Pimples on the wings of the nose - the reasons why small rashes and rashes appear under and around the nose in women

  • Pimples around the nose: causes
  • White, small, red pimples around the nose
  • Diagnosis of the causes of acne around the nose
  • How to get rid of acne around the nose

Have you noticed a pimple on your nose and are trying to find out the reason for its appearance? The causes of pimples around the nose can be the most unexpected, but most often their appearance is associated with a malfunction of your sebaceous glands. Their job is to create a natural protective film called sebum. If the clot gets larger, it clogs the pores and ducts through which the subcutaneous oil cannot escape. fat, which causes acne to appear on the skin.

If such pores still have an opening, then blackheads are formed. If sebum gets into the canal, a cyst appears, which is also called a comedon. If the inflammatory process begins, red large pimples appear, which are known as the inflamed form of acne around the nose.

Pimples around the nose: causes

Experts, usually answering the question “what causes acne around the nose?”, also add that acne can appear not only in young people. Older and middle-aged people are also familiar with acne on the body and face, including the area around the nose.

In teenagers, the causes of acne are most often associated with hormonal surges during puberty. When adults have acne under the nose, on the nose, or elsewhere, it is likely a symptom of a circulatory, endocrine or immune system disease, or an infectious disease. It is believed that even one pimple on the tip of the nose is the first sign of heart, stomach or liver problems.

Among the possible causes of acne around the nose are stress, lack of vitamin A, hormonal imbalances in the body and the use of poor cosmetics. The appearance of acne around the nose cannot be considered as a separate subject of skin disorder and the cause of acne, since the causes of their appearance are closely related to other general reasons for the appearance of acne on the face and the whole body in particular. But if you have a large pimple in the area around the nose, then its appearance can be considered as a separate subject and a problem of this particular part of the skin of the face, as in our case, the area around the nose.

Herpes on the nose: causes of manifestation and exacerbation

As with herpes on the lips, manifestations in the nasal area are caused by viruses of types 1 and 2. The infection may go unnoticed and appear weeks or even months later.

Typically, an exacerbation of infection is provoked by the following circumstances:

  • overheating (on the beach in summer) or hypothermia;
  • viral or bacterial diseases;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • stress, destructive situations;
  • alcohol abuse, smoking;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • long course of antibiotics;
  • Women may experience infection during menstruation.

White, small, red pimples around the nose

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In most cases, these types of acne can be found around the nose:

  • Itchy small pimples Their usual place of appearance is around the nose and mouth. Doctors believe that this is a sign of an acute condition of herpes.
  • White Pimples They resemble white dense nodules If you have white pimples, the easiest way to remove a pimple on your nose is with electrocoagulation.
  • Red pimples are the result of an inflamed cyst. These acne are painful and several pimples can cluster together to form bumps on the nose.
  • Pustular white pimples may appear as a result of staph infections of red pimples. The appearance of pus pimples can be very painful, so you need to start treating these pimples around the nose as soon as you notice the first signs of their appearance.
  • Pink acne The reason for their appearance is the affect of the appearance of Demodex mites under the skin of your nose. Such acne on the nose appears simultaneously with gastrointestinal disorders. Under the influence of pink acne, your skin becomes rough, thickened and covered with tubercles.

Are my acne caused by Demodox mites?

Diagnosis of the causes of acne around the nose

Diagnosing and identifying the exact cause of pimples around the nose can only be done by a specialist after you have undergone a serious examination. If you notice any worrying pimples around the nose, then consult a doctor immediately, as skin blemishes are not just small things. If you notice that pimples appear not only on the surface but also inside your nose, and their appearance recurs on a regular basis, be very careful. It's time to seek help from a clinic and consult a dermatologist.

As a rule, the patient is prescribed a complex treatment: a ten-day course of treatment with metronidazole, both in tablets and in the form of an ointment for external treatment of problem areas. In more complex cases, doctors prescribe antibiotics: taking Acyclovir and using external clindamycin. In addition, it is recommended to be sure to take vitamins appropriate for your age and needs. In addition, you should also completely stop smoking and drinking alcohol.

There are some undesirable actions that you could try before you see a doctor Never squeeze pimples Avoid squeezing pimples Such actions can cause the subcutaneous pimple on the nose to release pus onto the skin or even into the bloodstream, which is much worse And this will be followed by repeated infection, and the pimples will not only multiply on the nose, but will also take on a more inflamed appearance on the face in the future.

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Traditional methods for treating acne on the nose

Traditional methods of getting rid of acne are popular among women.

Therefore, a lot of recipes have accumulated to eliminate them:

  1. Aloe . After picking aloe leaves, put them in the refrigerator for 10 days. Aged aloe is crushed and mixed with cold boiled water. For 1 part aloe, take 5 parts water. The product is left for an hour, then boiled for about 3 minutes, filtered and cooled. The decoction is used as a means to wipe the nose and the area near it.
  2. Fresh aloe juice . The picked leaves are also placed in the refrigerator, and then the juice is squeezed out of it. It must be used immediately; it cannot be stored further.
  3. Calendula . Boil 0.5 liters of water, pour it into 1 tbsp. l. flowers of the plant and leave for 30 minutes. The resulting infusion can be used to wipe the nose or used as a lotion. Ready-made calendula tincture for facial skin is also used.
  4. Potato . Very effective masks are made from it. 1 potato is poured with milk and boiled. Once the potatoes are cooked, crush them and let cool. Now apply to your nose for a quarter of an hour. After making the mask, the face is cleansed with water.
  5. Honey _ Take 50 g of vegetable oil and honey, add 1 raw yolk. The mixture is mixed well and applied to the nose for 20 minutes.
  6. Hercules mask . You just need to soak the flakes in water and let them swell. Then the mask is applied to the face for 20 minutes.
  7. Mint . Brew 5 tablespoons of mint in 1 liter of water. The resulting solution is drunk in small portions throughout the day. This helps saturate the body with vitamins and remove toxins.
  8. Nettle infusion . Squeeze the juice out of the nettles and add a little water and lemon juice. Take the solution 3 times a day, 1 teaspoon.
  9. Juice from beets and carrots . Squeeze the juice and drink 2 glasses a day. This will fill the body with energy and remove toxins from the body.
  10. Herbal compress . You need to take any herbs that relieve inflammation, 1 tsp each, mix. Pour 3 cups of boiling water, cook for a couple of minutes and leave to brew. By applying compresses, acne will go away. Herbs that relieve inflammation include chamomile, calendula, and birch bark.

Pimples that appear on the tip of the nose are eliminated with the help of tonics.

  1. Prepare a calendula tonic by adding 2 tablets of chloramphenicol. Wipe 2 times a day.
  2. Pour a handful of dried basil into a glass of boiling water. Wipe the skin around acne with this solution.
  3. Compresses made from chamomile solution will help fight acne on the tip of the nose.

What else needs to be done?

  • wash your face 2 times a day with baby or tar soap;
  • rinse your face with mint solution;
  • wipe your face after washing with a small soft towel;
  • use creams that tighten the skin and creams for oily types;
  • Apply products to the skin that can dry it out.

Under no circumstances should you squeeze pimples if:

  • there is pain;
  • the edge of the pimple is red;
  • no white head.

The video talks about how to quickly get rid of acne

But if you are tempted to squeeze out a pimple, then you need to first treat the skin with salicylic alcohol. Wipe the needle with alcohol and keep it on the fire, only then can you pierce the white head. Pus is removed with gauze. And the nose is once again treated with alcohol. But it’s more important to understand why purulent pimples and blackheads appear.

How to get rid of acne around the nose

Benzoyl peroxide

Try benzoyl peroxide in cream or cleanser form. Benzoyl peroxide is a popular product in acne products and treatments. It kills acne-causing bacteria and helps open your pores, so applying it around your nose will help keep your acne free. Look for products that contain benzoyl peroxide, which can be found in concentrations ranging from 2.5% to 10%. Products can be in the form of cleansers or spot treatments.

Benzoyl peroxide may dry out the skin or cause burning and redness at the site of application. Use it only as directed by a doctor.

Consult a dermatologist

Try these treatments for acne around your nose at home for at least three to four weeks. If your skin condition and the number of pimples around your nose do not improve, make an appointment with your dermatologist. If you have moderate to severe acne, see a dermatologist before trying any of these methods in order to receive professional recommendation and advice on their treatment in your case of illness.

Without this professional advice, you could be causing more problems than you think. Your dermatologist may recommend other approaches to treating acne around the nose.

A dermatologist may recommend prescription medications or alternative treatments such as microdermabrasion, chemical peels, or light laser treatments. They can also help remove pimples immediately using a special tool called a comedone extractor.

Salicylic acid

Use acne products with salicylic acid. Salicylic acid is another acne treatment. You can find salicylic acid in over-the-counter cleansers and lotions to use on your acne around the nose. Available products contain 0.5 to 5% concentrations of salicylic acid.

Salicylic acid can also cause skin irritation and burning if used incorrectly. It should be used only for its intended purpose.

Try using an over-the-counter retinoid product

Wash your face daily morning and evening

To help prevent acne around the nose and the rest of the face, wash your face regularly every day, twice a day. You should also cleanse your face after any sweaty or physical activity. Large amounts of sweat can increase the incidence of acne.

Gently wash your face, applying cleanser in gentle circular motions. Do not wash your face too much. More than twice a day is not recommended.

Use makeup that doesn't cause acne

Some cosmetics can irritate the skin and cause acne. If you have problems with acne on your nose, consider going makeup-free or wearing as little makeup as possible. When choosing foundations, look for oil-free and non-homogeneous makeup bases that won't clog your nose. pores.

Chemicals and oils in makeup, even when using hypoallergenic products, can clog your pores and cause breakouts.

Always remove all makeup before bed

This helps reduce clogged pores.

How to treat a nose infection?

Like any other disease, herpes requires consultation with a specialist. If rashes often appear on the wings of the nose, under the nose or inside, you should contact an immunologist.

Traditionally, there are two approaches to treating rashes. The first approach is to prescribe acyclovirii or its derivatives. This group of drugs has its pros and cons. Before use, you must carefully study the instructionsiii, since there are a sufficient number of contraindications and side effects on the body. For example, it is prescribed to pregnant or lactating women with close supervision by a doctor. There are restrictions for use in patients with health problems (for example, kidney or liver failure).

Over time, resistance to these drugs may develop (that is, the herpes adapts or does not respond to this drug at all). The principle of action of acyclovir is the destruction of the DNA of the virus and its ability to reproduce.

The second approach is control over relapses, that is, the use of drugs that can have both an antiviral effect and support the immune system, keeping herpes in a “dormant” state. Various immunomodulatory or antiviral drugs can be used to carry out therapy. One of these drugs is the drug VIFERON. It simultaneously has antiviral and immunomodulatory effects. It is also important to know that this drug is recommended by the standards (protocols) of medical care for the treatment of herpes infection.

How to treat herpes in a child's nose

It is worth remembering that when choosing a drug to relieve symptoms such as herpes on the nose, you should consult a doctor, since many antiviral drugs, especially those based on acyclovir, have contraindications for children under 12 years of age. With frequent relapses of the disease in a child, doctors prescribe complex treatment, always with courses of antiviral drugs. For example, the drug VIFERON can be used in suppositories, which is approved for children from the first days of life. VIFERON in the form of rectal suppositories should be administered to the child into the rectum (that is, rectally). According to the instructions, the treatment regimen is as follows: for 5 days, a suppository in a dosage of 150,000 IU is administered once every 12 hours.

For premature newborns with a gestational age of less than 34 weeks, it is recommended to use the drug VIFERON suppository 150,000 IU daily, 1 suppository 3 times a day after 8 hours.

Treatment of herpes in pregnant women

During pregnancy, it is more difficult to cure herpes on the nose, since many anti-inflammatory and antiviral drugs are prohibited due to the possibility of unwanted side effects during pregnancy and effects on the fetus. Therefore, before using any product, you should consult a doctor. Most often during pregnancy, she prescribes local antiviral ointments or gels.

Viferon Gel

For example, VIFERON gel. It is better to start therapy at the first signs (itching and burning). Squeeze out a strip of gel no more than 0.5 cm long, apply it with a cotton swab or cotton swab onto the previously dried affected surface, apply 3-5 times a day. Treatment lasts 5-6 days and can be continued until clinical manifestations disappear. Treatment can and should be started even if the rash has already begun. For rashes on the nasal mucosa, the gel is applied after cleansing the nasal passages.

Viferon Candles

If herpes manifests itself frequently, then systemic treatment using VIFERON rectal suppositories is recommended. Their use, according to the instructions, is possible from the second trimester of pregnancy (starting from the 14th week of gestation). Course: VIFERON 500,000 IU, 1 suppository 2 times a day. after 12 hours every day for 10 days, then 1 suppository 2 times a day. after 12 hours every fourth day for 10 days. Then every 4 weeks until delivery - 150,000 IU, 1 suppository 2 times a day. every 12 hours every day for 5 days. If necessary, it is indicated before delivery (from the 38th week of gestation) 500,000 IU, 1 suppository 2 times a day. every 12 hours every day for 10 days.

Thus, the inclusion of the drug VIFERON Rectal Suppositories in the complex therapy of pregnant women with HSV-1 HSV-2 helps reduce the duration of the disease from 10.2 to 6.8 days; reducing the number of pregnancy complications (threat of miscarriage from 62% to 31.9%; polyhydramnios from 30.3% to 10%; oligohydramnios from 28.4% to 9% and preeclampsia from 40% to 16.7%), reducing the frequency of relapses of concomitant bacterial vaginosis by more than 1.5 times (mycoplasma and ureaplasma) vi.

Herpes on the nose: treatment in adults

If the frequency of manifestations of the disease in an adult is high, then doctors will recommend complex treatment for such a patient, including immunomodulatory drugs, including, as mentioned above, the drug VIFERON. It is worth noting that the form of delivery of the active substance to the body (rectal suppositories) does not create additional stress on the stomach and liver, which is important for patients who are already taking other drugs to treat concomitant diseases. This is especially true for older people.

The recommended dose for adults is 1,000,000 IU, 1 suppository 2 times a day every 12 hours every day for 10 days or more for recurrent infections. According to clinical indications, therapy can be continued. It is better to start treatment immediately when the first signs of damage to the skin and mucous membranes appear (itching, burning, redness). For recurrent infections, it is advisable to begin treatment in the prodromal period.

The article “New aspects in the treatment of herpes simplex” vii noted that during therapy with the drug VIFERON, there was a rapid relief of clinical manifestations of exacerbation of the disease. The time for regression of rashes decreased on average by 5–7 days. As a result of clinical observation of patients for 1 year after the end of therapy, it was noted that VIFERON, with long-term use, also has a preventive effect. A 3–4-fold reduction in the relapse rate was recorded in 69% of patients.

If signs of infection appear, treatment with suppositories can be accompanied by the use of VIFERON gel, which alleviates the symptoms and improves the quality of life.

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