Can Panthenol be used as a face cream: what cosmetologists say

  • 4558
  • 09-10-2020
  • Author: Mysekret Team
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The description of Panthenol cream says that this product is recommended for use in the presence of various types of damage to the skin. It has a regenerating and restorative effect, and also moisturizes the skin. Based on this, many women ask the question: “Is it possible to use Panthenol cream for the face, given all its positive characteristics?” We propose to find the answer to this question together, based on the opinion of experienced cosmetologists.

What composition?

Before discussing the effectiveness of a particular product, it is important to study its composition, since the presence of an allergy to one of the components is a reason to completely abandon the use of this drug.

The main active ingredient in the composition of the drug "Panthenol" is dexpanthenol (a medicine, a B vitamin - a derivative of pantothenic acid). It is this that promotes skin regeneration to a greater extent, as a result of which metabolic processes are launched and the integument is restored. Also contains: glycerin, white soft paraffin, lanolin, paraffin, stearyl and cetyl alcohols, purified water.

The drug "Panthenol" can be found in the pharmacy in different release forms. There is cream, ointment, milk and spray. The most popular are cream and spray, since in this form they are easiest to apply to the skin of the face.

In addition to this drug, you can find similar products in the pharmacy, such as “D-Panthenol”, “Dexpanthenol”; "Bepanten." Having studied the composition, it becomes clear that the difference between the cream “Pandetol” and “D-panthenol” is small, since the main active ingredient is identical. It is also worth paying attention to hair cosmetics that contain the substance dexpanthenol. Such shampoos, masks, and balm restore the hair structure and scalp, help get rid of dandruff and accelerate growth.

Panthenol - cream, ointment for spots after acne and age spots: application

Skin is considered well-groomed if it has an even color and is free of acne and blemishes of any origin. But in order for the skin of the face to look like that, sometimes you have to use various tricks. In particular:

  • Acne may leave permanent spots on the face. To get rid of them, use cream, ointment, or spray with panthenol. It is recommended to apply such compositions daily until the stains are completely removed.
  • You can also use a cream with panthenol against age spots. Thanks to its ability to accelerate the production of skin cells, the process of exfoliation of the epidermis will occur. It is important not to overdo it with application. Side and unwanted effects may occur.

Treatment of acne with Panthenol

Panthenol: effectiveness and action

Panthenol cream, according to the instructions, is recommended for use on any parts of the body of adults and children where there is damage to the skin in the form of:

  • thermal and sunburn;
  • irritation, inflammation, diaper rash (in children);
  • cracks, wounds, etc.

Avoid contact of the cream with the mucous membrane of the eyes.

Panthenol cream promotes regeneration and restoration of the skin. According to the instructions, it is recommended for use by cosmetologists to eliminate the consequences of traumatic procedures. For example, after peeling, tattooing of eyebrows or lips, electrolysis and photo-epilation, slight redness and wounds remain on the skin. To speed up the recovery process, it is recommended to apply a small amount of Panthenol cream or another product containing dexpanthenol to the injured area. It relieves puffiness, eliminates redness, and promotes healing.

Panthenol - healing properties for the skin of adults and children, for hair health

  • The pharmaceutical drug is used by both adults and children. Not only does it cope well with sun and other burns, but it also has an analgesic, antimicrobial and wound-healing effect.
  • The active ingredient is dexpanthenol , it has a low molecular weight. Thanks to this, the substance penetrates deep into the epidermis. After which dexpanthenol provides the skin with the necessary amount of moisture. This is why the skin does not dry out and becomes elastic and soft.
  • Children are often prescribed this remedy for rashes and skin irritations.
  • Panthenol is useful for treating inflammation and damage to the mucous membrane. More precisely, for inflammatory diseases of the throat, mouth, and stomach.
  • If you have dry, burnt hair after dyeing or perming, then with the help of panthenol you will eventually restore its former strength. This element has the property of enveloping the strands with an invisible thin protective layer and penetrating into the structure of the hairs. Thus, it not only protects the strands from external influences, but also heals damaged hair from the inside.

Shampoos and balms with panthenol for hair

IMPORTANT : To heal wounds and burns, Panthenol can be used even by children and pregnant women. There is no reason to fear that he will do harm. The drug has one contraindication - individual intolerance.

Indications for use

Panthenol cream has a wide range of applications. It is effective for various skin injuries of the first or second degree, if we are talking about burns and diaper rash.

According to instructions

To speed up skin healing, you need to apply a small amount of Panthenol cream to the problem area of ​​the skin. The drug is effective for:

  • first and second degree burns. More severe forms require hospitalization and emergency care;
  • irritation manifested on the skin in the form of redness, rash;
  • shallow skin injuries: abrasions, cracks (for example, nipples of the mammary glands), bedsores of 1 and 2 degrees;
  • diaper rash in children, diaper dermatitis.

In cosmetology

Thanks to its composition and effect on the skin, the drug “Panthenol” has found wide use in cosmetology. It is recommended by specialists for speedy healing of the skin after a number of procedures, such as: permanent makeup, various types of hair removal, chemical peeling, aggressive facial cleansing, etc. The drug relieves redness, irritation and promotes rapid cell regeneration.

Also, Panthenol cream in cosmetology can be used for the following purposes:

  • eliminating excessive dryness;
  • preventing the early appearance of wrinkles;
  • eliminating existing shallow wrinkles;
  • treatment and prevention of acne;
  • normalization of intercellular metabolism and, as a result, improvement of skin condition;
  • nutrition and hydration;
  • increasing the production of collagen, the absence of which leads to aging and the formation of wrinkles.

Use of D-panthenol for nail care

D-panthenol is actively used for nail care. It provides additional strength and hydration to the nail plate, protects it from possible mechanical and chemical damage, general fragility, dryness and delamination.

All Rebis face creams contain D-panthenol

Can Panthenol be used instead of face cream?

Cosmetologists do not recommend replacing face cream with Panthenol, despite its positive effects on the skin. This product must be used according to the instructions for medicinal purposes when there is any damage or after a series of cosmetic procedures.

Panthenol anti-wrinkle cream at home is not recommended for frequent use. Experts suggest its use to eliminate wrinkles, dryness on the face or give elasticity to the skin in the autumn-winter period. The main thing to remember is that Panthenol is not recommended for constant use. The course should not exceed 5-7 days, then you should take a break.

To eliminate wrinkles and other skin problems, cosmetologists recommend using special cosmetics that contain Panthenol. In addition to panthenol, anti-wrinkle cosmetics also contain other components that help eliminate the problem. Also, professional face creams can be selected according to skin type: dry, oily, combination, acne-prone.

Panthenol can be used in homemade face masks to moisturize and nourish the skin. In this case, a small amount of the drug is added to the prepared composition, applied to the skin, excluding the area around the eyes, and carefully washed off after the set time.

What's included

Of greatest interest is the composition of the miracle drug, thanks to which the remedy works so effectively. So, the main effective components of Panthenol are:

  1. Provitamin B5. This component is responsible for metabolic processes in the skin, increases collagen production and promotes the rapid restoration of damaged skin.
  2. Vitamin E. The effect of this component in cosmetology is priceless, as it is a powerful antioxidant that fights inflammation. In combination with vitamin B5, it promotes enhanced restoration and renewal of the skin.
  3. Oils. As part of Panthenol, they perform a moisturizing and nourishing function, prevent the appearance of dryness, and normalize the water-lipid balance.

Thus, the effectiveness of Panthenol lies in the so-called synergy effect, when the components of the drug mutually enhance each other’s effectiveness.

Contraindications and side effects

Panthenol is a safe medicine, so it is used even for infants against diaper rash. However, before you start using it, you need to study the contraindications for use. There are few of them:

  • the presence of individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • renal failure;
  • high tendency to allergic reactions;
  • permanent occurrence of fever due to infectious or systemic diseases;
  • herpes in the acute stage.

The use of the drug in the presence of contraindications is prohibited.

It is also necessary to discontinue further use of Panthenol cream if the following symptoms appear after application to the skin:

  • allergic redness;
  • itching in the area of ​​application;
  • peeling of the skin;
  • swelling;
  • skin inflammation.

Important: before using Panthenol for the face, you must conduct an allergy test. A small amount of the drug is applied to the wrist for 10-15 minutes.

  • If there are no unpleasant sensations, no itching, redness, or rashes, further use of the cream is acceptable.
  • If an allergic reaction occurs, it is necessary to wash off the cream with warm water and stop using it. If necessary, consult a specialist.


Evgenia, Moscow

The cosmetologist recommended Panthenol as the most effective remedy for skin wrinkling. The cream helped remarkably against wrinkles caused by prolonged exposure to the sun. The face smoothed out, refreshed, and looked younger after a month of treatment.

Zhanna, Voronezh

I used products with dexpanthenol to get rid of acne on my face. The gentle foam Panthenol helps the best. Before applying, I cleansed my face and left the product on for half an hour. After a week, my skin condition improved noticeably.

Cream Panthenol (review) from 41 rub.


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  • Smell
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  • Inconvenient packaging
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How to use: instructions for use

Panthenol as a facial and body care product must be used with extreme caution. An excess of vitamin B5, which is listed as the main component in the composition of the product, is also undesirable for the skin, as is its deficiency.

Before applying Panthenol, it is necessary to conduct an allergy test, then select the appropriate form of the drug:

  • cream or ointment for dry skin;
  • spray - for combination, oily skin.

Apply to dry, make-up-free skin in the evening. Leave for 30 minutes, then remove any remaining residue with a paper towel. Panthenol is not a universal magic remedy for wrinkles, acne and other skin problems, but it is effective in the presence of wounds, burns, redness, and cracks. Cosmetologists recommend having this product in your home medicine cabinet so that, when necessary, you can use it for the intended purpose indicated in the instructions.

When preparing the material, consultation was carried out by:

Olga Kirilova (cosmetologist). A specialist with higher medical education and extensive work experience. Helped hundreds of patients cope with various skin problems. Conducts non-hardware and hardware procedures. Proficient in laser and phototherapy techniques.

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Rules for using cream and spray

Before using the cream, you must first cleanse the skin using antibacterial and cleansing agents. The ointment is applied in a thin layer half an hour after the procedure, 2-3 times a day for several weeks.

To use the spray, you also need to clean the skin from the accumulation of fatty secretions and dirt. Before use, shake the can and spray the product onto dry skin from a distance of 20 cm. Panthenol aerosol can be used three times a day.

Selection and application depending on skin type

The choice of product depends on the specific skin type:

  • For oily skin, Panthenol spray is better suited: it has a lighter structure than cream. Before using the product, you need to cleanse the epidermis of sebum and spray it on the face from a distance of 10 cm.
  • For dry skin, you should choose a cream. The product is quickly absorbed and moisturizes the dermis. You can smear it on your face like a regular cosmetic product.
  • For the combined type, Panthenol in the form of a cream is also used. The product does not clog facial pores and improves the condition of the skin.

Normal skin also needs constant care. To keep it nourished and elastic, you can use both forms of Panthenol. It is recommended to apply the products at night.

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