Skin oils with lifting effect: natural skin tightening

Are you disappointed in expensive anti-aging creams that temporarily mask the signs of aging, but with constant use, they themselves provoke the appearance of new wrinkles and folds? Have you heard that natural oils (vegetable and essential) have firming properties and promote complete renewal and smoothing of the skin surface? Would you like to find out detailed information on this topic, as well as try recipes for homemade masks based on them? We will tell you the most interesting facts and reveal effective recipes!

Essential oils penetrate deep into the skin and mask the signs of aging

Loose skin: where does it come from?

At the age of 15-20, a person’s skin most often looks flawless: it is smooth, toned, moisturized and velvety.

But with age, the situation changes dramatically, and the skin of the body becomes sluggish, dry, flabby, and, to be honest, completely unattractive.

Why does this happen? First of all, because no one has canceled the natural aging processes.

In addition, the skin is greatly affected by poor nutrition, lack of physical activity, weight gain or rapid weight loss, as well as pregnancy in the fair half of humanity.

The most common cause of sagging skin is the natural aging process.

But the presence of all factors does not mean that loose skin is a death sentence. It can and should be fought, and most importantly, comprehensively.

What is a comprehensive skin care approach?

An integrated approach to solving the problem of sagging skin consists of a number of actions on your part.

To get rid of annoying flabbiness once and for all, you need to:

  • Become an adherent of healthy/proper nutrition. Avoid fast food, carbonated drinks, and irregular meals. Your diet should include more clean water, less coffee, more fruits and vegetables.
  • Carefully monitor your body skin. In order for your skin to thank you more quickly with a fresh look, you should use a natural, not a “chemical” shower gel, use lotion or cream regularly, and not once every few days.
  • From time to time, remove dead skin cells from the skin using peeling. This can be a sugar or coffee scrub, soft sea peeling or gommage. It is important that the skin renews itself, does not peel, and is smooth.
  • Provide massages. Massage is an individual matter, so you can choose any option that suits you. This could be a daily massage with a dry brush or a course of treatments from a specialist. The main thing is that the skin has the proper effect.
  • Walk or exercise a lot. The appearance of the skin is directly related to the muscle tone of our body. Therefore, without proper physical activity, you should not expect a positive result. You can do jogging, fitness, yoga or swimming - any sport will benefit you.

  • Simple exercises that effectively affect sagging skin

  • Take baths with sea salt. Sea salt is very useful; baths with its addition are often prescribed even for newborn babies. By regularly taking such baths, you can strengthen your skin and stimulate skin regeneration. And another useful tip is a contrast shower. It perfectly tones the skin.

Please note: once you begin comprehensive rejuvenation of the body’s skin, do not give up this path once you achieve the desired results. The skin, if you lead the wrong lifestyle, can stretch again and become flabby.

Direct impact on the problem: essential oils for sagging body skin

No matter how useful a comprehensive solution to a problem may be, it is also necessary to directly influence it. There are unique plant and essential oils for this.

The former help moisturize and nourish the skin, the latter enhance the effect of the former and consolidate the result.

To begin with, I will name a list of the most useful vegetable oils in this area:

  • Shi.
  • Jojoba.
  • TOP 10 face masks made from jojoba oil

  • Argan.
  • Grape.
  • Almond.
  • Apricot.
  • Peach.

Now it's time for essential oils. They are indispensable for solving the problem of sagging, and there are several reasons for this.

1) What are the features of essential oils?

Essential oils are completely different in structure from vegetable oils. They are light and volatile, do not leave stains and quickly act on the problem area.

Each essential oil is a storehouse of beneficial properties.

Each essential oil is a storehouse of beneficial properties. Below are the 5 most compelling arguments for using essential oils for sagging skin:

  1. The structure of essential oil is very similar to the hydrolipidic layer of human skin. With this property, they penetrate deeper and act faster.
  2. Essential oils are organic. They do not contain harmful impurities, rarely cause allergies and have virtually no age restrictions.
  3. Most essential oils are safe, since they do not provoke mutations, have no carcinogenic effects, and do not harm the environment in any way.
  4. The number and range of essential oils today amazes any imagination. Every person can find exactly the oil that will help him.
  5. By mixing different essential oils, you can achieve not only an unsurpassed aroma, but also a much higher effectiveness of the product.

Using oils is also simple - the easiest way is to add them to base oils for self-massage or lightly rubbing into the skin.

The main rule for creating massage compositions is 5-7 drops of essential oil for every 2-3 tablespoons of base oil.

The generalized procedure in this case will look like this.

Step 1. Preparing the composition for massageFirst, identify what your main problem is and hit it squarely. To do this, you will need to mix essential oils that are effective in your case.
Step 2: Taking a bath or showerAlways cleanse your skin before applying the product. This is necessary so that bacteria from your skin does not penetrate deep into the skin along with the oils.
Step 3. Apply the mixture to the skinAfter cleansing the skin, apply the mixture prepared in advance and massage thoroughly.
Step 4: Carefully remove any remaining productIf there is too much oil on the skin, remove any remaining oil with a soft cloth. It is not recommended to wash off oils.

2) Which essential oil will be most effective for sagging skin?

In cosmetology, a large number of essential oils are used to combat sagging. I will tell you 11 of the most effective ones:

  1. Orange oil is unique in its properties, which helps break down fatty plaques, get rid of cellulite, and remove toxins. As a bonus, a pleasant fresh citrus aroma.
  2. Tangerine – strengthens the skin and stimulates its regeneration. Thanks to this, it is good in the fight against stretch marks.
  3. Grapefruit - normalizes fat metabolism, helps to lose weight, and make body features more attractive.
  4. Lime – refreshes dull skin, restores natural elasticity, nourishes and moisturizes.
  5. Cypress - enhances blood circulation, serves as a preventive measure for varicose veins.
  6. Patchouli – increases the elasticity of the skin of the body in certain areas: stomach, hips, chest. Eliminates cellulite and sagging.
  7. Frankincense – increases skin turgor and effectively affects flabby areas.
  8. Rosemary is ideal in the fight against cellulite and stretch marks.
  9. Neroli – moisturizes the skin, promotes its nutrition, and prevents moisture loss.
  10. Clove – stimulates increased blood circulation, which causes the skin to regenerate better and faster.
  11. Geranium – improves the protective barrier of the skin, increases turgor, promotes regeneration.

You can use these oils either separately or as part of effective recipes.

As an example, I will give you 3 effective and proven compositions.

For stretch marksShea butter, almond, rosemary and tangerine.
Prevention of age-related changesWheat germ, jojoba, frankincense, orange and clove oils.
To increase skin turgorGrapeseed, argan, geranium and frankincense oils.

We use classic proportions for preparing the compositions: for every 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, take 5 drops of essential oil.

Citrus essential oils are leaders in the fight against sagging skin

Lifehacks for tightened and well-groomed body skin:

Essential oils with lifting effect

Essential oils have a high concentration of biologically active trace elements and vitamins, so the use of even a few drops of such compositions can provide noticeable results.

The following oils have the best rejuvenating and skin tightening properties:

  1. vetiver, with a powerful restorative, anti-inflammatory, even complexion, active cell-renewing effect;
  2. geranium, which very often grows in our houses on the windowsills. Its oil helps neutralize free radicals, remove radionuclides, increase the elasticity of the skin structure, and also relieves any inflammation and eliminates dryness of the epidermis;
  3. grapefruit, which ensures the removal of toxins from cells, a pronounced effect of tightening the skin surface by stimulating all metabolic processes and turning on the self-rejuvenation mechanism;
  4. jasmine, which instantly eliminates the dryness of the fading epidermis, increasing its elasticity, smoothness and improving its relief;
  5. cedar, which is a Siberian recipe for youth, health and longevity. Its oil very quickly tightens and significantly rejuvenates the skin, maintaining this effect throughout the entire period of use;
  6. nutmeg, which accelerates the regeneration of skin cells with its noticeable rejuvenation, due to which it is actively used in the composition of cosmetic products;
  7. rose, serving as a symbol of female beauty and unfading youth. It is rich in a unique composition of microelements and vitamins that work together to quickly renew, eliminate wrinkles and increase the elasticity of the dermal layer;

It is not recommended to apply such essential oils to the face in their pure form, as this can cause skin burns! They are added to homemade masks or to base (vegetable oils) described above. You should not introduce them into ready-made store-bought creams, since such a combination can provoke aggressive chemical reactions that are very dangerous for the skin surface!

  1. neroli, which tightens pores, smooths out wrinkles, leaving the skin smooth and incredibly silky. By the way, it is widely used in the treatment of complex dermatoses and eczema;
  2. ylang-ylang, which actively smoothes and moisturizes the surface of the skin, stimulating the growth of new healthy epidermal cells;
  3. incense, known for its quick rejuvenating properties even for aging skin. In addition, it whitens, smoothes out deep wrinkles and even resolves scars.

Any oils should be applied to thoroughly cleansed facial skin.

TOP products for guaranteed results

Buying essential oils today is easy; they are sold in every pharmacy. But not all of them can boast of good quality and natural composition.

In order for the necessary oil to really help, I advise you to buy trusted products. Here are a few of the best.

Orange Essential Oil, Now Foods, 30 ml
Tangerine oil, Now Foods, 30 ml
Rosemary essential oil, Now Foods, 30 ml
Clove oil, Now Foods, 30 ml
Geranium essential oil, Now Foods, 30 ml
Lime essential oil, Now Foods, 30 ml
Frankincense Essential Oil, Now Foods, 30 ml

5 reviews on the use of frankincense essential oil for oncology

If your skin has felt the first age-related changes, then it’s time to use essential oils for sagging body skin. There are quite a lot of them, so you can choose the one that suits you. Just remember to always test for an allergic reaction before introducing a new product by applying a few drops to the back of your elbow.

Recipes for lifting masks with essential oils

Remember that such products should be applied only to clean skin, preferably pre-steamed over a herbal decoction.

  • Add blue cosmetic clay to a raw quail egg yolk (slightly beaten) until a thick consistency similar to sour cream is formed, add 3 drops of rose oil, 4 drops of jasmine oil into the mixture, mix everything and apply in a thick layer strictly along the massage lines. You should keep this mask for a quarter of an hour, and it is best to wash it off with first heated and then cooled boiled water.
  • Combine a tablespoon of liquid high-quality honey with a teaspoon of olive oil, 4 drops of frankincense oil, 5 drops of geranium oil and add 3 drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice. The mass must be thoroughly mixed until the consistency is uniform, after which it must be applied in a thick layer to the skin of the face, leaving for at least 20 minutes.
  • Make a thick paste from watermelon (you will need 2 tablespoons), add 4 drops of cedar oil, 3 drops of grapefruit oil and a teaspoon of liquid (preferably sainfoin) honey, mix everything thoroughly and apply a thick layer to your face.
  • Turn the banana into a homogeneous thick paste (take 2 tablespoons of the mixture), add a teaspoon of linseed oil, 4 drops of ylang-ylang and 2 drops of cedar oil. After stirring, the mask is ready for use. It is applied in a thick, even layer.
  • In mashed raw cucumber, grated (3 tablespoons), add 3 drops of vetiver oil, 2 drops of nutmeg, stir and apply in a thick layer.

Refresh your face with these amazing natural oils and you'll soon see some nice changes in the mirror!

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