“No” to acne on the head in the hair of men and women: causes and treatment of rashes
Pimples on the scalp in the hair are a very common occurrence. Unfortunately, he usually
How is HPV 16 transmitted to women?
How dangerous are human papillomavirus types 16 and 18 for women and men?
Human papillomavirus, commonly abbreviated as HPV. It is the most common pathogen worldwide
What is demodicosis: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
Dermatovenereologist Khasanova Alina Rashidovna Experience 9 years Make an appointment Demodicosis is a skin disease
Acne on the face
How to get rid of post-acne: remove scars and red spots with products or see a cosmetologist, effective treatment of scars on the face
Salicylic-zinc paste, also known as Lassara paste, is a budget-friendly remedy for the treatment of acne. Two-component
Benefits and harms of using urea to make cosmetics
Urea cream for face and body - the best products in the pharmacy and more!
What is urea cream Urea cream is specially designed to improve general condition
Contour plastic surgery: facial contour correction with fillers
From this article you will learn: Optimal age for contouring procedure Main types of contouring
Cheap analogues of Emla - TOP 6 best depilatory creams
Possible during pregnancy Possible during breastfeeding Has restrictions for children Can be taken by older people
allergy products photo
Allergic contact dermatitis: basic approaches to diagnosis, treatment and prevention
Last updated: 03/03/2021 Allergies on the face are often the cause of severe discomfort - and not
What do different types of lichen in children look like and how to treat them?
This skin disease causes not only physical, but also moral and
Treatment of long-term non-healing postoperative wounds of the perineum and anal canal
Drugs that promote wound healing are a class of drugs that enhance reparative (restorative) processes
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