Flaxseed oil face masks: a way to prolong skin youth and get rid of acne

Flax oil is a unique product obtained by processing flax. It is assumed that its homeland is the eastern Mediterranean (Latin “Linum” - flax and “usitatissimum” - useful). It has a rather viscous consistency, a characteristic aroma and a golden, even sometimes amber color.

Flaxseed oil is used in cosmetology:

  • for the face: thanks to its antibacterial, moisturizing and skin rejuvenating qualities, it is added to creams and masks;
  • for hair and nails, used externally and internally to combat dandruff and dry hair, as well as excessive brittleness of nails;
  • for the skin: due to its soothing and anti-inflammatory properties, it is used for psoriasis, rosacea, eczema, to heal the skin and reduce swelling.

In addition, flax seed oil treats frostbite, burns, and wounds. Added to after-sun products and anti-aging facial cosmetics. And experts recommend using flax oil in tandem with vitamin E or oils containing tocopherol in large quantities.

Flaxseed oil for the face: super properties and possible harm

In cosmetology, only unrefined oil obtained by cold pressing is used.
It is the unrefined flaxseed product that is considered a real record holder for the content of unsaturated fatty acids, such as Omega-3, 6, 9. The body is not able to produce these substances on its own, but must definitely receive it. A deficiency of fatty acids leads to the development of dryness, flaking of the skin, inflammation, itching, and sometimes to the development of skin diseases.

The beneficial properties of flax product lie in its rich composition.

  • Unsaturated acids. They regenerate the skin, start the process of cell renewal, and activate collagen synthesis. All these processes contribute to the rejuvenation of the dermis.
  • Folic acid. Without her participation, skin inflammations and irritations take a long time to heal. The acid provides the skin with protection from harmful external influences.
  • Thiamine. Vitamin beauty, better known as B1, will give the necessary hydration and smoothness to the skin.
  • Niacin. Vitamin P is also useful for the epidermis. It stimulates collagen production, evens out small wrinkles, deeply tones the skin and provides it with a natural tone.
  • Choline. It activates metabolism. Accelerated metabolism allows the dermis to get rid of harmful toxins. Vitamin B4 eliminates irritation and inflammation on the face.
  • Phylloquinone. Vitamin K is suitable for lightening freckles and age spots. It not only has whitening properties, but can also eliminate puffiness and remove circles under the eyes.
  • Retinol. For inflammation, acne, and skin irritations, vitamin A is recommended. It accelerates collagen synthesis and can fight wrinkles, stretch marks on the skin, and even scars.
  • Tocopherol. This is a well-known vitamin of youth. It is vitamin E that is involved in almost all age-related processes occurring in the dermis. Tocopherol smoothes wrinkles, renews tissue at the cellular level, evens out the relief, tightens the epidermis.

In addition to vitamins and beneficial acids, flaxseed oil contains a large number of macro- and microelements that are necessary to maintain youthful skin. Since the product has all the necessary components for a mature dermis, cosmetologists recommend using flaxseed oil for the face against wrinkles.

Indications for use

The oil is used for any type of dermis. Even those with sensitive skin can pamper their face with an oily product. Cosmetologists, taking into account the medicinal properties of the oil, give the following indications for its use:

  • peeling and excessive dryness;
  • acne;
  • irritation, inflammation;
  • the need for anti-aging preventive measures.

There are cases where flaxseed oil caused an allergic reaction. And, despite the fact that these situations are rare, before use it is necessary to test the product on a delicate area of ​​the skin.

When oil turns to poison

The benefits of this natural “healer” for the skin are invaluable. But sometimes oil can cause harm. It, under certain conditions, can saturate the epidermis with harmful radicals. These substances, if their quantity exceeds the permissible level in the body, affect DNA, provoking cellular mutations. They also lead to rapid aging and the development of cancer cells.

Why does a useful product turn into poison? Due to the large amount of fatty acids, flaxseed oil can quickly oxidize under the influence of sunlight, heat, and high temperatures. As a result, free radicals appear in the oily substance.

To prevent the formation of toxic substances in flaxseed oil, it is necessary to store the product in a glass container. The bottle must be tightly sealed. Keep it in the refrigerator. The started oil must be used up within a month.

Methods of application

The squeeze from flax seeds can be eaten, but the use of the product in cosmetology is much more popular.

Oil is used:

  • as a means for massage;
  • in compresses and lotions;
  • for preparing masks, creams or scrubs;
  • for removing makeup;
  • as an additive to finished cosmetics;
  • for targeted treatment of scars, scars, acne.

Flax oil is used in cosmetics.

Pure use

Like many vegetable oils, flaxseed is comedogenic. It is greasy and, if used in large quantities, clogs pores. In their pure form, oils are best suited for the care of dry, mature or dehydrated skin. People with oily skin risk worsening their problems.

Flaxseed oil is used for various procedures:

  1. Cleansing. Steam your face under the shower or over a steam bath, and do a manual massage with oil. Pellets will appear on the skin. After the procedure, be sure to wash with warm water.
  2. Nourishers. Cleanse the skin and apply a thin layer of oil to the entire face except the area around the eyes. It is best to do this at night.
  3. Healing. Apply the product directly to wounds, acne or other skin lesions. You can make lotions or compresses.

Can flaxseed oil replace cream?

If a test on sensitive skin does not reveal an allergy to the components of the oil, it can be used instead of face cream.

On oily skin, the product should be used carefully, preferably together with other cosmetics.

If you have dry or combination skin, flax seed oil can replace a night cream. It will moisturize the skin and cleanse it of blackheads, refreshing the complexion.

To prevent the epidermis from drying out during the day, wipe your face with a cotton pad soaked in oil in the morning. You can also apply the product as a mask - with your hands or a sponge.


Facial compresses are easy to make at home. They are used to moisturize the skin, nourish, restore, and get rid of imperfections.

Flax seed oil or a product containing it should be warmed to room temperature, moistened with a cotton or gauze cloth and placed on the face. The compress will take effect within 5-10 minutes.

Compress with oil.

Flaxseed oil in finished cosmetics

You can only check whether a new ingredient will increase the effectiveness of your usual facial care through experience.

It is not recommended to add any oil directly to the bottle: this will limit the period of use of the product to one month. Then the oil will lose its beneficial properties. You can only store face cream diluted with oils in the refrigerator.

As an experiment, try adding a drop of oil to a single portion of cream.

Facial massage with oil

This care option is optimal for mature skin. The procedure will saturate it with useful substances and, with regular use, will slow down fading.

To maintain skin tone, it is enough to massage your face for 10-15 minutes a day. The oil is preheated in the palms to body temperature: this will make it thinner and make the procedure more comfortable.

Flaxseed oil for makeup removal

Makeup can be removed from the skin using oil by lightly moistening a cotton pad with it. Excess is removed with a clean napkin or towel - leaving the product on the face is not recommended.

Flaxseed oil and hair care

Vegetable oils, including flaxseed, can be used to care for hair of all types. In case of damage or unsatisfactory condition of the strands, people resorted to using this product back in Rus', which explains its popularity in folk recipes.

Flax seed oil will solve almost any problem:

  1. Restores the structure of dry, brittle or thin hair. They will gain elasticity and smoothness. You can use the oil in its pure form: slightly warm it up, massage your scalp, apply it to your hair, then cover your head with a hat or towel for 1-2 hours. If hair is damaged, use the oil as a mask at night.
  2. For those with oily hair, it will help regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands on the head. One of the popular recipes is to mix a couple of tablespoons of oil with a glass of low-fat kefir (1%). Apply the composition to the scalp, massage, then distribute along the length of the hair and leave for half an hour. After the specified time, wash your hair.
  3. If your hair grows slowly, you can activate metabolic processes with flax seed oil. To enhance the effect, the product is combined with sea buckthorn and castor oils - in equal proportions. The resulting mixture is heated in a water bath, rubbed into the scalp and applied to the hair. After this, the head is insulated for an hour. After the procedure, the mask is thoroughly washed off.

Flaxseed oil to strengthen hair.

Flaxseed oil for eyebrows and eyelashes

Just like hair, eyelashes and eyebrows can suffer from adverse environmental influences. Their condition depends on the cosmetics used, weather and temperature, correction and coloring procedures. All this thins the hairs and has a destructive effect on their structure.

You can restore softness to your eyelashes and eyebrows, increase hair density and make them elastic with the help of homemade masks.

Options for using flaxseed oil:

  1. In combination with other oils. To care for eyebrows and eyelashes, it can be combined with burdock or castor. In the resulting composition, the concentration of omega 3-6-9 fatty acids, vitamins A, B, C, E, K and P, and microelements will be maximum.
  2. In its purest form. It is effective even without combination with other similar products.

It is most convenient to pour the oil or mixture of oils into an old bottle of mascara, rinsed and dried. Before going to bed, the product is applied to the eyebrows and eyelashes, while it is better to collect the hair in a ponytail or braid so that it does not stick to the face.

In the morning, the composition is washed off with warm water. It is enough to use the product every day for a couple of months to notice changes. Eyelashes and eyebrows will grow more actively, and hair loss will be reduced.

Flaxseed oil for eyebrows and eyelashes.

Oil care for hands and nails

Using flaxseed oil on your hands is an effective way to combat dry skin, aging, and damaged nails.

The most popular option is to lubricate your hands and nails with oil. This makes them softer and restores youthful skin. To get rid of yellow nails, you can add lemon juice to the applied product.

Flaxseed oil baths also help. It is slightly heated in a steam bath and hands are immersed in it. It takes 10-15 minutes for the product to take effect, then wash it off with warm water - without soap, so as not to dry the skin.

The oil can also be added to ready-made hand creams or masks. As with facial cosmetics, this shortens the shelf life of the product. It is better to prepare a mask with linseed oil exactly once, and use the cream to which it was added within 2-4 weeks.

Hand care with linseed oil.

Flaxseed oil for beard

The use of folk remedies using flax seed extract is not limited to caring for hair, eyebrows and eyelashes. The beneficial acids and microelements it contains will help accelerate hair growth in your beard or mustache.

Flaxseed oil is included in most cosmetic products for men, which means it can be used in its pure form. This is a more natural and economical way.

The most popular beard care option is a cheek and chin massage. It is recommended to first warm the oil in your palms, then massage the skin with your fingertips and wash with warm water. The procedure will accelerate hair growth.

The product can be added to ready-made cosmetics for beards and mustaches, creams and sprays.

Oil for bearded men.

Treatment with linseed oil

In its pure form, flax seed oil helps heal skin damage - wounds, acne. It will cope with bruises and bruises. It should be applied pointwise to the affected area - once or several times a day.

The oil is also used for more complex medical problems. The help of a natural herbal product is used in the fight against lichen, psoriasis and other dermatological diseases.

To restore health, flaxseed oil is used not only externally. It is effective as a dietary supplement.

Before using oil for treatment, you should consult your doctor.

Taking flaxseed oil

Flax seed oil has a high content of unsaturated fatty acids: linoleic, linolenic, folic. Omega 3-6-9 complex, vitamins and phytohormones help keep the body in shape and normalize metabolism.

Consuming flaxseed oil will help in the fight against excess weight, as it accelerates the detoxification of the body and the removal of toxins, and improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system. For this purpose, the product is taken in the morning on an empty stomach, 1 tbsp. l.

Flax beauty recipes

The oil is allowed to be used undiluted. This is especially useful for mature, fading, flaking and dry dermis. And for those with oily epidermis, it is better to avoid using undiluted oil.

In cosmetology, flaxseed products are included in masks, compresses, lotions, and lotions. In order for the oil to fully demonstrate all its beneficial properties, be sure to take into account the type of epidermis.

For increased oiliness of the dermis, face masks made from linseed oil and a drying component are recommended. These are, for example, egg whites, citrus fruits. For mature skin, a combination of oil with honey, fruits, and dairy products is preferable.


After harvesting the flax, the seeds are separated from the stem. At the oil factory, aromatic oil is obtained from them by cold pressing, or pressing. It is contained in the cells of the embryo and in the surrounding nutritional tissue.

Vegetable oils are not subjected to heat treatment: this will cause rancidity and loss of taste. And the cold pressing method allows you to preserve the beneficial properties of the raw materials.

The color of the finished oil depends on the degree of purification. The lighter the product, the more degrees of purification it has undergone after spinning. The maximum beneficial properties are preserved in unrefined oil.

Linen lifting

The skin remains young and elastic if it contains sufficient amounts of elastin and collagen. These substances are included in anti-aging cosmetics. An excellent source of collagen is gelatin. It is this component that provides the lifting effect or tightening of the skin. And in the company of flax, the effect doubles. There is a special recipe for a tightening mask based on flax and gelatin. It is prepared like this.

  • The basis. One teaspoon of gelatin is dissolved in eight teaspoons of liquid. If excessive dryness occurs, it is better to use milk or plain water. If the integument is fatty, then it is better to dissolve gelatin in herbal decoctions.
  • Additional components. Add one teaspoon of flaxseed oil and aloe juice to the base. To enhance the rejuvenating effect, experts recommend adding vitamins A and E - five drops each. The mixture is stirred and left to swell.
  • Features of application. The warm mixture (you can warm it up a little in the microwave) is applied to the face with a makeup brush. After 30 minutes, wash it off.

It is recommended to carry out the flax lifting procedure once a week. This homemade face mask made from flaxseed oil and gelatin is in no way inferior to anti-aging creams. After just a few procedures, the skin will tighten significantly.


The benefits of flax seed extract are due to the presence of substances essential for humans in it. These are primarily fatty acids, half of which are polyunsaturated.

Fatty acids support the body's performance. They nourish it with energy, participate in the construction of cells, speed up metabolism, improve the condition of skin and hair, and suppress inflammation.

The basis of flaxseed oil is linolenic acid. It is resistant to the action of free radicals harmful to the body, strengthens the immune system, slows down aging, and is responsible for preserving moisture.

The composition of flaxseed oil is rich.

It contains:

  • polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs): alpha-linolenic (omega-3), linoleic (omega-6), oleic (omega-9);
  • vitamins: tocopherol (vitamin E), folic acid (vitamin B9), vitamin K;
  • phytoestrogens that stimulate the production of elastin and collagen.

Goodbye crow's feet

For the sensitive dermis around the eyes, only gentle products can be used. Flaxseed oil is too heavy for this area. However, it is what effectively eliminates wrinkles around the eyes. Therefore, you should not completely abandon the product. To eliminate wrinkles in a delicate area, you can use this method.

  • The basis. The basis is oil with a light consistency. It can be jojoba, grape seed or wheat germ oil.
  • Additional components. To five parts of the base add one part of the flax product.
  • Features of application. Using a cotton pad, carefully apply the mixture of oils to the dermis under the eyes and on the eyelid. After 15 minutes, blot the covers with a napkin to remove excess; it is not recommended to overload delicate fabrics with oil.

Related video Conversation about the benefits of flaxseed oil in Elena Malysheva’s TV show

Where to buy and how to store

Flax seed oil is freely available in pharmacies, shops, and supermarkets. The price is affected by the volume of the bottle, brand, and the presence of additional additives. There are these options:

  • from the Len company - 0.5 liters of edible oil costing 125 rubles;
  • from the Biokor brand - a flax product enriched with selenium, costs 150 rubles per 0.25 l or 100 rubles per 100 ml;
  • from the company Mirrolla - a bottle of 100 ml at a price of 45 rubles, 250 ml - from 110 rubles;
  • table oil from the Russka brand - a 250 ml bottle will cost about 115 rubles;
  • product from Oleos - 350 ml for 140 rubles, etc.

In addition, at the pharmacy you can buy capsules with flaxseed oil, where the pricing factor is additionally the amount of active ingredient:

  • from the company Realcaps - 120 pcs. 300 mg each (cost: 65–70 rubles) or 60 pcs. 1360 mg for 150 rubles;
  • from RUSKAPS - 30 pcs. (500 mg), cost - about 70–80 rubles;
  • from the Mirrolla brand - 100 pcs. for 60 rubles, etc.

If you purchase a liquid variety of flaxseed product, give preference to the one sold in a dark glass bottle labeled “unrefined” or “first pressed”. Convenient, hermetically sealed containers ensure the safety of the oil for 12 months. at temperatures up to +25 °C.

After opening, it is recommended to use the product no longer than 2–4 weeks, since due to access to fresh air it quickly oxidizes. The product is kept in the refrigerator. You should not drink the oil or lubricate your facial skin with it if you notice cloudiness, sediment, or feel a bitter aftertaste of the oil.

“A product that prolongs life,” - expert opinion

Don't forget that the skin needs nutrition not only locally, but also internally. And flaxseed oil can help here too. It is recommended for food as a corrector for the condition of the skin and hair, as an immune support and to strengthen the cardiovascular system.

Neurologist Dmitry Shubin spoke about the benefits of consuming flaxseed oil in the program “Live Healthy.” According to him, the main value of flax oil is Omega-3, that is, linoleic and linolenic acids. They lower cholesterol and minimize the risk of developing atherosclerosis, stroke, and heart attack. “As a result, they prolong our lives,” the expert emphasized.

But if you choose this “internal” method of using flaxseed oil for your face, you should consult your doctor. Perhaps there are individual characteristics of the body and the product is contraindicated for you. Plus, you should remember that flax oil is not intended for frying, since toxic substances appear in it when heated. The oil is recommended for dressing salads or as an addition to porridges, but not hot ones.

Precautionary measures

Do not rush to smear flaxseed oil on your face as soon as you uncork the bottle. First, do a test for allergies and individual intolerances. Apply some liquid to your wrist or elbow area.

Monitor the condition of the skin in this area. If it begins to peel, turn red, hurt, or itch, flax seed extract is not suitable for you: neither in its pure form, nor as part of cosmetics. To be sure, you should wait up to 12 hours.

Other restrictive measures:

  1. Do not apply masks with oil at night, so as not to wake up in the morning with a swollen face. This will be due to the product’s ability to retain moisture.
  2. For the same reason, wash off homemade compositions containing flaxseed liquid from the skin, unless the recipe suggests otherwise. The pure extract is carefully removed from the face.
  3. Be careful not to get the liquid into your eyes.
  4. Pregnancy and breastfeeding are a reason to additionally consult with a specialist.
  5. For oral administration, the list is much more extensive: tumors, pancreatitis, gallbladder diseases (including the presence of stones), etc. Women who do not want to gain weight should be wary of the following fact: oil is considered a fairly high-calorie product.

Consult your doctor regardless of whether you plan to use flax seed extract externally or internally.

User reviews

The natural product attracts many women who use the oil to rejuvenate their faces and eliminate dryness and flaking.

A user named Lydia rated the effectiveness of the product for solving other problems.

But not everything is so rosy. For example, Tatyana does not recommend oil to women with oily epidermis.

And Irina had to deal with individual intolerance to the product.

There are stories testifying to the sad experience of using flax seed extract internally. The author of the following review, a practicing physician, noticed an increase in cholesterol levels in her tests. One of her patients had similar troubles.

Flaxseed oil is a controversial product. For some, it is ideal, while others suffer from the use of the extract and heal their skin after it. To minimize the risk of undesirable consequences, buy the product from trusted manufacturers, store the bottle correctly, and do not use the extract for too long.

It is better to buy oil in small bottles in order to use it up quickly and purchase a fresh product. Test your skin so that it does not give you an unpleasant surprise in the form of acne, clogged pores, itching, redness, etc. You should be wary of natural flaxseed extract in order to get the maximum benefit from it.


Taking into account the beneficial properties of flaxseed oil, you need to take into account some contraindications. If you have serious diseases or exacerbation of chronic diseases, be sure to obtain qualified advice before consumption.

Not recommended for intestinal diseases, exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis. Reduce or eliminate intake of antiviral medications during use. When using oral contraceptives, they should be excluded from the diet. When heated, it becomes harmful and unsuitable for consumption.

The product itself is not an allergen, but when preparing masks, additional ingredients (for example: honey, lemon juice) can cause irritation and an allergic reaction. To prevent unwanted effects, it is advisable to test on the skin before use. You need to apply part of the mixture to the inside of your arm and wait about 20 minutes. If there is no redness or itching, the mixture is suitable for use.

What skin types is the product suitable for?

Flaxseed oil works well with any type of skin: normal, dry, oily, aging, problematic. However, not everyone can use it equally boldly. For example, women whose skin is more of an oily or combination type should take some precautions:

  • do not overdo it with oil massages and masks, you are recommended no more than 1-2 cosmetic procedures per week, while young ladies with dry and flaky skin can afford 2-3;
  • Mix the oil with a small amount of citrus juice, this will avoid troubles in the form of oily shine and clogged pores.

You should not resort to flaxseed oil if there are wounds, abrasions or inflamed acne on your body. Wait for healing and only then proceed with skin care procedures.

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