Aspirin peeling: a useful product for facial skin from your first aid kit

A cosmetic procedure called facial cleansing with aspirin at home is in no way inferior in effectiveness to expensive salon procedures. Along with the obvious positive effect, this remedy is also easy to prepare. The component composition of a natural medicinal product may vary depending on the type of skin and the type of dermatological problems.

What is the principle of action of masks based on acetylsalicylic acid? Are there any contraindications to the use of such products?

The principle of operation of masks with aspirin

Cleansing the face with aspirin allows the beneficial components of the drug to penetrate the pores of the skin, thereby dissolving sebaceous plugs. In addition, this product improves blood flow to the skin, eliminating inflammation on its surface. This action inhibits specific enzymes that are involved in the formation of sebum (sebum). After such manipulation, inflammation decreases and gradually disappears.

Facial cleansing with aspirin is relevant when solving the following problems:

  • deep cleansing to eliminate impurities, dead cells and sebaceous plugs;
  • reducing the number of acne and pimples, helping to eliminate traces of them;
  • reduction of swelling on the skin;
  • fight against pustules;
  • reduction of inflammation, oily sheen;
  • maintaining water balance, moisturizing the skin;

Aspirin-based products whiten the skin and at the same time help maintain its elasticity.

Who will benefit from aspirin masks?

Who is recommended to perform gentle facial cleansing with acetylsalicylic acid at home? Such a complex effect is relevant in the following cases:

  1. Tendency to inflammation and acne. Although many of the modern care products promise a similar effect, often only aspirin-based products are useful.
  2. Pigmentation, uneven skin color. Acetylsalicylic acid has a lightening effect on the skin. Even if it cannot completely eliminate pigmentation, it can make spots less noticeable.
  3. Excessively oily skin (the main signs are greasy and oily skin). Most women try to disguise this phenomenon with powder and foundation. However, the best solution is to eliminate the cause of the shine. Aspirin-based products will help with this.
  4. Presence of comedones. Cleaning with acetylsalicylic acid allows you to remove blackheads carefully and, most importantly, painlessly (as opposed to mechanical cleaning).
  5. Very sensitive skin that reacts sharply to decorative cosmetics. Regular exposure of the skin to aspirin makes it more resistant to external factors.
  6. Fading skin. In combination with a dim complexion, this condition does not adorn any woman. Such manifestations should be combated at the earliest stages with aspirin-based products.
  7. Enlarged pores. They look very unaesthetic, not to mention the fact that they add multiple problems. Cleansing your face with aspirin helps tighten pores and make skin velvety and smooth.
  8. Loose skin. A similar problem can appear not only in adulthood, but also in young years. The reason for the decrease in the tone and elasticity of the dermis can be various, including stress, environmental influences and other factors.

Who should refuse masks?

Despite all its many advantages, aspirin is still a drug. For this reason, its use, including external use, can provoke a negative reaction from the body. To avoid such troubles, in some cases you should avoid aspirin cleansing:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • tendency to allergic reactions to medications or food;
  • in the presence of infectious diseases;
  • in case of violation of the integrity of the skin (presence of wounds, abrasions, scratches, etc.);
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Advice. It is recommended to test finished formulations based on acetylsalicylic acid on the crook of the elbow before each use of the product. This will allow you to track the level of sensitivity of the body to the manufactured product. It is typical that over time, the perception of the drug by the skin may worsen and cause an unexpected reaction.

Benefit, harm

Acetylsalicylic acid is used in medicine as an antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and blood thinner.

These same properties determine its use in cosmetology. Penetrating through the skin pores deep into the epidermis, aspirin activates blood flow , preventing lymph stagnation, and also:

  • effectively, quickly, painlessly exfoliates dead skin particles, leaving the skin soft, tender, and silky.
  • whitens, making freckles and pigmentation less noticeable;
  • rejuvenates, increasing skin tone;
  • helps retain moisture in the skin;
  • quickly removes acne and comedones due to its anti-inflammatory effect;
  • tidies up enlarged pores, tightening them, and normalizes sebum secretion.

Acetylsalicylic acid has a beneficial effect on blood vessels and capillaries, strengthening their walls and preventing the development of rosacea.

Peeling with aspirin can be used on the face, neck, décolleté, and other parts of the body that require exfoliation.

Harm can come from illiterate use of the product when combined with alkaline components and aromatic oils, which react with aspirin to form sticky resins.

You need to combine acetylsalicylic acid with cleansing, toning, skin smoothing ingredients:

  • lactic acid products;
  • cosmetic clay;
  • honey;
  • starch.

Aspirin (acetylsalicylic) peeling can be used at any time of the day, even in emergency cases when you need to look good after a sleepless night or stress.

Opinion of cosmetologists

Experts' opinions were divided. Some cosmetologists say that peeling is inappropriate, because against the background of a high risk of complications, the effect is insignificant. Professionals say that you can buy good products in stores without wasting time preparing masks from aspirin and other substances.

Others believe that if you act strictly according to the instructions, there are no negative consequences, and aspirin peeling is quite suitable for home care. They note that it is better to combine such cleansing with salon procedures, so the rejuvenating effect will be more noticeable.


Each woman can choose an individual combination of components for her skin type to quickly make her face well-groomed.

But at the very beginning, you can use time-tested recipes.

For peeling you will need regular aspirin tablets (not effervescent) .

Each tablet contains 500 mg of acetylsalicylic acid, microcrystalline cellulose and corn starch, which also have a beneficial effect on the epidermis.

All recipes are for three tablets. This corresponds to 1.5 g of pure substance, which is enough for the face, neck and décolleté.


Use only aspirin with water (3 ml) . The tablets very quickly disintegrate in a small amount of moisture into a granular substance (suspension), which is very convenient to apply to damp skin and massage, removing dead cells and fat.

You need to do this for 1-2 minutes, then wash your face and smear your face with your favorite cream.

This peeling is ideal for oily and combination skin types.

For normal and dry conditions, it is better to try the recipes given below.


For deeper cleansing, take an aspirin water suspension, as in the previous recipe, and add 10 g of thick candied honey to it.

After mixing, a creamy viscous mass is obtained, which must be applied to the surface to be treated with patting movements, as if driving into the skin.

It is advisable to tap your fingertips on your face until the color of the honey changes from yellow (light brown) to white or greyish .

This means that the cosmetic mass has drawn out the maximum amount of toxins from the epidermis. It's time to wash it off and apply cream to your face.

This recipe is suitable for all types. For dry and sensitive epidermis, after peeling you can make a nourishing mask.

Facial peeling with aspirin for acne and blackheads:


To stimulate collagen synthesis during superficial peeling, take:

  • aspirin;
  • water - 5 ml;
  • candied honey - 15 g;
  • iodine - 3 drops.

First, acetylsalicylic acid tablets are suspended with water, mixed with honey, and left for 10-12 minutes. Then iodine is added and immediately applied to damp skin, massaging in a circular motion along the lymph flow lines.

After the procedure, the face immediately comes to life due to the activation of cellular respiration. During the session, you may feel a pleasant warmth, but not a burning sensation.

If unpleasant sensations occur, exfoliation should be stopped immediately by washing off the cosmetic mass from the face with plenty of water.

Peeling is recommended for all skin types. After the procedure, the face can be lubricated with cosmetic oil with a soothing effect - peach or apricot kernels.

Anti-aging chemical peeling with aspirin:

With a lifting effect

The following peeling composition will help prevent sagging and increase the elasticity of any type of skin:

  • acetylsalicylic acid;
  • corn starch - 15 g;
  • water - 25 ml.

Starch is brewed with hot water, resulting in a thick paste or jelly. Aspirin is converted into a suspension and mixed with the resulting jelly.

The resulting mixture is quickly applied to the skin of the face and neck, performing a massage for 3-5 minutes. Then wash off with cool water.

For dry type, water is replaced with milk. The effect of the procedure is noticeable immediately. The epidermis is tightened, small wrinkles become invisible. More details about peelings for dry skin can be found in a separate article.

It is advisable to take corn starch , since potato starch is brewed very thickly and is difficult to wash off from the face.


The following recipe will help you get rid of age spots, make freckles less noticeable, and whiten your face:

  • aspirin suspension;
  • 5% solution of ascorbic acid - 1 ampoule;
  • potato starch - 15 g;
  • cold water - 30 ml.

After mixing the ingredients, you should end up with a mixture that squeaks a little when rubbed between your fingers.

The face is treated starting from the forehead, moving to the bridge of the nose, wings of the nose and chin. Lastly, massage the cheeks, rinse with cold water, and wipe the face with parsley decoction.

Peeling is not suitable for dry and sensitive types . For exfoliation, it is better to mix the drug tablets with 10 ml of kefir.

The combination of two acids (acetylsalicylic and lactic) promotes whitening and moisturizing. Even more recipes for peelings for skin pigmentation are here in the text.

For acne and comedones

For problematic oily or combination skin, you need to mix:

  • 10 g of green cosmetic clay;
  • 10 ml water;
  • aspirin suspension.

Quickly apply the mixture to the face, treat for 5-7 minutes, rinse with warm water.

After the session, the skin is not lubricated with anything for 2 hours, allowing the pores to breathe freely. Then apply a moisturizing gel or serum.

If the problematic epidermis is of the normal or dry type, then instead of green clay, take pink clay , and after the session wipe the face with tonic. The cream is applied 2-3 hours after the procedure. You can read about peelings for problematic facial skin in a separate article.


After cleansing, it is important to remove any remaining peeling and neutralize the acid.
To do this, just wash your face well, apply a moisturizing, nourishing cream or mask. The procedure can be carried out before bed and use a light cosmetic oil (for example: almond or grape seed). If a girl suffers from hyperproduction of sebaceous gland secretions, it is better not to experiment, but to use usual skin care products.

If the procedure was performed in the morning, then before going outside you need to apply a cream filter. It will protect the epithelium from the aggressive effects of the sun, ultraviolet rays and reduce the risk of age spots.

Directions for use and precautions

When using aspirin peeling, you need to follow the following simple rules :

  • oily and combination skin is steamed before the session, normal and dry skin is warmed up with a compress, light massage or simply taking a shower;
  • peeling is carried out only on a moistened face;
  • When preparing the mixture for exfoliation, it is undesirable to use metal objects. Acetylsalicylic acid reacts with metals to form toxic products harmful to the skin;
  • After the session, the skin is moisturized with cream, serum or lotion. For dry skin, you can make a nourishing soothing mask.

After exfoliating your skin with aspirin, you can immediately do makeup and go on your face, but do not forget about protection from sun rays by using cosmetics with high spf (at least 30).

Additional components

When exfoliating facial skin with aspirin and honey, you can use additional components and get a complex effect:

  • a few drops of lemon juice will enhance the brightening effect, tighten pores, and refresh the complexion;
  • aloe juice will provide a rejuvenating effect;
  • Sleeping ground coffee will saturate you with antioxidants and tones you up;
  • a few drops of olive or peach oil will protect the dermis from drying out;
  • yogurt or low-fat sour cream will maintain water balance and have an antiseptic effect thanks to lactic acid bacteria;
  • crushed and swollen oatmeal will soften the aggressive effects of acid and nourish the skin with beneficial components.

You can choose the appropriate composition yourself, taking into account your skin type (dry, oily, combination), age, and the degree of existing problems.

When to expect the effect

The result of the procedure with aspirin is noticeable immediately - the face becomes smooth, soft, and acquires vibrant colors.

After two weeks, acne disappears, and after a couple of months, the skin noticeably brightens, gets rid of age spots, and becomes younger.

By regularly using acetylsalicylic exfoliation, you can achieve tightening of sagging cheeks, even the disappearance of a double chin.

For oily and combination types, peeling is done once every seven days. The course consists of 10 sessions. You can repeat it in a month.

Normal skin can be exfoliated with aspirin once every ten days, and dry skin - twice a month, no more often.

How many sessions will it take

There is no universal approach to the frequency of aspirin-honey cleanses. For advanced stages of acne, cosmetologists recommend doing it 2-3 times a week. However, it is necessary to ensure proper post-peeling care so as not to dry out the skin.

Cleanings, which are more preventive than curative in nature, imply one procedure per week or even less often. After all, the aggressiveness of the effects of aspirin is quite high, although it is softened by honey components.

When choosing a procedure suitable for cleaning, we ask ourselves the question: how quickly will the effect appear and how long will the result last? We can say for sure that after two to three weeks of regular cleanings the effect will be noticeable. Its duration is usually guaranteed for an average of three weeks. However, individual characteristics of the body can make adjustments. For example, the appearance of new acne will be affected by your daily routine, diet, cosmetics used, daily physical activity, and hormonal levels at a certain period of life.


Peeling with acetylsalicylic acid cannot be carried out if :

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding, since aspirin has teratogenic properties;
  • skin lesions, purulent boils;
  • decreased blood clotting;
  • the presence of individual intolerance to the drug and allergies to it.

Before the session, you must do an allergy test. If itching or irritation occurs, the procedure should be abandoned.

Peeling with aspirin can help a woman with any skin type and level of well-groomed skin.

It is important to set a realistic goal before starting the procedure, and then select the ingredients according to the type of your epidermis.

Properties of aspirin

The procedure refers to a chemical cleansing method. It is carried out using acetylsalicylic acid, which is characterized by the following properties:

  • effective removal of blackheads;
  • improved blood circulation;
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
  • cleansing the deep layers of the skin and narrowing pores;
  • elimination of inflammation due to anti-inflammatory effects;
  • lightening of pigment spots.

Subject to the proportions of the cleansing composition, proper processing and neutralization, peeling with aspirin helps to moisturize the epidermis and normalize the water-salt balance.

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