Clearvin lotion: purpose, composition, instructions for use, effect, pros and cons of use

Clearwin is a skin care cream that has a unique herbal composition and has a multifunctional effect on the body. This medication is actively used to eliminate various deficiencies and cleanse problem areas of the epidermis. The main components of the product are extracts obtained from medicinal herbs. This natural composition of the drug helps increase the elasticity of the skin and smoothes its surface.

Where did they come from?

It is better to prevent a problem than to look for ways to solve it later. Therefore, before we talk about all the advantages and disadvantages of the Clearvin lotion, it is worth finding out where acne on the skin of the face comes from. There are several reasons for their appearance:

  • Changes in hormone production levels. Women face this problem during pregnancy or with any gynecological diseases.
  • Excessive consumption of junk food, which negatively affects not only the figure, but also the condition of the skin.
  • Use of antibiotics or hormonal drugs.
  • Poor hygiene. Women are advised to cleanse and moisturize their facial skin with cosmetics daily.

If it was still not possible to prevent the appearance of acne, then Clearvin lotion will help get rid of them.

The composition of Clearwin cream is the “key” to unlocking its effectiveness!

  1. Neem extract (Azadirachta indica) is a powerful antiseptic with effectiveness proven by many clinical tests. Neem's ability to heal superficial wounds has also been confirmed, which is especially useful when removing fresh acne.
  2. Turmeric is not only a seasoning, but also a valuable medicinal plant. Tests of oils extracted from turmeric have proven that this plant has high antibacterial activity.
  3. Aloe extract, also present in the cream, perfectly moisturizes dry skin and has anti-inflammatory properties.
  4. Calamus helps heal wounds, but at the same time significantly accelerates the production of collagen, which is necessary for tissues to maintain and restore their structure. It is this property that makes calamus extremely useful in the fight against stretch marks during pregnancy.
  5. Tankan bhasma is one of the most important components of Clearwin®. This is a mineral salt extracted from the depths of the Earth. It is responsible for the whitening properties of the cream and helps to get rid of not only post-acne, but also age spots, which can occur for a number of reasons: unsuccessful tanning, freckles, hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy, and so on.
  6. Yashada bhasma is another mineral that has extremely beneficial effects on the skin. It has disinfecting and drying properties, which is especially useful for oily skin.

What does it consist of?

The cosmetic product has the most useful and safe composition, which brings exceptional benefits to the skin. It includes the following substances:

  • purified water;
  • medical glycerin;
  • Barbados aloe extracts;
  • turmeric;
  • calamus extracts.

The plant base of Clearvin lotion settles at the bottom of the bottle. If you look closely, you can see a slight sediment, so shake it thoroughly before use.

Where can I buy

You can purchase Clearvin cream in our online store “Russian Roots”, and also get advice on its use. Our managers will be happy to answer all your questions regarding our products; they will tell you how and where to buy this cream and how much it costs. The large assortment and excellent prices of our online store will pleasantly surprise you.

You can also buy Clearwin cream and other cosmetic products in our herbal pharmacies in Moscow and Moscow Region. When placing an order in an online store in the capital and region, delivery is carried out by courier service; parcels will be sent to the regions by post .

Weight:25 gr.
Shelf life:2 years. Store in a cool dry place.
Manufacturer:LLC "Corvet Pharma", Russia, Moscow, st. 3rd Tverskaya-Yamskaya, 29/6. room 12.

Attention! All materials published on our website are protected by copyright. When re-publishing, attribution and a link to the original source are required.

Indications for use

Clearvin cosmetic lotion for acne and skin blemishes should be in the purse of every girl who always wants to look good. It helps with almost all defects that appear on the skin, quickly and effectively. In total, several indications for its use can be noted.

  • the appearance of dark circles or bruises under the eyes;
  • change in skin type – dryness or flaking;
  • formation of pimples, blackheads or blackheads;
  • premature appearance of small facial wrinkles;
  • long-term healing of wounds and abrasions;
  • the appearance of swelling.

Clearwin lotion is intended for facial skin care, but many girls also use it to care for the décolleté and neck area.

Release form

Clearvin is sold in tubes of 25 and 100 ml, packed in cardboard boxes. This medicine is highly effective because it contains a large amount of useful substances: vitamins, natural antioxidants, microcomponents of medicinal herbs. Under their influence, blood circulation in the thickness of the skin increases. As a result, the skin becomes silky, soft, its healthy color returns, spots and dark circles under the eyes disappear.

There are several variations in the composition of this product; depending on the problem, the buyer can choose the usual Clearvin cream for the face or body, whitening, sunscreen or anti-acne product. A medicine intended for problematic skin of the eyelids and hands is also sold separately.

Contraindications and possible side effects

"Clearvin" consists exclusively of beneficial plant substances that provide a caring or moisturizing effect for the facial skin. Therefore, its contraindications are kept to a minimum. This product should not be used by those who have an individual intolerance to one of the components. In this case, a side effect such as an allergic reaction, presented in the form of a rash or irritation, may occur. You can find out how your skin will react to Clearwin acne lotion by performing a simple test:

  • Apply a small amount of lotion to the wrist area;
  • After 20 minutes, you should pay attention to the condition of the skin in this place. If no changes appear, then there is no allergic reaction.

This cosmetic product can be used by teenagers, pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, and people with various diseases. Apart from an allergic reaction, there are no other contraindications to its use.

Analogues of the product

Clearvin lotion has no structural analogues - products that work due to the same active ingredients. However, there are products on the market that have similar properties.

Table: review of lotions with similar effects

NameActive componentsAction (according to manufacturers' statements)Approximate cost at the beginning of 2022 (in rubles)Efficiency (according to consumer reviews)
Clearasil "Deep Cleansing Lotion"
  • Menthol;
  • salicyl;
  • glycerol.
  • Dries out rashes, preventing the appearance of new ones;
  • has an antibacterial effect.
  • The alcohol in the composition is a disadvantage for many consumers, since the lotion sometimes dries out the skin;
  • does not leave a sticky feeling;
  • has a pleasant smell;
  • It fights oil well, but the effect is short-lived.
Propeller "Salicylic lotion"
  • BIO salicylate (natural salicylates from willow bark extract, enhanced with salicylic acid);
  • complex of plant extracts;
  • Soothex (a plant component containing Olibanum resin).
  • Provides an antimicrobial effect;
  • dries out rashes;
  • reduces redness, soothes the skin;
  • tightens pores;
  • removes oily shine.
  • Eliminates oily shine well;
  • has a convenient dispenser;
  • has a subtle odor;
  • does not leave a sticky feeling;
  • has a pronounced drying effect;
  • does not narrow pores, has virtually no effect on inflammation;
  • tightens the skin.
Elfarma "Acne Lotion"
  • Tea tree oil;
  • extracts of sage, soapwort, lemon.
  • Eliminates inflammation and flaking of the skin;
  • soothes irritated epidermis;
  • provides an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Dries the skin;
  • copes only with small rashes;
  • It’s inconvenient to use because there is no dispenser.
Natura Siberica "Whitening face lotion"
  • Patented turmeric root extract (SabiWhite);
  • Altai sea buckthorn;
  • Rhodiola rosea;
  • sage.
  • Lightens freckles and age spots, acne;
  • smoothes wrinkles;
  • improves the protective properties of the skin;
  • removes irritation.
  • Well moisturizes;
  • has a pungent odor;
  • cleanses the skin well;
  • Most reviews indicate that the lightening effect is insignificant.
Floresan "White linen whitening lotion"
  • Flax extract;
  • calendula;
  • Rhodiola rosea;
  • glycolic, citric, malic acids.
  • Cleanses the epidermis;
  • evens out skin tone, brightening it;
  • restore water balance;
  • makes age spots less noticeable.
  • Most users did not notice any brightening effect;
  • leaves a sticky feeling;
  • has an inconvenient sprayer;
  • provides a good moisturizing effect.
Scinic, The Simple Daily Lotion
  • Macadamia oil;
  • lily hydrosol;
  • aloe vera;
  • hyaluronic acid.
  • Provides antioxidant and antibacterial effects;
  • promotes rapid healing of the skin;
  • prevents the appearance of inflammation and acne;
  • softens the skin;
  • refreshes the epidermis;
  • Lightens pigment spots and freckles, prevents the appearance of age spots.
  • Economically used;
  • does not cause a feeling of tightness;
  • does not have a dispenser.

Photo gallery: analogues of lotion in action

Clerasil “Deep Cleansing Lotion” cleanses pores well Propeller “Salicylic Lotion” gently cleanses impurities and dead cells

Natura Siberica "Whitening face lotion" lightens hyperpigmentation

Floresan “White linen whitening lotion” – skin lightening product

How to use it correctly?

The principle of using Clearvin, like any other lotion, is quite simple. To use it you should:

  1. Take the bottle in your hands and shake it thoroughly. It is recommended to hold it in your palms for a while so that the liquid reaches room temperature.
  2. Pour a small amount of liquid from the bottle onto a cotton pad.
  3. Next, you need to apply the product to the problem areas using targeted movements.

After 30 minutes, the beneficial substances will completely penetrate the skin. Next, you need to remove any remaining product using a dry cotton pad or soft towel.

Possible reasons for use

Clearwin is used for medicinal purposes and for the prevention of skin diseases. The cream is able to cope with minor age-related changes in the skin, it can launch processes that restore the firmness and elasticity of the skin.

Water with turmeric in the morning on an empty stomach: benefits and possible harm

The product affects not only the external imperfections of the skin, but also works to improve its characteristics. It helps improve the production of melanin, has a beneficial effect on many functions of the skin: it improves the fluid balance in the skin cells, the supply of oxygen, and normalizes permeability.

If you take these qualities into account, you can decide in what cases the product is used.

The cream is used to combat:

  • Excessive dry skin;
  • The presence of blueness under the eyes;
  • Decreased elasticity;
  • The appearance of acne;
  • Acne;
  • Age spots;
  • Wrinkles.

The product is used during pregnancy to prevent stretch marks. You need to start no later than 4 months, until the stomach begins to rapidly increase in volume.

It becomes clear that the cream has a wide spectrum of action. Its widespread use speaks for itself.

Positive reviews

Reviews about Clearvin lotion from the fair sex are only positive. Basically, they highlight the following advantages:

  • High degree of efficiency. The cosmetic product quickly eliminates swelling, inflammation, acne and other formations on the skin of the face. At the same time, many women managed to notice a positive effect after the first use.
  • There are no problems with its acquisition. The product is sold at the pharmacy in a large assortment, and the price for it does not exceed 150 rubles.
  • There are a minimum number of contraindications, which makes the lotion accessible to almost all women.
  • Ease of use.
  • Lack of enveloping feeling after use.

Women also like some minor factors, for example, the design of the packaging and bottle, ease of use of the product, and pleasant aroma.

Composition of the product and its effect on the body

Clearvin - the healing properties of this cream arose thanks to Indian healers, who, back in ancient times, selected a list of components necessary for its creation. In modern cosmetology, some ingredients in the composition of the drug have been replaced, but still the principle of Ayurveda in the production of this product has remained unchanged.

The main components of Klivrin are:

  • Yashada bhasma and Tankan bhasma - exhibit astringent properties, due to which skin pores are tightened. These components also prevent the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays on the epidermis.
  • Turmeric and Neem are natural antiseptics and antibiotics. Under their influence, bacterial pathogens are eliminated from problem areas of the skin, which is very helpful in the treatment of acne. In addition, these components refresh, improve skin color, and rejuvenate it.
  • Manjishta and Tulsi - activate the blood supply to the epidermis, promote the removal of harmful toxic substances from the blood.
  • Lodhra and Vachcha - eliminate inflammation, effectively eliminate acne, reduce sebum production, accelerate regenerative processes and restoration of the dermis after acne and acne.
  • Sesame oil - perfectly heals various microcracks and wound surfaces on the skin, has a light consistency.
  • Aloe – perfectly moisturizes the surface of the skin.
  • Beeswax is a natural antibiotic; it acts very gently on the epidermis, disinfects and ensures rapid healing of abrasions and wounds, and eliminates age spots.

Acne prevention

Clearvin lotion allows you to quickly get rid of acne and age spots. But, after a few days they may appear again. To prevent this, several preventive measures must be followed:

  • It is important to maintain proper nutrition and avoid eating fatty foods and flour products.
  • Clean water has a positive effect on skin condition. It promotes cell renewal and elimination of harmful substances. The optimal daily volume of fluid is from 2 to 2.5 liters per day.
  • You need to take care of your facial skin every day using suitable cosmetics for your skin type.
  • It is recommended to minimize the use of powder and foundation, especially in the summer.

For many women, acne becomes a real problem. But it can be successfully dealt with using Clearvin lotion.

Characteristics of Ayurvedic ointment

Whether you use Clearvin to treat acne or not is up to you. Reviews about the product are quite contradictory. In any case, you can try the composition to form your own opinion about it. It is generally accepted that the ointment:

  • helps soften the skin;
  • active hydration of the epidermis, maintaining normal water balance;
  • eliminating dark circles, age spots and scars left after acne. Promotes enhanced skin regeneration;
  • dries out pimples;
  • eliminates peeling of the dermis;
  • regulates the accumulation of melanin;
  • heals wounds (for example, from squeezed pimples);
  • tightens and reduces pores;
  • antiseptic effect;
  • antibacterial effect.

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