Properties of macadamia oil, application and benefits for hair, face, hands, body, eyelashes, skin around the eyes, lips

Macadamia oil, the properties and uses of which became known to mankind in the last century, is a noble vegetable fat. The product is obtained by cold pressing the kernels of the most expensive nut in the world, which allows you to preserve maximum beneficial properties. The product can be used for cosmetic purposes to regenerate the structure of damaged strands, brittle nails, preserve youth, or added to dishes. The use has a number of features and limitations, and detailed information about the product is presented in the text below.

Macadamia (from the English Macadamia) is a genus of woody plants of the Proteaceae family.

A Brief History of Macadamia Oil

Rare and little-known in our country, the fruits of a plant growing in a tropical climate consist of 76% fat, and therefore are a source of oil. In fact, Australia is the birthplace of the culture - in this country, ancient tribes for thousands of years feasted on nuts that were similar in appearance to hazelnuts, but had a sweeter taste. The susceptibility to spoilage, the overly tough skin and the delicate texture of the contents create some difficulties in extracting the seeds.

In production, this process takes several weeks, and the final product is subject to strict control. To make oil, companies use seeds isolated from the hard rind. Such a scheme is quite difficult to implement without specialized devices, and the cultivation of macadamia began only in the 80s of the 19th century. Then the distribution area of ​​the plant expanded beyond its native continent; cultivation on an industrial scale began in the 60s of the last century.

IMPORTANT. Despite the high cost, because these are the most expensive nuts in the whole world, production and export to other countries of the world does not lose relevance and is still profitable.

Use in cooking

Macadamia oil is suitable for use in the kitchen because it has a slightly oily taste. Can successfully replace any vegetable oil in your daily diet.

Suitable not only for cold, but also for hot use.

Can easily replace your usual frying oil. Pairs with home baked goods as an alternative to the most commonly used margarine, which more and more people are abandoning lately.

Macadamia fruit oil is suitable for preparing salads, as well as dishes with seafood, such as anchovies. People who regularly consume this product live longer and healthier lives compared to those who do not.

How can you use the product in the kitchen? Just add a few drops to the pan when sautéing vegetables or meat.

Worth Considering! Don't overdo the quantity due to its calorie content. Even these few drops will increase the calorie content of your meals. So far, healthy nut butters are still not very popular as a kitchen staple.

What it is

As you can understand from the information presented above, macadamia oil is a vegetable fat that is obtained by cold pressing the seed part of the macadamia nut. To purify the product from unwanted impurity components, it is filtered (unrefined) during production. If necessary, it is also further subjected to refining - additional purification (refined). As a result, the product loses its specific aroma and taste, and is more suitable for use in cooking.

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IMPORTANT. For this reason, it is strictly forbidden to consume cosmetic macadamia oil - due to the impurity components contained, a negative effect on the body is possible.


  • consistency – liquid;
  • texture – non-drying;
  • transparent;
  • the aroma is not pronounced, reminiscent of nuts;
  • taste – close to hazelnuts;
  • shade – light yellow;
  • without sediment.

The described product is suitable for use for culinary and cosmetic purposes (in accordance with the purpose indicated on the product packaging).

general description

Macadamia is a type of nut . The rare fruits are also called king nuts, cinnamon nuts, and boomera; they consist of 78% nutritious fats. Macadamia nuts are considered the most expensive in the world. The plant’s homeland is Australia, but today “precious” trees also grow in some countries of South Asia, Brazil and South America. Despite such a stir in the cultivation of macadamia, Australia remains the main importer of the valuable extract (1/3 of all oil is produced here).

The macadamia tree produces its first harvest in 7–10 years; its height can reach 15 meters. All these factors, along with the difficulty of extracting nut kernels and their highest nutritional value, cause the high cost of oil and become a reason for falsification of the product.

Precious oil is obtained by cold pressing macadamia kernels , this allows you to preserve the beneficial components of the product as much as possible .

Walnut squeeze is valuable for its unique composition; it does not cause an allergic reaction, instantly penetrates into the deep layers of the skin, filling it with important elements. The natural product is actively used in cosmetology and in the production of cosmetics for the face, body, hair, and added to food.

Macadamia oil is light golden in color or clear if the product has been filtered. The product has a fluid consistency, it is convenient to apply and mix with other oils, esters, and add to finished cosmetic products. The plant extract has a pleasant nutty aroma and taste.

Macadamia oil: properties

If you analyze the data on the chemical composition, it is easy to conclude the benefits of the product, both for external use and internal use.

Effects of use:

  • immunostimulating;
  • calming;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • normalizing (metabolic processes, work of internal organs, brain, hormonal levels of women);
  • cleaning;
  • healthy appearance of hair, nails, skin;
  • antioxidant.

Positive effects when using macadamia oil for cosmetic purposes:

  • nutritious;
  • strengthening;
  • restorative;
  • moisturizing;
  • soothing;
  • anti-burn;
  • anti-cellulite;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • rejuvenating;
  • emollient;
  • protective;
  • antioxidant.

Due to its wide range of positive effects, the product is used in home and professional cosmetology.

Macadamia oil: benefits for women

For women, the product acts as a multifunctional product:

  • to combat cellulite;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • weight loss;
  • care for the body, face, hair, hands and even heels.

The cleansing effect on the body allows you to speed up metabolism, reduce the amount of harmful fats in the body and, as a result, lose excess weight. Massage procedures can reduce the thickness of the fat layer, improve blood circulation, and eliminate cellulite.

The main feature of macadamia oil is the ability to be used for cosmetic purposes without adding additional components, but only on dry skin types. In order not to cause clogging of skin pores, it is better to give preference to masks. It is also worth noting the cumulative effect - the effect is visible after a course of procedures.

IMPORTANT. This vegetable fat is simply irreplaceable in the care of fading epidermis.

Macadamia oil: benefits for men

The body of the stronger sex, no less than the weaker one, needs a balanced diet, and this product is a source of monounsaturated fatty acids. In addition to their cleansing effect, these substances have a strengthening effect on blood vessels and normalize the functioning of the nervous system. Tocopherols improve potency and slow down aging. Summarizing the properties, we can say that the product acts as a measure for the prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Moderate comedogenicity makes it possible to use it instead of aftershave balm. The main requirement in this case is application to moist areas.

Macadamia oil: benefits for children

Since it is quite difficult to find a product intended for food use under the specified trade name, it is better not to take risks and not introduce it into the diet of children. Despite all the benefits, an allergic reaction or individual intolerance is possible, so it is better to give preference to traditional and more well-known vegetable fats.

If with internal use everything is not so simple, then external use has no age restrictions. Due to the pronounced calming effect, it is possible to treat diaper rash, treat rashes or areas of the epidermis damaged by prolonged exposure to frost or sun.

A little history

Humanity has known for a long time about the value and benefits of king nut squeeze. Indigenous Australians not only ate nuts, but also used the fruits as exchange currency with sailors for brought tobacco and rum.

In addition to the high-calorie, nutritional value of macadamia nuts, the oil extract was used for the rapid healing of wounds, for the treatment of sunburn , and migraines.

All the benefits of the fruits of the Australian tree were described by the Scotsman John Mack, which is where the name “macadamia” came from. If we talk about oil production, the first factories in Australia began operating only in 1960.

Modern beauties and cosmetics manufacturing companies consider the extract truly royal.

Attention! The multi-component formula of the product, similar to the lipid composition of human skin, allows you to quickly achieve noticeable success in rejuvenating, moisturizing and restoring the health of epidermal cells. The oil is quickly absorbed and does not cause side effects.

Macadamia oil: application

Areas of use of macadamia oil:

  • cooking;
  • soap making;
  • cosmetology.

The product does not have a pronounced therapeutic effect, therefore it is added to the diet only for preventive purposes and to increase benefits. Since the basis is monounsaturated fats, unstable compounds, heat treatment leads to the release of carcinogenic substances. For this reason, it is better to use macadamia oil fresh, with minimal heating - making mayonnaise, dressing desserts, salads. The versatility of taste allows you to diversify fish and meat dishes, vegetable purees, and pasta.

Indications for use

Macadamia oil has demonstrated its effectiveness and benefits in the fight against such problems and skin blemishes as:

  • expression and age wrinkles;
  • “crow’s feet” in the sensitive periorbital area;
  • decreased tone and skin turgor;
  • dull, unhealthy complexion;
  • signs of early wilting, flabbiness of the integument;
  • peeling, excessive dryness of the epidermis;
  • inflammation, skin irritation;
  • the need to increase integument protection during the cold and hot seasons;
  • bruises, bags under the eyes;
  • rosacea

The natural extract can be used not only for severe imperfections on the face; the product is also suitable for prevention. The unique formula of the extract eliminates clogging , irritation and harm from use.

There are no restrictions on the use of vegetable oil; it is suitable for all ages and skin types.

You can evaluate the benefits of the extract through several procedures. The skin becomes soft, velvety, and a healthy glow appears. Older clients note a lifting effect, the firmness and elasticity of the skin increases, and after a course of procedures, wrinkles become less noticeable.

Macadamia oil: rules for selection and storage

Careful study of the information provided on the product packaging and careful attention to the place of purchase do not guarantee the elimination of a waste of money, but they reduce the likelihood. Requirements:

  • clear, readable labels;
  • country of origin or importer within the nut's growing range (tropical climate);
  • compliance with GOST requirements is confirmed by the corresponding record;
  • adequate shelf life;
  • not too low price;
  • transparent;
  • dark glass containers;
  • lack of precipitation.

The contents inside the bottle should not have an overly pronounced nut aroma or rich hue or have an unpleasant odor.

The opened container must be placed in a dry, cool place, protected from direct light. It should be stored in strict accordance with the specified period - even if the product looks fresh outwardly after the date on the package, the process of destruction may already begin in the product.

Macadamia oil: harm and contraindications

Abuse of even the most harmless things can result in individual intolerance, and in this case we are talking about a product that is 99.9% fat. Including larger amounts than recommended in the diet will not bring benefit; rejection or excess weight gain is possible. The maximum daily amount is 3 teaspoons.

IMPORTANT. It is also worth considering that macadamia oil intended for cosmetic use is prohibited from being consumed internally - it may contain impurities that are harmful to health.

Edible oil is not so easy to find on sale - even at specialized services it is a rare product. It is forbidden to drink if you have diseases of the digestive system, impaired functioning of internal organs, lactation, pregnancy, or give to children under five years of age.

General contraindications are presented - you must read the instructions before use.

Too frequent use for cosmetic purposes can cause impaired functioning of the lipid layer, early aging, and a feeling of dryness. For this reason, it should not be applied in pure form or as part of masks more than once a week. Contraindicated for use for skin diseases, open wounds, severe burns, and individual intolerance.

Product rating and review

To make it easier to navigate and quickly choose the best macadamia oil, we have compiled a rating.

Brand Volume, ml. Price, rubles Recommend, %
Zeitoun 10,0 300,0 100,0
Kingdom of fragrances 30,0 150,0 100,0
Botany 30,0 190,0 100,0
Miko 50,0 320,0 100,0
Levrana 50,0 390,0 98,0
Spivak 50,0 230,0 90,0
Aspera 10,0 100,0 88,0

From the presented data it is clear that the cost ranges from one hundred to three hundred rubles for every ten milliliters of the product.

Kapous brand hair products with macadamia oil


  • fluid;
  • serum;
  • mask;
  • shampoo;
  • balm;
  • two-phase oil.

The series includes six products, we will consider each separately.

Bi-phase macadamia nut oil

Two-phase macadamia oil
Additionally contains panthenol and keratin, has no restrictions on the types of strands, and does not require removal after application. The product has a regenerative effect on damaged hair shafts. The volume of the bottle with a sprayer is 200.0 ml, the price is 450.0 rubles. Recommended by 90% of satisfied customers. The positive aspects are efficiency, ease of use, the negative ones are high cost, not a pronounced effect.

Hair shampoo with macadamia oil

Deora shampoo
Bottle with dispenser, volume – 250.0 milliliters, price – 450.0 rub. The product has a nourishing effect and has no restrictions on the type of strands and frequency of use (daily washing of the strands is allowed). Recommended by 90% of satisfied customers. Pros: ease of use due to the presence of a dispenser, low price for professional cosmetics, quick results, ease of rinsing, shine, shine. Disadvantages: individual intolerance; if removed poorly, stickiness is felt.

Hair serum with macadamia oil

Deora serum Bottle
with a volume of 200.0 milliliters at a price of 359.0 rubles with a sprayer. Contains keratin and lactic acid for an immediate moisturizing effect. The product regenerates damaged hair shafts and does not require rinsing after application. Recommended by 92% of satisfied customers. Pros - instant results, convenient use, easier combing, cons - lack of the promised effect in some cases (individual intolerance).)

Hair balm with macadamia oil

Kopous balm
A plastic bottle with a volume of 200.0 milliliters costs about 400 rubles, additionally contains aloe juice and shea butter, daily use is possible. The restorative product is recommended by 95% of buyers; the advantages are lightness of texture, ease of use, quick results.

Hair fluid with macadamia oil

spray bottle with a volume of 100.0 milliliters will cost 530.0 rubles. The regenerative product is designed to care for split ends of hair shafts. It must be applied after washing the strands; removal with water is not required. Recommended by 98.0 customers. Girls write about the quick effect on damaged areas of hair.

Hair mask with macadamia oil

Hair mask Macadamia
Regenerative product is available in a tube of 150.0 ml, the price is 320.0 rubles. This form of packaging makes it easier to use since there is no need to open the box. Due to shorter contact with the environment, the oxidation process occurs less intensely, and microorganisms from the hands do not get inside. Larger volume – 500 ml. – comes in a plastic box, cost RUB 500.0.

Not recommended for use on oily hair types. Recommended by 90% of satisfied customers, most girls note its effectiveness, there are cases of no results.

Hand cream with macadamia oil

Velvet hands with macadamia oil
The following brands of hand products are available on the market with this vegetable oil:

  • “Aravia” – 100 ml./220 rubles, recommended from 93 to 98%;
  • “Platneta organica” – 75.0 ml./180.0 rub., recommended by 92%;
  • “Anida” – 100.0 ml./90.0 rubles, recommended by 96.0%;
  • “Deora cosmetics” – 100.0 ml./490.0 rub., 100.0% recommended;
  • “Silcare” – 110.0 ml./100.0, recommended by 96.0%;
  • “Velvet Hands” – 80.0 ml./70.0 rub., recommended by 90.0%.

The presented products differ in cost and effectiveness, as evidenced by the difference in rating.

"Keratin, macadamia oil" from " Hair Serum "

Hair Serum

The drug is made in Israel, available in a bottle with a dispenser, volume - 50.0 milliliters, price - 1500 rubles. It has regenerative, smoothing, moisturizing and protective effects. Designed to restore the structure of strands subject to keratinization. Recommended by 98.0% of satisfied customers.

Oil "Hask" "Macadamia extract"

Hask oil

Designed for dry hair types, it has a moisturizing effect. The light texture is quickly absorbed into deep layers, creating a shiny effect. Bottle volume – 18.0 milliliters, price – 250.0 rub. I recommend it to 100% satisfied customers.

Lip oil "Nivea" "Macadamia nut and vanilla"

Nivea lip oil

The product is produced in a blister with a volume of 16.0 milliliters. The advantage of the formula is that it does not contain mineral oils, but contains natural extracts (jojoba seeds, macadamia nuts, avocado), excipients and flavors. According to reviews, the packaging is not very convenient to use, which is a disadvantage; hydration, nutrition, shine effect, prevention of cracking - advantages. Recommended by 95% of satisfied customers, price – 250.0 rubles.


According to services where you can get acquainted with customer opinions about products and services, a product under this trade name, regardless of the brand, has a high rating - recommended by at least 85.0% of users. The viscous consistency, when compared with analogues, and the individual characteristics of the body sometimes become the reason for the lack of effect.

IMPORTANT. On the Internet you can find both positive and negative reviews, which are associated with the lack of the expected result.

Irina, 31 years old, St. Petersburg

Having read positive and even enthusiastic impressions about the miraculous properties of macadamia oil, I bought two bottles at once. After two months of regular use on my hair, both in pure form and as part of masks, I can say that there is still a result. I started smearing my hands - I was dissatisfied with the long absorption. I still recommend it for hair care.

Kristina, 25 years old, Samara

After giving birth, I simultaneously experienced stretch marks on my stomach and severe hair loss. My sister gave me refined macadamia oil for the holiday, and I decided to use it. I rubbed it into the epidermis, massaged the scalp, and after two months I forgot about the problem. I recommend.

Maria, 41 years old, Kirov city

I bought edible macadamia oil through iHerb to use for cooking and cosmetic purposes. I made compresses for the skin around the eyes and hair masks and was satisfied with the result: fine wrinkles smoothed out in a month, the skin was soft. When adding to dishes, it is worth considering that there is no specific taste, so the product will not spoil the taste, but will increase the benefits. I recommend.

Where to use and how to use

Macadamia oil works great as an antibacterial product, which is useful if you have poor immunity. First of all, it is successfully added to sunscreens because it creates a kind of protective layer on the skin.

Daily care with this oil will protect your skin from sunburn. The product works great on the nail plate, nourishes and strengthens the nails. It is recommended to apply a layer of oil to your hands and then put on gloves.

After a month of such procedures, your nails will become strong, smooth and shiny. The cuticles will become soft enough that removing them will not be a problem after the first use.

Walnut oil also has a beneficial effect on hair because it nourishes, moisturizes and makes it look great.


Is macadamia oil a carrier oil?

This vegetable fat is a basic one, so it can act as a solvent for esters or a conductor of nutrients. Incorporation into ready-made formulations enhances the main effect.

How is macadamia oil different from other base oils?

This vegetable fat contains phytosterols, B vitamins, minerals; oleic and palmitoleic acid predominate among fatty acids. Monounsaturated fatty acids are components of the human nervous system, and therefore have a calming effect.

IMPORTANT. Palmitoleic acid, which contains up to 22%, is often included in expensive premium cosmetics intended for the care of mature dermis.

The chemical composition results in pronounced moisture-retaining, nourishing, rejuvenating properties for the skin and regenerative properties for the hair.

Doesn't macadamia oil clog pores?

According to the American classification of vegetable fats according to their tendency to form comedones on the epidermis, the product has a comedogenicity index of 3.0 points out of a maximum of 5.0. This indicator indicates the possible use in pure form in areas where there are no sebaceous glands, but with caution - it is better to first test for a tendency to allergic reactions.

Where can you buy macadamia oil?

You can easily buy this product in a pharmacy, as well as in specialized online stores, retail chains and soap makers, since it is not rare and is included in the lines of most manufacturers.

Macadamia oil for the face: is it possible to use it in its pure form?

Due to the average comedogenicity index, use in its pure form is not recommended for normal, combination, or oily dermis. The best way is to include it in masks.

IMPORTANT. It should be applied pointwise to dry areas.

Is it possible to make macadamia oil at home?

The nut from which vegetable fat is extracted is highly expensive, and the method is specific. The technology involves pressing seeds (sometimes together with a strong shell) followed by a filtration stage. At the output, the resulting product is subject to quality control for compliance with organoleptic and physicochemical characteristics, fatty acid composition. It is possible to implement such a scheme only if you have the appropriate equipment, so you cannot make macadamia oil at home.

Why is one macadamia oil more expensive than another?

The cost of the product is influenced by the country of origin, production technology, degree of purification and other parameters. You should not opt ​​for a product that is too cheap - high-quality fat isolated from the most expensive nuts in the whole world cannot be of too low a price.

Precautionary measures

Macadamia extract is a hypoallergenic product; in exceptional cases it causes an allergic reaction. Before use, cosmetologists strongly recommend conducting an allergy test. Apply a little oil to the inner bend of the elbow or behind the ear, and after 10–15 minutes, evaluate the reaction to the drug.

Note! No evidence of overdose, side effects or complications after using Australian oil has been identified.

The product can be safely applied to sensitive skin , burns and inflammation.

Brief summary

  1. Macadamia oil, the properties and uses of which have been known to the world since the last century, can solve a number of problems with the epidermis and is intended for the care of aging skin and severely damaged strands. Possible internal use.
  2. The chemical composition is characterized by a high content of palmitoleic acid, a component of expensive industrial cosmetics. The substance improves cellular regeneration, thereby helping to preserve youth and prevent natural aging.
  3. The beneficial effect on the body lies in the pronounced regenerative effect on the skin and strands. If you regularly drink macadamia oil, you can prevent the development of diseases associated with the cardiovascular system.
  4. For cosmetic purposes, use in its pure form is indicated only on dry skin types; in other cases it should be used as part of products.
  5. Before use, please read the attached instructions.

Composition of the product

The oil contains a huge amount of vitamins and minerals.

The oil contains:

  • sterols (lower cholesterol levels);
  • vitamin E (increases the body's protective functions);
  • thiamine (vitamin B 1: improves the condition of the nervous system; strengthens the immune system);
  • magnesium (a mineral that is necessary for the maintenance of all cells in the body);
  • stearic acid (helps improve skin perception of beneficial components);
  • oleic acid (has a moisturizing and rejuvenating effect);
  • palmitic acid (excellent source of energy);
  • arachidonic acid (Omega-6 class: improves metabolism; restores muscles; has a beneficial effect on the skin);
  • linoleic acid (has a general strengthening effect; normalizes muscle function; protects cells from premature aging);
  • palmitoleic acid (promotes skin regeneration).

The unique chemical and biological composition of macadamia nut makes it a valuable product among cosmetologists and culinary specialists.
The squeeze of the Australian nut contains 718 kcal/100 ml, but the content in it of a high amount of macroelements necessary for humans allows the oil to be used in various diets for weight loss. Vitamins and minerals are easily absorbed by the body and make dishes healthy and nutritious.

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