D-Panthenol: in what cases is it used, which is better, cream or ointment?

Instructions for use

The product in cream form is intended for external use. Can be used 4-5 times a day. Apply a thin layer of cream to damaged skin. The surface must be rinsed well with water in advance and allowed to dry completely. You should also wash your hands well with soap. In order for the skin to recover faster, you need to follow regular use until the symptoms disappear.

Before use, it is better to consult a specialist in advance. If you need to treat an infected area of ​​skin, then before applying the cream, you need to treat the dermis with a local antiseptic.

If you follow the instructions, you can achieve quick and effective action at home in the shortest possible time.

Where is panthenol used?

  • In cosmetics, Panthenol in cosmetics has earned a reputation as a powerful external restorative, healing, moisturizing agent. In cosmetic formulas, vitamin B5 is found in the form of pantothenic acid derivatives: D- and L-panthenols. Often used in soothing products for sensitive, dry, oily and problematic facial skin, as well as in after-sun formulas. Its ability to stimulate the synthesis of collagen and elastin, reduce facial wrinkles, and smooth out skin texture allows the use of panthenol as part of anti-aging corrective care. Shampoos, balms and masks with provitamin B5 for hair improve hair structure, stimulate growth, prevent irritation and dryness of the scalp.
  • In cosmetology Since the key function of dexpanthenol is the regeneration of the skin, in cosmetology products based on it are used mainly after traumatic aesthetic procedures, for example, chemical peels, photoepilation, laser resurfacing, during which the integrity of the epidermal layer of the skin is damaged. Panthenol-containing creams, gels, masks help quickly soothe and moisturize damaged skin, relieve swelling and swelling of tissues, shorten the rehabilitation period and prevent complications.

How to treat a burn with Panthenol

Damage to the skin associated with prolonged exposure to direct sunlight or exposure to very high temperatures can cause discomfort on the skin in the form of redness, burning and even pain. You can cope with such symptoms using Panthenol spray. It not only has a healing effect, but is also able to cool the injured area of ​​the skin.

For burns, do not use the drug in the form of an ointment or cream. For burns, it is better to use only a spray.

It is best to treat the skin immediately after receiving a burn. To do this, you need to keep the cylinder in a vertical position. Before use, you need to shake well for 10-15 seconds and spray at a distance of a couple of centimeters. For maximum results, the foam should completely cover the damaged surface. It does not need to be rubbed in, but left to absorb. Repeat the procedure 4-5 times a day. The resulting thin film allows air to circulate and prevents moisture from evaporating in large quantities.

Forms of release of cosmetics with panthenol

Depending on the type and needs of the skin, there are several formats of cosmetic products containing panthenol. For oily and combination skin, choose water-based products with light textures - gels, serums, fluids, balms. For dry skin, nourishing products containing lipid-restoring formulas and oils, such as rich creams, are suitable.

Often panthenol can be found in the base of foundations or correctors, lipsticks or balms, for example, in the composition of Cicaplast restoring lip barrier balm. Shampoos, conditioners, and masks with panthenol are produced for hair.

How does Panthenol work?

The main property of the drug is regenerative. Panthenol promotes active healing of the skin in areas of damage. With constant use you can achieve the following results:

  • the process of healing wounds is accelerated;
  • inflammatory processes are reduced;
  • metabolic processes at the cellular level are normalized;
  • The epithelium is actively restored.

Panthenol also has a moisturizing effect, which helps relieve the unpleasant feeling of dryness. This property allows the medicine to be used for psoriasis and other dermatitis.

Due to its complex action, the product is used not only for the treatment of dermatological problems, but also for cosmetic purposes.

Features of using panthenol for different skin types

  • For oily skin The component is contained in light non-comedogenic gels, fluids, creams for oily problem skin, prevents tissue dehydration and fights its consequences: dryness, keratosis, peeling, irritation.
  • For dry skin Found in many moisturizing cosmetic product formulas. Used in baby skin care products. Nourishes, moisturizes, protects the epidermis, combines well with other emollients and hydrofixatives, such as glycerin and hyaluronic acid.
  • For normal The normal type is highly susceptible to almost all caring components in cosmetics. If your base cream for normal skin contains panthenol, then use it according to the instructions for use.
  • For combination The combination type combines the dry area of ​​the U-zone and the T-zone, in which the sebaceous glands are most active. Since panthenol does not clog pores, moisturizes, softens, and restores the epidermis, it is widely used in the care of this skin type.

Is it necessary to wash off Panthenol ointment before feeding?

Young mothers often face the problem of cracked nipples. Regular use of Panthenol ointment will quickly cope with this phenomenon. You can apply the ointment as soon as discomfort begins to appear during feeding or when the first cracks begin to appear. This will prevent the development of the disease process. The product should be applied immediately after feeding the baby.

Interesting! Before the next feeding of the baby, there is no need to wash off the product, since the components of the drug do not have a negative effect on the child’s stomach.

Panthenol - affordable and effective skin regeneration

Panthenol (d-panthenol, dexpanthenol)

– is a derivative of pantothenic acid, i.e. provitamin B5. Once in the body, it easily turns into pantothenic acid and takes a direct part in fat and carbohydrate metabolism, normalizing cellular metabolism.

Panthenol stimulates the regeneration of the skin and mucous membranes, has a slight anti-inflammatory effect - this is the most important link in maintaining the normal functioning of the skin.

Panthenol EVO cream effectively restores very dry and irritated skin within 5 days of regular use.

Panthenol, contained in creams in a concentration of at least 5%, ensures the restoration of damaged tissues, helps accelerate metabolism in epidermal cells, maintaining a protective barrier for collagen fibers. Panthenol stops inflammatory processes, that is, it is able to stop inflammatory reactions of the skin of various localizations. Creams containing panthenol effectively care for irritated, dry and flaking skin. Cosmetic products with panthenol stimulate hair growth, prevent dandruff, and care for colored hair.

Panthenol EVO cream with 5% dexpanthenol content will help to effectively “soothe” damaged skin and accelerate its regeneration.

Panthenol has a pronounced protective and regenerating effect on the nail plates and helps restore damaged cuticles.

In medicine, medicines containing panthenol are successfully used for:

  • violations of the integrity of the skin (abrasions, cracks, etc.);
  • for dry inflammatory lesions of the skin;
  • dermatitis and allergic dermatoses.
  • Among other things, medications containing panthenol are often prescribed by ophthalmologists to treat and protect the eyes. It is impossible not to note the effectiveness of panthenol in protecting against aggressive solar UV radiation. In addition to the use of this wonderful remedy in traditional medicine, there are also non-standard methods of using it: panthenol is known as an effective fighter against wrinkles. This occurs due to the restoration of the hydro-lipid mantle.

    You can apply creams to the skin without fear of getting an allergic reaction - after all, they are used in the treatment of children, pregnant women, as well as people with sensitive and allergy-prone skin.

Panthenol for dermatitis in children

Due to the high effectiveness of the product, it can be safely used if the baby has diaper rash and other skin problems. You can also achieve good results with diaper dermatitis in newborns. The drug has a slight drying effect, eliminates irritation, redness, and relieves itching. You need to apply cream or ointment after each diaper change for your baby.

Treatment should be continued until the baby's skin is completely healed. Before applying the ointment, it is best to wash the area of ​​skin with soap and water and let it dry completely.

Panthenol - what is it?

Panthenol, or pantothenic acid

– water-soluble vitamin B5 (dexpanthenol) with low molecular weight and high ability to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin.

Pantothenic acid was discovered in the 30s of the 20th century and almost immediately found application in pharmacology due to its pronounced anti-inflammatory, regenerating, and soothing properties. The ability to accelerate tissue renewal, maintain their firmness and elasticity, smooth out wrinkles, soften and moisturize the epidermis has allowed vitamin B5 to take first place among components for facial and body skin care. Today, panthenol for the face is one of the key components and helps solve several skin problems at once.

Use in children and pregnant women

Pregnancy and breastfeeding are not an obstacle to using D-Panthenol for external use. The substances of the drug do not penetrate the placenta and do not have a negative effect on the process of formation and development of the fetus.

The cream or ointment is recommended for use by women when caring for the mammary glands: it is necessary to lubricate the nipples after each application to the breast to prevent microcracks and injuries.

For children, the product can be used from birth; the cream or ointment is applied to the skin under the diaper at each diaper change or after hygiene procedures. For older children, D-Panthenol will help quickly heal minor cuts, abrasions, and scratches.

Indications for use of D-Panthenol

Everyone needs to know what D-panthenol ointment is used for. The main reasons for use are a variety of mild skin damage resulting from temperature, mechanical or chemical exposure. Indications include:

  • skin burns, including those resulting from sunburn;
  • wounds in the form of abrasions and scratches;
  • dermatitis;
  • uncomplicated diaper dermatitis in infants and its prevention;
  • treatment and prevention of nipple injury during breastfeeding;
  • dryness and tightness of the skin

Depanthenol cream is used to protect the epidermis from the effects of frost and wind, for the prevention and treatment of diaper rash, when treating the skin around the openings for the removal of colostomy, tracheostoma or gastrostomy.

The ointment is used in the treatment of bedsores, trophic ulcers, anal fissures, and non-infected wounds after surgical interventions.

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