Xeomin or Botox? How to choose the best from the best?

Wrinkles? No reason to be sad! Express your emotions freely, laugh heartily! Don't worry about crow's feet and wrinkles on your face showing your age. Botulinum therapy will help with this. An injection technique that “blocks” excessive muscle contraction and, accordingly, “treats” facial wrinkles.

Interestingly, botulinum therapy is popular not only among women, but also among men. According to the World Association of Cosmetologists, compared to 2000, the number of men resorting to Botox injections has increased by 33.7%.

How does the procedure work and what is the secret of the technique?

First, the doctor will examine you - assess the tone and strength of facial expressions, the condition of the skin and the severity of facial wrinkles, taking into account your age. Then you need to make manipulations with facial expressions, for example, frown or smile. The doctor will determine the places where the drug should be injected and the exact dosage.

The specialist will treat the skin with an antiseptic. Using a thin sterile needle, the drug is injected into the necessary facial muscles. In our Clinic we use Botox, Dysport, Xeomin.

The essence of the technique is that at the injection site the drug blocks neuromuscular impulse transmission. The muscles relax and the skin smoothes out. When a new signal enters the muscle, it does not respond. Doesn't shrink, doesn't wrinkle. The result is smooth, even skin regardless of facial expressions.

At the end, the doctor will again treat the skin with an antiseptic. The effect will appear in 2-3 days and will be maximum in 10-14 days. The result lasts 3-6 months.

Duration of 1 session: 15-40 minutes. Recommended course: according to indications. Frequency: according to indications. The effect is noticeable after: 1 procedure. Side effects: none.

Xeomin or Botox? How to choose the best from the best?

Even those who have never resorted to the services of cosmetologists have a rough idea of ​​what botulinum therapy is. For many, injections of youth have become as commonplace as cutting and styling hair.

It is also known that not only the well-known Botox is used for anti-aging injections, but also new drugs with a similar effect, such as Xeomin. A logical question arises: Xeomin or Botox – how to choose? How are these tools similar and do they have any fundamental differences?

Xeomin and Botox: composition, scope of application

In both the first and second cases, the main component of the drug is the waste product of the microorganism Clostridium botulinum. However, Xeomin uses a pure neurotoxin produced in vitro by the Clostridium botulinum type A strain, while Botox is formulated with a purified neurotoxin complex, botulinum toxin type A.

The principle of action of both drugs is identical. But since Xeomin contains a pure neurotoxin, the protein and antigenic load on the body when used is practically reduced to zero.

For those who have decided to use botulinum therapy for the first time, you need to know that both Xeomin and Botox have all the necessary certification and permission for use in the field of aesthetic medicine. How to choose one or another drug primarily depends on the specific problem that needs to be solved at the moment.

So, Botox copes better with the following tasks:

  • Wrinkles in the corners of the mouth and around the lips.
  • Wrinkles on the neck and chin area.
  • Ptosis.
  • Facial asymmetry.
  • Hyperhidrosis.

The use of Xeomin is recommended in cases where it is necessary to eliminate:

  • Horizontal frontal folds.
  • Wrinkles on the bridge of the nose between the eyebrows.
  • Crow's feet" on the outer corners of the eyes.
  • Fine wrinkles on the face and neck.
  • Nasolabial folds.
  • Radial wrinkles around the mouth.

Eyelid lifting
Of course, these are not all the differences between Xeomin and Botox. Continuing further comparison, several important conclusions can be drawn.

Xeomin and Botox: differences

Botox contains complexing proteins that stabilize the pharmacokinetic effect of botulinum toxin in living tissues. But these same proteins are capable of triggering the body’s immune response to a foreign element.

That is, when using Botox, there is a risk of an allergic reaction and the development of infectious and inflammatory processes on the skin. Xeomin contains no protein compounds. Consequently, the likelihood of unpleasant side effects is eliminated by almost 100%.

Since there is no protein component in Xeomin, the patient's immune system will not produce antibodies to the new pharmaceutical drug. In this regard, the reaction of “addiction” or insensitivity to Xeomin is excluded. In the case of Botox, such risks, although insignificant, still exist.

The sizes of the molecules of Xeomin and Botox are different - Botox has larger ones, Xeomin has smaller ones. Consequently, the degree of diffusion (penetration) of them into tissues is also different. But due to the fact that the ability of Xeomin molecules to be attracted to muscle receptors is much higher, they migrate much less to neighboring tissues.

In practice, this means that a side effect of using Botox can be sagging tissue or impaired facial expressions. There is virtually no such risk when using Xeomin.

You can also choose Xeomin or Botox based on dosage. Since the diffusion of Xeomin molecules is much weaker, this means that the volume of the drug will need to be administered much less to achieve the desired effect.

Botox must be stored and transported under certain temperature conditions. If they are violated, the effectiveness of the drug decreases significantly, and the effect of the procedure either becomes minimal or completely absent. With Xeomin there is no such problem, since its storage conditions are not so strict and the active substance remains unchanged at temperatures up to + 25ºC.

Facial scar removal

As you can see, Xeomin has many more advantages compared to Botox. The only disadvantages include the fact that this drug cannot be used in the treatment of hyperhidrosis, as well as the fact that the effect of using Xeomin is less durable. The achieved result lasts for 3-4 months, while the effect of Botox lasts at least six months.

In any case, the decision to use a particular drug is made by a cosmetologist. This is an important point, because when choosing Xeomin or Botox, a specialist is guided by such data as the amount of work, the essence of the problem being solved, the desired effect of the procedure, the patient’s age, the presence of any contraindications, etc.

Photos “BEFORE” and “AFTER” Dysport injections

How to check the manufacturer of the drug?

The drug Dysport. How to check the quality of the drug?

We use the original drug Dysport - produced by Ipsen, France. Dysport (like all botulinum toxins) is a medicinal product and is subject to mandatory labeling. You can check the authenticity of the drug in the Honest Sign mobile application. You can learn more about this in this article: Dysport. Check quality

Why do our clients love the Dysport procedure so much?

  • Effective smoothing of facial wrinkles between the eyebrows, forehead and corners of the eyes
  • Results in one procedure
  • The effect of the procedure is already 2-5 days
  • Maintaining results for several months
  • Natural facial expressions without the “mask effect”
  • Super price for the procedure according to the current promotion
  • Free consultation with a cosmetologist on the day of the procedure

Price for botulinum toxin injections (Botox, Dysport)

PROMOTION! Price per unit of Dysport = 75 rubles (instead of 130 rubles)!

The exact cost of the procedure is calculated by the doctor during consultation based on the number of units of the drug.

Approximately by zone you will get:
  • Interbrow 1700-2200rub (instead of 4500rub)
  • Forehead 1700-2200r (instead of 4500r)
  • Eye area 2500-3500rub (instead of 4500rub)

Make an appointment with a cosmetologist

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Results of the New Year's Raffle

How long does the effect last after the procedure to eliminate wrinkles in the forehead, eyebrows and eyes?

The result is visible from 4 to 6 months after the first procedure. If you decide to prolong your youth again, the effect after the second procedure will be longer. The drug has a special effect on some patients; their muscles refuse to tone after 4-6 months, so the effect can last up to 1 year.

For more information or to make an appointment, call us:


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The Absolut Med clinic is open daily from Monday to Saturday from 10.00 to 21.00.

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