of the dermis. In addition, flaxseed and sunflower oil are additionally included.

As can be seen from all of the above, there are no hormones in the composition, which is an important factor for the treatment and complete recovery of a person.


Unlike most antipsoriatic drugs, Losterin has a non-hormonal basis. The unique combination of components included in its composition provides a comprehensive effect on the focus of the inflammatory process.

Losterin contains:

  • Natural naphthalan. This substance undergoes additional processing, during which it is completely cleared of resinous and other impurities. Naftalan has anti-inflammatory, desensitizing, antibacterial and analgesic effects. Due to this, preparations based on it have a beneficial effect on the skin, improving microcirculation at the cellular level, as well as enhancing metabolic processes;
  • Urea. Included in many creams, including conventional cosmetic ones. Has a moisturizing effect. Urea serves as a kind of conductor that “paves the way” for all other active ingredients of the drug. The substance also has a powerful wound-healing and exfoliating effect, which is especially valuable for psoriasis;
  • Salicylic acid. It is an excellent antiseptic that has a drying, wound-healing effect on damaged skin. Salicylic acid belongs to the group of non-steroidal drugs that are known for their pronounced anti-inflammatory and antipruritic effects;
  • Provitamin B5. Accelerates the recovery processes of the skin affected by rashes. The substance normalizes cellular metabolism, which increases the protective functions of the skin. The substance is known to many as D-panthenol;
  • Almond oil. A natural element rich in vitamins and saturated fatty acids. Oleic acid is especially valued as the basis of almond oil. Due to it, it has a cleansing, softening and anti-inflammatory effect on the skin. Almond oil enriches the skin with nutrients, which accelerates its healing;
  • Sophora japonica (extract). It consists of a group of alkaloids that can reduce skin flaking and have an anti-inflammatory effect. Contained in many medications used for serious purulent skin diseases, trophic ulcers, etc.

Positive features of shower gel

It is already commonplace to call the products from this cosmetic line free of all substances and toxic chemical compounds harmful to the body. And the peculiarity of the product in question is the presence of an ingredient such as jojoba oil. To be more precise, it is not oil. In fact, it is a special substance that looks like wax. The unusual nature of its action lies in its ability to slow down and stop unwanted oxidative processes. It can penetrate deeply into the pores, enveloping it in collagen-like substances, very carefully caring for and nourishing the skin. The result of use will be healthy nails, shiny hair and an inevitable healing effect.

Side effects

Side effects from the use [and most often arise as a result of neglecting the rules of contraindications. Also, side effects can be expressed in the form of aggravation of the main symptoms of psoriasis, as well as the appearance of swelling and additional rashes on the skin.

In some cases, side effects may occur due to improper use of the drug. For example, if you combine the use of Losterin hand cream soap with any chemicals, which is prohibited by the instructions. Also, the risk of side effects occurs when you keep shampoo on your head for a very long time. In this case, irritation of the scalp, redness appears, and itching and burning only increase.

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