Itching, rash, discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes of the genital organs

The appearance of women's genitals is individual and unique, almost like fingerprints, and the normal color of the labia varies from pale pink or flesh to dark brown or black. The color of the epidermis in the intimate area may be uneven, when white spots form on the labia on the darker surface. Such cases cannot be regarded as a sign of pathology in all cases. So what can be called normal and what to do if a change in the color of the labia occurs? Let's look at this in more detail.

Itching of the genitals

Itching in the genital area may have the following localization:

  • on the skin of the genital organ (both in individual places and over all surfaces);
  • inside the genital organ (usually accompanied by a burning sensation and other pain, as well as various kinds of pathological discharge);
  • on the head of the penis (may also be accompanied by burning and pain).

The causes of itching can be divided into 3 groups:

  1. External influence (violation of hygiene standards, poor quality of underwear, allergic reactions, stressful situations, mechanical damage, etc.).
  2. Sexually transmitted diseases (male thrush (candidiasis), balanitis (balanoposthitis), trichomoniasis, genital herpes, gonorrhea, ureaplasmosis, etc.).
  3. Diseases of the genitourinary system (urethritis, cystitis, etc.).

What color of the labia is considered normal?

The concept of normal for the color of the labia is very relative. For example, among Europeans, Americans and Scandinavians, red labia prevail, with varying degrees of saturation, from pale to bright pink or brick red. Asians and women from the African region most often have brown labia, ranging from the lightest beige to dark, almost chocolate shades. In most cases, pigmentation is inherited and appears from generation to generation with minor changes.

In some cases, the color of the labia may be heterogeneous:

  • different colors of the right and left labia;
  • there is marbling (two or more colors mixed in the form of small specks);
  • There is uneven coloring with a predominance of one color.

Such “spotting” is also considered normal, especially if the girl was born to parents from different racial groups. We can talk about pathology or deviation from the norm only if pigmentation changes throughout life.

Rash on the genitals

The causes of rashes on the genitals can be very different. Among them, a special group consists of sexually transmitted diseases. In addition to them, the rash can be a consequence of fungal infections, inflammatory, dermatological and oncological diseases.

There are many types of rashes. Let's name the main ones:

  • ulcers containing cloudy liquid;
  • bubbles also containing liquid;
  • erythema (purple spot raised above the skin);
  • chancre (has a rough bottom and hard edges);
  • plaques (small blistering rash);
  • papule (a node rooted deep in the skin, but rising above it at the exit);
  • vesicle (contains liquid, often blood);
  • pustule (has the shape of a vesicle containing pus).

Arteriovenous compression

  • Aorto-mesenteric compression of the left renal vein

Aorto-mesenteric compression of the left renal vein (aorto-mesenteric “tweezers”, nutcracker syndrome, mesoaortic compression syndrome of the left renal vein) is a situation in which the left renal vein is compressed between the aorta and the superior mesenteric artery. This leads to disturbances in the outflow of blood in the left renal vein, expansion and formation of “reverse” blood flow through the left gonadal vein with the formation of symptoms of varicose veins of the female genital organs.

  • May-Turner syndrome

May-Turner syndrome is a situation in which the left common iliac vein is compressed by the right common iliac artery, leading to expansion of the common iliac vein below the site of compression and overflow of the pelvic vessels with venous blood. We also often observe the development of varicose veins - expansion of the left lower limb, the formation of persistent swelling of the soft tissues of the left lower limb and even trophic disorders (pigmentation). Most often, with May-Turner syndrome, varicose veins on the outer labia develop during pregnancy and remain forever after pregnancy (photo).

  • Postthrombotic disease

Quite often one can observe the development of pelvic varicose veins in patients who have previously suffered deep vein thrombosis (especially proximal thrombosis) when there is a residual narrowing of the lumen or complete occlusion of the lumen of the common iliac vein. In this case, the outflow of blood from the pelvic organs is sharply hampered and, as a consequence, the expansion of the lumen of blood vessels and the development of pelvic varicose veins.

  • Venous dysplasia

This is a malformation of the superficial or deep veins that occurs in the early phases of the formation of the vascular system of the embryo in the period from 4 to 8 weeks of intrauterine development. Venous dysplasia leads to the appearance of varicose veins of the minor lips. The diagnosis of dysplasia can be established provided that other causes of dilation of the genital vessels are excluded. Dysplasias look like dense vascular spots that are difficult to empty when squeezed. They resemble tumor-like formations more than dilated varicose veins.

Changes in the color of the skin and mucous membranes of the genital organs

Such color changes can be a consequence of various factors, among which the most common are the following:

  • allergic reactions;
  • venereal diseases;
  • infectious diseases (fungal, bacterial);
  • inflammatory pathologies;
  • violations of hygiene rules;
  • mechanical damage.

Thus, itching, rash, discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes of the genital organs can be a consequence of numerous factors affecting a person, both individually and in various combinations. Naturally, only a urologist can identify them and determine an effective treatment method, and you should contact them immediately if such problems are detected.

Whitening the intimate area using the Deka Mona Lisa Touch laser:

  1. Effective . The result is noticeable after the first procedure!
  2. Safe . Thanks to the use of the latest laser, the genitals are not injured, and there are no complications after the procedure.
  3. Painless . No discomfort during or after the procedure.
  4. Fast . Whitening takes no more than 15 minutes. A total of three procedures are needed with intervals between them of about a month or two.
  5. Long term . The effect after the procedure, as a rule, lasts for life, with the exception of traumatic situations. The laser procedure allows you to get rid of age spots once and for all.

Laser whitening of the intimate area takes place as a regular visit to a gynecologist. You arrive at the clinic, lie down on a chair. The doctor gently inserts the laser into the vagina. There is no discomfort, no pain relief is required. Due to the heating of the tissues of the vaginal mucosa, you only feel warmth and some vibration. The procedure lasts no more than 15 minutes. Besides getting rid of whitening, laser treatment has many other effects! It will also help restore firmness and elasticity to the tissues of the genital organs, making them more toned and beautiful. The laser will not only whiten the skin of the intimate area, but will also restore its beauty and youth!

Diseases and their manifestations

Before treating the labia

, you need to establish an accurate diagnosis. Redness here may indicate the development of:

  • Vulvita;
  • Viral lesions;
  • Candidiasis;
  • Bacterial vaginosis;
  • Infections that are sexually transmitted.

As vulvitis develops, characteristic problems appear in the form of swelling, significant discharge, etc. Roughness appears on the surface of the labia due to enlarged glands, a white coating appears, and malaise is felt.

The causes of primary vulvitis are ignorance of hygiene rules, unexpected overheating of the body or hypothermia, mechanical damage to the mucous membranes, and exposure to drugs. This could be an allergic reaction or hormonal imbalance.

Secondary vulvitis is caused by pathogenic microbes that infect the reproductive system. This is the cause of colpitis, thrush, and endometritis.

Itching, rash and redness of the labia

may indicate infection with the genital herpes virus. After a few days, a certain number of blisters appear, which subsequently turn into ulcers. The appearance of genital warts is a manifestation of papilomapyrus infection. They come in red and pink, single and multiple. A burning sensation and the occurrence of a number of asymptomatic diseases are caused by cytomegalovirus infection.

Another reason for redness of the labia

is the development of candidiasis - thrush. The disease is accompanied by itching and curd-like discharge; the itching intensifies at night. The gray-white color of the discharge is characteristic of bacterial vaginosis. Often the occurrence of these manifestations is a consequence of infection with sexually transmitted infections.

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Postoperative period and recommendations

To prevent early complications, immediately after surgery, bed rest is prescribed for 3–6 hours. After 3-6 hours, after examining the stitches, the doctor sends the patient home with the following instructions:

  • Take prescribed medications;
  • Appear for examination 7-10 days after surgery;
  • Avoid sexual intercourse, baths, saunas, and physical activity for 6-8 weeks;
  • Perform hygienic toileting twice a day;
  • If you have any complaints, consult a doctor immediately.

The result of the operation is assessed after four weeks. By this time, the swelling of the tissues subsides, the labia are leveled and acquire the expected shape and size.

The final healing of the labia minora is completed in 8-10 weeks, by which time restrictions are lifted, including exercise and sexual activity.
Make an appointment

What determines the price of intimate plastic surgery?

The operation involves an operating team, and collective labor cannot be cheap. If we omit this component, the price of labiaplasty will be influenced by the following factors:

  • Type and method of intimate plastic surgery;
  • The degree of technical complexity of this clinical case;
  • Cost of consumables (suture material, fillers, surgical instruments), the better they are, the more expensive they are;
  • Type of anesthesia (anesthesia or local anesthesia);
  • Surgeon's qualifications;
  • Pricing policy of the clinic.

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The materials are intended only for readers over 18 years of age.

The labia minora look different for everyone. There are no standards for beauty or non-beauty in this area. As they say: “There are no comrades according to taste!” Why do some women decide about the need for surgery to change their shape and size?

The main reason why my patients come to me is a general dissatisfaction with the appearance of the labia minora. Feminists argue that men impose these beauty standards on women. Judging by my patients, this is not true; most often this issue is not discussed with sexual partners at all. At the same time, there are a lot of fans of the labia majora and elongated labia minora, so I always recommend talking about this with a man, precisely the one whose opinion is important to you. It must be remembered that it is extremely difficult to enlarge what has been cut off.

Why should you read this?

First of all, this article is intended for women who decide on an operation to remove excess tissue of the labia minora simply based on advertising and imposed information that this is correct. Unfortunately, there is very little information on blogs about the fact that a large labia minora is normal and beautiful for many people. At the same time, there is absolutely no need to feel insecure, shy, it is better to stop and just listen to yourself, understand what exactly you need, and maybe, in a second place, find out what your husband wants, namely a husband, and not a temporary sexual partner . If you are satisfied with everything, then move on with your life, but if not, then before going for an operation, in my opinion, it is advisable to find out the opinion of your loved one.

This article should also be of interest to those who are absolutely convinced of the correctness of the decision made, because the photographs presented, taken in the postoperative period, will show, in my opinion, the most positive and close to ideal result of labiaplasty.

What this area should look like before and after labiaplasty

I’ll just present the anatomy, that is, what should be present and what should not be. The size of the labia minora should ensure the closure of the entrance to the vagina in a non-excited state, and how many centimeters they are is individual. The clitoris should be covered with folds, again at rest; during sex it opens slightly and can be visible. Labiaplasty should also ensure the preservation of these structural features; the labia should not be excessively removed and the clitoris should not be opened, otherwise it is already called “female circumcision” and is an extremely dangerous and harmful procedure.

The folds of the clitoral hood are pulled back with your fingers, and it is exposed; this normally happens only during sex or sexual arousal.

Beautiful labia minora before and after surgery

Clinical case: labiaplasty was performed using the marginal wedge resection technique.

A rather complex clinical case from the point of view of surgical intervention, doubling of folds in the area of ​​the clitoral hood. If you look from top to bottom, you can see three levels, similar to Christmas tree branches, the last of which is the labia minora themselves. A marginal wedge resection and correction of the clitoral hood were performed.

The clinical case is pigmentation and, according to the woman, excessively enlarged labia minora. After giving birth, I was worried about the “opening of the vagina.” A marginal wedge labiaplasty with vaginoplasty and restoration of the pelvic floor muscles was performed. If the scope of the operation was limited only to resection of the labia minora, then the situation with the “gaping” of the vagina would only worsen immediately after the intervention.

So, if these photographs, for example, before the operation seem beautiful to you in different positions or, on the contrary, you like the look of the labia after the intervention more, then this indicates that only you have the right to choose that same aesthetic standard. I repeat, the main thing is that the rules for maintaining anatomical and physiological characteristics are followed. Good luck and successful choice!

Symptoms and complaints of perineal varicose veins

In the classic version, there is a triad of symptoms:

  • Pelvic pain.
  • Varicose veins of the labia and perineum.
  • Dysmenorrhea is a cyclical process, when during menstruation severe pain in the lower abdomen, heavy menstrual bleeding, and menstrual irregularities may appear.
  • With a long course of the disease, the development of dyspareunia is possible - painful sensations in the lower abdomen that occur during or after sexual intercourse. A peculiarity of this symptom is the persistence of pain for at least 30 minutes and up to a day after sexual intercourse.

Indications for labiaplasty

The operation is carried out for medical and aesthetic reasons (the woman’s desire).

Medical indications

Medical indications include situations when a woman complains of physical discomfort:

  • Asymmetry of the labia;
  • Congenital or acquired deformities of the labia;
  • Discomfort when wearing underwear and playing sports;
  • Pain and discomfort during sexual intercourse;
  • Psychological complexes - “Locker room syndrome”.

Aesthetic indications

For aesthetic reasons, the operation is performed for asymmetry, elongation and deformation of the labia minora, as well as if a woman wishes to correct their shape and size.

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Disease prognosis

Varicose veins of the uterus and perineum are not a life-threatening disease. But it is important to note that the quality of life of patients is significantly reduced. In addition to aesthetic discomfort, large perineal phleboectasis can cause painful symptoms during menstruation and complicate sexual life. Sometimes varicose veins become inflamed, causing a lot of physical suffering to patients. You should not count on the therapeutic effect of ointments and tablets - such therapy is not effective, but only eliminating the causes of varicose veins and the venous nodes themselves using sclerotherapy or miniphlebectomy allows one to achieve excellent therapeutic and aesthetic results in all patients. At the Innovative Vascular Center, complete treatment of this disease is possible. We successfully perform endovascular correction of deep vein pathology, eliminate varicose veins of the small pelvis and venous vessels on the genitals.

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