Treatment of long-term non-healing postoperative wounds of the perineum and anal canal

Drugs that promote wound healing are a class of drugs that enhance reparative (restorative) processes in the skin, which promotes faster healing of wounds.

Wounds include shallow skin injuries that do not require surgical treatment - cuts, abrasions, scratches, light burns of small areas of the body, irritation of the skin of infants from diapers, diapers, bedsores from folds of bed linen in bedridden patients, radiation damage to the skin during the treatment of malignant tumors, etc. .d.

Typically, the patient can treat such wounds on his own, without visiting a doctor. To achieve this, there is a fairly wide range of drugs that promote rapid wound healing.

Causes of non-healing wounds

The immediate cause of non-healing wounds is insufficient activity of restoration processes in the body, slow tissue regeneration. Moreover, the conditions under which regeneration slows down can be varied.

Among the general factors (i.e., affecting the state of the body as a whole), the following can be identified:

• weakened immunity due to concomitant disease or chronic immunodeficiency state;

• chronic intoxication of the body;

• metabolic disease;

• diabetes; this condition can be considered a severe form of metabolic disorder, namely glucose metabolism. Disturbances in the normal absorption of glucose lead to increased tissue fragility and a slowdown in the regeneration process;

• circulatory disorders - both general and local. The cause may be atherosclerosis, deformation of vascular walls, and diseases of the cardiovascular system. Local circulatory disorders can be caused by prolonged compression of tissues and pinching of small blood vessels (an example of a chronic wound against the background of constant compression of tissues - bedsores);

• hypo- or avitaminosis of vitamins A, C, K and group B, which play an important role in the process of tissue regeneration;

• lack of calcium or zinc in the body;

• exhaustion – nutritional (due to insufficient or malnutrition) or senile;

• presence of cancer.

A specific factor in the appearance of chronic wounds is poor circulation in the legs, most often due to varicose veins. Against the background of impaired blood circulation, trophic ulcers develop on the legs (usually in the shins) - difficult-to-heal tissue defects.

Local factors affecting the wound itself and the area around it include:

• infection;

• the presence of necrotic tissue in the wound (they increase the risk of suppuration and, accordingly, the duration of healing);

• presence of foreign bodies in the wound;

• the presence of bleeding in the wound (also increases the risk of infection);

• repeated damage to an unhealed wound.

The risk of a wound becoming chronic increases if, in addition to the skin, other tissues are damaged - subcutaneous tissue, nerves, muscles, tendons, bones.

Symptoms of non-healing wounds

•constant pain;

•converging edges of the wound;

•constant bleeding;

• “stuck” wound at one of the stages of healing for more than three weeks;

•often – unpleasant odor;

•conventional treatments do not help or help little.

These signs indicate that the regeneration processes in tissues are disrupted for one reason or another. For the treatment of chronic wounds, local treatment is not enough; comprehensive measures are required.

To achieve progress in healing, it is necessary to provide conditions for restoring the normal rate of regeneration. They largely depend on the cause of the chronic wound, but there are recommendations that are common to all situations.

The body needs to provide:

•balanced nutrition - in particular, the diet should be enriched with vitamins A and B, which stimulate tissue regeneration, and vitamin C, which promotes the production of collagen - a substance involved in the formation of connective tissue that closes the wound in the first stages;

•normal sleep mode – during sleep the regeneration process occurs more actively;

•protecting the wound and the area around it from external influences, such as rubbing, squeezing, etc.;

•wound ventilation – without air circulation, the wound will quickly fester.

More specific recommendations depend on the origin and nature of the wound.

Purpose of the cream

Regenerating creams are medical and professional cosmetics, mainly used in medical institutions and industries to restore the condition of the skin. The most negative effects are experienced by the skin of the hands of representatives of the following professions and specialties:

  • builders;
  • medical workers;
  • catering staff;
  • chemical industry workers;
  • beauty salon employees;
  • cleaning service workers.

Constant contact with chemical reagents, antiseptics, as well as the use of gloves lead to dry skin of the hands and negatively affect its condition. Deprived of moisture and a protective bacterial layer, the dermis cracks and undergoes inflammatory processes. To avoid such influence of professional factors, regenerating hand creams were included in the list of personal protective equipment at the legislative level.

Regenerating creams stand apart from other skin care cosmetics, because their rich and powerful formula classifies them as medicinal. They stimulate the protective functions of the integument, help to effectively restore the water balance in tissues, as well as heal microcracks and restore elasticity, firmness and a healthy appearance to the skin.

Treatment of non-healing wounds taking into account their cause

When starting to treat injuries of this kind, it is necessary to understand the cause of their occurrence. Further actions will depend on this.

1. First of all, it is necessary to examine the wound for foreign bodies, necrotic tissue, and bleeding and, if necessary, clean it. Please note that it is strongly recommended not to remove foreign bodies yourself! Such attempts may cause additional tissue damage and increase the risk of infection. You need to seek help from a doctor.

2. If local blood circulation is impaired, it is necessary to eliminate the source of pressure on the tissue (change the position of the patient’s body with bedsores, wear looser clothes/shoes for “diabetic” wounds).

3. When treating trophic ulcers on the legs, it is necessary to use compression stockings or bandages - they will help “support” the blood vessels and normalize blood circulation, as well as “pull” the edges of the wound towards each other for faster healing.

4. In case of exhaustion and vitamin deficiencies, it is necessary to provide a normal balanced diet in order to provide the body with the necessary substances for tissue regeneration and the production of collagen - a substance that is actively involved in the early stages of the healing process and helps tighten the edges of the wound.

5.If you have diabetes (of any type), you need to monitor your blood glucose levels.

After creating optimal conditions for wound healing, you can begin to treat and treat it.

When can you start using it?

Regenerating hand creams can be used not only by representatives of certain professions, whose skin becomes very dry and injured during work. Intensive recovery may be required for each of us; the only question is when and under what symptoms can we begin to use effective means.

The opinions of cosmetologists regarding the use of powerful regenerating agents are divided: some believe that the skin of the hands requires intensive hydration from a young age, which will serve as a good preventive measure against premature aging and the occurrence of specific skin diseases. Other experts are categorically against the use of such creams unless absolutely necessary, as well as under the age of 35, since preventive saturation of the dermis with moisture will lead to the fact that it will “forget how” to independently produce the necessary elements to maintain water balance.

Perhaps the second opinion is more correct. The regenerating cream should be used only according to indications - if there is a feeling of skin tightness, severe dryness, peeling and microcracks that cause discomfort. Once positive dynamics are achieved, the treatment must be changed to the usual moisturizing cosmetic compositions.

Principles (stages) of treatment

Actions when treating a wound depend not only on the conditions and causes of its appearance, but also on the stage at which the wound process has stopped in it.

The first stage of the wound process is acute. During it, vascular changes occur caused by a reaction to damage, and the process of blood clotting is actively underway. If the wound is infected, pus is formed and toxic substances are simultaneously absorbed into the tissue.

At this stage, it is necessary, first of all, to clean the wound - remove dead tissue from it, remove foreign bodies (with the help of a doctor), drain it - remove pus and exudate from the wound. It is also necessary to prevent infection from entering the wound. It is best to wash the affected area with saline solution, as caustic disinfectant liquids can harm surrounding healthy tissue.

The second stage of the wound process is granulation. At this stage, a thin layer of connective tissue begins to form on top of the wound. The edges of the wound begin to tighten, and it closes itself. The thinnest capillaries are formed in the connective tissue layer, providing nutrition to regenerating tissues. Often chronic wounds stop at this phase, and the healing process does not proceed further; This is most often what happens with trophic ulcers.

At the granulation stage, it is important, firstly, to protect the newly formed tissue from mechanical damage, secondly, to stimulate further regeneration, and thirdly, to prevent the development of the inflammatory process - despite the fact that the wound is closed, the risk of infection and inflammation remains. To stimulate tissue regeneration, methyluracil ointment is used (you can use a ready-made Voskopran dressing with methyluracil ointment); to protect the surface of the wound, atraumatic dressings should be used that do not stick to the wound surface and do not injure it.

We should not forget about maintaining a maintenance diet and sleep schedule - this will help speed up the healing process.

How to make regenerating cream at home?

You can make a nourishing and effective regenerating cream at home. To do this, you need to purchase certain components for cream making in specialized stores: lanolin, liquid lethicin, beeswax, apricot oil and glycerin.

Place 1/4 cup of apricot oil, 7 g, in a glass container. beeswax, 1 tsp. liquid lethicin, 1 tsp. lanolin. In a water bath, the components should be dissolved and mixed until smooth, and then gently brought to a boil. Remove the container from the heat and leave to cool. Glycerin is added to the cool mixture, after which it is thoroughly kneaded again. The finished cream is placed in sterile jars and stored in the refrigerator.

The wide range of restorative creams presented on the modern market makes it much more difficult to find a really good product that can eliminate the effects of negative factors on the skin of the hands. But, knowing which components must be included in the composition, and also based on the severity of the problem you have, you can easily select the optimal product at a price that suits you. The main thing is not to get carried away with the use of regenerating creams, since, according to most cosmetologists, powerful products are not intended for daily care.

Dressings for the treatment of non-healing wounds

When treating wounds of any nature, including chronic ones, the correct selection of dressing material plays an important role.

Dressing material for non-healing wounds should be:



•elastic and flexible – the bandage will have to be worn for a long time, so it should not interfere with movements.

Biotekfarm company offers a wide selection of dressings for the management of wounds of any complexity and at any stage. So, for wounds in which there are fragments of necrotic tissue or hemorrhage, a Parapran dressing with chymotrypsin is suitable - the drug included in the dressing helps to break down necrotic tissue, helping to cleanse the wound.

To moisturize “dry” chronic wounds (bedsores, trophic ulcers) and accelerate their healing, it is recommended to use the “GelePran” dressing with miramistin or colloidal silver. This soft transparent dressing, consisting of 70% water, moisturizes the surface of the wound, and the medicine it contains (miramistin or silver) disinfects and promotes regeneration.

For the treatment of infected wounds, bactericidal dressings Voskopran with Povidone-iodine ointment, antimicrobial dressings Voskopran with Dioxidin ointment, and anti-inflammatory dressings Voskopran with Levomekol ointment are suitable. Polipran dressings with Dioxidin are excellent for preventing infection of wounds at the granulation stage.

The Chitopran dressing based on chitosan nanofibers will help stimulate regeneration. It provides optimal conditions for healing - sufficient humidity, breathability and protection from damage, and promotes the rapid growth of its own cells. It is worth paying attention to the fact that this bandage does not need to be removed - it resorbs on its own as the wound heals.

Review of good creams

Regenerating restorative hand creams are in the product line of almost every cosmetic company. There are both domestic budget products created specifically for professional use in the medical, industrial and construction fields; you can also find products for intensive skin restoration on the market, the price of which is quite significant.

The market also offers regenerating creams in the mid-price segment, produced by popular cosmetic brands. The choice of a good product for intensive skin restoration should not be based on the fame of the manufacturing company, but on the composition. A high-quality and effective regenerating cream should contain a maximum of active substances and elements that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin.

Garnier Gentle touch with apricot oil

The relatively inexpensive cream has a pleasant but effective restorative structure. The product has shown itself to be very effective in eliminating the causes of roughness, dryness, peeling and cracks in the skin. A course of using regenerating hand cream from Garnier quickly helps to correct the hydrolipid balance and restore normal skin condition.

Avon care

Cocoa butter and vitamin E, combined in the formula of this restoring cream, intensively nourish and moisturize, allowing the skin to regain healthy elasticity and firmness. The product from Avon has a pleasant texture, is quickly absorbed and has a very attractive aroma with light notes of cocoa beans.

Oriflame "Intensive care"

Restoring hand cream from the Oriflame concern combines the properties of a light scrub and moisturizer. The composition gently nourishes the skin and nails, and the solid particles in its texture remove keratinized scales from the skin.

Velvet handles restorative

The popular brand, known to women since the USSR, has in its product line two restorative hand creams created to treat skin in summer and winter. Both compositions are quickly absorbed, have a pleasant aroma and bring rapid positive dynamics thanks to the elastin, vitamins and silk protein included in the composition. Immediately after application, you will feel that tight skin has instantly become hydrated, soft and velvety.

Mr. Chister

The intensity of restoration of the product from the Nevskaya Cosmetics concern is due to a unique formula that includes a complex of vitamins (F, E and A), as well as natural olive oil, lanolin and menthol. The regenerating cream applied to the skin is quickly absorbed, without creating a filmy feeling or leaving greasy stains, but at the same time effectively nourishes the tissues and retains moisture in them.

The main competitive advantage of this powerful restorative agent is its affordable price. One tube of cream costs no more than 50 rubles, and its effect is quite comparable to expensive medicinal compounds.

Solo Active (Primaterra)

Loved by many women, the regenerating hand cream was created specifically to help the skin fight stress due to dehydration and contact with chemical compounds. The effective formula allows you to quickly achieve positive dynamics: eliminate chapping and dry skin, tighten small cracks, increase local immunity and relieve inflammation.

Rizavit Optima

An inexpensive hand cream with a restorative and regenerating effect is designed to help the skin fight professional stress: contact with reagents and chemical compounds, work in conditions of low and elevated temperatures, use of latex gloves during professional activities, etc.

Rizavit Optima cream effectively moisturizes, while its composition is hypoallergenic and does not contain silicones. The product is easily and evenly distributed, absorbs well and retains moisture in the tissues. Natural extracts and vitamins in Rizavit Optima stimulate the activation of the skin’s own protective functions, which is a good preventive measure in the fight against inflammation and occupational skin diseases.


A domestic budget product was also created specifically to help the skin of the hands that suffers due to professional factors. Stearic and palmitic acids included in the regenerating cream, vitamins A, E and F, as well as natural brown algae extract quickly relieve signs of dryness and fight the causes of dehydration of the epidermis. After the first use of Neoresurs, there is a significant decrease in skin irritation and inflammatory processes on them.

Creme Mains Reparatrice

The restorative effect of this very expensive foreign cream is based on a complex of natural oils (jojoba, shea butter, macadamia, sea buckthorn), as well as ginseng extract and bioflavonoids. These components provide effective hydration, nutrition and increased skin regeneration. The cream increases the skin's resistance to damage and returns it to a healthy and youthful appearance.

Hypo Active Hand Cream

The regenerating composition presented contains soybean and aloe extracts, the effect of which has a positive effect on the dynamics of eliminating inflammatory processes. D-panthenol included in the cream formula is responsible for accelerating the regeneration of skin affected by dehydration and injury during professional activities.

Limus Beauty

Domestic uses healing mineral mud extracted from Lake Tabukan when creating its products. In addition to this valuable natural component, the composition includes Shea butter, as well as extracts of medicinal plants (linden, elderberry, ivy, arnica, cucumber and cocoa). Combining in a unique formula, these ingredients intensively nourish, retain moisture in the tissues, and soften rough areas. The cream effectively heals minor abrasions and also prevents the development of age-related skin changes.

Organic Shop

The famous brand is known for its desire to use exclusively natural ingredients when creating its cosmetics. Restoring cream-oil from Organic Shop is based on effective nutritional elements: essential oils of ylang-ylang and orange blossom. The product also contains a lot of nutritional and regeneration-stimulating components, which, when used in a course, have a pronounced effective moisturizing and regenerating effect on dry skin of the hands.


A budget product from the domestic market has a pronounced regenerating and moisturizing effect. The cream is based on healing beeswax, which, as you know, contains a lot of useful and important vitamins and microelements. Olive oil and panthenol included in Elen intensively moisturize the skin and help it recover from the influence of negative external factors.

The unique composition of the cream not only has a positive effect on the speed of restoration of the skin of the hands, but also helps to increase the resistance of the skin to negative external influences. In addition, its course use will help slow down the rate of premature aging of the dermis associated with professional stress.

Dulgon urea 5%

Efficiency and high quality are combined in this product from a German manufacturer. The action of the cream is aimed at intense hydration and increasing tissue capacity, and it also helps retain moisture. Urea and glycerin included in the composition are used for this purpose; they help to cope with peeling, severe drying of the integument and their roughening.

Panthenol, which is part of the cream, serves to accelerate skin regeneration processes, relieves inflammation and heals microcracks on dry skin. High efficiency is combined with a pleasant affordable price, unexpected for an imported product.


The Belweder regenerating cream is based on lactic acid, which has a pronounced regenerative effect on the skin cells of the hands. Natural meadowfoam oil is responsible for intense hydration in the composition, providing enhanced nutrition, relieving dryness and a feeling of tightness.

Gluconolactone acts as an anti-inflammatory and healing component in the Latvian remedy. It penetrates into the upper layers of the skin, where it creates a kind of protective film that serves as a barrier against tissue damage by pathogenic flora.


A budget product created by a domestic manufacturer is characterized by fairly high performance. Almost instantly it nourishes dry hand skin, giving it pleasant softness and velvety. This effect is explained by the rich composition of the cream, which includes panthenol, protein complex, argenin, vitamin E and wheat oil. The basis of the product is glycerin, which provides intense hydration and moisture retention in tissues.

This restorative cream has a complex positive effect on the skin of the hands: softens roughness, removes redness, restores elasticity and returns it to a healthy appearance. In addition, course use of the product can prevent nail splitting.

Nivea with bio-argan oil

The French brand launched an intensive moisturizing cream on the market, the formula of which was based on argan oil, glycerin and fatty acids. The restorative product from the Nivea concern effectively works with flaky skin, eliminates microcracks and accelerates the renewal process of the dermis. Weekly masks with this product will be an excellent addition to your regular skin care products that you use to combat premature skin aging.

Natura Siberica with Shea butter

The restorative product from Natura Siberica, in addition to Shea butter and glycerin, contains quite unusual components: moose milk and Arctic rose essential oil. A unique combination of ingredients makes the cream effective in eliminating the consequences and causes of dehydration of the dermis.

Glycerin and natural oils maintain a normal level of water-lipid balance and also promote active cell regeneration. Cream with Shea butter also has a positive effect on the thermoregulation of the skin, making it more resistant to temperature changes.

Faberlic Zima

An effective product at a reasonable budget price is produced by the Faberlic concern. Cream "Winter" is aimed at protecting the skin and restoring it after exposure to negative factors: frost, temperature changes and persistent drying due to central heating.

The product has a less saturated composition than other professional medicinal creams; it can eliminate only slight peeling and help skin reddened by severe frost to recover. But you can use this product every day without fear of “spoiling” your hands.

Winter (Natura Siberica)

The “Winter” cream stands out from the Natura Siberica product line due to its purpose - it was developed by the concern’s specialists specifically for hand care in frosty winters. The product is quickly absorbed, instantly making the skin soft and pleasant.

Panthenol and beeswax included in the product serve as effective moisturizing components, and natural extracts of Rhodiola rosea, white moss, and rosehip oil increase the skin's resistance to temperature changes and frost.

Dr. Scheller "Protection and restoration"

According to reviews, this effective restorative cream is quite difficult to find. But the low price, combined with high performance, makes the product desirable for many women suffering from dry hand skin.

What is so remarkable about this composition? Panthenol and oat extract have an instant softening effect, the skin seems to be covered with an invisible protective film that serves as a barrier to the evaporation of moisture from the tissues. The skin on the hands returns to its former elasticity and firmness.

Green pharmacy "Romashka"

An inexpensive domestic product from the popular brand “Green Pharmacy” contains a whole complex of restorative components valuable for the skin: vitamins A, E and F are responsible for activating the process of cell regeneration. Chamomile extract relieves inflammation and irritation of the skin, fights dryness, perfectly tones and serves as an antiseptic that prevents damage to the weakened dermis by pathogenic flora.

The product is not so much therapeutic as preventive, so you can use it constantly and even use it several times a day. The manufacturer, in addition to the moisturizing and soothing effect, promises that the product will help in the fight against premature aging of the skin of the hands.


Cream “Bark” is perhaps the weakest among this rating. Its composition does not contain enough intensely nourishing components to adequately cope with problem areas of the skin, although with regular use the product performs well against the background of complex therapy for dermatitis. The cream can also be used daily as a moisturizing hand care product for mild dry skin.

Christina Fitzgerald

Far from being a budget-friendly cream that provides professional care, it contains malachite, kigelin, beet root and a complex of minerals and vitamins. Together, these components have a pronounced nutritional effect, and the effect of use is prolonged.

Boro Plus "Intensive Care"

The regenerating composition from the famous Indian brand has a pronounced disinfecting effect, traditional for this skin care cosmetics, gives your hands deep hydration, and also heals wounds and cracks. The product is also used by women to soothe the skin after depilation, it relieves irritation and speeds up the recovery process of damaged areas.


Restoring cream from the Chinese concern Batel is a universal and hypoallergenic product. It provides intensive nutrition, smoothes out fine wrinkles on the skin of the hands and relieves inflammation. The regenerating effect of the product is ensured by the aloe vera extract, emulsion wax, vitamins A, C and F, as well as monoglycerides and fatty acids contained in the composition.


Another Chinese product is recommended for use strictly at night. During the rest period, the product penetrates as much as possible into the upper layers of the skin and begins to actively act, bringing the desired positive dynamics. The cream quickly eliminates irritation and inflammatory processes in the dermis, tightens wounds and soothes.

Bioderma Atoderm Network Repair

Therapeutic hand cream from a French manufacturer has a unique composition that provides intense hydration and healing of the skin. The main therapeutic effect is exerted by kelp extract and fructooligosaccharides.

This product almost instantly copes with peeling, cracks, abrasions and the consequences of mild frostbite and chapping of the skin. Its course use is indicated for eczema and dermatitis. The cream is absorbed well, without leaving a feeling of film or tightness, and the skin becomes silky, soft and toned.

Perlier White Almond

Almond oil was chosen as the active component of this regenerating cream from an Italian manufacturer. It can be used both as an occasional care product and as a nourishing hand mask, which is applied to the skin in a greasy layer for 20 minutes.

The product is absorbed quickly and instantly brings the desired result: the skin becomes soft and elastic. Meanwhile, this product does not provide proper hydration; its action is more based on the regenerating effect. Based on this, it is recommended to use “White Almond” for mechanical damage to the skin as an ambulance.

Cream-ointment Bonaderm

The medicinal ointment contains mupirocin, an antibacterial drug that can combat a large number of strains of microorganisms. This remedy is prescribed for primary and secondary bacterial infections of the skin, as well as to accelerate the healing of the skin from cuts, frostbite, burns, wounds, injuries and eczema.

Antibacterial cream is applied to damaged areas of the skin in a thin layer at a frequency recommended by the attending physician. This medicine should not be used for more than 5 days in a row.

Armakon Velum

The domestic restorative cream was created to accelerate skin regeneration against the background of the negative effects of reagents and chemistry, as well as exposure to the sun, wind and low temperatures. The product is also effective in healing wounds, cracks, abrasions and inflammation. Keratin and allantoin accelerate metabolic processes, and vitamin E nourishes tissues.

Wound healing time and consequences

Healing a chronic wound is a long and complex process that can take from 1 to 3 months, depending on the depth and size of the wound. It should be borne in mind that epithelization of chronic wounds is very slow - no more than 1 cm per month. After complete epithelialization, the “new” skin increases its strength for another 6 months.

Recommendations for caring for the problem area are quite simple:

•protect the wound from compression and mechanical damage;

•change the bandage regularly (depending on the stage of healing and type of bandage);

•at the granulation stage - use dressings that accelerate healing.

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