How to remove swelling under the eyes after biorevitalization?

Modern cosmetic procedures can correct many appearance defects. But at the same time, such interventions sometimes cannot do without consequences.

One of these procedures is biorevitalization , the action of which is aimed at eliminating structural changes in the skin by introducing synthetic substances under them .

After biorevitalization, always forms under the eyes , which can vary in size and severity.

What is biorevitalization?

The task of biorevitalization as a rejuvenating procedure is to eliminate bags, folds and wrinkles that form with age.

For your information! This is achieved by introducing hyaluronic acid under the skin. The effect of this procedure is temporary and after a certain time a repeat course is required.

During biorevitalization, a smoothing of the network of wrinkles and folds is observed.

Hyaluronic acid can be injected into different areas of the face - near the lips, in the nose and around the eyelids.

The process of introducing a synthetic component is carried out using various tools and methods :

  • laser processing;
  • ultrasound;
  • exposure to current;
  • injections.

When hyaluronic acid is introduced, the rejuvenating effect is achieved not only due to the tension of the skin with such a filler .

During the procedure, the natural mechanisms for the production of elastin and collagen in the epithelial layers are activated. Such substances moisturize the skin and give it elasticity, providing an overall rejuvenating effect.

Important! Such procedures do not always pass without a trace, and despite the fact that swelling after biorevitalization is considered a typical phenomenon, sometimes such disorders manifest themselves to a greater extent than is allowed in cosmetology.

Hyaluronic acid under the eyes

Such a familiar stranger

Hyaluronic acid is a polysaccharide of organic origin, synthesized in the human body or in the laboratory.
It is responsible for the synthesis of dermal fibers, which give it strength and elasticity. Since this substance is native to human cells, its administration is perceived as natural. The missing moisture comes to the rescue. The polysaccharide not only moisturizes the dermis, it creates a special film on the surface of the epidermis. The action of this “film” has two vectors. On the one hand, the film prevents the evaporation of moisture from all layers of the skin, and on the other, it attracts water from the atmosphere. All this helps to saturate dehydrated cells and is visually manifested by smooth, velvety, elastic skin around the eyes. The mechanism of action of hyaluronic acid under the eyes is complex:

  • Stimulating the regenerative ability of dermal cells.
  • Saturating them with moisture, retaining it inside.
  • Correction of the first wrinkles.
  • Normalization of blood circulation and lymph outflow, relieving swelling.
  • Saturation of cells with oxygen.
  • Disappearance of dark circles under the eyes.
  • Restoration of the skin's natural protective mantle.

Today, hyaluronic acid injections under the eyes are carried out using two methods. One - biorevitalization - is the introduction of pure or fortified HA, the other - redermalization - injections of a special drug Hyalual, which consists of a combination of HA and sodium succinate (succinic acid). In addition to hydration, UC provides relief from inflammation and the removal of free radicals, rejuvenating cells and accelerating all positive transformations of the dermis. However, the procedure technique, indications, and limitations are practically the same.

It is worth saying that hyaluronic acid can be administered under the eyes without injections, using laser correction procedures. In this case, HA gel is applied to the periorbital area, the eyes are covered with special glasses, and the area is treated with a laser beam. Pores open, the gel penetrates under the epidermis, straightens surface wrinkles. Then, its remains are removed and a nourishing mask is applied.

There is no special preliminary preparation or rehabilitation period, but a significant drawback is the inability to create a stable moisture depot in the deep layers of the dermis right away.
The effect is cumulative, up to 10 procedures are required. It is reasonable and effective to use laser in the early stages of aging, as well as in the case of acne-prone skin. Make an appointment

Why is there swelling under the eyes after the procedure?

Swelling after biorevitalization is a natural reaction to the introduction of a foreign body.

But if the swelling does not go away for a long time and causes painful and uncomfortable sensations , something went wrong during the procedure, and other factors may be the reasons for the development of disorders

  1. Before the procedure, the faces were not cleaned , as a result of which dirt particles got under the skin along with the filler.
  2. The patient is allergic to hyaluronic acid and other fillers. It is usually necessary to undergo an allergy test before such a procedure. But a cosmetologist cannot always oblige the patient to do this, and he, in turn, can hide information about such predispositions.
  3. Ignoring the rules of hygiene and sanitary standards by the specialist performing the procedure. As a result, an infection gets under the skin, causing inflammation to develop.
  4. During the procedure, low-quality materials , which themselves can become a source of allergic reactions.

Note! Swelling can also occur if too much filler is injected under the skin.

As a result, “congestion” forms in such areas and a large amount of fluid accumulates, but this is not considered a pathology, and such consequences are considered a normal phenomenon, although the swelling takes a little longer than usual.

Recommendations after the facial biorevitalization procedure

Biorevitalization is performed to improve the patient’s skin condition, restore youth and self-confidence. During the session, preparations based on hyaluronic acid are injected into the skin. After a course of therapy, the skin becomes smooth, small wrinkles disappear, and restoration processes begin. Manipulation is performed when the dermis loses its elasticity, is dehydrated, or if the number of wrinkles has increased and they have become deeper. A procedure is performed to correct the oval shape in preparation for plastic surgery. The advantage of doing this is that the result can be seen fairly quickly, and the manipulation is safe. Questions often arise about what should not be done after biorevitalization of the face with hyaluronic acid and how to care for the skin after the procedure.

How to care for your skin after biorevitalization?

Hyaluronic acid is produced naturally and is responsible for the elasticity of the skin, but with age the concentration of this substance decreases, causing the skin to look unattractive and signs of aging become noticeable. This procedure is carried out precisely for the purpose of replenishing hyaluronic acid reserves and is performed by injection into the facial area in order to launch rejuvenation processes.

Skin restoration using biorevitalization is relevant at the age of 25 to 30 years. The most visible result can be obtained when performing the procedure at 30 years of age. Main indications:

• Dry skin; • Presence of age-related changes; • Presence of sagging; • Swelling and bags under the eyes; • Pigmentation, wide pores; • Previously performed chemical peeling or plastic surgery, preparation for manipulation.

After biorevitalization, no complex care is required. The skin looks fresher, the oval becomes clearer, small wrinkles are smoothed out. No lengthy preparation is required, the procedure takes no more than an hour and does not cause pain. There are few contraindications after facial biorevitalization.

To notice a pronounced result, you will need to go through the procedure several times. There are several ways to administer the drug - by injection, non-injection method and laser method.

Administration of the drug using injections is the most popular option. The active component is injected using a thin needle. Local anesthesia is used to relieve pain. The rehabilitation period after biorevitalization of the face is 1-3 days. Non-injection treatments use liquid nitrogen, galvanic current, magnetic waves or ultrasound. Low molecular weight acid is used for laser biorevitalization.

When you can use the cream after biorevitalization, your doctor will tell you during your consultation. Immediately after the procedure is completed, cosmetics with a calming effect are applied to the face. You cannot do a massage or visit a sauna or bathhouse, as this can lead to the development of complications.

Care after biorevitalization involves the use of sun protection products for 5 days when going outside. It is necessary to periodically wipe your face with antiseptics. You need to give up sports for a while to avoid increased sweating, which will cause irritation.

What should not be done after facial biorevitalization?

This procedure is considered one of the safest and most popular in cosmetology. It is aimed at restoring the water balance of the skin. The day after biorevitalization, if the skin is sensitive, redness and swelling may appear - this is a reaction to the injections. To reduce the risk of complications, it is recommended to consult only experienced and qualified doctors. For detailed advice on the procedure and recommendations after biorevitalization of the face, contact our specialists at the Medial clinic. What not to do after facial biorevitalization:

• Do not touch your face to avoid infection; • You can apply makeup after biorevitalization only after complete healing; • You cannot steam your face; • Restrictions on playing sports must be observed; • You cannot sunbathe, exfoliate or use a scrub; • Alcohol should not be consumed.

To speed up the recovery process after the biorevitalization procedure, you need to follow a number of recommendations. It is necessary to drink enough water and take anti-inflammatory drugs on the advice of a doctor. If signs of allergy appear, you should consult a cosmetologist.

Biorevitalization and the menstrual cycle

It is not advisable to perform the procedure during menstruation, since during this period sensitivity to external influences increases and inflammation processes are most active. Some specific body reactions and hormonal changes can complicate skin care after biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid. Multiple injections can be very painful, especially in delicate areas around the eyes or lips. If pimples appear before menstruation, the procedure cannot be carried out until the rash disappears. The most pronounced edema may appear in response to the administration of the drug.

Solarium after biorevitalization

It is not recommended to combine a visit to the solarium with biorevitalization procedures. Getting a tan is one of the main prohibitions during the rehabilitation period. Temperature exposure can lead to the destruction of the acid, and the effect of the injections will be invisible. You should not visit a solarium or sunbathe in the open sun before the procedure. It is advisable to stop tanning approximately 2 weeks before the injection and 3-4 weeks after the injections. Healing of piercings may be slower due to sun exposure. To protect your skin from ultraviolet radiation, it is recommended to use special sun protection products.

Alcohol after biorevitalization

Drinking alcoholic beverages may negate the positive effects of the procedure. Any alcohol, even in small doses, accelerates the removal of fluid from the body. Because of this, the effect of the procedure will be less pronounced, since the dermis will become dehydrated. Vasodilation from drinking alcohol can lead to unpredictable consequences. Possible increased swelling. You can drink alcohol no earlier than 4-5 days after biorevitalization. By this time, the swelling will pass and the formations that appeared due to the punctures will disappear.

Procedures after biorevitalization

The rejuvenation effect of biorevitalization is achieved by introducing preparations with concentrated hyaluronic acid into the deep layers of the skin. As a result, the production of collagen and elastin, which are responsible for elasticity, increases in the tissues. The severity of the result after the procedure is influenced by age and individual characteristics of the body. Typically, a positive effect can be noticed after the first procedure, but to obtain a pronounced and lasting result, a course of sessions will be required. After execution there is usually no discomfort. There may be a sensation of bumps at the puncture sites - this is an accumulation of the drug, which completely resolves over time. This takes about 1-2 days. The maximum effect is estimated approximately 14 days after the last session.

Sports after biorevitalization

Any physical activity leads to activation of metabolic processes and stimulation of blood circulation. After biorevitalization, it is not recommended to actively engage in sports for the first few days, as injection marks can become inflamed from sweat. This will lead to an increase in the duration of rehabilitation. Active physical activity immediately after the session will lead to stress for the body, increased swelling, and loss of effect from the procedure. The rehabilitation period may increase as papules form after injections. They will take longer to heal if they get sweat. The likelihood of bruising, hyperpigmentation, and hyperpigmentation increases, especially if you train outdoors. It is advisable to resume sports approximately 10 days after the procedure, when the microtraumas have completely healed. This will avoid complications and maintain a positive result after therapy.

How long does the swelling last?

The normal period for swelling to persist after biorevitalization is two to three days .

If there are physiological characteristics, the amount of injected acid is exceeded and the skin is hypersensitive to foreign bodies, this period may increase to 10 days .

Everything that lies beyond this period is abnormal and is a pathology .

It is worth noting! Some people who undergo complex biorevitalization may be confused by the fact that swelling in the eye area remains even when swelling in the lips and nose has already resolved.

This is considered normal, since the skin around the eyes is the thinnest on the entire body, therefore, the consequences of any physical impact take longer.

AQUASHINE - interview with a doctor about the drug Aquashine


Service codeName of serviceprice, rub.
A11.01.012.039Intradermal injection of hyaluronic acid Aquashine Aquashine soft filler (1*2.0 ml) To eliminate the first signs of skin aging18000
A11.01.012.040Intradermal injection of hyaluronic acid Aquashine Aquashine BR (1*2.0 ml) To eliminate excess pigmentation of the epidermis18000
A11.01.012.041Intradermal injection of hyaluronic acid Aquashine Aquashine BTX (1*2.0 ml) To eliminate tissue dehydration, saturate them with moisture and amino acids. The effect is similar to Botox 18000
A11.01.012.043Intradermal injection of hyaluronic acid Aquashine Aquashine HA (1*2.0 ml) To eliminate tissue dehydration, saturate them with moisture and amino acids. The effect is similar to Botox 18000

The Center for Innovative Medicine continues to acquaint its readers with the opinions of medical specialists about new drugs that are in high demand in Aesthetic Cosmetology. This time we found out everything about the drug “Aquashine” from the famous cosmetologist, D.M.N., leading specialist at the Clinic for Age-Related Medicine in Ufa.

Question: Aquashine preparations appeared relatively recently in Russia and have already established themselves as effective and safe biorevitalizants. What are Aquashine preparations?

Today, there are many drugs that are used to carry out the biorevitalization procedure. The basic element of all these drugs is hyaluronic acid. As a useful addition, manufacturers often add components that enrich the composition to the biorevitalizant. Aquashine is a unique modern biorevitalizant consisting of hyaluronic acid in combination with vitamins and minerals, amino acids and peptides. Aquashine preparations are among the most popular today; they have more than 90% positive reviews from specialists and clients.

Question: Impressive numbers. Who produces Aquashine products?

Biorevitalizants are produced by Caregen (South Korea). The preparations produced by Caregen are intended not only for biorevitalization, but are also used for mesotherapy procedures (Dermaheal), bioreparation, and contour plastic surgery (Revofil). During its formation, the company was developing raw materials for drugs used in the cosmetology industry - biomimetic peptides and growth factors. Later, Caregen began to produce its own lines of drugs that support the youthful condition of the skin and regenerate tissue.

Question: What results can patients expect after trying Aquashine?

The Aquashine line allows you to slow down the aging of the dermis by working at the cellular level. The drugs are able to suppress excessively intense melanin formation and reduce the concentration of hidden skin pigments. We analyzed reviews from cosmetologists and their clients and came to the conclusion that the results from using Aquashine products are noticeable after the first procedure. The skin regains lost elasticity, its shade is evened out, small wrinkles are smoothed out. Usually, to complete a full course, 3-4 procedures are required, with a break of a month between them. It is important to understand that the specific number of procedures is determined only by a professional cosmetologist. The doctor takes into account the characteristics of the patient’s body, skin condition, severity of problems and wishes.

Question: I have repeatedly heard about the “rich” composition of Aquashine preparations. What constituent elements are present in them?

The Aquashine base is one and a half percent hyaluronic acid, the action of which is aimed at increasing skin hydration. Hyaluronic acid works in the dermis as an antioxidant and interacts with other components. Aquashine contains:

  • coenzymes and minerals that protect the dermis from unwanted influences;
  • amino acid complex - lysine, glycine, proline and other amino acids that provide protein synthesis;
  • vitamins A and B, ascorbic acid - antioxidants and stimulants;
  • peptides: oligopeptide72 is able to smooth out existing wrinkles and prevent the appearance of new ones; oligopeptide34 can lighten the skin, make pigmentation less noticeable, and make the complexion more even; oligopeptide24 is able to eliminate scars and make wrinkles less noticeable; oligopeptide62 helps prolong the cell life cycle, increase the firmness and elasticity of the dermis, lifting, and improving its color; acetyl decapeptide-3 returns tissues to a youthful state; decapeptide29 prevents inflammation and makes the skin smooth.

Experts often call Aquashine not a biorevitalizant, but a bioreparant, since the composition of the drugs included in the line is very rich.

Question: We have mentioned more than once that there are quite a few types of Aquashine preparations. Tell us more about them.

The Aquashine line consists of the following drugs:

  • AquashineClassic (Soft Filler). Provides a lifting effect, which becomes most pronounced 14-21 days after the procedure. The drug helps to overcome pigment spots caused by age-related changes, helps to moisturize and rejuvenate the skin. With its help, you can effectively correct folds and wrinkles. This type of drug is designed for patients aged 35-40 years;
  • Aquashine-BR can lighten the dermis thanks to the peptides in its composition, makes wrinkles less noticeable, makes the skin elastic, helps get rid of pigmentation, and helps strengthen blood vessels. The drug is perfect for hypersensitive dermis. Aquashine BR is designed for patients aged 50 years and older;
  • Aquashine-BTX is ideal for any type of dermis. The drug also helps reduce pigmentation, tightens the skin and provides an effect similar to the result of botulinum therapy. The most pronounced results can be seen approximately 2 weeks after the procedure. The drug is suitable for patients aged 35-40 years;
  • Aquashine-HA and Aquashine-HA BR appeared in Russia recently. They help eliminate age-related changes in tissue, can be used for preventive purposes, and differ in the content of sodium hyaluronate: if in the first preparation its concentration reaches 15 mg/ml, then in the second this mark approaches 13 mg/ml.
  • AquashinePlus, BR-Plus and BTX-Plus are improved versions of the line. They have a 2.5 times increased concentration of useful components - amino acids and peptides, so the results from using the drugs last much longer. It contains 2 more peptides than standard Aquashine products. Available in glass bottles.

Question: The variety of drugs in the line and the multidirectional nature of their action is truly impressive. If we summarize the information, who is recommended to come for the biorevitalization procedure using Aquashine preparations?

Different types of the drug can be used for the following symptoms and conditions:

  • with dehydrated dermis;
  • large pores, acne;
  • loss of skin elasticity;
  • pigmentation and dull skin tone;
  • scarring and post-acne marks;
  • uneven skin texture;
  • excessively thin skin;
  • small and deep wrinkles, folds;
  • sagging in the lower third of the face.

Mainly used by women aged 30-50 years for general skin rejuvenation, lightening and restoring firmness and elasticity, and getting rid of wrinkles. Aquashine prevents the appearance of age-related changes in the skin, helps to care for it after sunbathing, prepares the dermis for grinding, peeling and promotes speedy recovery after these procedures. The drug will also be useful for excessive dry skin and flaking.

Question: Surely your potential clients will be curious to know how to properly prepare for the procedure.

Any cosmetic procedure must be treated responsibly, come for an initial consultation with a specialist and undergo a medical examination to ensure there are no contraindications. A cosmetologist usually advises the patient a few days before the procedure to give up alcohol and take certain medications, limit intense exercise and postpone trips to the sauna and bathhouse. Remember: the procedure will be safe and effective only if it is carried out by a competent specialist who has the right to perform biorevitalization.

Question: Everything is clear with preparation. How does the biorevitalization procedure itself, carried out with the help of Aquashine preparations, take place?

The procedure consists of the following stages:

  • the patient’s skin is cleaned, disinfected and treated with an anesthetic;
  • the cosmetologist shows the patient the packaging of the drug, confirming its integrity and unexpired expiration date;
  • the specialist opens the drug, injections are made according to a pre-planned scheme;
  • When the work is completed, the doctor re-disinfects the skin and applies a mask with a soothing effect. At this same stage, anti-inflammatory compounds can be used;
  • the cosmetologist gives the patient the necessary recommendations for the recovery period.

Question: There are times when a client is dissatisfied with the result. What to do if the procedure was unsuccessful?

If correction with Aquashine drugs was unsuccessful, you can correct the result using hyaluronidase. Hyaluronidase removes hyaluronic acid from the body in the shortest possible time. Specialists use the drugs Lidaza and Longidaza for the same purposes. In some cases, darsonvalization may be prescribed. In order for the drug to be eliminated from the body as quickly as possible, you can regularly go to the gym, visit the bathhouse and sauna, and also prefer hot drinks to everyone else.

Question: Well, last but not least important stage. How is the recovery period after the procedure?

Immediately after injections with Aquashine, minor redness and bleeding in the target areas, as well as swelling and bruises, are possible. In the first days after the procedure, painful sensations may be observed, which subsequently go away on their own.

After the injections, it is forbidden to go to the sauna, swimming pool, or give the body heavy physical activity for 14 days. It is not recommended to use cosmetics for the first few days to avoid the possibility of infection or inflammation. On average, the results from procedures using Aquashine products last about a year: this is confirmed by numerous positive reviews.

If you want to see maximum results in the mirror, stick to a healthy diet, give up bad habits and maintain the results with repeated treatments from time to time. Your cosmetologist will tell you how many procedures you need to perform and what break you will need to take between them.

Question: Aquashine is a proven and safe drug. Are there any contraindications to the use of Aquashine products?

Like any other cosmetic procedure, biorevitalization with Aquashine has some contraindications. These include:

  • pregnancy and feeding;
  • infectious and autoimmune diseases;
  • impaired blood clotting;
  • cancer and diabetes;
  • aggravated acne;
  • inflammatory processes in the target areas of drug administration;
  • children and adolescents up to 18 years of age;
  • individual intolerance to the components included in the drug.

Question: What are the advantages of Aquashine preparations over other biorevitalizants?

Aquashine products have many advantages. They give quick results and are equally effective in preventing the appearance of age-related changes and getting rid of existing defects. With the help of Aquashine preparations, you can correct different areas of the skin, make the skin color fresher, increase elasticity and firmness.

The drugs allow you to solve a number of problems and are suitable for patients of any age: a large assortment of products in the line helps to find a biorevitalizant for each client.

Another clear advantage in the collection of benefits of the drugs is the fact that a huge number of cosmetologists consistently work with Aquashine. This once again confirms the high effectiveness of Aquashine biorevitalizants.

Reviews of the drug Aquashine

I decided to combine the Aquashine BTX procedure with peeling. The cosmetologist said that she recommends it, and yes, it is logical! Peeling dissolves the stratum corneum of the skin and it needs vitamins and moisture as much as possible, and biorevitalization works faster on smooth, cleared of old skin cells. The peeling lasted 5 minutes, then the composition was washed off and an anesthetic cream was applied under the film to the entire face for 3 minutes. Then we started injections. It didn't hurt me. The whole procedure lasted probably 15-20 minutes. After the procedure, for the first day you cannot wash your face, smear your face with anything, put on makeup, in general it is better not to touch your face, and you also cannot take a hot bath or go to the sauna. After the procedure, pappules are especially visible in artificial light and are most visible under the eyes. But after 10-12 hours, the papules practically disappear, but in places where the skin is thin, unevenness still remains and it doesn’t look pretty either. After 1-2 days I already forgot what these papples looked like. As a result, I gained: A magnificent glow from the inside, the blueness under the eyes disappeared, small wrinkles disappeared, the complexion became uniform, the skin was slightly moisturized, the overall appearance of the face became more well-groomed.

I’m almost 30, and I’ve been fighting post-acne quite successfully all my life. I decided to try the biorevitalization procedure with Revofil Aquashine . Inside: The package contains a 2 ml syringe already filled . This amount of the drug is enough for the face and neck . The most important thing in this kind of procedure is a good doctor who knows how to properly numb the pain and carefully inject the drug. This can only be done in clinics with a medical license. The first stage is, of course, pain relief with an anesthetic cream. The injections themselves, with proper anesthesia, are not felt in any way, except perhaps a little near the nose. There may be bruises - this is normal. If you have vessels that are quite close, there are spider veins: warn your doctor. I advise you to do it before the weekend, and sit at home for a couple of days, because the papules do not go away right away, mine completely disappeared on the 2-3rd day , but immediately after that my face became so incredibly even and smooth, just perfect! Papules last the longest on the neck. As for the effect, I can say that Revofil Aquashine is even better than plasma lifting. All my hopes were justified: the skin tightened, became smooth, elastic, and the pockmarks completely disappeared. I give the procedure 5 points, I recommend it to everyone for long-term tightening, nourishing and moisturizing the skin

For me, there is nothing better alternative than BTX Aquashine. The result is always predictable, clear and long lasting. As the doctor explained during the consultation: Aquashine BTX contains not just hyaluronic acid, but a whole “cocktail”: hyaluronic acid, peptides, vitamins and amino acids. Aquashine solves the most important problem for me: skin density and narrowing of pores. This really is biorevitalization with the result of chemical peeling, only without severe trauma to the skin. It is very important that the Aquashine procedure takes place without pain from injections. I generally can’t stand injections, and here they are on my face. Even in the eyelid area there was no pain. Of course, pain relief plays a big role. The procedure takes no more than 20 minutes. The rehabilitation is gentle, so I highly recommend it.

There are a lot of preparations with hyaluronic acid for biorevitalization on the Internet. In my opinion, the Korean Aquashine is the most reliable, like the Kalashnikov. Yes, the first few hours after the procedure, papples are visible, but the next day not a trace remains. If you are planning a party in the evening, the procedure should be rescheduled. The clearest and best result is a week after the procedure, namely: there are no circles under the eyes, the skin is uniform and of a natural “soft” color, moisturized and some of the “crow’s feet” wrinkles have disappeared. Let me emphasize - only small wrinkles. Do not confuse Aquashine and Botox.

The cosmetologist recommended combining the Aquashine BTX biorevitalization procedure with peeling. First, peeling is done (the skin is cleansed), and then biorevitalization. Before this, I did biorevitalization with Russian amalain. The effect was not bad, but I decided to go for something more expensive and of higher quality. Looking ahead, I will say that the doctor turned out to be absolutely right - it was the combination of 2 procedures that gave an excellent result. The whole process (both procedures) took a little over an hour, including the consultation itself. Why am I writing all this? Be sure to check the competence of the specialist you are going to. This must be a 100% cosmetologist, not an esthetician or a nurse; the establishment must have a medical license and a valid certificate from a doctor. Then the result from the Aquashine biorevitalization procedure will be exactly as you expect.

I contacted the Clinic about skin rashes. It was decided to do biorevitalization with Aquashine BTX. This is a cocktail with the correct proportions of hyaluronic acid, minerals and vitamins, coenzymes and amino acids. The numbing cream made the procedure comfortable. Recovery took four days in total. The result was very good. The rashes have gone away, even small scars and wrinkles have disappeared. It’s great that you don’t need any operations. I trust Aquashine.

Solutions to the problem

Some patients prefer not to take any measures to eliminate swelling and are willing to wait a couple of days until such disorders disappear naturally.

At the client’s request, a master cosmetologist or dermatologist
can prescribe special decongestants that accelerate the normalization of the skin condition.
You can use one of the following to speed up the healing process on your own:

  1. Homeopathic arnica . This product is based on natural ingredients (mumiyo, chestnut, plantain and arnica extracts). It not only relieves swelling, but also eliminates pain that sometimes occurs after the procedure. To do this, after biorevitalization, the product is applied twice a day until the swelling goes away.
  2. Lymphomyosot. A natural remedy in the form of an oral solution, which includes potent components and can cause additional inflammation if you are intolerant to such substances. This drug should be taken within ten days after biorevitalization. Reception is carried out three times a day. The product is not used in its pure form, but is diluted with purified water at the rate of 15 drops per half glass of water.

Remember! If the use of such funds is impossible for some reason, but the swelling takes longer than the prescribed three days, you can speed up the process simply by refusing to take certain actions.

In particular, during the entire rehabilitation period you cannot use decorative cosmetics and moisturizers .

Side effects:

  • Hematomas (bruises). They can persist for 3-14 days, you can use Traumeel ointment/heparin/troxevasin ointment/Troxerutin/Badyaga forte topically to reduce the “blooming” period. !!! To prevent/reduce hematomas after procedures, you can take Dicinon (2 tablets/day 3-4 days before the procedure and on the day of admission), avoid taking NSAIDs and anticoagulants (except in cases of vital necessity), for example, aspirin, etc. 2-3 days before the procedure. You should provide your cosmetologist with complete information about the medications prescribed to you (!).
  • Erythema (redness). Can persist for 1-3 days, you can use sedatives (with panthenol) 2-3 times a day, with pre-treatment with an antiseptic.
  • Swelling, pain. Within 1-3 days. Use locally cold compresses, as well as decongestants that improve microcirculation in tissues (Traumel ointment / troxevasin ointment / Troxerutin).
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