Solid oil for medical applications
Solidol for psoriasis: medicinal properties, recipes, reviews
From its introduction until the end of the 20th century, Solidol grease was extremely popular.
boil in the groin in men
Furuncle in the groin in men: description with photos, causes and methods of treatment
Boils in the groin in men are a common disease. These neoplasms can appear absolutely in
Clinical guidelines for the treatment of psoriasis vulgaris
July 29, 2020 Vulgar psoriasis is also called simple, ordinary. This is the most common form of the disease
Hernia under the eyes
Bags under the eyes: a weight you don't need to carry around with you
Aesthetic plastic surgery in the eyelid area is one of the most popular plastic surgeries, since
How to use essential oils for your face at home
Essential oils are oil-like volatile substances that tend to evaporate. They don't have
How to get rid of moles on the face from a cosmetologist, methods at home
Small marks in the form of moles and birthmarks sometimes add charm, and sometimes deliver
Furuncle on the female breast: causes, symptoms and effective treatment
A boil is a purulent inflammation of the hair follicle and surrounding layers of skin. Boil on chest
Making a blue clay mask
Blue clay for hair: reviews and recommendations for use
A generous natural gift that came from antiquity and is easy to use, unique in its benefits.
Gout: symptoms and treatment
Treatment of a growth on a finger joint in Moscow
Gout is a chronic disease that is accompanied by an increase in the concentration of uric acid in the blood. As a result
Coral peeling Rose de Mer from Christina - my experience and impressions
Composition of the product According to the manufacturers, the composition of the coral peeling from “Christina” includes 4 main
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