What hormonal contraceptives help with acne?

Causes of acne

In the female body, androgens are produced in the ovaries and adrenal glands - male sex hormones. During puberty, they begin to grow first due to stimulation of the ovaries by follicle-stimulating hormone. The precursor of most steroids is androstenedione, which is later metabolized into testosterone and female sex hormones; with a lack of androgens, normal estrogen synthesis is impossible. Male sex steroids, when in excess, have the following effects:

  • promote hair growth;
  • increase skin greasiness;
  • activate metabolism;
  • lead to deepening of the voice;
  • stimulate hair loss.

Skin rashes can appear at any age. But acne is not always associated with increased androgen levels. Often in patients, the concentration of hormones remains within normal limits. In this case, acne and oily skin are associated with increased sensitivity of peripheral tissues to male steroids or with accelerated conversion of androstenedione to more active testosterone. To improve the condition, doctors prescribe hormonal acne medications.

Attention! Acne and hirsutism may be only the first symptom of severe metabolic disorders. Many women, due to hyperandrogenism, have disrupted menstrual cycles, hair loss, infertility, and obesity.

My child does not have inflammation, but there are “black spots” and an oily sheen on the skin. Does it need to be treated?

If there is a clear tendency to acne and the formation of comedones - “blackheads” and white non-inflammatory nodules, which are often localized on the skin of the forehead and nose, a more active effect is recommended. It is strictly unacceptable to take a wait-and-see approach, otherwise soon the “nodules” and “dots” will turn into red inflammatory elements, and then into purulent ones. In this case, we recommend that teenagers wash themselves with Seracin cleansing gel and wipe the skin with Seracin lotion twice a day. After each cleansing, Seracin mattifying cream should be applied to the skin. Lotion for deep cleansing of pores helps reduce the number of open comedones - AHA acids in its composition gently exfoliate the cells of the stratum corneum of the skin, and Sulfur in a bioavailable form regulates the activity of the sebaceous glands. Mattifying cream Seracin has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal activity and in a short time is able to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and restore metabolism in the skin. It is worth paying attention to the cosmetic mattifying effect of this cream - it significantly reduces the appearance of oily skin.

When do birth control pills help against acne?

Birth control pills help against acne in cases where their appearance is associated with absolute or relative hyperandrogenism. In the first case, oral contraceptives can improve the ratio of sex steroids, and in the second, reduce their active effect on receptors in peripheral tissues. But the indications are not limited to this; tablets for common acne and acne can be used in the following conditions:

  • in adolescents with severe rashes on the body, unless the role of demodex mites in the formation of acne is confirmed;
  • in women of reproductive age, if acne appears due to the use of oral contraceptives without antiandrogenic action;
  • during menopause with increased levels of male steroids;
  • with polycystic ovary syndrome.

But for tumors of the adrenal glands or ovaries, adrenogenital syndrome, the drug Androcur is prescribed, which is sometimes combined with birth control pills to improve the effect of acne treatment.

My child has skin inflammations. What to do?

If inflammatory elements have already arisen, and if there are few of them, then in addition to the remedies listed above, it is possible to use Seracin active cream with anti-inflammatory ingredients. The optimally selected composition of the product allows you to eliminate visible elements of acne in a few days. Girls can also use Seracin CC cream. It helps relieve inflammation and disguise imperfections. It is important to note the ability of this product to control the secretion of sebum at the cellular level, while the natural moisturizing components in the Seracin CC cream restore the skin’s hydrobalance, disturbed due to dermatological treatment.

If the disease has taken an uncontrolled course, immediately contact a dermatologist who will assess the clinical stage of the disease, prescribe additional examination and timely treatment using external and, possibly, systemic medications.

Mechanism of action of birth control pills for acne

Hormonal pills help women against acne due to the gestagenic component. Estrogens included in the drug do not affect the condition of the skin. Most modern gestagens have low androgenic activity and do not cause an increase in male hormones. The following progestins have a pronounced ability to suppress the activity of androgens:

  • cyproterone;
  • dienogest;
  • drospirenone;
  • chlormadinone.

The mechanism of action of contraceptives in acne is associated with a decrease in the level of an enzyme that is involved in the conversion of androstenedione to testosterone. They also increase the amount of peptide in the blood that binds steroids and makes them inactive. Additionally, they reduce tissue sensitivity to androgens.

Pros and cons of acne pills

Hormonal contraceptives are used to treat acne, but they have contraindications for use and therefore cannot be prescribed independently. Only a doctor can take into account the woman’s health condition, age and choose the right remedy . The disadvantage of using hormones is that if the contraceptive is chosen incorrectly, there is a high probability of unwanted effects:

  • pain and engorgement of the mammary glands;
  • mood swings;
  • scanty periods or their absence;
  • heavy bleeding, spotting in the middle of the cycle;
  • headache;
  • vaginal dryness;
  • decreased libido.

The positive side of birth control pills is that it is impossible to get pregnant while treating acne. For women with menstrual irregularities due to hyperandrogenism, they allow them to normalize the phases and restore the cyclicity of the ovaries.

Popular birth control pills for acne

Hormonal contraceptives for acne differ in composition and dosage. In addition to various gestagenic components, they contain estrogen in an amount of 20 to 30 mcg. Modern contraceptives include a minimal amount of sex hormones, which reduces the risk of severe side effects. But each woman’s sensitivity to drugs is different, so unwanted reactions may occur. In this case, the doctor must change the contraceptive pill.


The drug contains drospirenone 3 mg and ethinyl estradiol 0.02 mg. The package contains 28 tablets, the last 4 are inactive and do not contain hormones. They are necessary to maintain the regimen. This way, the woman will not forget that the pack of contraceptives has run out and she needs to start a new one the next day.

Jess can also be taken continuously. To do this, do not take the last 4 tablets, and start a new package the next day after 24. You can continue this way for up to 120 days, after which you take a break for 7 days.

Jess relieves well psycho-emotional, vegetative-vascular disorders, breast engorgement and other symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.

Birth control pills are recommended for young nulliparous girls and women of reproductive age for contraception and the treatment of acne. The cost of packaging for a month is from 1024 rubles.


Yarina contains drospirenone 3 mg and ethinyl estradiol 30 mcg. The components of the product do not affect metabolism, carbohydrate and fat metabolism, and therefore do not provoke weight gain. But some women are recommended to lose weight to reduce the production of their own estrogens and improve hormonal levels.

Yarina is recommended for those who have given birth, and can also be used for polycystic ovary syndrome. The price of a package with 21 tablets is from 1020 rubles.


An oral contraceptive for acne based on ethinyl estradiol 30 mcg and chlormadinone 3 mg. Belara is a cheap birth control pill that costs an average of 560 rubles per monthly package.

The dose of estrogen in the drug is high, so the tablets are not recommended for adolescents. They are advised to be used by women with scanty menstruation and intermenstrual bleeding.


Janine's face and body acne tablets use a combination of ethinyl estradiol and dienogest. They will effectively cleanse the skin and reduce oiliness. This dose of hormones is recommended for women of reproductive age. But Zhanine birth control pills cannot be used for contraception and acne treatment by smokers over 35 years of age, because this increases the risk of thrombosis and other complications. Price per package from 940 rubles.


Regulon tablets consist of desogestrel and ethinyl estradiol. The progestin component does not stimulate the production of androgens, but also does not participate in reducing their concentration. Therefore, the drug cannot be used to treat acne.

It has a good contraceptive effect , does not cause weight gain, and does not stimulate skin sebaceousness. The cost of packaging for a month is only 370 rubles. The main indication is protection against unwanted pregnancy and regulation of the menstrual cycle in women with dysmenorrhea.


Dimia contains drospirenone and a microdose of ethinyl estradiol.
These acne pills are recommended for teenagers and young women. The price of tablets for a month is 600 rubles. Acne decreases gradually, the pronounced effect becomes noticeable no earlier than after a few weeks. But to maintain the effect, treatment must be long-term. The duration is selected individually, but often it is at least 6 months. The course cannot be interrupted, as this will lead to relapse of acne.


These are the best birth control pills for facial acne, which are recommended for older women and those approaching menopause. They will not only clean your face and eliminate acne, but also help avoid the symptoms of pathological menopausal syndrome.

Birth control pills contain natural estrogen and dienogest. You can also take them for the following conditions:

  • scanty menstruation;
  • vaginal dryness;
  • poor control of the menstrual cycle on other drugs.

Klaira allows you to avoid the appearance of intermenstrual discharge and regulates the duration of the cycle. The cost of a package of contraceptives starts from 1000 rubles.


Available in two versions - Lindinet 20 and 30, which corresponds to the dosage of estrogen in the drug.
The second component is gestodene at a dosage of 0.075 mg. The androgenic properties of this combination are minimal and are detected only in experiments and pharmacological tests. But Lindinet is not able to significantly affect the condition of the skin, therefore it is not included in the list of main drugs recommended for acne and seborrhea. Price per package from 400 rubles.


Logest contraceptive pills have a similar composition to Lindinet. Other analogues in composition are:

  • Gestarella;
  • Femoden;
  • Themiss Ginesta.

This contraceptive drug will not worsen the condition of the skin, can reduce its greasiness, and normalize the menstrual cycle. But it will not help completely get rid of acne. The cost of Logest is from 722 rubles.


The drug Diane-35 was previously used as a contraceptive, but the high dosage of estrogen caused many side effects. Therefore, currently the drug is used only in the following cases:

  • seborrheic dermatitis;
  • androgenetic alopecia;
  • hirsutism;
  • acne.

The contraceptive dosage regimen is standard; you need to take 1 tablet at the same time every day. But the risk of side effects is higher. Chloasma may appear - pigment spots on the face under the influence of the sun . The risk increases when taken simultaneously with tetracycline contraceptives. Headaches may also occur, blood pressure increases, depression and irritability develop, and libido decreases.

Modell-Trend and Modell-Pro

There are two products in the Modell line of contraceptive drugs that can help treat acne.
They contain the gestagen drospirenone, which has an antiandrogenic effect. The two medications differ only in the dosage of estrogen. In Model-Trend it is 0.02 mg, and in Modell-Pro it is 0.03 mg. Therefore, a gynecologist can choose the most suitable contraceptive for a woman, based on her age and medical history. The cost of packaging is only 295 rubles.

Contraindications and side effects when taking ok for acne

It is necessary to choose contraceptives taking into account their side effects and contraindications. Women are not recommended to use the tablets in the following cases:

  • tendency to thrombosis;
  • uncontrolled diabetes mellitus;
  • migraine;
  • liver and kidney dysfunction;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • mammary cancer;
  • arterial hypertension and coronary heart disease.

While taking birth control pills, signs of individual intolerance, intestinal dysfunction in the form of diarrhea or constipation, and allergies may appear. But such effects are rare. More often you can encounter mastodynia, scanty or heavy menstruation, headaches, fluid retention, which requires discontinuation or replacement of the contraceptive.

Is it possible to prevent the occurrence of the disease?

It is impossible to prevent the occurrence of the disease, but it is possible to provide prevention or improve its course. For each degree of acne, the LIBREDERM laboratory has developed an algorithm for maintenance therapy with Seracin, which includes from one to three stages:

  1. Cleans without drying.
  2. Basic care and regulation of the sebaceous glands.
  3. Additional care – correction of local imperfections and evening out skin tone.

To prevent the development of the disease, teach your child from 11-12 years of age to wash his face 2 times a day using Seracin cleansing gel.

The gel is designed taking into account the cleansing needs of oily skin and acne-prone skin. It contains antibacterial and anti-inflammatory components of plant origin, as well as an effective cleansing complex represented by modern and safe surfactants. Washing with Seratsin gel removes excess sebum and frees the skin from keratinized epithelium, due to which the pores are cleared of sebaceous plugs, and metabolic processes in the skin are normalized.

Acne after stopping contraceptives

To completely get rid of acne, a long course of 6 months of treatment is required; doctors recommend extending it for another 3 months to consolidate the effect, and some women take the pills for up to 1 year. It is impossible to interrupt the course of therapy; this will lead to a surge in hormonal activity and worsening of the condition.

To prevent acne from returning after discontinuation of the drug, treatment is supplemented with Metronidazole tablets. They fight infection found in the pores of the skin and prevent inflammation from occurring. During Treatment, you can use zinc ointment to dry out pimples and speed up their healing. Facial cleansing performed by a professional cosmetologist also helps.

Can a teenager outgrow acne?

Modern ideas about acne have changed radically. Thus, the previously prevailing approach that “acne can be left untreated”, “the child must outgrow it”, is categorically unacceptable. Acne is a chronic disease that is accompanied by periodic exacerbations and increasing severity of clinical manifestations, which leads to the formation of scars, age spots and other manifestations of post-acne. Considering the special psycho-emotional background of adolescents, the presence of acne and scars on the face causes them psychological discomfort and reduces their social activity.

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