Cream "Burenka": description, composition, instructions for use, reviews from specialists and customers


The cream is a universal remedy that, perhaps, every woman has used at least once. “Burenka” refers to cosmetic products designed to improve the skin, give it youth and health. Why is the Burenka cream for heels, body and face called exactly that? If you do not take into account the fact that it was originally intended for the udder of cows, the composition of this cream does not contain harmful and dangerous substances, nourishes and softens. Veterinary care cosmetics are of high quality, so the manufacturer has taken care to preserve this property of the adapted product.


According to the instructions, Burenka cream is indicated for dry and sensitive skin. The manufacturer positions it as a nutritional product that is not a medicine. When should you use this cream? If a woman works in a dry room, often washes dishes, the skin dries out, peels and cracks. It nourishes the skin, a thin protective film is formed on the surface, which prevents dryness, irritation, and the formation of wrinkles. Due to the fact that “Burenka” contains cosmetic oils in large quantities, its consistency resembles thick sour cream, while at the same time the cream is viscous. It fills cracks, relieves discomfort, and makes the skin silky. It is not recommended to use the product if a woman is allergic to beeswax. The cream is produced at Emanci Laboratory JSC in Moscow.

Udder products after calving

Calving is a complex physiological process that can be accompanied by complications and problems of various origins. Often, after the birth of a calf, cows experience swelling in the mammary gland area. They are able to go away on their own when the born calf begins to suck colostrum.

But sometimes recovery does not occur, and then a person needs to intervene.


This is an ointment that has an anti-inflammatory effect. It includes:

  • phenylbutazone;
  • tannic acid aluminum;
  • formative substance.

In addition to the anti-inflammatory effect, these components are aimed at relieving pain at the site of swelling. In addition to swelling, Regifen is effective for dermatitis, joint inflammation, and bruises.

Important! The ointment can be used once a day for a long time until the symptoms of the disease disappear completely.

Beneficial features

Cream "Burenka" is nourishing. It is suitable for anyone with sensitive and delicate skin prone to dryness and irritation. The product has many positive properties, including the following:

  • nourishes the skin as it contains vegetable oils;
  • moisturizes, cells receive sufficient moisture;
  • protects from ultraviolet rays in summer, and from cold and frost in winter;
  • used for different types of skin, adapts to any epidermis;
  • the cream can be applied both during the day and at night; it is also suitable as a base for makeup;
  • relieves inflammation, irritation, redness;
  • heals cracks and wounds;
  • recommended for allergic skin reactions;
  • makes the skin smooth and elastic;
  • you can use Burenka cream as an anti-aging cream;
  • gives the skin a velvety feel and a beautiful healthy color.

The cream is universal in that it can be used on the face, hands, body, legs, elbows and heels, so the list of beneficial properties of this product is even longer. Its versatility attracts many women. The cream is sold in pharmacies. There its price is approximately 600 rubles per 250 ml. In cosmetic stores the cost may be less.

Making homemade ointments

You can prepare a product for caring for a cow's udder yourself. For the nourishing cream you will need:

  • vegetable oil (olive, sunflower) - 75 grams;
  • natural beeswax - 25 grams;
  • paraffin - 25 grams.

The oil should be boiled in a water bath, add the remaining ingredients, stir until completely dissolved and cool.

The therapeutic anti-inflammatory and analgesic agent is prepared as follows:

  1. Take 100 grams of Vaseline and heat it slightly.
  2. Add 10 grams of salicylic and boric acid.
  3. 2-5 grams of novocaine.

Everything should be mixed thoroughly. Proper care of a cow's udder will protect the animal from disease, increase productivity and make milking easier. The use of the cream will also help keep the milkmaid's hands well-groomed and soft.


Burenka face cream is still not entirely ideal. It may cause an allergic reaction in women with very sensitive skin. If the skin is oily, then it is recommended to use the cream only at night, and apply it in a thin layer. Cleaning up excess with a napkin is very important. If Burenka is used as a base for makeup, apply the cream 30 minutes before. In order for the product to be better absorbed, the face needs to be slightly moistened. Girls with problem skin (pimples, blackheads) should use it with caution.

Body and foot care

Burenka cream for hands, face, body and feet is considered an excellent modern remedy for combating imperfections. Its unique composition is suitable for many, which means that all women can use it, regardless of age. Burenka cream is perfect for feet with cracks and dryness. It softens the epithelium, giving it softness. Before using the cream, you need to steam your feet in a hot bath. Then use a pumice stone to clean the heels as carefully as possible, but so that no rough skin remains. If the condition of the heels is severe (deep cracks, bleeding), then you should not use rough pumice. In this case, you need to add medicinal herbs to the bath water, and then carefully get rid of the old layer of epithelium.

You cannot apply the cream to open wounds; you need to let them heal. If the cracks are small, then after the procedure the cream is rubbed with massage movements into the skin of the entire foot. Body care using cream is also no different. It is applied in a thin layer after a bath or shower. If your skin is aging and prone to stretch marks, this cream will help tighten it and tone the epithelium. In addition, the product gives a healthy glowing tone.

Application of creams and ointments for cow udder

In order for cow's milk to remain tasty and healthy, it is necessary to carefully care for the livestock and keep the animals clean. Careful care of the animal's udder allows you to immediately notice scratches and abrasions that a cow may receive on pasture. And also to detect signs of more serious problems that arise from improper milking, constant use of the milking machine, and illiterate milking of first-calf heifers.

To prevent inflammation of the udder, make the skin on it elastic and elastic, and relieve it from dryness (and therefore a tendency to cracking and abrasions), use various creams and ointments, which can be bought at a veterinary or regular pharmacy, or prepared independently.

All ointments and creams for cow udders are divided into therapeutic and preventive. Medicinal products include those necessary for udder diseases, infection of scratches, cracks, detection of papillomas and warts, or diagnosis of mastitis. Preventative - soften the skin, contain a complex of vitamins and are used before milking healthy animals.

To treat diseases

For these purposes, ointments containing antibacterial, warming, and anti-inflammatory components are used, depending on the problem encountered and the purpose of the medication. Before starting treatment on an animal, it is necessary to have the cow examined by a veterinarian.

For papillomas and warts

Papillomas and warts are a manifestation of viral diseases of the cow. They occur on the udder and nipples in the following cases:

  • improper care and milking;
  • decreased immunity in an animal;
  • if insemination was carried out by an infected bull;
  • when a sick cow fed a calf;
  • after insect bites;
  • in case of infection of scratches, abrasions, mechanical damage to the udder and teats;
  • keeping livestock in a dirty, damp barn;
  • overcrowding of livestock.

The virus can “dormant” for a long time in the animal’s body, and under favorable conditions it can manifest itself as growths on a delicate organ. If they are not treated, a secondary infection may occur due to accidental injury to formations during milking, narrowing of blood and lymphatic vessels, and impaired lactation.

Salicylic ointment is used to treat tumors. It has keratolytic (the ability to soften and remove the stratum corneum) and antimicrobial effects. Oxolinic ointment is also used to treat the udder and nipples. The drug has an antiviral effect.

Interferon ointment, which is used to treat skin covered with papillomas and warts, increases local immunity.

If there are an abundance of neoplasms on the udder, salicylic and interferon ointments are used in combination. The drugs are applied to areas covered with warts 4-5 times a day after milking. The course of treatment is from 1 to 3 weeks. You can buy Lekoseptal in veterinary pharmacies. The ointment has a complex effect and is used for:

  • udder swelling;
  • mastitis;
  • microtraumas;
  • insect bites;
  • warts and papillomas;
  • presence of bruises and hematomas.

See also

Instructions for the use of lactic acid for cattle, dosage and storageRead

It forms a protective film on the skin, relieves itching, swelling, relieves pain and has an antiseptic effect. The ointment is applied to the skin of the udder 3-4 times a day and rubbed in with light movements. For insect bites or bruises, it is applied pointwise, applied in a thick layer to the site of injury.


The disease often occurs in cows after calving. The udder becomes inflamed, swollen, hard and painful. Impurities of blood or pus appear in the milk, and milk yield is greatly reduced. In this case, ointments perform an auxiliary function. The main treatment is antibiotics, but external medications help relieve inflammation and swelling, warm and relieve pain. They use Traumeel gel, which contains a complex of plant components, and Mastisept cream, which contains camphor, black poplar buds, and methyl salicylate.

For post-calving care

After calving, the udder of cows remains swollen, and cracked nipples may appear. To quickly bring the organ back to normal, use the veterinary ointment “Rigofen”, which has an anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic effect. A remedy for cracks and swelling is applied once a day after milking.

Expert opinion

Zarechny Maxim Valerievich

Agronomist with 12 years of experience. Our best country expert.

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Important: all medicinal ointments are applied to the udder after milking so that the components of the preparations do not get into the milk. The product obtained from animals under treatment should not be consumed by humans.

Use "Rigofen" for 1-4 days.

For prevention

There are udder creams used for preventive purposes. They soften the skin and protect the organ from infection. In combination with massage, the use of cream helps to avoid mastitis, inflammation, and protects the milkmaid’s hands. These creams include:

  • "Burenka";
  • "Lyubava";
  • "Doctor";
  • "My Sun";
  • "Zorka"

All these products do not change the taste of milk, are excellent for hand care, and are affordable.

Instructions for use

Burenka cream with phytofloran is a unique complex, which is an extract from medicinal plants. Thanks to modern technology, the maximum useful components can be extracted from plant materials. The product contains only natural antioxidants, which are ideal for aging skin. They heal and soften the skin, nourish it with vitamins, increase elasticity, and do not contain synthetic preservatives.

How to apply the cream correctly? Regardless of what it is intended for: face, body, feet - it is rubbed with light massage movements into the skin until completely absorbed in the morning and evening.

Storage conditions for the cream

The “Burenka” product is a “living” product, as it contains about 30 various herbal ingredients collected in the unique “Fitofloran” complex. In order for all active ingredients to remain active and the cream to help eliminate problems, it should be stored correctly. The optimal temperature at which the active substances do not lose their properties is from +5 °C to +25 °C.

The product has a fairly large jar - 250 ml, in which, under proper conditions, it can be stored for up to two years. Do not use it after the expiration date.

Reviews from experts

According to reviews, Burenka cream can be used for delicate facial skin. It has a composition that is close to natural, healthy and of high quality. It provides the skin with restoration, hydration and protection. Cosmetologists and dermatologists recommend using it as an anti-aging cream, as it has regenerating properties. Clinical studies prove that the product meets all dermatological standards. The cream is safe as the composition does not contain harmful chemicals. The product slows down the aging process of the skin, saturates it with useful microelements. It heals scratches and cracks, is hypoallergenic, and cases of allergies to it are extremely rare.

Preventive agents

In addition to creams and ointments that are intended to treat existing diseases of the udder of cows, there are external remedies to prevent the development of inflammatory processes.

Cream “My Sun”

This product is aimed at improving blood circulation in the skin layers of the udder. After applying the cream, the skin softens, the udder is protected from exposure to sunlight, wind and low temperatures.


  • Floralizin;
  • plantain extract;
  • petrolatum;
  • fatty acid;
  • demineralized water;
  • emulsifier.

The cream perfectly protects the delicate skin of the cow's udder from microtrauma. If they occur, instead of the usual rubbing the cream into the skin, compresses should be applied to the damaged area.

Cream "Doctor"

The drug is used to prevent the appearance of cracks, erosions and inflammations in the cow's udder.


  • glycerol;
  • sunflower oil;
  • methylparaben;
  • propylparaben.

The cream is rubbed into the skin of the udder after washing.

What are buyers saying?

Reviews of the Burenka cream say that it has an excellent composition, the product makes the skin soft and tender. The cream is called healing, as it heals cracks and promotes skin regeneration. It has a pleasant smell, the cream does not leave marks on clothes, perfectly nourishes, cares for, relieves irritation, and eliminates dryness. In addition, customers like that it is versatile and economical. “Burenka” effectively removes peeling and is suitable as a night mask. It has an excellent texture and does not contain Burenka cream, parabens or fragrances. It improves the condition of the body's skin, increases elasticity, prevents stretch marks, and restores the skin.

The disadvantages of Burenka face cream include the following:

  • may not suit everyone;
  • absorbs for a long time;
  • sometimes difficult to find as it sells out quickly;
  • greasy, consistency similar to ointment;
  • For some, the smell seems pungent;
  • is not cheap;
  • lack of accumulating effect;
  • high cream density.

Negative impressions of the cream

But not only the Burenka cream left behind positive impressions, there are also negative reviews about it.

Many ladies, despite its positive effect, do not understand how such a product can be used on the face. After all, there is a huge assortment of all kinds of caring products designed specifically for these purposes. In their opinion, cosmetic preparations cannot be universal; they must be divided according to skin type and are not at all suitable for all parts of the body.

Some representatives of the fair sex are confused by the aroma of the cream, since, according to them, it not only contains the smell of olive oil, but also smells slightly of gasoline. There is a category of people for whom it did not help at all, but only caused irritation on the skin.

Despite the fact that the product has been certified, and the Burenka cream, the reviews of which are simply amazing, is sold in pharmacies, many people still have doubts about its adaptation to human skin. According to them, the drug “Burenka” from the veterinary pharmacy is no different in composition from the cream “Burenka” from “Horsepower”.

Cream "Burenka", reviews of which are very different, of course, is not a panacea for all ills and is effective only with regular use for several weeks, but this remedy is quite worthy of attention, and every woman should try it.

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