Does peach oil for the face help against wrinkles: reviews and opinions of cosmetologists
When summer comes, I don’t miss the opportunity to enjoy the divine taste of peaches. I know they are not only
Pimples on hands
Watery blisters on the fingers: small, treatment, how to treat
The skin on the hands is most susceptible to external influences. Brushes come into contact with aggressive components and are less protected
Mesobotox: effectiveness of the procedure and technique
These days, cosmetic procedures involving the use of injections have become especially popular. Moreover, they prefer injections
Mole on the left side of the neck
A mole on the stomach or in the navel - meaning and influence on fate
The neck is an open part of the body, which is often exposed to ultraviolet radiation and mechanical damage, which
Reviews from real patients after the DOT rejuvenation procedure
Cosmetology today is actively developing, various methods of rejuvenation and improvement of appearance are being developed. Appear regularly
Acne diet: principles and rules, sample menu, recipes
The text is for informational purposes only. We strongly urge you not to use diets or resort to
Removal of papillomas
Cauterization of papillomas: how it is carried out and what methods are used
Papillomas can be localized in any area of ​​the skin. The most common sites of localization of benign neoplasms
Age-related changes in the lip area
Botox on the forehead: how many injections are needed and how many units of the drug
The consequence of active facial expressions - expressions of surprise, admiration, dissatisfaction - are wrinkles on the forehead and
The use of zinc ointment in cosmetology: fighting facial imperfections
On the Internet you will find many articles on how to lighten age spots at home, advertisements for countless whitening products
Turmeric for the face - a rejuvenating spice for your skin!
Turmeric for the face - a rejuvenating spice for your skin!
Having discovered wrinkles under their eyes, almost every woman wonders how to get rid of them.
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