Bags under the eyes: a weight you don't need to carry around with you

Aesthetic plastic surgery in the eyelid area is one of the most popular plastic surgeries, since it is in this area of ​​the face that most of the obvious cosmetic defects occur. A lower eyelid hernia is a fairly common visual defect for which cosmetic intervention is indicated. Currently, effective operations are being carried out to remove hernias under the eyes using the most modern and low-traumatic technologies.

What is a hernia under the eyes

In order to understand what a hernia under the eyes is, you need to know a little about the anatomy of the human eye. The eyes are protected from the adverse effects of the environment and injury by eyelids - thin folds of delicate skin. Under the lower eyelid there are membranes filled with adipose tissue - they act as a kind of airbag for the eyeball. When, for some reason, microholes appear in the membrane, the fatty tissue penetrates directly under the skin of the eyelid - this is how hernias form under the eyes.

It is important to distinguish a real hernia under the eyes from ordinary bags, traditional companions of fatigue, lack of sleep and health problems. Visually, hernias in the infraorbital area look like extra, rather voluminous folds in the area of ​​the lower eyelids. You can distinguish hernias from skin bags under the eyes that are not yet filled with fatty tissue using a simple test: lightly press on the eyeball. If hernias have formed under the eyes, and not bags, then the swelling will slightly increase in size.

The best ways to remove bags and shadows under the eyes

Dermal radio wave optical thermolysis (DROT) is an innovative technique based on the action of a fractional laser and radio frequency radiation. Thus, DROT is an optimal combination of Fraxel and Thermage procedures.

Removal of baggy sagging skin under the eyes is achieved thanks to a powerful tightening. With the help of a laser, dead cells are evaporated, their place is taken by new fibroblasts, which, under the influence of RF radiation, begin to actively produce collagen. At the same time, collagen fibers are compacted. The skin is tightened and its structure improves.

Isogei is myostimulation using the exclusive VIPLineIsogei device, which increases the tone of the eye muscles and eliminates their sagging. This effect is achieved through the action of alternating current, which causes muscle contractions as in gymnastics. As a result, the muscles are tightened and the bag-like sagging disappears.

Biorevitalization is an injection method. Injections of preparations based on hyaluronic acid improve skin hydration, increase its firmness, elasticity and turgor, have a rejuvenating effect, and improve metabolic processes.

Botox injections help eliminate fine expression lines (“crow’s feet”) that usually accompany bags and circles under the eyes.
These procedures allow you to make your face more youthful and restore its healthy, rested appearance. The effect of their use comes quickly, and the results, if you follow the recommendations of our specialists, will last for a long time!

Causes of fatty hernias under the eyes

Depending on the causes of hernias under the eyes, this cosmetic defect can be observed both in young people (20 years old) and in older people as a result of age-related changes in the body. In any case, regardless of its origin, lower eyelid hernias can be corrected surgically. The most common reasons causing this defect include the following external and internal factors:

  • features of the individual anatomical structure of the eye;
  • the result of natural aging;
  • exposure to ultraviolet radiation and unfavorable ecology;
  • increased visual load;
  • eye diseases;
  • alcohol abuse, smoking;
  • regular lack of sleep, fatigue, prolonged stress;
  • hormonal disorders, blood circulation disorders;
  • decreased density and ptosis of the membrane structure of the lower eyelids.

Under general anesthesia or local anesthesia?

I always perform this operation under general anesthesia.

I have repeatedly heard from my patients about surgeons who limit themselves to local anesthesia during facial plastic surgery.

Personally, I consider this type of anesthesia impossible due to the technical features of the procedure. During sutureless lower eyelid surgery, the surgeon retracts the lower eyelid with a special tool. This manipulation may cause anxiety in the patient, since sensitivity to actions remains during local anesthesia. Any reaction of the patient can affect the actions of the doctor. One inaccurate movement and the result can be ruined.

Ways to eliminate hernias under the eyes

When lower eyelid hernias form, aesthetics suffer first of all - visually the face looks tired and sad, it seems several years older. The physiology of the infraorbital area is also disrupted - lymph is retained and accumulated in the tissues, nutrition of the eye muscles becomes difficult, adipose tissue can block the path of tear fluid. Therefore, the optimal option is a surgical solution to the problem at the Center for Aesthetic Laser Medicine, restoring facial aesthetics and maintaining health - removal of a lower eyelid hernia.

The main method of removing hernias under the eyes is lower blepharoplasty, which can be performed in several different ways. The most modern, effective and low-traumatic method is laser blepharoplasty of the lower eyelids, which is completely safe for the patient. The operation is performed using a laser beam, which prevents bleeding and postoperative hematomas. With the traditional technique of performing the operation with access through the outer side of the lower eyelid, a minimal incision is made. It is located in an inconspicuous place, for example, along the edge of the lower eyelashes.

In addition to conventional lower blepharoplasty, there is also transconjunctival blepharoplasty, which is performed through an incision in the conjunctiva - the inner surface of the lower eyelid. This is one of the most advanced methods of getting rid of hernias, allowing you to directly remove all excess fatty tissue. The main advantage of this method of surgical correction of fatty bags under the eyes is the complete absence of visible scars on the eyelids. Transconjunctival lower blepharoplasty guarantees a completely natural appearance without cosmetic side effects.

The choice of surgical technique is made by the doctor himself, based on the wishes of the patient, the initial problem and the individual characteristics of the eyelid structure. In order to perform blepharoplasty, both local and general anesthesia can be used - the choice is also made by the doctor, taking into account the general state of health and the wishes of the patient (some may be frightened and provoke stress by manipulations performed close to the eye - in this case, you can choose full anesthesia) . Before surgery to remove hernias under the eyes, you must undergo all standard tests. The procedure itself is performed on an outpatient basis and does not require hospitalization.

How is surgery without stitches possible?

The secret to correcting the lower eyelids without applying suture material is to work from the inside of the eyelid - through the conjunctiva of the eyes. The conjunctiva is the thin membrane that lines the back of the eyelids and the eyeball. The surgeon makes an incision not on the skin, as happens during classic blepharoplasty, but from the mucous membrane. The wound is very thin. The eyelid serves as a natural barrier to prevent infection.

No visible traces of intervention remain. This is the main advantage of this technique.

Recommended colors and techniques

The choice of eye shadow color for the looming eyelid directly depends on the shade of the eyes. But no less attention should be paid to the finish. Matte shadows are the most optimal makeup option for small eyes with drooping upper eyelids. Under no circumstances should you use a pearlescent coating; it will “blur” your look and even visually make your eyes appear smaller.

When creating makeup with colorful shades, the shadows should be carefully shaded beyond the eyelid.

You need to be extremely careful with bright shades, especially neon shadows. Despite the fashionability of this option, makeup artists strongly recommend that girls with drooping eyelids avoid makeup with such options. Only a professional can perform high-quality makeup with rich neon shades.

How to paint eyelashes with drooping eyelids?

Before you start tinting your eyelashes, you need to decide on the choice of mascara that is suitable for makeup with a drooping eyelid. In this case, an option with a waterproof effect would be ideal.

Using waterproof mascara is extremely important. Due to the fact that the drooping eyelid is quite close to the moving eyelid and directly to the eyelashes themselves, contact with mascara leaves marks on it. Such marks spoil the overall makeup look and look unaesthetic.

It is better to choose mascara with a lengthening effect. Lush and long dark eyelashes distract attention from the looming upper eyelid, drawing it towards the shade of the eyes. It is better to apply this mascara in two or three layers to consolidate the effect. On the contrary, silicone-based mascara should not be applied more than once.

It is better to avoid tinting the eyelashes on the lower eyelid, as this will make the look heavier. The exception is some make-ups that use eyeliner with shimmer or highlighter. In this case, the lower eyelashes should be dark to create the desired look. For the lower eyelid, it is better to choose mascara in natural brown shades.

You can open your eyes by rolling your eyelashes with a tong or curler. It is recommended to fix the curl of the eyelashes with a brush or special transparent mascara, and only then apply regular mascara.

False eyelashes are even encouraged in makeup when the upper eyelid is drooping. They should be selected according to the length of your natural eyelashes, and after gluing, you need to carefully paint them at the base to give natural eyelashes a similar shade. For this technique, a regular brush for combing eyelashes and eyebrows with short bristles is useful.

Pay attention to eye color

For brown eye makeup

with a drooping upper eyelid, lilac, emerald and blue-blue shades are suitable. Brown, golden and black shadows using the smokey eye technique will ideally emphasize the depth of the look.

Green eyes

You should select shadows from the purple color range, mainly purple nuances or shades of burgundy. A great evening makeup option would be a smokey eye done in khaki shades.

Create an illusionary haze around blue or gray eyes

You can use shadows in gray and light brown colors. And shades of coral, rose or sky will help you create a wonderful daytime make-up using the relief technique.

Before applying makeup for the looming eyelid, do not forget about eye color. By choosing the right shades of eyeshadow, you can achieve an impressive effect with a simple accent on your eyes.

How to prepare for surgery

Before lower transconjunctival blepharoplasty, the patient prepares according to the standard scenario.

Tests to be taken

  • Clinical blood test
  • Biochemical blood test (total protein, urea, creatinine, bilirubin (total), ALT, AST, glucose, potassium, sodium)
  • Coagulogram (INR, prothrombin, bleeding time, clotting time)
  • Blood test for RW (syphilis), HIV
  • Hbc
  • antigen+anti HCV (hepatitis B, C)
  • Blood group, Rh factor
  • General urine analysis
  • ECG (electrocardiogram) with interpretation

It is advisable not to perform sutureless blepharoplasty during menstruation. The amount of bruising may increase.


You need to be prepared for swelling and bruising after the intervention. After 6-12 days, the face returns to normal.

How to care for your eyes:

  • compresses from green tea bags several times a day for a week
  • using antibacterial drops
  • to reduce swelling and hematomas, use “Troxevasin gel” or “Badyaga” cream
  • do not strain your eyes, do not work at the computer for several days after surgery

Video from the operating room

Seamless blepharoplasty, price

You can view photos before and after the procedure on the website. The cost of seamless blepharoplasty depends on the reasons for the patient’s request, the level of complexity of the work, the type of method used, and the length of stay in the hospital.

The price of seamless blepharoplasty consists of the following services:

  • operation,
  • anesthesia,
  • stay in the clinic

If you want to undergo seamless eyelid blepharoplasty in Moscow or get the necessary information, call +7 (985) 570-71-71 or through the online form. To learn more about the specifics of the procedure, indications and contraindications, sign up for an in-person consultation with a plastic surgeon.

Eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty)Price
Upper blepharoplasty60 000
Lower classic blepharoplasty70 000
Lower transconjunctival blepharoplasty80 000
Lower blepharoplasty with fat redistribution and myopexy90 000
Blepharoplasty of the upper and lower eyelids (circular blepharoplasty)130 000
Volumetric blepharoplasty of the upper and lower eyelids150 000

Looking at the shape of the eyes

Drooping eyelids are especially characteristic of Asian faces, but they are also quite common in European faces. However, makeup for each person differs in the shade of skin, eyes, and hair.

For Asian women, the most advantageous makeup option will be techniques that include arrows, especially shaded ones. Of the techniques, preference should be given to a contrasting option, including the two lightest and darkest shades from the palette, for example, smokey ice or bird's wing.

Of the colors suitable for makeup for Asian eyes with drooping eyelids, it is better to choose:

  • Light grey;
  • Dusty;
  • Black;
  • Purple;
  • Dark pink;
  • Chocolate.

It is recommended to resort to tricks like an “artificial fold” - for Asian women, and a play of light and shadow, which combines warm and cold tones of shadows - for a European type of face.

For the European type of face, a larger number of techniques and shades are suitable. You can choose a relief method of applying shadows, smokey eye, butterfly or loop. Naturally, each technique must be performed flawlessly to hide imperfections.

Color palette of shadows for the impending eyelid and European type:

  • Violet;
  • Emerald;
  • Brown;
  • Golden;
  • Black;
  • Smoky;
  • Nude.

Lipsticks for each type are selected in accordance with the shade of eye shadow, skin tone, hair and eye color, as well as in compliance with the basic rule of any makeup: highlight only the eyes, or only the lips.

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