Peeling PRX-T33 – skin rejuvenation without surgery

Unless you're an esthetician or dermatologist, it can often be difficult to know where to start with your skin care routine. Some look to cosmetic store shelves for a solution, while others believe that surgery to reverse the signs of aging is the only option. Luckily, there are many ways to enhance your skin's natural beauty—and none of them involve going under the knife. One such option that has proven extremely successful is the PRX-T33 peel.

What is a medical grade chemical peel?

Chemical peels are essentially face masks that contain components that eliminate wrinkles, tighten pores, improve color, etc. Unlike many skin care products, chemical peels can target both the epidermis and dermis. Depending on the type of chemical peel, these treatments may target acne, hyperpigmentation, fine lines and wrinkles, and scars.

After a standard chemical peel, an exfoliation process occurs where the skin gets rid of dead skin cells and turns into a new, fresh layer of skin.

PRX-T33 - a new type of chemical peeling

PRX-T33 functions completely differently than most chemical peels. PRX-T33 leaves the epidermis completely alone, so your skin's protective layer remains intact. This peel only targets the dermis, meaning there will be no flaking or dryness afterwards.

Skin care after the procedure

The peeling manufacturer claims that there is no recovery period after peeling. Still, for women with dry skin and skin prone to inflammation, it is advisable to adhere to several rules:

  1. Protect your skin from sudden temperature changes: avoid going to the sauna or bathhouse for several days after peeling, and also use a protective cream in winter;
  2. Follow a diet, excluding too fatty and spicy foods from the diet, so as not to provoke the formation of new inflammations;
  3. Use good sunscreens;
  4. Drink plenty of water to restore water balance in the body and reduce discomfort after peeling to a minimum;
  5. Avoid scrubbing at home to avoid further injury to the skin.

While studying information about prx-t33 peeling and the procedure protocol, many are also looking for the answer to the question: “after the session, can baby cream be applied to the skin?” For example, in case of slight redness or peeling. Cosmetologists believe that this is acceptable.

What is PRX-T33?

Most, if not all, chemical peels include trichloroacetic acid (TCA) as a main ingredient. TCA, a derivative of vinegar, helps exfoliate and reduce fine lines and wrinkles. The PRX-T33 is no exception. However, unlike most chemical peels, PRX-T33 contains a certain percentage of both kojic acid and hydrogen peroxide. These supplements help control TCA, allowing you to reduce fine lines without the exfoliating properties of TCA.

Both hydrogen peroxide and kojic acid reduce inflammation in the epidermis of the skin, and also help restore cell production and prevent the formation of melanin.

Who is suitable for peeling with PRX T33?

According to Olga Degtyareva, the procedure can rightfully be considered an analogue of biorevitalization - rejuvenation with hyaluronic acid. It allows you to achieve a similar effect without injections, and therefore is suitable for people who cannot or do not want to endure the pain of injections, but want to look good, regardless of age.

It is also suitable for active people who do not have the opportunity to wait out the rehabilitation period at home. After PRX peeling, only slight redness of the skin is possible, which disappears within two hours. And after two to four days, some experience slight peeling of the epidermis, which a moisturizer will help to cope with.

PRX peeling is all-season; it is done even in summer, when other types of chemical exposure to the skin are prohibited. The effect will be noticeable after the first visit to the cosmetologist, and to achieve a lasting result you will need to do a course of 8-10 procedures.

We recommend painless and effective care to people who want:

  • get rid of small wrinkles around the eyes - after the procedure they are smoothed out;
  • improve complexion in the presence of age spots;
  • reduce the size and visibility of pores, which makes the treatment attractive for those with oily and problematic skin;
  • get rid of seborrheic dermatitis by suppressing excess sebum secretion;
  • smooth out visible imperfections on the face and body - scars, acne marks;
  • eliminate the effects of hyperkeratosis, make the skin soft, tender, velvety and elastic.

“After the procedure, a powerful lifting effect is observed,” notes Olga Degtyareva. — The skin tightens, looks moisturized, elastic. PRX can be done either as an independent procedure or in preparation for other cosmetic treatments or after injections on the same day. The composition enhances the work of injectable drugs on any part of the body.”


Despite the fact that all-season peeling is considered a gentle rejuvenation method, it has a number of limitations. Thus, the main contraindications include such pathological conditions as:

  • acne;
  • various skin lesions of viral , bacterial and fungal origin;
  • fresh abrasions and wounds in areas requiring treatment;
  • tendency to develop an allergic reaction to the components present in the composition;
  • psoriasis , eczema and other dermatological skin diseases;
  • recent surgery in the area to be treated chemically;
  • infectious pathologies occurring in acute form.

Peeling in spring and summer

Facial peeling belongs to the category of aggressive procedures associated with some trauma to the epidermis.

In addition, the procedure is prohibited during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Before deciding to use such a product, it is advisable to first consult a cosmetologist.

Is it possible to carry out the procedure at home?

The drug PRX-T33 has the most gentle effect on the skin , so it can also be used at home.

When performing peeling yourself, you must strictly adhere to the protocol and instructions for using the drug. Otherwise, the occurrence of any complications and side effects cannot be avoided.

In order for the procedure to be not only effective, but also safe, before carrying out it, you need to consult with a cosmetologist , who will give basic recommendations for the use of PRX-T33 based on the condition of the skin and the characteristics of existing defects.

We recommend: Effective gas-liquid peeling. Who is the procedure indicated for, how is it performed, are there possible complications?

Opinion of cosmetologists

Most cosmetologists are satisfied with the results obtained by using the drug PRX-T33. Among the main advantages are noticeable rejuvenation and an easy rehabilitation period.

Of course, not all experts talk only about positive results. Some note an insufficient whitening effect, but this is where the “complaints” about the drug end.

It is also worth noting that most cosmetologists are of the opinion that PRX-T33 may well replace anti-aging injections , but on condition that peeling is carried out in courses.

Now you know that if you need to do peeling on the eve of a vacation or an important event, you need to choose a procedure using PRX-T33, since this drug does not create unpleasant consequences and does not make the skin hypersensitive to external irritants.

The main thing is to choose a good beauty salon , where they use only high-quality products, and an experienced specialist who can carry out the procedure correctly.

What is the rehabilitation period?

The drug PRX-T33 has a delicate effect, so there is no rehabilitation period as such. Special care for treated skin is also not required, but in the first 7 days after the procedure it is worth considering some nuances :

  1. before going out in the sun, you must use sun blocks;
  2. it is important to refuse to visit a public swimming pool, sauna, bathhouse and solarium;
  3. You should wash only with soft water.

Reference . In rare cases, slight peeling and redness may occur immediately after the session. These consequences do not require special correction, as they go away quite quickly on their own.

Indications for PRX-T33 peeling

  • Acne (as an alternative to cosmetic procedures, this type of cleansing starts the process of removing purulent formations, pimples and blackheads)
  • Flabbiness or loss of elasticity of facial skin
  • Presence of post-inflammatory spots after acne
  • Atrophic scars
  • Stretches of various depths
  • Seborrheic dermatitis
  • An auxiliary method for the treatment of seasonal and age-related pigmentation
  • Hyperkeratosis of the facial skin
  • Prevention and treatment of skin photoaging

Execution steps

The duration of the session will depend on the depth to which the solution will act. On average it takes from 40 minutes to one and a half hours.

The procedure protocol involves performing the following sequential steps.

First of all, the skin must be thoroughly cleansed of impurities and decorative cosmetics using special cosmetics. After this, the epidermis is dried with napkins and disinfected with a disinfectant solution. For this task, you can use a cotton pad soaked in alcohol.

Next, an acid solution is applied to the skin. It is important to act strictly in accordance with the instructions for use. The drug is distributed evenly in one layer. Depending on what problem needs to be solved, the composition can be applied in 3-5 layers. After this, the cosmetologist massages the skin with light movements for five minutes, which will allow the solution to penetrate as deeply as possible into the dermal layers.

What peelings can be done in summer?

Peeling has long taken pride of place among skincare procedures.

You need to keep the product for the period of time indicated in the instructions. Remains of peeling are removed with a dry cloth or distilled water, an acid-neutralizing substance is applied and washed off again.

Finally, the surface of the skin is treated with a cream, serum or lotion that has nourishing and moisturizing properties.

History of the creation of PRH-T33

The drug PRX-T33 was developed by the Italian company GPQ Srl , which produces cosmetics and medical products.

For 10 years, a team of dermatologists led by Professor Rosanna Castellana, specializing in innovative dermatology, searched for the ideal composition of the new drug.

As soon as specialists managed to develop the optimal formula for PRX-T33, the company immediately patented it and brought it to the international market.

Advantages and disadvantages

The popularity of the new type of peeling is due to the large number of advantages of this procedure:

  • possibility of peeling at any time of the year;
  • the appearance of results after the first session;
  • lack of rehabilitation period;
  • absence of pain, burning and any discomfort during peeling;
  • lack of photosensitivity – you can sunbathe a couple of days after the procedure;
  • there are no such unpleasant consequences as the appearance of crusts, peeling, swelling and redness;
  • there are practically no age or other contraindications (peeling can be performed from 15 to 60 years);
  • accessibility of the procedure for all skin types.

The procedure also has disadvantages, but they are few.:

  • high cost in comparison with procedures of similar depth of impact;
  • Unfortunately, this type of peeling is not carried out in all beauty salons.


The drug contains only three components, due to which high efficiency is achieved.

Kojic acid

This is a 5% concentrated substance. Helps fight pigmentation and freckles. It also prevents the synthesis of the coloring pigment melanin.

As a result, the color and tone of the skin surface are evened out. Its main distinguishing feature is that it has antibacterial properties.

Hydrogen peroxide

Used in the composition due to its antiseptic characteristics. Helps cleanse pores of dirt, sweat and sebaceous accumulations. In addition, there is an activation of metabolic processes and oxygen saturation at the cellular level.

Trichloroacetic acid

In the Italian peeling it is contained in a concentration of 33%. Characterized by restoration of natural skin renewal and synthesis of protein compounds. Has anti-inflammatory and exfoliating effect.

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