Ointments for wen: review of the most effective remedies

Wen ointment is the very first remedy that people turn to when trying to get rid of skin lesions without surgery. Although local drugs are ineffective in the fight against lipomas, they are prescribed for the treatment of lipomas in children under 5 years of age and in adults with certain diseases (diabetes, HIV, reduced immunity, etc.). Local remedies for wen can be purchased at the pharmacy, or can be prepared at home. It is not the ointment that makes the wen come out quickly that is considered effective, but the one that helps its capsule to dissolve.

What is the cause of inflammation

There are many reasons for the appearance of a cyst: poor hygiene, disruption of the endocrine system, trauma, and damage to the hair follicle. The sebaceous gland, however, continues to function - sebum gradually accumulates under the skin. Microtrauma of the sebaceous gland leads to the same result, as a result of which its communication with the surface of the epidermis is disrupted.

Of course, the presence of excess fat under the skin cannot but have a negative impact on the functioning of the body. Sooner or later, if a person persistently refuses to remove the atheroma, an infection enters the cyst - through micropores, microtraumas on the skin, etc. The cavity is filled with pus, sometimes mixed with blood.

When ointments are contraindicated

Ointments in the treatment of wen are not always effective:

  • The tumor has dimensions exceeding 30 mm;
  • Opening a lipoma at home can lead to a severe process of inflammation with secondary infection;
  • There is no therapeutic effect from using an ointment or compress;
  • The lump is located in an area subject to injury.

Before using the cream, the doctor takes into account the medical indicators and general well-being of the patient. Therefore, you should not try to treat the disease yourself - you risk causing serious consequences.

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How to understand that atheroma is inflamed

Diagnosing this formation is quite simple - by a black dot on the surface, which is the end of a clogged sebaceous duct. From time to time, contents with an unpleasant odor come out of it. In a non-inflamed state, the cyst does not cause pain, is quite elastic upon palpation and has clear boundaries.

As soon as an infection sets in, it increases in size, turns red, softens - touches bring burning pain, which is no longer possible to ignore. If this focus of infection becomes chronic, the situation may be complicated by an abscess - purulent inflammation accompanied by melting of surrounding tissues, and phlegmon - inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue.


It must be remembered that all of the above remedies should be used only after consulting a specialist, especially if you were diagnosed with an abscess during pregnancy. Vishnevsky's treatment for bartholinitis will be much more effective and efficient together with traditional medicine. Remember that you are responsible not only for yourself, but also for the life of your unborn baby.

Unfortunately, both at home and after professional treatment, the unpleasant “sore” can reappear. It is better to take preventive measures: wear comfortable underwear, monitor genital hygiene and do not change partners.

If the size of the lumps reaches the size of a nut and it causes severe pain, then be sure to make an appointment with a urologist.

What should I do?

If signs of inflammation appear, you should not hesitate - you must urgently go to the surgeon. But what you definitely can’t do is squeeze out or pick at the formation, trying to make a hole in it. If a breakthrough occurs and the pus is outside, the wound needs to be treated and wait until it heals. After this, the capsule and contents can be removed. The cyst should not be heated or steamed at any stage - this can cause infection.

At an emergency consultation with a surgeon, it may be recommended to relieve inflammation with levomekol or ichthyol ointment. The product is applied to a clean bandage and applied to the cyst, and then secured with a bandage. The compress is applied three times a day until the process subsides.

What products can you prepare yourself?

When wen is inherited, it is even more difficult to deal with it. Especially if the pathology is lipomatosis (multiple lipomas). And yet, according to traditional healers, among the recipes for home remedies there are truly effective remedies.

Beeswax ointment


  • a piece of yellow wax - the size of a matchbox;
  • vegetable oil - 200 ml;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.

How to prepare: hard boil an egg, cool, remove the yolk and divide into two halves. Pour oil into an enamel container and put wax. Put on fire. When the wax melts and begins to boil with the butter, add the yolk crushed with your fingers and mix everything thoroughly. The composition will foam a lot after adding the yolk, so you need to make sure that it does not run away. Strain the ointment. Store in the refrigerator for no more than 12 months.

You can reduce the size of an old wen or force a lipoma that has recently appeared to completely resolve with the help of a wax candle. You need to apply hot wax to the subcutaneous node 2-3 times a day until recovery.

How to use: apply the ointment in a thick layer to the wen under a bandage overnight. Use until recovery.

Result: wax softens the subcutaneous node. The components (vitamins, minerals) of chicken yolk and oil contribute to its breakdown.

Honey-garlic-bread compress


  • brown bread crumb;
  • natural honey - 1 tsp;
  • garlic - 1 medium clove.

How to prepare: cut off a piece of bread, cut out a crumb the size of a wen, 1 cm thick. Grind the garlic with a garlic press and mix with honey. Toast the bread in a dry frying pan until a weak crust is obtained (do not overcook). Without removing the bread, honey and garlic are spread on it, the frying pan is covered with a lid so that the medicinal sandwich is steamed.

How to use: a honey-garlic sandwich is applied warm to the wen and secured with a band-aid. After 3 hours, the compress is removed and a new one is made. So 3 times a day.

Result: after 2-3 days a fistula (maybe even several) will appear above the subcutaneous node, and the contents of the wen will begin to come out through it. To speed up the process, apply honey to the wound and a cabbage leaf on top, fixing the structure with a band-aid.

Lard and garlic ointment


  • lard - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • chopped garlic - 1 tsp.

How to cook: mix garlic with pork fat. Store the prepared mixture in the refrigerator.

How to use: Rub into the wen 3-4 times a day.

Result: resorption of subcutaneous nodes occurs due to garlic, and lard protects the skin from burning.

Features of treatment

It is impossible to treat atheroma in such an acute condition. As soon as the inflammatory process can be stopped, the patient will be offered one of the removal methods. Large formations are removed surgically under local anesthesia. By cutting the skin, the doctor removes the capsule, applies cosmetic sutures, after which a scar remains on the skin.

If the cyst is small, a laser will be offered - without contact with the patient's blood. After this procedure, no traces remain. Sometimes it is advisable to combine these two methods - perform surgical excision and treat the capsule with a laser.

If an abscess has formed inside, the surgeon opens the atheroma under local anesthesia, removes the pus and rinses it. To prevent repeated suppuration, a special drainage is inserted into the cavity for several days, and antibiotics are also prescribed. In this case, the formation can be removed no earlier than three months after the wound has completely healed.

Symptoms and types of lipomas

Symptoms of the disease are practically absent, so the initial stage of formation of the wen is usually not recorded. The patient does not have any disturbing sensations such as itching, pain or abscess.

There is also no inflammation characteristic of skin infections.

Just one day a certain light-colored tubercle appears, differing from an ordinary pimple in that it cannot be squeezed out due to the absence of a duct designed to remove the contents of the skin formation.

Under a microscope, a lipoma is clearly identified by the presence of cells of different sizes and other elements of a different origin:

  • angiolipomas, where blood vessels are present in large numbers;
  • fibrolipomas, with numerous elements of connective tissue;
  • myxolipomas, with mucus production;
  • myolipomas, with the presence of muscle cells.

The following formations may appear on the face:

  • milia, similar to whiteheads with fat in the capsule, motionless and solitary or in the form of group rashes;
  • xanthelasmas, mobile wen that are yellowish in color and larger in size, prone to growing and merging into groups.

What to apply?

There are many different ointments for resolving fatty tissue, but the most effective are:


Vishnevsky ointment has a minimal number of contraindications and side effects.
The medicine has a rather specific smell. It has good antibacterial and disinfectant effects.


Tar is a natural antiseptic. It activates blood circulation in tissues and has a regenerating effect. Xeroform belongs to the group of synthetic antiseptics that have an astringent effect. This component kills pathogenic microorganisms.

Castor oil heals wounds and has an antimicrobial effect. This oil activates the process of formation of new cells. Sometimes castor oil is replaced with fish oil.

Vishnevsky ointment must be applied to the affected areas in a thick layer. This compress should be kept for 10-12 hours. It is recommended to apply it at night, and for fixation you can use a regular patch.

If the diameter of the formation is up to 0.7 cm, then the duration of treatment is 3-4 days.

The medicine has no toxic effects. The main contraindication is sensitivity to the components of the drug. This ointment should be avoided if you have kidney problems.

Birch tar tends to increase the sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet radiation. In spring and summer, this product is not recommended to be applied to exposed skin.

Long-term use of the drug will not lead to an overdose, but may cause allergies. If rashes or itching occur, stop using the ointment.


Ichthyol ointment is often used to treat skin diseases.

The base is purified petrolatum; the active substance is the sulfur-containing compound ichthammol.

This substance has a resinous structure and a specific odor.

The external agent has the following effects:

  • relieves pain;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • prevents the process of rotting;
  • improves blood microcirculation in affected areas.

The use of ichthyol ointment allows you to regenerate affected tissues as quickly as possible. The active components soften the skin, so the medicinal substances reach the wen cells faster.

Disadvantages of using ichthyol ointment for conservative treatment:

  • long period of treatment;
  • risk of developing an allergic reaction;
  • the possibility of degeneration of the formation into a malignant tumor.

The optimal duration of therapy is 1-2 weeks. The medicine should be applied to the affected area in a thick layer. The compress is kept for 10-12 hours. The ointment should be applied to cleansed skin. Treatment stops as soon as the wen resolves. If an abscess is present, therapy is carried out until the contents of the formation are completely released.

In order for the treatment to be as safe as possible, it is necessary to adhere to certain recommendations:

  1. You cannot pierce the wen.
  2. It is forbidden to squeeze out the contents of the formation.
  3. The ointment is not recommended for use in children under 16 years of age.
  4. During pregnancy, this drug can only be used with the permission of a doctor.
  5. During lactation you should avoid using this product.

If you try to pierce the formation, there is a risk of infection. This will lead to the clinical picture worsening, and the only solution will be surgical intervention.

Mechanical damage to the wen is dangerous for degeneration into a malignant formation. The ointment is capable of removing all the contents on its own.

We see

Useful video

In this video, you will also learn about other remedies for wen:

Vishnevsky’s ointment, Ichthyol, Videstim and Vitaon is a simple method of combating wen, which will be effective only in the initial stages of the disease. If the disease progresses pathologically and a large number of lesions are present, doctors recommend surgery.

Ointments for wen - how effective is the treatment?

The use of various ointments to treat fatty growths is quite a popular type of treatment. The effectiveness of such therapy directly depends on the degree of the disease and the individual characteristics of the body. Therefore, it is advisable to talk about timely referral of the patient to a medical institution to make a correct diagnosis.

To determine whether treatment is effective, it is necessary to consider all the obvious advantages and disadvantages of this method. The positive qualities of therapy are:

  • ease of use of drugs;
  • relatively low cost of funds;
  • no interference with the integrity of the skin;
  • the ability to carry out treatment at home, at a convenient time;
  • no scars after treatment.

Despite the significant advantages of conservative therapy, the method has disadvantages. Firstly, you should remember the duration of the procedure. If surgery solves the problem in a few days, then applying creams requires patience. Sometimes treatment lasts several months. Secondly, it is necessary to take into account the fact of the possible degeneration of a lipoma into a malignant tumor. Only in a clinical setting can this phenomenon be confirmed or refuted. It is also worth mentioning the risk of an allergic reaction, which often occurs from treatment with ointments.

Restrictions on use

There are some moments when Vishnevsky ointment is contraindicated for lipoma. It is known that this medicine has miraculous qualities in eliminating this manifestation. If there are some factors that prevent you from using it calmly, then do not be discouraged. It can be replaced with Ichthyol ointment and it will be no worse. We recently looked at what is more effective: Ichthyol ointment or Vishnevsky in one of our articles. Many doctors say that they are very similar in their medicinal effects.

Dermatologists say that the size of the removed wen should not exceed 3 centimeters. If it is more, then you need to consult a doctor for help. It is he who will help you choose an adequate method for its removal.

It must be remembered that under no circumstances should the formation be pierced to speed up the healing effects. This can cause irreparable harm to the body. Its peculiarity is that most of it is located deep to the skin. In this case, the puncture can only serve as an additional route for the penetration of infections and other microorganisms.

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It is also forbidden to crush him. This exposure will in no way speed up the effect of the ointment. Such manipulations can simply negate all treatment. Infection can lead to the development of an inflammatory process. In this case, a benign formation can develop into a malignant one.

In addition, if there is pus, then the same substance can relieve it. The question is often asked about what Vishnevsky ointment helps with wen? She:

  • improves blood flow to the damaged area;
  • normalizes metabolic processes in the skin;
  • improves her general condition.

Its use for some time, even after removal, will avoid a trace of formation.

Remember that after getting rid of this unpleasant formation you will need to consult a doctor. This is explained by the fact that its root is deep and may still remain in the tissues. To avoid a relapse, you need to conduct an examination and eliminate all possible options.

Health to you!

Recommendations for the treatment of wen with Vishnevsky ointment

The composition of balsamic liniment includes a powerful antiseptic - xeroform powder, which can draw out pus located deep under the skin layers. Despite the fact that modern dermatologists are trying to refuse to treat purulent wounds and affected areas of the skin with this ointment, considering it an “old-fashioned method,” people appreciate it for its wide spectrum of action and also prefer it because of its affordable price. In addition to the antiseptic powder, Vishnevsky ointment contains no less effective components for combating subcutaneous fat formations:

  • Castor oil promotes penetration of the active substance to the site and first makes the skin soft.
  • Birch tar stimulates blood flow in tissues located near the damaged area.

The treatment process is not complicated at all. It is enough to apply a thick layer of ointment on a gauze napkin, folded several times, and apply it to the area of ​​the skin where the wen is located. Secure the bandage with the medicine so as to ensure direct effect of the ointment on the lipoma for 10 hours. It will be more effective if the compress is done at night.

The course of treatment for a small wen up to 1 cm is 5 days. This time is enough for it to completely resolve. You will have to suffer for a week with a large wen.

The good thing about using an ointment is that without pain or blood, the active substances contained in it directly affect the formation, open the damaged area and literally, like a “vacuum cleaner,” pull all the fat to the surface without destroying the surrounding tissue.

Healing ointments for wen

At home, you can use medicinal ointments aimed at dissolving or “pulling out” the lipoma.

Vishnevsky ointment. The product with a specific odor is based on purified birch tar. As a result of the irritating effect of the ointment, blood actively flows to the site of accumulation of fat cells; the drug also has an antiseptic effect.

Deep penetration of the active substances of the drug stimulates the removal of sebaceous secretions from the capsule to the surface of the skin. The wound heals quickly without leaving marks on the skin.

Using Vishnevsky ointment - a compress under the bandage. To do this, gauze is soaked in medicine, applied to the surface of the wen, and secured with a piece of plaster. The compress should be left in place for up to 12 hours, after a break a new bandage is formed. After a few days, the contents of the small capsule are absorbed.

Ichthyol ointment. The drug is used against skin infections, relieving inflammation and improving intercellular metabolism. The ointment promotes tissue regeneration and restores blood circulation. Method of using ichthyol ointment - lotion and rubbing into the surface of the wen.

Videstim ointment. The drug from the group of dermatoprotectors is based on retinol. Videstim is effective in the treatment of eczema, skin cracks and all types of dermatitis. The ointment effectively breaks down fats, stimulates protein synthesis and keratinization of the epithelium. Regular use of the drug dries out the wen, as a result of which it disappears.

To effectively remove a wen at home, lightly lubricate it with ointment 2-3 times a day for a long time.

Balm Vitaon. The drug is based on extracts of medicinal plants and camphor. The balm has an anti-inflammatory effect and anti-exudative effect. Vitaon stimulates the removal of the wen out and the rapid healing of the wound.

For 4-5 days, Vitaon balm is applied to the surface of the wen in a thick layer, covered with a bandage on top. The compress should be changed as needed.

Prognosis for treatment of lipomas with pharmaceutical drugs

The prognosis of drug therapy is favorable. Pathological formations resolve within a few months after the start of the course, without affecting the patient’s normal lifestyle.

In severe cases, ointments may not bring the desired effect. In case of inflammation, purulent wen, immediate surgical intervention is necessary.

An important condition for a successful course is timely detection of the problem and going to the hospital to choose treatment tactics.

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