Japanese rejuvenating facial massage Asahi from Yukuko Tanaka (Zogan)

What does facial massage give?

Facial massage triggers natural rejuvenation mechanisms, eliminating the causes of aging. In addition, there are many biologically active points on the face; influencing them helps improve the functioning of internal organs. Massage also helps to better absorb hygienic and therapeutic skin care products.

Facial massage gives the following results:

  • Eliminates sagging skin, removes folds, jowls,
  • Reduces the appearance of wrinkles,
  • Makes skin smooth, elastic and toned,
  • Eliminates swelling
  • Improves complexion,
  • Improves blood circulation and metabolic processes.

At what age should you consider professional facial care?

The myth that cosmetic procedures are needed only after 35–40 years of age has long been debunked. Indeed, aging skin needs deeper and more delicate care due to the slowdown of cellular metabolism and other biological processes. But professional care will be useful for young and even very young girls. Overwork, stress, poor ecology - the skin, like a litmus test, reflects the effect of all negative factors. With the help of professional care programs, you can quickly bring it back to normal and even improve its original condition.

The most popular types of massage:

  • Classical. It is carried out along massage lines using gentle techniques using serums or creams. affects primarily the skin.
  • Tibetan. With this type of massage, the effect is not only on the face, but also on the neck, head, and décolleté.
  • Spanish. It is a combination of relaxing techniques and deep kneading of the facial muscles.
  • Asahi massage. It is performed with the palms, and the effect is not only on the skin, but also on the facial muscles.
  • Myofascial. Affects deep subcutaneous and muscle layers. Techniques of pinching, twisting, kneading, rubbing, and smoothing are used. Works the fascia that covers the facial muscles.
  • Plucked. Performed only for oily skin, effective for blackheads, blackheads, pimples, scars.
  • Honey. It is performed with patting and rubbing movements, using only liquid natural honey. Effective for maintaining skin tone and eliminating inflammation.

Each age has its own approach

In advanced Japanese facial massage, self-massage techniques are expanded into 5 age groups to effectively combat age-specific facial changes.

This does not mean that you need to do only exercises from your category. Those who are older can use exercises from the younger categories. First of all, focus on the condition of your face.

Next, we will give step-by-step descriptions of Zogan massage techniques (each will be combined into one small block) with explanatory videos after them.

For girls over 20 years old

The main goal of Japanese Asahi massage for twenty-year-olds is simple - maintaining a youthful appearance and healthy skin. Therefore, Tanaka recommends using gentle techniques that will take no more than 2-3 minutes.

Do 3 repetitions of each of the following (be sure to end each with a finishing movement):

  1. Make a ring with your thumb and index finger. Place them near the corners of your mouth. Start moving towards the ears.
  2. The next block involves the middle and ring fingers. Place them on the sides of the nose exactly along the line of the nasolabial fold. Slowly move along it from top to bottom. Go around the mouth and finish by connecting your fingers in the center of the chin.
  3. Place your fingers in the center of the frontal area, smoothly move towards the outside of the forehead until you reach the temples.

Watch the explanatory video:

Japanese massage Zogan / Asahi for 20 years

For girls over 30

Japanese self-massage after thirty covers problems such as eliminating dark circles under the eyes, bags and puffiness.

Let's learn how to massage correctly (don't forget about the final movements after each approach):

  1. Place your fingers at the bridge of your nose - near the inner corners of your eyes. Slowly move them along its contour towards the ears. Do it three times.
  2. Now we start at the outer side of the eye socket. Place your fingers there and smoothly move along its lower contour towards the nose. Next, place your fingers at the inner edges of the eyebrows and make a circular motion outward - around the eye socket to the inner corners of the eyes. And from there, move back to the ears. Do it 3 times.

Video instruction:

Japanese massage Zogan / Asahi for 30 years

Women after 40 and 45 years old

If you are over forty, an Asahi facial massage will help with facial wrinkles, have a tonic effect on the skin and prevent sagging of the chin and lift the cheeks.

Perform each Zogan self-massage point 3 times and complete with the final movement:

  1. Clench your fingers into fists so that your thumbs are on top of your index fingers. Place your fists on your nasolabial lips. Smoothly move along their line to the chin area until your fists close. Now we move up along the edge of the cheekbones towards the ears.
  2. Place your fingers on your chin so that their pads touch. Apply slight force and hold for three seconds in this position. Release the pressure and, without lifting your fingers, move towards the wings of your nose. Press lightly again and wait 3 seconds. Then move without pressure towards your ears.
  3. Place the fingers of one hand on your cheek and the other palm on top of them. Press harder than in the previous exercise and release. Repeat a little higher, gradually moving towards the ear. Afterwards, the hands go in different directions: one performs the final movement, and the second moves along the mandibular contour to the middle of the chin.

Step-by-step instructions - on video:

Japanese massage Zogan / Asahi for 40 years

Women over 50

Yukuko Tanaka's massage technique for women over fifty helps to maintain the skin, cope with sagging cheeks and the appearance of jowls.

Execution technique (we repeat each block 3 times in a row with a final movement at the end):

  1. Form fists with the fingers of both hands. Press them to the corners of your mouth. Without reducing pressure, move along the mandibular contour to the ears.
  2. This exercise is performed first on one side of the face, then on the other. Place one palm on top of the other and press them to the nasolabial fold. Move your hands down towards your lip to smooth out the crease.
  3. Fold your hands in the same way - one on top of the other, press your palms to the temporal area on one side of your face. Slowly move them towards your ear. Afterwards the hands are separated. The first performs the final action, and the second moves along the contour of the lower jaw to the middle of the chin. Do the same for the other half of the face.
  4. Press your palms to your cheeks, lifting them up, and smoothly move your hands to your ears.

Watch the video tutorial:

Japanese massage Zogan / Asahi for 50 years

Ladies over 60

Japanese massage after sixty will not bring back your former youth, but it will help lift the face, tighten the chin and eliminate sagging in the cervical region.

Complete the previous group of exercises with the following (repeat each three times and end with the final movement):

  1. Place your fingers under your chin. With a smooth movement, move along the chin contour up to the ear.
  2. Take a small towel without synthetics. Place it on your hand and apply it to your neck so that part of the towel is adjacent to your lower jaw. Now press it to your chin and wait five seconds. Now perform the following action alternately for each side of the face. Place the fingers of one hand to the center of the chin so that the nails point toward the ear. Smoothly move them along the lower jaw to the auricle.
  3. Grasp your chin so that the entire surface from the pad of your thumb to the pad of your index finger is adjacent to it. Without lifting your hands from the skin, go down along the neck to the collarbone.

Watch the video:

Japanese massage Zogan / Asahi for 60 years

Sequence of massage movements

After preparing the face, they begin massage techniques. Several basic techniques are alternated: stroking, kneading and rubbing. For oily skin, you can use pinching, pressure and vibration. The face should be treated in a certain sequence along the following massage lines:

  • From the center of the forehead to the temples;
  • From the center of the chin to the ears;
  • Cheeks from nose to ears;
  • From the tip of the nose to the forehead;
  • The area of ​​skin around the lips;
  • Skin area around the eyes;
  • The area of ​​skin around the eyebrows;

In the area of ​​the lymph nodes, no strong pressure should be allowed, only gentle stroking.

Contraindications and restrictions

Tsogan massage is like strong medicine. In order not to experience unwanted side effects of the procedure and not to jeopardize your health, study the list of contraindications before the session. You will have to refuse the procedure if you suffer from:

  • oncology;
  • heart failure;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • fragility of blood vessels;
  • diseases of the lymphatic system;
  • acute respiratory infections;
  • pharyngitis or laryngitis;
  • runny nose;
  • elevated temperature;
  • rosacea;

  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • rashes on the face of any etiology;
  • inflammation or infection.

For those with an already narrow face, it is better to refuse the procedure: the inevitable noticeable weight loss after a course of lymphatic drainage can give a painful and haggard appearance.

Duration of the procedure

The duration of one session is 10-15 minutes. It is advisable to perform at least 10 procedures sequentially. If the massage is performed correctly along the massage lines, the result will be healthy, toned, ruddy skin.

After the full course, your facial skin should be given a rest period of more than two months. During the massage course, it is not recommended to drink alcohol, smoke, or eat salty or very fatty foods. Otherwise, the vessels will narrow, blood circulation will deteriorate, and the face will swell.

After each massage session, you need to remove any remaining oil with a napkin or cotton pad. You can additionally apply a mask or nourishing cream to dry skin.

Problems after Japanese massage and their solutions

If rashes appear after the massage that are not associated with hormonal imbalance or infection, you must stop the procedure. After the acne disappears, change the massage product, and also pay more attention to cleansing the skin after the procedure.

There are often cases when a person notices a thinning of the face. To prevent this process from progressing, use special massage techniques or reduce the number of sessions. Sometimes it is enough to reduce the pressure. If these techniques do not help, the massage will have to be stopped.

You began to notice that swelling appears after the massage. This consequence is caused by the fact that an oil base is used for the massage or it is carried out before bedtime. To prevent swelling from occurring, use light massage products and postpone the procedure itself to the morning.

It happens that clients complain about the deterioration of their skin - it sags and loses elasticity. This is due to the fact that during the massage you used little massage base and your hands did not slide well over your face.

If you have signs of rosacea, but insist on Japanese facial massage, use the following techniques:

  1. Areas of rosacea are not massaged.
  2. The massage base must contain hesperedin.
  3. It is recommended to perform special facial exercises.
  4. Consultation with a doctor is required.
  5. Adhere to the principles of healthy eating.
  6. Eat foods containing silicon.
  7. Use products with UV protection.
  8. Scrubs and peelings should not be used.
  9. Ban on visiting bathhouses and saunas.

By adhering to the rules of preparation for the procedure and correctly performing all the techniques, you will not only improve your general condition, but will also be able to regain your lost youth. No wonder there is a popular saying: get a Japanese facial massage and become 10 years younger!

Negative consequences

Lymphatic drainage facial massage has very contradictory reviews. This is not surprising - there are two reasons why the rejuvenation technique may not work. First, there were contraindications to the use of the Zogan technique. Second, the massage was performed incorrectly.

If mistakes were made or warnings regarding contraindications were ignored, the consequences could be as follows:

  • rash;
  • irritation;
  • swelling;
  • excessive facial weight loss;
  • general deterioration of health;
  • exacerbation of ENT diseases.

In order not to harm yourself, you should not use the Zogan technique if there are contraindications. You also need to strictly adhere to the massage rules.

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