Which cream is better - Bepanten or Panthenol (review of effectiveness and reviews from experts)


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Bepanten and Depanthenol (D-panthenol) are products that stimulate the regenerative properties of the skin. These are analogue drugs, the main active component of which is dexpanthenol.

Bepanten and Depanthenol (D-panthenol) are products that stimulate the regenerative properties of the skin.

Characteristics of Bepanten

Bepanten has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. In addition to the main active ingredient - dexpanthenol, the drug includes beeswax, cetearyl alcohol, propylene glycol, paraffin, lanolin, etc.

The product is easy to apply, penetrates the skin very quickly, so it does not leave a film on the surface and does not require rinsing. A slight cooling effect helps reduce pain.

Bepanten ointment is used in the care of newborns to prevent diaper rash, redness and irritation caused by diaper dermatitis. Young mothers can use it to treat the mammary glands in the fight against cracks that appear during breastfeeding.

Bepanten is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the substances included in the product. This drug is not intended for the treatment of ears and open wounds.


The active ingredient is dexpanthenol , which promotes healing and scarring of wounds. Penetrating into cells, it acts like a vitamin. Shows a powerful reparative effect.

Available in several forms. The medication is used for wound healing, frostbite, and diaper rash in children and adults. Range of actions of the multifunctional tool:

  • Treatment for skin diseases.
  • Restoration of damaged skin.
  • Participation in collagen synthesis.
  • Reduce itching.
  • Promotes healing of wounds, abrasions, cracks.
  • Moisturizing dry skin.
  • Nipple care.
  • Elimination of diaper rash and redness.

The drug can be applied to the face, hair, and body. The most popular indication for using Panthenol is negative thermal effects. It helps soothe the skin and cools. Prevents blisters.

Characteristics of Depanthenol

Depanthenol (D-panthenol) refers to reparants used in the treatment of wounds and burns. In pharmacies, the product is sold in the form of cream, ointment and aerosol. In addition to dexpanthenol, the drug contains: petroleum jelly, lanolin, propylene glycol, cellulose, fragrances, etc. D-panthenol is used to accelerate the healing properties of the skin and eliminate irritation from anal fissures, cervical erosion, bedsores, cracked nipples.

Depanthenol (D-panthenol) refers to reparants used in the treatment of wounds and burns.

Contraindication for use is individual sensitivity to the components of the product.

Comparison of Bepanten and Depanthenol

The compared drugs have the same effect on the skin:

  • regenerating;
  • moisturizing;
  • metabolic;
  • soothing;
  • anti-inflammatory.

Both drugs are available in the form of an ointment or cream containing 5% dexpanthenol.

The oily texture of the ointment allows it to be used to protect the face and hands from cold and wind.

The cream has a lighter consistency, so it is quickly absorbed and does not leave a greasy film on the skin.


The drugs have regenerating properties thanks to dexpanthenol, which, as a result of conversion to pantothenic acid, enhances the acetylation process.

Both drugs are effective for any skin damage:

  • mechanical (cracks, abrasions, scratches, cuts);
  • inflammatory (trophic ulcers, boils, rashes, bites);
  • thermal, chemical and sunburn;
  • dermatitis, which manifests itself as dryness and moderate redness.

In addition, provitamin B5, included in the composition of these products, helps in the treatment of bedsores, anal fissures, diathesis, insect bites, abrasions, atopic dermatitis, rashes and diaper rash.

What is the difference

The main active ingredient of these drugs is the same, but the composition of the auxiliary components varies. Bepanthen uses natural substances, while D-panthenol uses their cheaper analogues. For example, instead of beeswax, Vaseline is used in Depanthenol. In addition, D-panthenol contains fragrances and preservatives, which can cause allergic reactions on the skin.

Bepanten ointment or cream in a 50 g tube can be purchased for 470 – 500 rubles.

Which is cheaper?

Bepanten ointment or cream in a 50 g tube can be purchased for 470 – 500 rubles. The average price of Depanthenol ointment or cream is 380 - 400 rubles. Thus, D-panthenol is almost 100 rubles cheaper than its analogue.

pharmachologic effect

the drug is dexpanthenol - provitamin B5 . It is freely adsorbed by human skin cells. After the substance enters the epithelial cells, dexpanthenol is transformed, as a result of which it turns into pantothenic acid.

Bepanten's effect on the body is determined by vitamin B5 . Pantothenic acid is part of coenzyme A. It promotes the processes of regeneration of the skin of the mucous membranes, takes part in acetylation and the synthesis of acetylcholine. Under the influence of pantothenic acid, cell metabolism returns to normal, mitosis is activated, and collagen fibers are strengthened. The drug has a moisturizing, regenerating, and also some anti-inflammatory effect on the skin. Therefore, the use of ointment or other forms of medication is possible on any area of ​​the skin. It is used to treat exposed areas, weeping wounds, and areas of the skin that are covered with hair.

Which is better - Bepanten or Depanthenol

These drugs contain the same active ingredient. In the absence of hypersensitivity to Vaseline, you can safely choose Depanthenol.

It is better for a young mother to give preference to Bepanten.

It has the safest composition possible, so it is suitable for hypersensitive skin of a newborn and for treating mammary glands during lactation. Even if the drug accidentally passes into breast milk, it will not harm the baby.

For newborns

Due to their activity and safety, products with dexpanthenol become indispensable assistants in child skin care. The preventive use of ointments allows you to maintain skin moisture at the proper level, reduces the likelihood of diaper rash, irritation and diaper dermatitis in newborns.

In order not to cause allergies in children, pediatricians recommend giving preference to Bepanten.

It contains no petroleum jelly or fragrances, which means you don’t have to worry about allergic manifestations.

Instructions for use

The annotation for drugs based on pantothenic acid states that they are used externally, locally.

Medicines in the form of ointment, cream or spray (Panthenol Pharmstandard, Dexpanthenol, Bepanten, etc.) are evenly distributed in a thin layer over the entire affected area. If necessary, the medicine is rubbed into the surface of the skin with gentle massaging movements.

The procedures are repeated 2-6 times a day. The duration of the therapeutic course is determined by the doctor individually, based on the nature of the pathological process and the degree of damage to the skin.

Indications and contraindications

External forms of Dexpanthenol, Panthenol and Bepanten are used for damage to the integrity of the skin of various etiologies.

Indications for the use of external agents:

  • violation of the integrity of the epidermis and mucous membranes: bedsores, shallow wounds, abrasions, burns (including eye burns);
  • inflammatory processes localized in different layers of the dermis: colostomies, ulcers, boils, carbuncles, acne (Dexpanthenol only);
  • daily skin care during the postoperative or postpartum period;
  • therapy and protection of the skin, with severe dryness of the epithelium;
  • skin care for newborns (diaper dermatitis, diaper rash, inflammation and cracked nipples in breastfeeding mothers);
  • dystrophic pathologies of the cornea of ​​the eyeball, erosive processes, keratitis (for Dexpanthenol).

Since the active component of the medications in question is an almost complete analogue of the elements that make up the skin, they are exceptionally tolerable by patients. The only contraindication to the prescription is individual intolerance or hypersensitivity to the components of the composition.

Directions for use and doses

The method of administration and the specific dosage of the medicine is determined individually for each patient. It is important to take into account the location of the pathogenic process, the degree of damage and the presence of associated complications.

Recommended methods for treating affected areas:

  1. The composition must be applied to the damaged segments of the skin in a thin layer, evenly distributed over the entire area. For Bepanten, the frequency of treatment is 1-2 times a day, with an average dosage of 1-3 mg of ointment, for Dexpanthenol - 2-5 times a day, 2-6 mg of medication.
  2. When treating inflammation of the larynx or oral mucosa - up to 0.5 g of medication in the form of rectal lozenges. To compensate for the deficiency of pantothenic acid - 0.1 mg of the drug daily (with clean water).
  3. For babies - 5-10 mg of Bepanten ointment, for the treatment of diaper rash and diaper dermatitis. Frequency of treatment – ​​after each diaper change, until complete relief from the disease.
  4. Injection solution - up to 4 ml intramuscularly, subcutaneously or intravenously to restore natural intestinal tone. Duration - as prescribed by the doctor.

What is better for a child - Dexpanthenol or Bepanten? – A question that interests many mothers. Most pediatricians and dermatologists recommend using Bepantent due to its absolute harmlessness to the body of newborns.

Side effects and special instructions

According to the official instructions for use, Dexpanthenol 5% cream does not cause systemic side effects. The components of the drug are not absorbed into the systemic circulation and do not cross the placental barrier.

In rare cases, side effects occur in the form of allergic reactions:

  • itching;
  • redness;
  • burning;
  • hives.

The listed dermatological manifestations resolve without patient intervention and do not require additional treatment. If they are detected, you must contact your doctor for treatment adjustments. Treatment with Dexpanthenol eye gel involves avoiding soft contact lenses. Before each procedure, the lenses are removed and put on only 20 minutes after fixing the medication on the mucous membrane of the eye.

Patient reviews

Yulia, 30 years old, St. Petersburg: “I use Bepanten as a face cream. It perfectly soothes and softens the skin after peeling. Dryness disappears, peeling is smoothed out. The skin recovers quickly after it. I didn’t use Depanthenol because I’m allergic and don’t risk using medications with fragrances. I found out that Bepanten is recommended in maternity hospitals, so I chose it. For the body, I also picked up a product with dexpanthenol - Bepanten Derma body lotion. It hydrates the skin beautifully.”

Svetlana, 35 years old, Sevastopol: “The pediatrician recommended using Bepanten to prevent diaper rash in a child. He quickly dealt with all unwanted skin reactions. But after trying Depanthenol, I found out that it also works perfectly. Didn’t cause any allergies or negative consequences.”

Bepanten price, where to buy

The price of Bepanten ointment 30 g is approximately 280-340 rubles. You can buy ointment in Ukraine for 75-90 UAH. for 30 g. You can find out exactly how much Bepanten ointment costs at specific sales points. The price of Bepanten candles can be found at the places where they are sold. Cost of Bepanten cream 100 gr. averages 520-550 rubles.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan


  • Bepanten plus cream 100gGP Grenzach Productionh GmbH RUB
    915 order
  • Bepanten plus cream for external use (aluminum tubes) 30g No. 1GP Grenzach Production GmbH

    RUB 482 order

  • Bepanthen ointment 5% 100gGP Grenzach Productions GmbH

    RUR 871 order

  • Bepanthen ointment 5% 30gGP Grenzach Productions GmbH

    RUR 454 order

  • Bepanten ointment for external use. approx. 5% tube 50gGP Grenzach Production GmbH

    RUR 582 order

Pharmacy Dialogue

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  • Bepanthen dexpanthenol 5% 100 g cream GP Grenzach Productions GmbH, Nimechchina
    355 UAH.order
  • Bepanthen 5% 30 g ointment (dexpanthenol) GP Grenzach Products GmbH, Nimechchina

    116 UAH order

  • Bepanten 5% 30 g cream (dexpanthenol)

    111 UAH order

  • Bepanthen 5% 100 g ointment (dexpanthenol) GP Grenzach Products GmbH, Nimechchina

    356 UAH. order

  • Bepanten plus cream 5% 30g (dexpanthenol) GP Grenzach Products GmbH, Nimechchina

    100 UAH order


  • Bepanten ointment Bepanten ointment 5% 100g Germany, Grenzach Productions

    351 UAH. order

  • Bepanten plus cream Bepanten Plus cream 5% 30g Germany, Grenzach Productions

    115 UAH order

  • Bepanten cream Bepanten cream 5% 30g Germany, Grenzach Productions

    136 UAH order

  • Bepanten cream Bepanten cream 5% 100g Germany, Grenzach Productions

    364 UAH order

  • Bepanten plus liquid Bepanten Plus skin spray 30ml Germany, Lichtenheldt

    132 UAH order

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Reviews from doctors about Bepanten and Depanthenol

Stepanova I.P., pediatrician, Samara: “I advise young mothers to use Bepanten for any irritation of their children’s skin, even minor ones. For example, protective ointment from the Baby series is suitable not only for newborns, but also for nursing women.”

Zhdanova O.S., dermatologist, Yekaterinburg: Both drugs - Depanthenol and Bepanten - stimulate the regenerating properties of the skin. For treating wounds, I prescribe Bepanten Plus to my patients, which contains chlorhexidine, which disinfects minor injuries.”

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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