The initial stage of psoriasis on the hands
10 skin diseases you've never heard of
Author: Grachev Ilya Illarionovich Editor: Efremov Mikhail Mikhailovich Date of publication: 09/25/2018 Date
Acne remedies for teenagers
What hormonal contraceptives help with acne?
Causes of acne In the female body, the ovaries and adrenal glands produce androgens - male ones.
Drugs for seasonal allergies in spring: pharmacological features. Table of drugs
Seasonal allergies: systemic impact The allergy season in Russia begins in mid-April (plus or minus by
Atheroma: varieties, why it develops
Atheroma behind the ear, atheroma of the earlobe - causes, symptoms, treatment
Pathology is included in the list of neoplasms that arise in the area of ​​the pilosebaceous apparatus of the dermis. Atheroma is
gender change
Results of surgical gender reassignment for a patient with transsexualism
Gender change First of all, people who changed gender went through a large amount of preliminary training. Before
How to get rid of wen on the face at home. Causes
How to get rid of wen on the face at home. Causes
What is a wen? A wen, or, as it is also called, a lipoma, is a collection of
Almond grains
Castor oil: composition, application, doctor's opinion
Castor oil has many benefits. It is used in its pure form, added to lotions and
hives in a child photo
Skin disease urticaria: photos, symptoms, treatment
Urticaria is a skin disease associated with the appearance of an allergic rash. By shape and size
Burenka cream reviews
Cream "Burenka": description, composition, instructions for use, reviews from specialists and customers
Description Cream from is a universal remedy that I have probably used at least once.
Inguinal dermatophytosis: etiology, clinical picture, modern treatment options
In all countries of the world, superficial mycoses of the skin (SMS) are an urgent interdisciplinary problem. They register
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