Libriderm - why this brand is so popular: journalistic investigation

Natalya Plekhanova, journalist, editor-in-chief of the magazine “Cosmetics in Pharmacy”

A lot is written about Libriderm cosmetics, and often this information is contradictory. This is where myths and subjective judgments arise that have nothing to do with reality. This is explained by the fact that, unlike medicines, cosmetic products are not subject to existing laws requiring the dissemination of only reliable information supported by facts.

Having been the editor-in-chief of the magazine “Cosmetics in the Pharmacy” for two years now, which helps pharmacy workers navigate cosmetic lines, brands and brands, and having a staff of professional cosmetologists, I decided to conduct a real journalistic investigation. Choose a popular cosmetic brand and figure out whether it is really as good as the advertising posters tell us, and why people choose it, because they believe the advertising or trust the quality? After talking with 10 pharmacists, we chose the Libriderm brand. An active advertising campaign and the beautiful appearance of the packaging led the brand to absolute leadership in 2022 in sales in pharmacies among selective cosmetics.

Let's figure it out: is the popularity backed by quality, can Libriderm cosmetics be classified as selective, and is everything that the manufacturer claims true?

The formulation of various Libriderm cosmetics includes substances such as vitamins, hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin, stem cells, matrikins Pal-GHK and Pal-GQPR, etc. Let's go in order and pay close attention to each of these ingredients.


The philosophy of the LIBREDERM brand is based on freedom, since the word LIBRE means “free”. LIBREDERM is a balanced freedom from excess.

We remove unnecessary things from everything, leaving only the essentials: in formulas - using the optimal concentration of necessary ingredients; in design - making the product understandable and desirable; in price - giving everyone the opportunity to have healthy, beautiful skin.

LIBREDERM gives everyone the opportunity to use high-quality, world-class cosmetics with proven effectiveness at a fair price.

Positive reviews about the hyaluronic series

Libriderm cosmetics with hyaluronic acid are in great demand. Reviews generally contain positive information. The following advantages of the series can be highlighted:

  • contains no dyes or fragrances;
  • pleasant light texture that ensures rapid absorption;
  • pleasant light aroma;
  • long-lasting feeling of moisture after use;
  • eliminates small creases caused by dryness;
  • complexion becomes fresher;
  • perfectly restores the skin after sunbathing;
  • Suitable for any skin type.


The history of the LIBREDERM brand began with a bold innovative idea - to combine global scientific achievements and cosmetic trends. As a result of this cosmopolitan approach, the LIBREDERM International Laboratories were formed:

This way we get access to innovations and the latest achievements in the field of chemistry, pharmaceuticals and cosmetology. LIBREDERM is a symbiosis of scientific achievements in pharmaceuticals and modern solutions in the field of cosmetology.


However, this cream has one, but extremely significant drawback. Unlike injections, the effect of which lasts quite a long time until the hyaluronic acid is used up, cream filler creates only a visible effect of filling wrinkles for the duration of its presence on the skin. This naturally reduces its miraculous power, but the cream can come to the rescue at the most necessary moment and will allow you to look young and beautiful at a significant event. For long-term and regular care, it is better to use other hyaluronic acid-based products from. 3D filler, according to reviews, is very effective.


The idea of ​​creating a new product is preceded by a serious analysis: we study the skin care needs of women and men in the modern world, and we study market trends in the cosmetics industry. Solutions proposed by LIBREDERM laboratories undergo peer review. The developments are assessed by the International Scientific Council, which consists of the world's leading experts in the field of chemistry and dermatology. Experts select the best formulations and technological solutions for LIBREDERM products.

Among the members of the International Scientific Council LIBREDERM:

Collagen series

The best indicator of effectiveness that characterizes Libriderm cosmetics is reviews. For 35 years old, a series with collagen is recommended. This substance is a protein that is one of the structural components of human skin. It is elastin that is responsible for the elasticity of the epidermis. But, as in the case of hyaluronic acid, collagen molecules are quite large, and therefore have to be broken down through hydrolysis. This technology is quite expensive, which does not correspond to the stated price of Libriderm cosmetics. Thus, most likely, the substance simply settles on the surface of the skin.

The manufacturer claims the presence of matrikins in the complex. This formula was developed and patented by a famous cosmetology company that produces anti-aging cosmetics. This complex is distinguished by its high cost, which is in no way consistent with the price of Libriderm cosmetics. In addition, the recommended concentration of the complex is 2%. And given that the manufacturer does not indicate the value of this indicator, it is difficult to draw specific conclusions.

The main cosmetic effect of the collagen series is due to the presence of glycerin and castor oil in the composition. Thus, upon application, moisturizing is felt, but no therapeutic effect can be expected.


To create LIBREDERM products, only high-quality proven raw materials from world-recognized manufacturing plants that supply leading brands of the international cosmetics market. The choice of production site depends on the task at hand. LIBREDERM products are manufactured at 14 high-tech sites around the world, 3 of which are one of a kind and have no analogues in the world. In 2022, our own cosmetics production plant began operating in the city of Dubna, equipped with a unique duo-ionization system for water. All products are manufactured in accordance with international quality standards GLP, GCP, GMP and ISO 9001. Each series of products goes through a quality control stage in production, and then undergoes repeated testing in a laboratory at a warehouse in Russia.


Contains information about the wide range that characterizes Libriderm cosmetics, catalogue. Reviews will help you decide on the right product. But first, it’s worth finding out what collections of cosmetics the manufacturer offers:

  • "Hyaluronic collection" - provides intense hydration.
  • “3D Hyaluronic filler” - helps smooth out wrinkles and tightens the oval of the face.
  • "Collagen" - gives skin tone and increases elasticity.
  • "Aevit" - removes toxins and improves the overall condition of the skin.
  • “Vitamin F” - relieves irritation and accelerates recovery processes.
  • "Vitamin E" - improves skin condition, tones, refreshes.
  • "Panthenol" - provides intensive restoration of damaged tissues.
  • “Grape stem cells” act as an emergency aid for aging skin and slow down the aging process.
  • Miceclaen - cleanses and tones the skin, makes it easier to remove makeup.
  • "Seracin" - provides deep cleansing of the skin and fights inflammation.
  • "Keratin" - deeply nourishes and restores hair.
  • “Therapeutic shampoos” - eliminates dandruff.
  • “Herbal collection” - deep nourishment of the skin with plant extracts.
  • Bronzeada - provides quick and safe self-tanning.
  • "Carbon" - protects against harmful environmental influences.
  • Other.


All product formulas selected by a council of experts are subject to multi-stage testing: • in vitro and ex vivo in laboratory conditions • consumer blind randomized testsinspection by state quality authorities of Russia, the European Union, Asian countries • in vivo preclinical instrumental studies • controlled clinical studies dermatologists at leading European and Russian clinical institutions , including:

— State Scientific Center for Dermatovenereology and Cosmetology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation — Institute of Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology, Russia — Center for Children’s Health of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation — University of Malaga, Spain — Department of Dermatology of the University of Catania, Italy

LIBREDERM laboratories do not test products on animals.

Negative reviews about collagen cosmetics "Libriderm"

Collagen facial cosmetics “Libriderm” causes a lot of controversy among specialists and customers. Reviews contain the following negative information:

  • overcharge;
  • lack of a pronounced effect promised by the manufacturer;
  • within a week after regular use, pores begin to become severely clogged;
  • does not cope well with moisturizing dry skin;
  • A few hours after application, the skin develops a strong feeling of tightness and dryness.


All LIBREDERM products have a clear focus on solving a specific skin need: each product contains a focal active ingredient in high concentration and solves a specific problem. The LIBREDERM brand portfolio includes more than 300 products that cover all possible consumer needs for skin care of any type and condition.

The LIBREDERM assortment is divided into 2 categories: DAILY CARE Products for cleansing, moisturizing the skin, combating signs of aging, for women and men. SPECIALIZED CARE Targeted products for solving dermatological problems, accompanying the treatment of dermatoses, for women, men and children from the first day of life.


And the last question that has worried me as a consumer for a long time. Does the order in which ingredients are listed on labels matter? Technologists are unanimous on one thing, as required by clause 9.3. Technical Regulations of the Customs Union “On the safety of perfumery and cosmetic products”, ingredients should be arranged in order of decreasing their mass fraction in the recipe. Also, if the concentration of substances by mass fraction is the same, then they are indicated in alphabetical order. And if some active component is listed at the very end, this does not mean that there is too little of it and it will not work. The fact is that before using any active molecule, the manufacturer must make sure of its safety and effectiveness, and understand in what concentration it can be introduced into a cosmetic product. To do this, the active substance molecule undergoes a long and complex testing process. Its effect on cells and how it can affect physiological processes in the skin are tested. Its interaction with other substances of the future formula is being studied, because under their influence the molecule can change its properties and actions. Based on the data obtained, the manufacturer of the active substance makes a recommendation on how much of it should be in the cosmetic product. These recommendations are followed by the manufacturer of cosmetics Libriderm.


Focus on the consumer, international quality standards, high-quality ingredients, cooperation with the world's leading research centers are the main principles of LIBREDERM, which helped it become the No. 1 brand in sales in Russian pharmacies. The brand has received recognition in more than 20 countries (Russia, the European Union, Asian and CIS countries). In Russia, LIBREDERM has been the No. 1 cosmetic brand on the pharmaceutical market since 2016. This is confirmed by the annual reports of the analytical agency DSM Group. The brand owns a retail network of 20 branded stores in 14 cities of Russia.

LIBREDERM is a brand advertiser of skin care products at the federal level. According to media audience research, every third Russian knows about LIBREDERM, and every 20th uses LIBREDERM products. LIBREDERM products have received numerous beauty awards and are recognized in the professional market.

Release form, composition

The main component of Librederm moisturizing cream is hyaluronic acid. In addition, the composition contains camelina oil, specially prepared water, dimethicone and excipients. All of them are necessary in order to ensure high-quality hydration of the skin of the face, neck and décolleté. In addition, the cream smoothes the skin and improves microcirculation in it. Improving the structure of the dermis is possible by retaining the fibers and filling the space between them with hyaluronic acid. You can find out more about Librederm day cream here.

The cream is produced in a plastic jar with a hygienic dispenser. Also included is a cardboard box and an instruction insert.


There are also a few simple rules for using filler cream:

  1. The product should be applied to slightly moistened skin (for example, after a moisturizing day cream).
  2. Can be mixed with toning products.
  3. The product is driven into the skin with patting movements.
  4. Next, the cream filler is smoothed out. In this case, it is necessary to avoid stretching the skin.

Libriderm 3D cream (hyaluronic filler), according to reviews, really works. More on this later.

Terms of use

Any product, including cosmetics, must be applied correctly and, if necessary, left for a certain time (for example, masks). The rules for using any product are indicated on the manufacturer's packaging. Creams, masks, serums, balms and other Librederm products - they all have instructions for use.

We always pay attention to the rules for using libriderm products

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