Mesobotox: effectiveness of the procedure and technique

These days, cosmetic procedures involving the use of injections have become especially popular. Moreover, injections are preferred not only by clients, but also by cosmetologists themselves. The measures are aimed at correcting changes in the skin associated with age. In addition, the intervention in the body is not as radical as it could be with the use of surgical techniques. One of the innovative methods of rejuvenation is mesobotox, which combines the principles of standard mesotherapy and botulinum therapy.


What is mesobotox?

Mesobotox is a type of mesotherapy based on the elimination of facial skin defects, including those caused by age-related changes. The procedure is combined and is based on the simultaneous use of mesotherapy and botulinum toxin injections.

Using the technique allows you to:

  • start regeneration processes;
  • improve tissue trophism;
  • restore natural metabolic processes occurring in the skin.

When performing the procedure, beneficial nutrients and a complex of vitamins are introduced, which gives a quick result of rejuvenation.

How does it work, how does the skin change after mesobotox?

Injections are administered into the second layer of the skin (dermis), which contains the so-called skin muscles, which contract and lead to the formation of crow's feet. The impact is on muscle structures, which leads to their relaxation.

The procedure allows you to temporarily stop the contractility of the muscles in the treated area and, thus, eliminate existing wrinkles. In this case, the effect is carried out only on defects that are provoked by facial expressions.

Effect of mesobotox under the eyes

After injections:

  • the skin is smoothed;
  • fine wrinkles and crow's feet disappear;
  • the area under the eyes tightens and becomes elastic;
  • the look becomes more expressive, a fullness effect is formed.

After the procedure, small wrinkles disappear completely, and significant defects become less noticeable. At the same time, facial expressions and other physiological features are preserved.

Operating principle

Some people mistakenly assume that mesobotox is some kind of therapeutic drug. But this is not a drug, but a special innovative technique that will allow you to place a mixture of botulinum toxin and meso-cocktail under the skin. The name “mesobotox” combines two different manipulations, namely botulinum therapy + mesotherapy. The procedure we are considering differs from standard botulinum therapy in that the active substances are introduced not into muscle tissue, but into the skin to a shallow depth. Having passed a couple of millimeters into the upper dermal structures, the product “spreads” inside, influencing individual muscles according to the standard principle: nerve impulses are blocked, preventing muscle tissue from contracting.

The product is injected into the skin to a shallow depth

As a result of this effect, wrinkles are erased, and the deep muscles are not exposed to any influence. That is, the muscle is not directly paralyzed, since the substance affects specific muscle fibers included in the layers of the skin. Using the effect of mesotherapy can significantly improve the condition of the skin, as well as various internal processes.

What effects can you get?

The procedure allows you to get several effects at once. First of all, mesabotox is able to eliminate existing age-related skin changes. Injections also help to achieve a more expressive look, the so-called wide-eyed effect.

Wide eye effect

To achieve a similar effect, it is necessary to perform an intramuscular injection throughout the outer part of the eye. In this case, a high concentration of the drug is used.

After which several more injections are made around the eye and near the nose.

Elimination of expression wrinkles

High concentration injections are used to eliminate facial wrinkles. Punctures are made in the outer parts of the eye at its very border. After this, the entire area around the eyes is treated using standard concentrations.

Similarities and differences between Botox and mesobotox

Mesabotox (a procedure performed under the eyes using only local anesthetics) and Botox differ from each other for many different reasons:

Effects and effects of BotoxEffects and impact of mesabotox
The drug is injected into the deep muscle layersInjections are injected 2 mm into the dermis
Inability to use the product on some areas of the skinCan be used on a variety of areas, including areas potentially hazardous to classic Botox
The effect occurs on the facial musclesDecreased contractility (tone) of muscle fibers
No age restrictionsNot earlier than 30-40 years
Harmful for use in the eye area, but can be used over larger areasCan be used around the eyes, but is not effective in larger areas
Botox can be used for all types of wrinklesMesabotox is highly effective for fine wrinkle type
Highly concentrated solutionThe concentration of the solution is 5 times lower than that of Botox

The similarities between the drugs are the duration of exposure and the effect to be achieved (rejuvenation). The procedure is also similar in execution technique and effectiveness. At the same time, Botox produces a more lasting result that lasts for a longer time.


You can completely get rid of minor wrinkles, and pronounced ones become less noticeable. This mostly applies to the area around the eyes. The skin acquires a healthy color, becomes beautiful, its condition approaches what it was in youth. The processing zones remain as mobile, and a person can easily “use” facial expressions.

In other words, the procedure we are considering is innovative in the field of getting rid of wrinkles. It is optimal even for very delicate skin. Mesobotox allows you to treat areas around the eyes or mouth. The result of the manipulations is smooth and beautiful skin, devoid of any signs of aging. Due to the additional components of the drugs used, it is possible to achieve a healthy skin color, improve blood circulation, and saturate the tissue structures with the necessary nutrients. In addition, the skin again becomes elastic and elastic, as a result of which the appearance is significantly transformed.

Mesobotox can significantly improve the condition of your facial skin.

The standard use of Botox involves getting rid of pronounced wrinkles caused by old age, while small ones remain in place. Thus, for the best result it is necessary to combine both measures. An important factor is that using Botox in any form is much better than more radical plastic surgery.

It is probably not worth strictly reminding that the procedure is carried out only in cosmetology conditions, since every step must be supervised by an experienced specialist. In general, about half an hour is allotted for manipulations. As for the cost, it depends on the specific clinic and may fluctuate. Everything depends on the specifics of the establishment and the drug used. Typically, one dose of an American manufacturer costs approximately 2,500 rubles. You need to know that each person requires an individual dose selection. However, the final cost will still be less than the price of surgery or other major operations involving the correction of wrinkles.

The procedure must be performed in a specialized clinic

Indications for the use of mesobotox under the eyes

This procedure is performed only if there are certain indications and in cases of minor age-related changes. In more complex cases, the effect of the procedure may be completely absent.


  • Early aging of the skin around the eye. Injections are indicated for girls 28-30 years old. During this period, minor wrinkles begin to form in the eye area. The procedure helps prevent early skin aging and maintain the natural appearance of the skin for a longer time.

  • Hyperactivity of facial expressions . Active expression of emotions on the face can lead to the formation of early wrinkles. Mesobotox injections can prevent the appearance of such wrinkles and smooth out existing ones.
  • Type of aging . There are several types of aging, in which wrinkle formation occurs in different ways. The most pronounced is the finely wrinkled type of aging. With it, wrinkles gather into a fine network. Injections can quickly and effectively eliminate such a defect.
  • Presence of swelling . In addition to the procedure, it is necessary to additionally consult with a nephrologist. Perhaps the reason lies in disorders of the renal system.
  • Photoaging . Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays can lead to the formation of early wrinkles.
  • Ptosis is sagging skin. In this case, complex treatment of the pathology is required.

The procedures can also be performed for other changes in the skin under the eyes caused by negative environmental influences - cold, heat, radiation, toxins, unfavorable environmental conditions, stress.

How the session is conducted

For a session of subcutaneous injection of botulinum toxin, you must choose a quality specialist. It is important that he has experience with weakened Botox.

Let's look at how the mesobotox procedure is performed to remove folds around the corners of the mouth (in the smile area):

  1. First, the master cleanses the skin, removing cosmetics, residual secretions and dust from its surface. This is done strictly when using mild disinfectants.
  2. The procedure does not require pain relief - the piercing process itself causes discomfort rather than intense pain.
  3. Afterwards, the specialist dilutes the toxin. Proportions are selected based on individual indications and problems. For example, to smooth out the décolleté area, a higher concentration of the drug is used than to treat the network of wrinkles around the lips. Filorga solution can also be used - this is a ready-made mixture for intradermal exposure.

    Mesobotox technique

  4. To lift the lips, botulinum toxin is diluted in a 50/50 ratio with saline solution. In some cases, a dilution technique with a biorevitalizant is used. This is necessary for additional hydration of the epidermis.
  5. The syringe used for mesobotox is visually no different from the one used to administer regular botulinum toxin. The needle is also similar, with a thickness of up to 0.3 mm. The tip of the needle is inserted just a couple of millimeters under the skin so that when the drug is injected, small pimples appear on its surface.
  6. In this way, the entire problem area is completely worked out. The number of punctures does not count here. The main thing is to fill all the voids under the epidermis.
  7. After the end of the session, the skin is additionally wiped with a sponge with an antiseptic and covered with a protective cream.

Important! Do not try to carry out this procedure yourself, even if you have previously witnessed a session or attended a master class. A cosmetologist who is allowed to work with botulinum toxin undergoes long-term training and must have a medical education.

After punctures


Mesabotox is administered under the eyes only in the absence of certain disorders. Before performing injections, you must consult with a specialist in advance , since the procedure has some limitations that can lead to serious consequences and complications.


  • the presence of chronic diseases occurring in acute form;
  • infectious or viral diseases;
  • neoplasms (malignant and benign tumors);
  • functional disorders of the kidneys and liver;
  • period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • cardiovascular pathologies;
  • autoimmune disorders;
  • diabetes;
  • high tendency to develop bleeding;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • the presence of keloid scars;
  • hypersensitivity to the mixture (cocktail) used.

It is also recommended that those with a high pain threshold and those with mental and nervous disorders avoid the procedure.

What are the contraindications to mesobotox?

Of course, any cosmetic procedure has its contraindications. Despite the fact that almost all methods do not require radical intervention in the body, there is still a small risk of damage to the skin. You should not believe experts who claim that manipulations have no side effects or contraindications. If they are annoyingly trying to impose any procedure on you, you should think about the degree of professionalism of the cosmetologist.

This procedure has contraindications

We list the main contraindications:

  • chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • diseases caused by viruses or infections;
  • cancer diseases;
  • diseases of an autoimmune nature;
  • problems with the heart and blood vessels;
  • period of bearing a baby and breastfeeding;
  • liver and kidney problems;
  • diseases of a dermatological nature;
  • predisposition to keloid scars;
  • intolerance to the components of the product used.

Basically, the procedure is indicated for people after 35 years of age and up to 60. Then there is no need for this event, because mesobotox is not able to hide too strong age-related changes in the condition of the skin.

The procedure is rarely performed for people over 60 years of age.

How many units of the drug will be needed?

The dilution concentration is 1:5 or 1:10. When using classic Botox, the concentration is much higher – 1:2.

To treat the area around the eyes, 5 to 15 units of the drug are administered. In this case, injections are administered at several points. For each point, as a rule, 2 to 4 units of the drug are needed.

Technique 2. Swan neck

The neck is a very difficult area to correct. Mesobotox is perhaps the only remedy that allows you to keep the vagaries of the neck under control.

Neck mesobotox shows good results in combination with classic Botox injections. Mesobotox smoothes out fine wrinkles, removes sagging and tightens the skin. We inject classic Botox into tense areas of the neck muscles and relax them. This is how we eliminate vertical bands of the neck - unsightly vertical areas of excess tension.

The neck is smoothed without surgery.

Preparation for the procedure

Mesabotox requires preparatory measures, including consultation and examination by a specialist. First of all, the doctor examines the patient’s face and palpates, thus determining the structure of the muscle tissue and its mass. Then he examines the eye area and determines the severity of defects (age-related changes).

After this, the specialist asks the patient to perform several simple exercises:

  • close your eyes;
  • open your eyes as wide as possible and raise your eyebrows;
  • make a gloomy expression on your face;
  • smile several times;
  • smile with a strong pulling of the corners of the lips (in the case of a procedure in the lip area);
  • squint.

Then, using a marker, the problem area is marked.

Immediately a few days before the procedure, it is necessary to give up alcoholic beverages, smoking and medications that lead to blood thinning. It is recommended to refrain from consuming food and liquid for several hours.

Progress of the procedure

The whole process is carried out in stages. Strict adherence to injection technique allows you to reduce possible risks of complications and achieve a more pronounced effect.

Progress of the procedure:

  • Preparing the face . The specialist treats problem areas with an antiseptic, which will avoid accidental infection during surgery.
  • Introduction of anesthetic . To treat the problem area, various creams, gels or ointments are used that have a pronounced local anesthetic effect. At the same time, subcutaneous administration of anesthetic drugs is prohibited, since they can provoke vasodilation, which is an obstacle to the uniform distribution of Botox.
  • Preparation of the solution . The main drug must first be diluted with sodium chloride until a homogeneous colorless mass is obtained.
  • Administration of the drug . A needle is inserted into problem areas to a depth of no more than 2 mm. In this case, it is necessary to perform several similar microinjections, depending on the complexity of the problem and the volume of the area. The needle is inserted into the problem area at an angle of 45 0C. This is necessary for better distribution of the solution and to eliminate the risk of the formation of blood droplets or hematomas.

The duration of the procedure is from 20 minutes. up to 1 hour. Treatment of the area around both eyes takes no more than 30 minutes.

How is the procedure done?

Mesobotox is generally carried out in the same way as standard injection mesotherapy. The active substance is injected using a large number of intradermal perforations into the areas in need at a shallow depth. In this case, papules form. After a short period of time, the drug is absorbed, but the nerve impulses going to the muscles are still blocked.

When the product is administered, papules are formed

It is important to remember that mesobotox is not easy to perform, so for this service you need to contact a trusted clinic and a qualified specialist.

Let's list the stages of mesobotox.

The “front of work” is covered with a drug with an analgesic effect. The manipulations themselves do not provoke pain, however, each person may have their own pain threshold, so the sensations may be unpleasant.

Before starting the effect, the drug must be diluted with saline solution. It is sometimes replaced with hyaluronate or nutrient complexes.

The drug is diluted with saline solution, hyaluronate, etc.

The resulting mixture must be placed in areas where there are a large number of small wrinkles. The needle is inserted to a shallow depth; during the injection, small papules appear.

The procedure takes approximately half an hour.

At the end of the event, the client may notice slight discomfort - the skin turns red and swollen, discomfort appears under the eyes, and the marks from the injections are too bright for some time. However, side effects disappear on their own after a couple of days.

Some discomfort may be felt immediately after the procedure

Important! It is important to remember that you will not be able to see immediate results. You will have to wait until the internal processes of skin restoration begin. On average, this takes one and a half weeks, and the maximum effect occurs after two weeks. Maintaining the result is six months or a little more.

What should you do after mesobotox?

Mesabotox (injections under the eyes should be administered extremely carefully and only by an experienced specialist in a certified cosmetology institution) in most cases requires compliance with standard rehabilitation methods.

After the injections, various reactions in the form of redness and swelling may be observed for several days. This effect should go away on its own within 3-5 days.

If other signs appear (irritation, inflammation, increased body temperature), you must immediately contact a specialist, since these symptoms may indicate the development of an infection caused by improper use of mesabotox.

During this period, it is necessary to properly care for your face to avoid complications.

Rules of care:

  • in the first few hours after the procedure, you should be in an upright position - this is necessary for a more uniform distribution of the solution and to prevent vasodilation;
  • use of delicate care products - treatment is carried out extremely carefully using a cotton swab and non-aggressive agents;
  • performing special exercises for facial expressions - performed extremely carefully and strictly in accordance with the instructions of a specialist.

The list of exercises is selected individually based on the treated area.

About the procedure

When the skin begins to age, the first manifestations of this unpleasant process are wrinkles around the eyes, which are also called “crow’s feet.” Deep nasolabial folds catch the eye, and the skin itself ceases to be elastic and loses elasticity. Soft structures undergo ptosis. All of these pathologies are caused by insufficient production of our own collagen, elastin and hyaluronate. The body's regenerative reserves decrease, tissue structures cannot retain moisture for a long time, and metabolic processes in cells deteriorate significantly.

A manipulation such as mesotherapy can correct all these deficiencies caused by age and restore the skin’s ability to regenerate. During the procedure, the cosmetologist injects special cocktails under the skin that contain a complex of vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances that have a positive effect on its condition.

Mesotherapy helps get rid of age-related skin changes

If we talk about botulinum therapy, this event involves the use of botulinum neurotoxin type A. Many people believe that these products erase wrinkles, but such an opinion is just a stereotype. Botox prevents facial muscles from contracting for a certain period of time, paralyzing them. The transmission of impulses that cause muscles to contract stops - and it is precisely because of such movements that wrinkles form. It is worth saying that the drug affects only the immediate area of ​​influence, the remaining parts remain in the same state.

So for what reason is it that the face primarily suffers from age-related skin changes? This is due to the fact that the layer of subcutaneous fat is extremely thin; it is attached directly to the facial muscles. As the muscle moves, the skin “creases” as if it were made of paper.

Wrinkles occur due to active facial expressions

Therapy using Botox could well contribute to the rejuvenation process, but it has some disadvantages that should definitely be taken into account. Alas, the drug gives positive results only when affecting those wrinkles that are provoked by active facial expressions. In addition, manipulations cannot normalize lost volumes, do not provide a moisturizing effect, do not enrich the skin structures with the necessary nutrients, and do not impart firmness and elasticity. Botox also cannot provide permanent results. Everyone knows that after a certain period of time the substance will be eliminated by the body, as a result of which the positive changes will disappear. Therefore, you constantly have to contact cosmetology to repeat the service. Another significant disadvantage of Botox is that the face after it sometimes looks unnatural, like a mask. Many are even embarrassed to leave the house for several days.

Important! Mesobotox is a manipulation that combines only the positive aspects of mesotherapy and therapy with Botox. The procedure eliminates the negative aspects of botulinum therapy, since multiple perforations of the skin occur during the manipulations. A special cocktail and botulinum toxin are used.

Mesobotox combines mesotherapy and botulinum therapy

What is not recommended to do after mesobotox?

After injections, you must adhere to certain rules, violation of which may contribute to the development of complications.

What is prohibited from doing after Mesabotox injections:

  • do not subject the treated skin areas to mechanical impact - touch, scratch, wash;
  • refuse to visit the street;
  • exclude any physical exercise;
  • It is forbidden to sleep on your stomach;
  • stop using decorative cosmetics;
  • Avoid taking medications, especially antibiotics;
  • It is prohibited to visit saunas, swimming pools, baths;
  • It is recommended to refrain from smoking;
  • eliminate the consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • Avoid exposure to the sun, ultraviolet exposure, and avoid visiting solariums.

If these recommendations are followed, the recovery time is significantly reduced. At the same time, the risks of complications or side effects are reduced.

Cuperosis and vascular reactivity of the skin

One of the manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystonia is a feeling of a rush of blood to the face, the so-called vascular reactivity, that is, the reaction (dilation) of blood vessels to the slightest external influences (cold, heat, stress, mechanical impact). This is due to increased N.Vagus tone and stimulation of cholinergic receptors of blood vessels, which leads to their dilation. This condition is a risk factor for the development of rosacea and persistent dilation of blood vessels on the face, which will require long-term treatment. Thus, mesobotox allows you to relieve vegetative tension by blocking the cholinergic (due to acetylcholine) innervation of blood vessels. This simple procedure is an excellent prevention and treatment of rosacea and rosacea.

When is the effect visible after the mesobotox procedure?

Mesabotox (it is most often used under the eyes) has high and rapid results, which manifest themselves just a few days after the injection.

The first results from the procedure can be seen within 3-5 days. The maximum effect is observed 2 weeks after injections.

Photos before and after a course of procedures

Photos before and after a course of mesobotox procedures No. 1

Photos before and after a course of mesobotox procedures No. 2

Photos before and after a course of mesobotox procedures No. 3

How long does the effect last?

The duration of the effect of the procedure varies for each patient. The duration of action depends on the patient’s age, the shape and severity of the defects, as well as the dosage and concentration of the drug used. In most cases, the result lasts for 6-8 months.

The minimum period is at least 4 months. In some cases, the effect lasted for 2 months.

To maintain the effect, injections must be performed systematically. Depending on the result obtained, it is recommended to undergo the procedure every 3-6 months. Moreover, each time the effect will be more pronounced and lasting.

Reviews about the procedure

Olga, Orenburg

“For me, such a procedure as mesobotox turned out to be quite new. I didn’t think that botulinum therapy and mesotherapy could be combined. I had done both of these procedures before, but at different times, so I really liked this approach. Actually, the effect was also pleasantly surprising. Not only have the wrinkles gone, but the skin has become more hydrated, fresh, and brighter. This can't help but rejoice! I will definitely go through the course of procedures again when the effect of the previous one wears off (and, by the way, it lasts for a long time, it seems to me).”

Clients like the effect of the course of procedures

Ksenia, Irkutsk

“I really like the mesobotox treatment courses. This is the third time I've done them, and every time I admire my appearance. The effect lasts for me for 10 months, towards the end it, of course, subsides a little. But this doesn’t upset me at all, because I look just great. I have not seen such an effect from other procedures, although they also seem quite good to me. I recommend!”

Is it possible to combine Botox and mesobotox?

Botox does not affect the dermis itself and does not cause various changes in it. Mesabotox helps improve metabolic reactions occurring in the skin. At the same time, the procedure helps restore blood microcirculation and increases the level of elastin and collagen production.

Both procedures can be used with a short break (rehabilitation period), since they have different areas of application, indications and depth of drug administration. Mesabotox is not able to cope with significant defects, while the first type of therapy is used only in the presence of noticeable age-related changes.

Before the procedures, it is recommended to first consult with a specialist who will help establish the necessary break between them and give additional recommendations that will allow you to avoid or reduce the risks of interaction between injections.

Cost of the procedure

We will indicate the cost of the mesobotox procedure in different cities of Russia. It is important to note that such a procedure should only be performed by a specialist in order to avoid various complications or lack of results. It is recommended to first study reviews of clinics and specialists and contact an institution that has many positive reviews.

CityCost of one procedure
Moscow5200 rub.
Saint Petersburg4900 rub.
Samara5000 rub.
Rostov-on-Don4500 rub.
Vladivostok4000 rub.
Sochi4200 rub.
Makhachkala3600 rub.

Price of the procedure

The cost of the procedure depends on the areas being treated, the number of units of the drug and the specific clinic providing such services. Average prices for services in Moscow and the Moscow region for 15 units of solution vary between 4000-5000 rubles. In some clinics, the cost of the procedure can reach 10,000 rubles. depending on the area being treated.

Before performing mesabotox, it is recommended to first consult with several specialists (allergist, dermatologist, cosmetologist, endocrinologist) and read the reviews of patients who have already undergone correction of defects in the eye area. You can find out the exact cost of the procedure at any cosmetology center that provides such services.

Cons of the procedure

Although the advantages of mesobotox are obvious, it also has a number of disadvantages.

  1. The procedure does not allow to get rid of very deep wrinkles, so clients often have to use a complex of manipulations.
  2. Cannot be used in those areas of the face where wrinkles are not caused by facial expressions. These are the cheeks or chin.
  3. The result does not last too long: after just six months, wrinkles may return, as a result of which you have to repeat the course.

This procedure also has its disadvantages.

Alas, in some cases unexpected complications can be caused by incorrect actions of the cosmetologist. For example, he may calculate the dose incorrectly or insert the needle incorrectly. Because of this, clients sometimes suffer from drooping eyelids or eyebrows. To protect yourself from such troubles, you should carefully read the reviews about a particular specialist and cosmetology clinic.

It is no secret that a very important nuance of any cosmetic procedure is the preservation of the client’s facial features, since the appearance of each person is unique and inimitable. So this issue must be approached responsibly. It is important to ensure that the client can freely “use” facial expressions, and his facial expression and other specific features are not distorted. In case of careless actions or excessive desires, a person may become completely different in appearance. If you are too zealous in your attempts to remove wrinkles, you can lose your old face and those unique features that were unique to you. Is beauty worth such sacrifices?

It is important that the procedure is carried out by an experienced specialist - then complications will not arise

In other words, the cosmetology field puts in the first place the importance of preserving the client’s natural facial expressions and the mobility of his facial muscles. After all, it is still better if the face is covered with wrinkles, but the person will be able to convey emotions with the help of facial expressions. The absence of any facial movements not only does not look good on anyone, it can also scare others away.

Of course, any specialist always listens to the client’s opinion, but if a person wants something supernatural, then he needs to give him advice and explain the consequences. We can say that in the field of cosmetology there was a need to create a technique that would effectively remove facial wrinkles, but would not harm the client’s natural facial expressions. Mesobotox is exactly the desired way to get rid of wrinkles.

Mesobotox allows you to effectively remove wrinkles without harming facial expressions

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